Watching the Dawn

Vol 4 Chapter 20: Tacit understanding

"It really became a reincarnation, only to know that these are far different from the novels. What team is playing monsters, and what complement each other is all a joke."

On the way back, Anne explained Lu Yuan carefully: "All reincarnations are solo riders and all-rounders. Everyone communicates with each other and is independent of each other. Because the Lord God does not provide any contract as a constraint, and can not guarantee several people. Always experience the same scene, the same scene is always together, so there is no fixed team. Everyone is mainly a loose group. At the same time, there are always such trial scenes that limit the main ability. In such scenes Here, newcomers and seniors are once again narrowed, and even the survival of seniors cannot be guaranteed.

Under this kind of survival pressure, the principle of reincarnations with the principle of "confronting the plot world" gradually formed, and reincarnations rarely aim at the same kind, and only new talents will not know how to break the rules. "

"Breaking the rules will be abandoned by everyone, because almost all reincarnations are members of this fragile rule." Ding Mumu added.

"It's so good", Lu Yuan nodded and found it very interesting. Obviously, these reincarnations believe that their efforts have created the current peace situation. But Lu Yuan knew that that was the intention of the Lord God. Otherwise, as long as some "survival game" scenes are arranged, this tacit understanding will be destroyed immediately.

Maybe this is a good main god? Would you recommend Elona to get together? I don't know what the danger of contact between the Lord and the God?

Oh, Lu Yuan suddenly thought, what if the main **** is "male"? Although there is no clear relationship, Lu Yuan has long placed Elona and even Aixue in his bowl. Don't do this kind of thing that is at risk of being NTR. Sometimes he also understands the Greek gods. After living for too long, what lo*ic*n, mature lady control, daughter control is not a sin, only loneliness.

Several people spent an afternoon at Luca before returning to the airport forward base to accept the next task instructions.

But this afternoon, everyone spent in continuous training.

Previously, Annie and Ding Mumu's strength came from skills, so they also trusted skills. They sneered at such a world where they couldn't bring out their skills. It's ridiculous to add a dozen shots to a battle! Could it be that if the shooting reaches 100, then you will be able to get a hundred shots with your eyes closed? Can it break the weapon limit "rapid fire"? Can it excite six bullets at the same time? As long as it cannot be a skill and cannot be used directly, the practical value is approximately equal to none.

Until Lu Yuan told Annie, you are still standing still!

When Anne transformed her internal energy into physical strength for the first time, she cried and cried with joy, pushing Lu Yuan back. That night she was entangled and landed far away until she couldn't continue ... Fortunately, both of them could transform their internal energy into physical strength, otherwise they could not bear it.

Just like this, Lu Yuan still has the tendency of slagging-medicine slagging.

Internal force is different from the ability to shoot. The shooting ability is invisible and intangible. When luck is good, the gun is headshot. If you are unlucky, "let the bullet fly". Without a digital display, you can never be sure of your accuracy level.

But the internal skill is different! If you practice one day, you will have one day's gain. If you practice ten days, the whole person will have a new look. Annie's internal skill comes from the perception left by the broken person. She also cultivated this vast amount of "light" energy in the gas of the sacred fighting, which made her practice a thousand miles. A few days later, the internal force can already greatly strengthen the melee attack power, but the attributes are not reflected at all. Since the internal force is like this, of course, others will gain after practicing, but it is just not intuitive to see. Even the slightest progress is my own. Those skills are then B, but it is the Lord ’s. Therefore, Annie dragged the completion time of the task with Landing Yuan, played a tacit ball with the opponent, and devoted most of the time to training.

Lu Yuan ’s road to mercenaries is completely half-hanging. Anne is very grateful to him. Not only does she actively take various postures in her life, to satisfy Lu Yuan ’s evil hobbies. Teaching him is also doing his best. Lu Yuan began to start training from the gun position, changed bad habits, and laid the foundation again.

After a period of time, as the rank increased, the skill level became six. After deleting the "Chameleon" specialty, Lu Yuan has acquired the three specialties of shotgun, assault rifle, and heavy weapon. The specialty of the submachine gun also appeared.

He devotes himself to training firearms because he and Anne are different. The world he will experience in the future is strange, and the restrictions are more than those of ordinary reincarnations-for example, they ca n’t carry more equipment, and they ca n’t show their ability not to be recognized by his **** and many more. ——So the more general skills, such as firearms and unarmed combat, the most likely to be common in the world, the more important it is.

Annie's changes, Annie's gradually becoming stronger, of course Ding Mumu living together is in the eyes.

It's just that she was anxious, but there was no way out. The most important thing was that she didn't have chips to exchange that powerful secret. Women like her and Anne, because of their beautiful appearance, most of them had been coerced by men when they first entered the space of the Lord God. It's just that everyone in this space is a lone ranger. Except for trying the world, the so-called coercion is sometimes just a joke.

Such a woman who survives has a natural sense of alienation from powerful men. At the same time, they will live independently to be strong, at any cost in order to be strong. If there is a physical need, they will find a weak male like Chen Yuze as a vassal, even if they die one day, they will not be distressed.

Now Ding Mumu sees a powerful opportunity, of course, eager to seize it. But even for her body, Lu Yuan seems to prefer Hami melons. For the first time, she resented her flat body for some time. Is it? Both women have their own concerns, and nobody cares about the beautiful men.

Bored Chen Yuze hooked up an AIM story maid at the forward base, and was also very comfortable. He wanted to live in the mission world, and he didn't even care about his experience.

Lu Yuan's internal force is getting deeper and deeper, and the foundation of Jiuyang has been built, and he has entered the stage of opening the meridians. Lu Yuan re-divided Jiuyang himself, and designated Jiuyang as six stages: elementary, intermediate, advanced, Dacheng, guru, and congenital. This is not a "quaint" division method, but just to be consistent with other systems, the name is just a sign.

Elementary level is to lay a good foundation and establish an internal circulation; intermediate level is to open the six meridians of the hands Sanyang and Zusanyang, and cultivate the pure Yang qi. In this step, the internal force can be transferred to the hand-foot weapon, which greatly increases the combat power; the advanced stage is to open the six meridians of the hand three yin and the foot three yin, and the twelve normals to establish a small Zhoutian cycle to allow the yin and yang to combine and further increase the internal force spontaneous speed. ; Dacheng stage is to continue to accumulate internal force one by one through the pulse, belt pulse, Yin Qiaomai, Yang Qiaomai, Yin Weimai, Yang Weimai, until the last Ren Du second pulse, this is collectively known as the Eight Channels of the Jingjing; The porch entered the realm of the guru, established a great cycle of internal and external symbiosis, and began to actively absorb the power of heaven and earth. Finally, if it breaks through the realm of the guru, it is that the acquired day returns to the congenital, and it can be emptied.

As for the congenital, Jiuyang came to an end and could graduate. At that time, he repaired his method correctly.

PS: I ’m not asking for votes today, I hate posting such transitional chapters. It ’s better to put it on the shelf, at least then it ’s okay.

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