Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 237: Hit the golden egg

Despite breaking the heavy armor driven by Misaka 8854, the super flexibility and lethality of this humanoid space weapon has caused great shock to the pirates' psychology! Not to mention the devastated fleet, and the wreckage of the explosion and burning, still telling about the miserable experience ...

How to say ... Almost every race, in the exploration of space, has had a beautiful fantasy of huge mechas. The fantasy is essentially derived from the pursuit of human beings for more powerful forces. After all, the human-shaped steel mecha is quite different from the feeling of substitution of a big battleship.

In order to pursue dreams, in the history of technological development, there have been continuous attempts to manufacture such weapons-even once, they once appeared in the ranks of Asari's army. But in the end, it was finally banned for one reason or another. After all, no matter from what angle of evaluation, humanoid mecha can not be the most cost-effective choice. Therefore, even if it is manufactured in small batches, it eventually has to be reduced to an expensive toy.

But I really saw forty-eight heavy mechas, and the number of two brigades appeared in front of me! And just one of them rushed over, chopping melons and vegetables, stirring up a small fleet! And it caused quite a heavy blow-the psychological impact is as incredible as seeing a fairy tale become a reality!

In order to prevent all the remaining mechs from rushing up, the "Pirate" joint fleet quickly withdrew a full astronomical distance backwards! And the entire fleet hid in the asteroid belt-if not the "New Elona" Lida can still detect. Lao Lu almost thought they were scared away!

If you really ran away, that would hurt your eggs ... because you are about to enter the main line now, not just "catalyst". Lu Yuan doesn't want to mess up the plot now! Originally it should be such a picture-Lu Yuan digs deep around the hole, accumulates food, and actively fights against the reaper; while the catalyst should recruit troops, **** horse collectors, chus, corpses, and so on. Corruption ... No, it's education, a few high-level traitors in every race.

This is what everyone should do.

Now Lu Yuan guessed that it was Xing Yan, the main god, who made it out if these people ran away. Once some less accurate information was brought back, it caused a wrong chain reaction. Both sides are not worth the loss! If the Shenbao burst out and said that Mu Xing ’s brother had made super weapons privately, then Lu Yuan would surely drag the "catalyst" into the water ... so the test itself had big problems.

If it is Lu Yuan, want to test. The most stupid, the most stupid, will also directly dispatch the reaper battleship or chus, these forces that can be completely controlled. Xing Yan achieved his goal by provoking the parliament. He thought he was borrowing a knife to kill people, but he didn't know it was because of a small loss.

Sure enough, the fleet that wanted to escape was changed by an inexplicable force and decided to stop to discuss ...

On the side of Shenbao, the face of the main **** "Catalyst" is as dark as the bottom of the pot! He just had to expend his power to change the mind of a group of people. It is equivalent to actively interfering in the plot-this is contrary to his aesthetics, and he is very unhappy.

When the fleet was moored again, the head of the group immediately began a secret meeting! Although there are eight people participating in the meeting. There is no doubt that there are only three people who can lead the meeting-a Sierra, an Ashali and a sharp. This tm is simply a replica of the Shenbao Council! Who sent this fleet is almost clear!

"We can't just leave! According to information, Mu Xing is 80% likely to be on board! This is the most important goal ... We know that Mu Xing boarded, but she has not landed at any port, which means she Still ... "Asari said.

"Shut up!" She hadn't finished speaking. They were rudely interrupted by the Salarui people, "The two of their sisters and brothers are often in a haunt. More than once! We have never really mastered their whereabouts. I am now concerned about the kind of weapons that have never appeared. As we guessed, Mu Xing did not go on vacation in the past five years. She has invented more dangerous weapons ... We have submitted reports! People like Mu Xing will be the most dangerous terrorists once they lose control. Her threat is far more than a fleet. But Shenbao actually ignored our research and said what should not doubt a member of the Thurn Council? That Asha Libichi ... "

"Stop!" The sharp man inserted between the quarreling people. "What I care about is the wreckage of the mech just now!" He glared at the Serrari. "I saw your ship receiving the wreckage. , You must share it with everyone! "

"... Okay, I hope my engineer hasn't disassembled it into parts yet." Seeing Ashali and Suddenly threatened, Celerra could only choose to compromise. But he then added a sentence, "Research can be carried out together, but ownership belongs to Sierra Core!"

