Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 256: Meaningless strike

"Why is John ... I asked you to find Mr. Lu?" Speaker Yang Hou asked with some displeasure when he saw his secretary bringing in the bar owner John instead of Lu Yuan. Now that the situation is urgent, he looks for Lu Yuan, hoping that this arms tycoon can provide some help-usually such people always hide a lot of cards in order to eat black and white, especially private force!

Yang Hou knew that there were many mercenaries entering and leaving Luyuan ’s villa, and these people were completely ready for combat.

"Lu Yuan left, and just two hours ago, he took his men and drove seven chariots." John said awkwardly. Although everyone is still a friend, and John is also one of the small shareholders of the arsenal ... But here, Yang Hou's identity is the speaker, which makes him a confusing folk. "This is what Lu Yuan asked me to transfer ... He said that if the colony is attacked, I will give this chip to you ... I think it is now!"

John said a little embarrassedly, holding a wafer in his palm.

"What's this ..." Yang Hou groaned for a moment, reached for the first wafer, and brushed it on the universal tool. He noticed that John had an extra chip in his other hand. But he didn't care, because the content of the chip left by Lu Yuan had already been displayed, and there was only one line—

"By striving for peace, peace will survive, and by seeking compromise, peace will die peacefully!"

Yang Hou sighed loudly after reading this sentence. "Really ... the most famous quote!" Yang Hou said helplessly. What Lu Yuan meant. He already fully understood. This is to blame him for consistently suppressing the colonial arms budget, and in order to provoke the opposition to reject the procurement proposal, he did not hesitate to distort Lu Yuan's original intention. Discrediting his reputation ... This sentence is a farewell to say ...

Although this sentence is not useful now, Yang Hou is a person who can save himself three times a day. His ambition is to become a great politician rather than a politician. So he whispered, "I remember!"

At this time, the door was pushed open again, a middle-aged colonel officer with some disheveled clothes. Come in stride.

After saluting, he said directly, "Speaker Yang. When I first met, I am the new garrison commander McHarovic!

I have assigned the garrison to key locations to build fortifications. However, judging from the information currently collected, the situation is quite optimistic. Every direction of the city. There are a lot of reports of attacks, and Eden ’s communication with the outside world is completely interrupted. I have reason to believe that this is the prelude to the massive alien invasion!

Therefore, I ask you to hand over the defensive command of the colony to me and open the core authority of the defensive system. Then I need the local government to immediately issue an alert for the attack and organize the residents to transfer! Before we figure out the problem, civilians are best to enter the bunker to hide as soon as possible ... Next is likely to organize militia, I hope you can provide the local armed situation. "

"You are a professional, I agree with your opinion!" Seeing this colonel named McHarovic is still there. Yang Hou was relieved! Even more readily agreed to the colonel's rude request.

Because Yang Hou had his own source of information, he knew that this McHarovic was not an ordinary colonel. His ability was far stronger than that of the garrison. Already qualified to be a general! I was able to be sent to an obscure place like Eden Star to serve as a garrison chief, only because I made a small mistake and was sent here by Shangguan to calm down for two days ...

It is said that since the colonel came to the colony, he has been traveling around the mountains and waters. He did not go to the garrison to take office, and he pretended not to see him. Now encountered emergencies. He probably hurried over from his residence ... but it was so simple to sort things out in such a short time. Yang Hou also dared to hand over the defense of the colony to him!

McHarovic ... That ’s right, it ’s the chief of the 63rd Regiment of the Fifth Fleet, Annie ’s cheap dad! He was suspended once last time because he "participated in disturbing military exercises"! This time, because she didn't agree with Annie on the "Normandy" number, there was another fight with Admiral Hackett. Angrily, the old man dispatched him to Eden Star Play Mud temporarily, but he didn't expect to hit Salon and invade!


Push the door of the basement and open the electric gate ... With the start of "Didi", the computer equipment of thousands of square meters of the computer room is filled, and the star-like lights are on.

McHarovic could not help rubbing his eyes, pushing Yang Hoo and John hard, and walked to the console in the entire computer room. He looked at the system listed in awe with admiration, and couldn't help but say, "You ... how could there be such a thing! Do you want to be independent? ... but ... damn! These billions of devices are in the end Haven't you really maintained it !? Have you always turned off the power and left it in the basement ?! "

"Cough ~" Yang Hou coughed and turned his head, not knowing how to answer. "Roughly the same……"

Because these were all painstakingly accumulated by Lu Yuan, he also knew that the equipment in this basement was rare, and probably exceeded the level of most colonies. However, Yang Hou always thought that it was Lu Yuan's means of making money, so he didn't care much about it, or even quite contradicted it! So it's rare to come ... and never have a deep understanding.

