Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 238: Smash the golden egg (I'm back)

The heavens and earth in the magic tower reverted to silence, but even the magic blind Zhao Min could see that the world was completely different!

"It's done!" Lu Yuan said with satisfaction after carefully examining the attributes of the ship in his mind. Not only did it happen, the sudden attack, especially the endless shadow brought pressure to Lu Yuan, but also greatly inspired his inspiration and fighting spirit! Under his full efforts, the enchanting effect of the ship is far better than expected!

In addition to the three attributes of "floating cannon", "camouflage", and "refraction on the water surface", the ship is also completely integrated with the magic tower, and is closely integrated, thus achieving countless peculiar attributes. "Floating cannon" has become the mental control extended by the magic tower, and the extension of the magic tentacle is the constant effect area of ​​the magic tower! This area is approximately in the range of "New Elona" spherical radius of 20 to 30 kilometers.

It is conceivable that if the mechs are fighting in this area, friendly forces will certainly enjoy the "first strike", "precision", "sharp", "neurological reflex", "immune abnormality", "energetic" and many other buffs ! The kind that all members hang up.

"Camouflage" is a step further in the ability to camouflage-you can even pretend to be a ship of roughly the size of another country without being carefully checked.

The biggest change is "water refraction", the main attribute is still the original, only one additional attribute-"the ship can be freely transferred between the body and the mirror"-if this ship is still regarded as a legendary scroll Transformed into a magic ship. That was a big mistake.

This ship has been completely integrated with Lu Yuan himself, the magic tower and subspace. If it is classified according to general magic, it should be merged into "magic wonders". And "Lu Yuan's Soul Book" is a type! And because of the ritual of recognition, this powerful warship weighing 65 million tons not only became an extension of Lu Yuan ’s body, he was even able to take it into his spiritual world when he had no choice ...

Of course, if you do that, the non-magic substances in the ship-for example, ordinary passengers still have organic armor-will all fall out of the crackling. So unless it is a clean boat. Otherwise, don't think about being able to be completely spiritualized.

But ... the style is wrong! Isn't this the world of mass effect ... Can we still engage in science fiction?

At the moment when the enchantment succeeded, Lu Yuan had completely mastered everything about the ship. Naturally, they also saw the outside of the ship, which was surrounding the "pirate" fleet. At this moment, as long as he wanted, the eight particle guns could jump out of the hull directly. Instantly destroy the biggest warships.

Pluto's particle gun was originally designed to deal with the super thick kinetic energy barrier of the reaper, and it is easier to tear the ordinary cruiser. And Lu Yuan can also convert the energy of the floating gun to be provided by the magic tower, which means ... Magic Cannon Sama ~!

Are you afraid of magic cannons? !

It is a pity that after the enhancement, the magic energy stored in the magic tower bottomed out in an instant, and Lu Yuan also became somewhat disappointed.

He strengthened the magic ship on the battlefield, showing the meaning to the two main gods. It can be described as terrifying! He actually built a magic ship with a mass of up to 60 million tons, which obviously means that he has a conventional, mass-produced magic metal formula; Lu Yuan ’s dual identity as a world person and a magician declares him Free from the constraints of this world. Possess a systematic knowledge of magic that is impossible to be born in this world!

The combination of the two clearly shows a possibility beyond the expectations of the main **** "catalyst"-he can have a "magic fleet"! Although the possibility is extremely small ... Because the whole galaxy has many eyes and eyes of "catalyst", it is impossible for Lu Yuan to gather enough materials and money under his eyelid to complete this feat.

But even if there is only one in 10,000 possibilities, once it comes true. Then the myth that the Harvester Fleet is invincible will be destroyed!

The reason why the Harvester Fleet is invincible is because it can be regarded as a "magic fleet"-"education" ability. Equivalent to a kind of magic. Whenever the reaper's fleet enters the galaxy, before the official battle, there are countless soldiers betrayed, fleeing, arbitrarily commanding, social unrest, riots, rumors ... these are the power of "education"!

Now Lu Yuan tells him that I can build a second magic fleet, and it is a real magic fleet!

This is more powerful than a punch in the face of "catalyst" ...

Why did Lu Yuan do this? Because when he saw the shadow hidden in the nebula of Aquila, he felt extremely angry at the moment! Don't look like he continues to be lazy as if he's okay, in fact, a anger has been rushed to the sky!

Because at that moment he guessed the idea of ​​the main catalyst "catalyst"! Not only that, the arrogance of "Catalyst" and the arrogance of "Catalyst" were instantly seen by Lu Yuan! Then, after the main **** Xing Yan left, all the "stupid things" that he did have a reasonable explanation-to do things under a stubborn person, the plan is often abandoned halfway-because you are doing things, and the boss always feels that you are stupid , So ... poor Xing Yan.

Within twenty minutes of walking towards the Magic Tower, Lu Yuan's heart was turning around, and innumerable conspiracies and tricks poured out! But in the end, he did not discuss with Zhao Min, he used the most violent way to fight back!

He sent a very clear signal directly to the catalyst-come and kill me!


"Sorcerer's universal tool, 6 universal adhesive k ..." "!"

"Dragon scale armor, magnetic boots, microcomputer, treatment module, 6 pieces of medical glue, 2 pieces of stimulant k ..." "!"

"Locust submachine gun, spare heat sink, special magazine k ..." "!"