But when they brought the huge pile of tens of tons of wreckage, the expression on their faces was suddenly wonderful! Of the three people, Asari and Salarui are both polymaths (they are not pirates themselves. Salarui has an average lifespan of only 40 years old, but has excellent intelligence; Asali has good intelligence and is strong enough to live long enough), They did not speak for the time being, but the sharp people who were not very interested in science spoke first.

"Well, something nice, I've seen ..." He turned his head to stare at Serrari, and said angrily. "You tm bluff me! Isn't that Jupiter's nanomaterials ?! Where is the wreckage that said good?"

The so-called wreckage at the scene was divided into three piles. The first part is the "corpse bone" of Misaka 8854, which is packed in a body bag; the second part is a variety of standard equipment, of which the mass effect core is still produced by the Waller people, and it happens to be a dead fat man hiding behind the battlefield. Home-grown, Waller fat man happily ran out to claim; the last thing left was a boxy pile of black cuboids-look at the texture, the material, tm is not the "Jupiter Nano" laboratory Was the nanomaterial launched three years ago? ! The Milky Way is now everywhere. No blind man will admit his mistake!

"This is the wreckage of that mech! It decomposed automatically ..." The Serrari argued miserably, but ... would you believe it?

… Yes, the mecha produced by Dawn. In less than ten minutes after being destroyed, it self-decomposes into large and small nano-material squares, and they are all of standard volume, which is convenient for recycling.

So want to see the internal structure? Only two words-hehe ~

Now no matter how Serrari swear, a black pot has been firmly buckled on his head! In addition to the Axari people can still believe him, everyone else sees him as a disdain-since the "Musing Nano" is widely authorized. The new nanomaterials are of good quality and sufficient quantity, and we all like to use it-but who has heard that the manufactured things can be decomposed automatically? ! You break it down and let me see? Despise you!

"There are many more over there! We are going to make another one over there!" Serrari who was forced to the corner. Mournful shouted. Suddenly there was no sound at the scene-go? Go to your sister! One mech rushed over, and the fleet paid the price of three frigates dying and one cruiser hanging. If all the remaining 47 units rushed over, what price would it cost to exchange? ...... Thinking makes your scalp numb!

And what they don't understand is life and death. With so many mechas, how did the "New Elona" come out? The size of each heavy mech is comparable to three Star Alliance fighters! The hangar of an ordinary cruiser can carry up to four fighters at most ... The only carrier that can carry half a hundred fighters is an aircraft carrier without a main gun.

They did not know that the new Elona itself had a large space because it had no overly complicated internal structure. Moreover, walls and so on can constitute themselves. In fact, rooms such as restaurants, swimming pools, cinemas, and museums are all created temporarily and share the same common space, so the space utilization rate is extremely high.

Of course. The most important thing is that she also has a folding space inside which can hold a small half of the Shenbao, and the unused materials are stored here ...

If they know. Don't look at the 48 units outside and 24 inside the reserve team, I don't know what it will look like! This doesn't count. There are still 400+ heavy mechas in the warehouse-originally according to Lu Yuan's straight mathematical thinking, he must have prepared a mecha for every crew on the ship. At that time, on the mothership of dawn, when preparing the budget for the mecha. His original words were "I heard that Lao Maozi prepared five thousand planes during World War II? We can't be less than him!"

If you count it again. There are the Gundam series created by Elona, ​​the Lelouch series that Annie requested, the Empire Titans that h7n9 looks forward to, and the energy-fitting series that the Misakas demand ... There are successes, there are those who lose their pots after failure That number really can't be counted.