And in order to save management costs, at least eleven and a half months out of the twelve months a year are shut down.

"Stratospheric detector ... With this equipment, we will not be blind, which can give us a strategic advantage." McHarovic said happily. After he made some adjustments and pressed the button, twelve invisible probes were launched into the sky, and then orbited the planet, flying rapidly in the stratosphere! After 300 seconds, the global real-time reconnaissance images are clearly fed back to the three people ...

Man-made satellites are banned expressly by the Shenbao Council because of their short operating cycles and the generation of space debris. It was replaced by a permanent synchronous orbital space station. However, this stratospheric detector is different. This is a temporary, near-earth, fast detector that automatically burns in the atmosphere after 72 hours-expensive to build, but very practical.

With the most accurate intelligence detected by the detector, it was sent back to the colony command center. The three men took a breath of air as they watched the unfolding army of millions.

"So much! ... No! The civilians must be evacuated immediately! Escape as much as you can!" Yang Hou said with a trembling voice. Although he didn't know what the walking robots were, he was scared by the absolute number. Living! There are only 200 local garrisons and about 1,400 police officers. How can these people fight against the million troops? !

"Wait!" McHarovic called out to the speaker. He looked at the scrolling entries on the screen in front of him, and he looked more and more surprised! "Actually ... you never know what's here ... right?"

Yang Hou nodded awkwardly. John stood behind, feeling that this scene was really funny.

"75 type III laser turrets, their distribution ... quite interesting!" With the control of McHarovic, a group of red dots appeared in the core part of the city of Constant, and after being connected to each other, they just formed a regular Hexagonal.

At various heights in the urban area, a fort suddenly rose-they opened the dome, extended the double-barreled gun barrel, and pointed semi-inclined to the sky ...

"Every shooting circle crosses. Is he a medieval bastion here? Ah ... and this, 450 large-caliber howitzers! The shooting circle contains all the urban areas ?! What do the people who arrange these want to do?"

Konstante is sparsely populated, and Lu Yuan once randomly bought large areas of land around the city and built many solar power stations. Now those solar panels are suddenly separated from the middle, revealing a thick muzzle-those weird solar panel brackets, how do you look at the moment ... they are all breathing out of the air!

Colonel McHarovic was completely in a state of enthusiasm, and his eyes flashed out, "There are still missile silos ?! Although there are only eight, the range covers a third of the planet ... okay!" Colonel McHarovic dropped With the information in hand ~ ~ Seeing that you are enough to fight a comprehensive defense battle, I think we can win this time! "

"People seek peace through struggle, and peace will survive, and compromise seek peace, and they will die peacefully!" Speaker Yang Hou repeats what Lu Yuan left to him again at this moment, with only emotion.

"Oh, there is still such a thing? I remember this weapon, the military just planned to arrange it? Try it out!" Colonel McHarovic was completely immersed in the joy of the big toy, and he was found again. Good stuff!

He carefully set the weapon parameters, and then pointed the target at the densest area of ​​Jense-the landing site!

On the hill about three kilometers from the landing site, Lu Yuan and h7n9 were lurking in the grass, looking straight ahead with a telescope. There are too many cis in the landing field, and if you move forward a little bit, you will definitely be found.

Therefore, Lu Yuan chose to hide here and wait for the "overlord" reaper warship to land before taking action.

Just when he was bored, "beep--" a reminder sounded on his universal tool.

"Ah, some people found those toys! That's great ..." Lu Yuan nodded comfortably and whispered, so that the colony's defense would be no problem. "He found the laser tower? It must have been shocked by the design of my bastion now! Haha! ... The howitzer was also found? It's not easy. ... Huh? The missile is also initializing, is it actually a professional ?!

Lu Yuan said with a start, but then, when the next prompt sounded, Lao Lu's face suddenly turned pale!

"I'm fucking! How did he find this !?" Gu Yuan would be discovered by Jie Si, and Lu Yuan dragged h7n9 and said two words, "Run !!!"


ps: Double change is complete. (To be continued) R655

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