Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 246: Shuangkeng

This is a pit ...

Now Lu Yuan is extremely convinced of this. The sky was already bright, he squatted on the top of the "beacon" which was 20 meters high, and pressed his hand on the pillar of the "beacon", looking at the surrounding depressedly.

The early engineers and archaeologists have driven the entire camp to start to clamor ... Now there are people coming and going under his feet, if not the "optical invisibility" on the armor, plus a small one he cast "Hint", I'm afraid anyone can see him when he looks up!

But your sister ... I forgot to spend a lot of time reading beacon data ...

And this beacon, in addition to the warning message that directly instills brains, there are extremely important scientific and technological materials-actually in the field of materials science!

You should know that Dawn has always been known for its leadership in materials science. But the technology of Liming is after all the Mona, and it can be said that in addition to the two materials of energy materialized battery and wireless transmission of energy (the inventors of these two technologies are the upgraded version of Mu Xing ’s dad and Xueba. Dad ”, academician Xue Universe), most of the more advanced technology comes from the Mona people.

Therefore, Lao Lu is inevitable for the Puro fairy material technology recorded in this "beacon"! The emerald green and translucent material in Proxian Technology is completely inferior to the nanomaterials used to manufacture the hull of the dawn mothership. It is quite plagiarized ... cough, research value! After all, only when Bocai has taken advantage of all the people has the possibility of surpassing and defeating the Mona.

This "beacon" didn't exist for long—when the plot began, it insulted Saron and Sister Xue successively, and then found that these two people were both two hundred and five, and they couldn't understand the "message". Immortal beacon, exploded by the IQ of people in this era!

So Lao Lu wants to record the technical content inside, now is the only chance ... Forget it, and then the Golden Rooster is independent ...

"Hey, Team Engineering A, come here!" At this time, one was wearing white clothes. The woman with goggles stood under the "Beacon" and shouted, "Shovel this pillar onto the table, and then match that ... that ... and that one!" She reached out and ordered another seven or eight Proxies of various shapes, "Put them together. The disc is inserted on top of the pillar, and it must be placed nicely! Refer to it ... Place it like the communication tower ... That's right ! Hang the sign of the communication tower directly!

Wait for the TV station to come and shoot! They will see-wow! Proxian's communication technology! Too advanced! Then countless Kaizis paid us a lot of money, so that we can buy the latest geological detector ... "

"Hahaha ~ That's right, just do it!" An archaeologist passing by said smoothly. "Anyway, the idiots do n’t understand anything! The things dug out on Mars are enough for them to study for a hundred years! Alas ... Technology will one day destroy humanity, and humanities will be real wealth. They will someday understand this. . "

"Fak! You are idiots! Your whole family are idiots!" Lu Yuan sulked and spit on it. "Just like you ... Even the beacon and the toilet can't tell, I actually want to insert a bad filter." Install a communication tower on the beacon ... dare to say that others are idiots, where are you confident !? "

"My God!"

The beacon was shoveled up swaying, and Lu Yuan was using his body to make himself swing on the swinging beacon—the body was quite delicate—the upper body swayed, and his feet remained motionless.

Unexpectedly, the driver of the forklift just shoveled the beacon, so he yelled and jumped out of the cab! "God! God! Guess what I found ?! This pillar has added 76kg of its own weight! This is a big discovery! This is a big discovery! We haven't understood what Proxian Technology has been all along The zero element is used. I guess this pillar must be based on zero prime technology! We are rich! "

...... The engineering team moved bricks actually understand Mao Lingsu technology, this swollen broken? ! And just a forklift, why is there an automatic weighing function on it? ! (Other advanced)

Then next, a large group of archaeologists cried, laughed, and bounced around the column ... Lao Lu, there was no way to leave the column with his hands, he could only hang on the side of the column with depression ... Stand up. Because there was an old man who looked more than eighty, the "Zhe Zhe Zhe" with his clever hands and feet climbed to the top of the pillar! ... you are old and powerful, you are old and strong! Lu Yuan can only let places.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan, as a strong man in the fasting day, can fly, but he always forgets ...

He was suspended there afterwards. With only one hand pressed there, the forklift's weighing readings returned to normal.

A group of archaeologists struggled for a long time, and Mao didn't find one, and the final conclusion can only be ... you are wrong! This machine is broken! The front end of the forklift is stuck on the ground ... in short. A group of people distracted. The engineering-savvy engineering staff scolded the beacon back on the table. As for the placement as a communication tower ... I am afraid I have forgotten it for a long time.


Obstructive pear ... No, it's Ashley.