"Emergency backpack, tactical knife, secondary weapon ...!" "!"

Finished the enchantment of the ship in the magic tower. When Lu Yuan returned to the combat readiness zone. I saw two heavily armed men standing there, checking their equipment in an orderly manner.

The person without a helmet in front is the poisonous island mage. She whispered instructing her bodyguard how to use the equipment produced by Dawn. in the past few years. She also occasionally returns to Dawn, so she is no stranger to the equipment produced on board.

Not to mention the mainstream weapons of the Dawn, including "tactical" assault rifles, "locust" submachine guns, "javelins" sniper rifles, in addition to the commonly used chus shotguns, chus pulse heavy machine guns, predator pistols, wide Sword shotguns, etc., have all removed heat sinks and converted into more efficient heat sink weapons.

Some auxiliary equipment, such as the "wizard" universal tool. It has already reached the end-after skipping the two numbers 8 and 9, it is directly defined as the "wizard" x-type universal tool.

The computing power of the new tool exceeds that of the Star Cruiser host; it can support the operation of 128 modules at the same time; it can release a million volt high-voltage electricity. And ultra-low temperature freezing rays; can command tens of thousands of mechanical spiders at the same time; can connect Jiesi network and Misaka network, and even form a new peripheral network; can automatically form an array, the more tools in the same area, the stronger the computing power; Can use directional electromagnetic waves to hack into targets hundreds of meters away; even as long as there is universal glue. You can make a floating robot out of thin air ...

Mu Xing and her team have almost added the functions imaginable to humans into the development of modules! Therefore, there are thousands of modules that can be selected, only unexpected, not impossible.

Therefore, this version of the "wizard" x-type universal tool, there is also an alias called-"ultimate wizard"!

"Ultimate Wizard" is the core of the entire Dawn series of individual equipment. With it as a commander, whether it is for the management of rifle aiming and ammunition preparation. Or the coordination of armor medical treatment and damage management, etc., will be integrated into a system, which has been greatly enhanced. This is why the Dawn is not afraid to sell those weapons and equipment. Without the support of the "ultimate wizard", those weapons can only play their role.

Therefore, after being implanted with the "Ultimate Wizard" universal tool, the female guard of Poison Islander, even without the guidance of Poison Islander, can receive various teaching tips whenever she comes into contact with new equipment -Completely fool type.

The female guard has put on a full-covered "keel armor" personal armor and is carrying an improved "javelin" sniper rifle. On the outside of the armor, you can see obvious synthetic muscles that can greatly enhance the athletic ability of individual soldiers.

Seeing Lu Yuan and Zhao Min walking in, Dudao Duzi smiled at them. Continue to pack up your equipment. Instead, the female **** wearing a helmet, she looked up at Lu Yuan, then held a sniper rifle, and jumped to a height of more than ten meters! The female guard turned over in the air, stepped on the ceiling with her feet, and immediately activated the magnetic boots. She squat upside down and made a sniper rifle to aim at the shoulder, standard and indifferent, the target seems to be Lu Yuan ...

Looking at her familiar movements, Lu Yuan showed a sudden expression. Then I remembered that the back of the suspected Annie seen through the door slit that day was actually her ... "Is it you?" Lu Yuan said excitedly. Although she didn't expect that she would come here ... but really came, Lu Yuan found herself quite happy. Not because of the addition of a meat x device, he is not bad now, but because of the addition of a comrade worth committing to his back!

After Anne, Li Huamei, etc. left, Lu Yuan felt more and more that he needed to do too much, and his avatar was lack of skills-for example, today, he needs to enchant the ship at the magic tower, and he also needs to drive the ship to fight, and also needs to drive the mech. Play-but in fact he can only choose one of them, the other ... Even if Misaka 8854 is still very young, it must be forced to go into battle! No one……

"Huh!" Zhao Min and the woman hanging upside down hummed at the same time. Zhao Min turned and left directly, and the female guard let go of her magnetic boots, her legs hurriedly jumped from the ceiling! But when she landed in front of Lu Yuan, the magnetic boots fully absorbed the impact, making her fall silently.

When Lu Yuan reached out to her ~ ~ The woman hesitated and did not escape, letting Lu Yuan take off her face shield. The thick fixed helmet is wrapped in a familiar face of mixed race. Straight nose bridge, sharp chin, honey-colored skin with pink wavy hair, still wearing a leather collar, tied with a silver chain ... it really is her!

"Nan Lixiang."

"Bang!" His knee was directly hit with a heavy foot!

Lao Lu's embarrassed fall ... Nan Lixiang didn't look at him at all-he stretched out his hand handsomely, caught the veil thrown by Lao Lu, and closed it on the helmet. She turned around and took the poisonous island child away from the combat zone, and walked towards the mecha warehouse.

With Lu Yuan's skill, even Nan Lixiang can't kick him with the supersonic speed. But this person ... If you owe too much, there is always a time when your knees are hit. If you feel guilty in your heart, you don't dare to hide even if you want to hide ... So Lu Yuan can only sit down with her knees covered in a wry smile and watch them leave. On the way, Duozi Yezi looked back anxiously, making a gesture of sorry and was dragged away by Nan Lixiang.

I don't know when, Zhao Min returned to him with a smile, and said clearly that the knife said, "Due!" (To be continued)

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