"Let's ... discuss again ... Waterfaq!" Hearing to attack, even the best warriors shrank--they just like to fight, it doesn't mean that the brainless, warriors Tactical literacy is well-known throughout the galaxy.

But as it spoke, it saw the spaceship in the distance, and the three-sided arc armor installed in front of it began to move-although the "New Elona" looks like the prophetic level in eve, there are many after all. different. For example, these three pieces of armor cover almost the entire front. When the translucent golden pieces of armor move away from each other, after turning a large circle around the arc, they shrink and close inward at the same time-just see, the three pieces of armor The stitching of Yan Si and the seam together form an oblong golden egg with no gaps!

The seemingly fragile second half of the hull, together with the armor hanging on it, is tightly wrapped and protected by the armor inside! The closed gap is like a pattern on an egg ...

After being converted into an oblong golden egg without defense dead ends, the "New Elona" started the inner engine and fled towards the distance.

"It's like a beautiful piece of art," the Ashali woman lamented with regret. "It's a pity! Such a powerful mech warrior, but there is a boss who is greedy and afraid of death. What a misfortune!" It seems that after the spacecraft became this completely passive beaten egg, it was a complete failure! There is no possibility of flipping.

You have to know that if you only get beaten and don't fight back, even if it is "destiny of destiny", it will burst out for you!

"Now that the other party has hidden the spear and crouched on the ground with his head, what are we waiting for ?! How many mechas we want this time are there." The Serrari optimistically estimated. "It may also be destroyed by them in advance ..." Serra Rui pondered and exchanged a group of glances.

"Wait for me!" Waller's chunky man ran to the door breathlessly. "When I drive the boat to the front, I will take the lead!"

This is the rarest scene in Waller's history ...


Inside the "New Elona", Lu Yuan and Zhao Min walked into his magic tower.

His magic tower, with sky and sea, is made up of a whole piece of heaven and earth! In order to find a suitable world, Lu Yuan searched countless subspaces, and then "cut" the world in front of him from a most peculiar space.

Lu Yuan and Zhao Min stepped on a disc and flew in the air.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Zhao Min is very annoyed every time when it comes to professional knowledge-because she doesn't understand! Scientifically, Mu Xing and Ke Xue have been hundreds of years away ~ ~ Magically, they have been landing for thousands of years ...

"You will understand later."

After talking, the disc under their feet split into two. Lu Yuan left Zhao Min and stepped on the flying disc alone to the very center of the entire magic tower world! Leaving Zhao Min looking away ...

"... batsd ...", with Hong Liang's spell, the whole world is responding to his request! At this moment, Lu Yuan stationed in the air is the master of this world. Lu Yuan lifted a huge dark gold scroll and threw it into the air, while the other hand picked up the rod of eternity! The reel stuck in the air with his forehead. Then with the command of his magic wand, stretch and dance freely!

The reels became brighter and brighter with Lu Yuan's spells and movements, and turned more and more urgently! Until the "boom" suddenly exploded! Endless golden light, and dark golden text, spewed from the scroll! Instantly filled this side of the world!

Zhao Min looked at all this in surprise, the sky and the earth were rendered in gold color, and the dreamy writing was flying in rows and columns in the air, like countless spiraling ribbons and rings.

This is ... that Lu Yuan I know? !

At this time, a large number of various materials flew out from several floating continents, including metal and wood, and even some are stone and mud ... They decomposed and shattered in the air, turned into powder, and merged into gold and text Among. The sound of the spell was getting louder and louder, and the words and light turned to make Zhao Min dizzy ... At the moment when she wanted to be comatose, as Lu Yuan shouted, the world changed instantly!

At this moment, the golden egg hull of the "New Elona" outside shines brilliantly outward! The whole ship was trembling violently! (To be continued)

... R640

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