Gunnery officer Ashley Williams was assigned to the colonial garrison of Eden Star.

Remember her? This classmate who had been pitted by Lu Yuan ... In the battle of New Shanxi, the general Williams who decided to lead the colony to surrender to the Turui was her grandfather. When Li Huamei led the d-team in the bliss garrison, Ashley was Li Huamei's deputy.

However, after Skirian's raid victory. The entire d-team has become a Star Alliance hero, and everyone is being robbed by various fleets. Ashley Williams, because of her surname, was silently assigned to another border team ... and then it was not long before he was kicked to the blissful garrison.

Here, everyone knows that she has a surrendered grandfather, but no one knows that she is one of the heroes of Skirian's raid.

She was in a bad mood walking on the streets of the colony, because just now, she happened to hear a few people talking about her in the back, "Since her grandfather once surrendered in the colony of Shanxi, then I guess she may be in Heaven will do the same ... "

This made her very unhappy! The crux of the matter is that the person who said that is her boss! This means that Ashley is stationed in the Eden Star Force, and there is no chance ...

"Curse it!" She scolded, and suddenly felt a lot of excitement around her. This made Ashley hesitate ... She didn't want to see anyone, so she left the barracks and wanted to find a secluded place to relax.

But she immediately noticed that this was the bar-an old-fashioned, cowboy-style bar. To be honest, such decoration is really unattractive. Coupled with the chaotic environment and lack of various entertainment electronic devices, it is completely unlovable.

If it wasn't for the local named Tang Xiong the day before yesterday that brought her here once, Ashley must not know this place. But since it's here, go in and sit down ... holding this mood. Ashley pushed the door and went in.

However, when she pushed the door, she saw this outdated bar, which was full of people! I also saw boss John holding a rifle in his hand and pointed it at the door!

At the moment of being pointed at the gun, Ashley closed the door almost subconsciously. Then one tumbled and hid behind the wall outside the door!

But immediately, I heard a shot of "Bang!", A person slammed open the wooden door, and flew out of the bar! The man fell directly on the street ...

"Rice! Ashley! There was a gun battle here, repeat it! A gun battle happened here! Hound squad, I need support!" After she finished, she could not care that she didn't wear personal armor and pulled out her "Kessler" modified the pistol, kicked the wooden door and rushed in! There are countless civilians in the bar. With a strong sense of mission, she is not allowed to hide outside and wait for support!

"Put down the gun!" When she rushed in, boss John was still posing with the gun. Ashley pointed the pistol at the boss ’s head, shouting, "I said, let go! Down! Gun!"

The bar was quiet ... The customers who were sitting all had their mouths sculpted like sculptures, watching Asari Williams yelling there.

"Boom," John shook his hand and dropped the "tactical" assault rifle he had on the table. "Hi. Don't be excited, this is a misunderstanding!" John honestly raised his hands above his head-know that he didn't wear personal armor at this time! If Ashley shakes her hand, John is going to see God ...

"Misunderstanding ?! You killed the guy just now! I saw it!" Ashley said politely, and she reached out to grab the "tactical" assault rifle. After a little inspection, the pistol was inserted back into the gun pocket, and the assault rifle was replaced in his hand.

I don't know if it was an illusion. When she did this, she seemed to find that everyone in the bar was relieved.

"Come on, we continue to drink ..." She heard someone say. "It's really eye-opening tonight! But this girl is very responsible and she is pretty good ..."

"Yeah, it's a bit reckless, but the figure and personality are super hot!" The person next to him echoed.

Sure enough, it is not an illusion! They know me! Ashley was surprised! When she turned her head, she discovered that even the bartender who raised her hand just surrendered was busy doing something else ... Hey! Don't you see the big gun in my hand? ! Super fierce!

"Are you a new sergeant in garrison? The eldest son of Donald took you last time ..." John said to her with a smile ~ ~ By the way, she brought her a beer. "I'm asking you for this glass of wine."

"What's the matter?" Ashley finally put down the assault rifle. Even if she was dull, she knew that Bacheng had made a mistake.

"Ah, what you saw just now is this small town game. The gun is filled with ice bombs, you know ... there is an arsenal here, we all play like this. There is no danger ..."

"Rice! ... Sorry, I made a mistake." Ashley let out a sigh of relief and admitted the mistake. She dropped the gun on the table and notified the "Hound" by the way, the action was cancelled. "That person just now ... wouldn't it be a problem?"

Before waiting for John to answer, Ashley heard a familiar, very nasty voice ringing behind her.

"Ashley, I heard right ... you just cared about me ?!"


ps: The chapter name is super hard to think about. (To be continued.) Xh118

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