Watching the Dawn

Vol 4 Chapter 30: Boarding

[[[CP | W: 557 | H: 296 | A: C | U: /chapters/20144/23/3065119635338378372100000497334.jpg]]]] (Thanks to Liquan for rewarding 588 starting coins! Thanks for the 1 vote voted by Pride! )

Lu Yuan calmly removed those who could threaten the helicopter one by one, and made up for Annie in her spare time. After a quarter of an hour, there were no more people standing on several boats!

"Let's go!" Pushed the bullet shells piled up in the doorway into the sea. Lu Yuan shouted, replaced the firearm with G11, buckled the sling on the belt, and was the first to squat by the door to guard.

Annie also sorted out her clothes and changed to light machine gun for M249 shift. Ding Mumu still used her newly acquired "Grey Ocean Wave", an infinite bullet version of the MP7A1 submachine gun.

"I cover you!" Mary linked the new bullet and sat behind the Browning M2 heavy machine gun.

"Jump!" Lu Yuan leaped down, just pulled the rope a little on the way, and was the first to fall on the ground to alert him. Then Mu Mu and Annie.

"Into the cabin, we must attack to attract firepower!" Ding Mumu was in front, in the middle of Lu Yuan, after Annie broke off, the three quickly rushed towards the cabin. Captain James, who was compressed in the bottom warehouse, must not be able to hold on for too long, they need to attract armed elements to disperse the firepower! Allow James to persevere until he is saved.

Ding Mumu rushed to the forefront, her mental "invisibility" can interfere with others' perception of her, let people deliberately ignore her existence, which is especially useful in narrow spaces. Even those who are not disturbed will stop for a moment to realize. For a moment, the vanguard can do a lot of things.

"Flash bomb!" With the voice of a woman, a cylindrical grenade banged twice and fell into a group of people! All three of Lu Yuan ’s blasting values ​​are now at 80+, and they have all practiced martial arts. The accuracy of throwing grenades is extremely high. The landing point and time of the grenades are calculated just right.

"Close your eyes!" A group of people who were too late to lie down shouted to cover their eyes with gloves or twist their eyes.

"Bang!" A grenade disguised as a flash bomb exploded. Numerous grenade fragments swept across the narrow cabin, and blood flowed into the river instantly. Ding Mumu appeared from behind the iron gate less than five meters, and continued to explore the way inward. Lu Yuan rushed to make up, and Annie moved forward to cover.

Ding Mumu, who had a haunted spirit, opened the way ahead. The three of them progressed very fast. They quickly broke through the second deck and leaned towards the cabin. It is said that Captain James stayed there.

"Who! Come out!" Lu Yuan pointed the gun at a large wooden box, and then shot directly at the wooden box. These guns were shot at the floor. Shooting civilians during the mission was a very troublesome task.

"Woo ~ Woo ~ Woo ~, don't kill me" A woman came out from behind the wooden box with her hair spread out, crying with tears in her face. Lu Yuan saw that she was fully equipped and holding an M16 automatic rifle with grenades. Why didn't she look timid? Suddenly thought back, "No?"

"Are you the new guy brought by Old Yuan ?!"

"It's me! It's me! Brother Lu, don't kill me! I'm not here to fight against you!"

"You know me?"

"I know, last time ... I saw you at the last party." Lu Yuan shook his head. Even with the help of the assistant brain, he couldn't remember the person at all. How weak her presence felt. Are you Akalin? ?

"Speak, what is your mission?" Lu Yuanyuan shot and asked, if the mission conflicts, then he doesn't mind spoiling the flowers.

"We don't conflict, really!" The woman obviously thought of this, and immediately waved her hand, "Our task is to occupy the merchant ship, which has been completed! It's Yuan Ge who said he was going to find the loot, let me hide alone ... … Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooing at our place ...

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "Contact your captain immediately! We will switch from the front channel 1C2 to the 2A2 route, let him bypass and quickly withdraw. In addition, there is a NPC at the main entrance guarding a heavy machine gun, and kill when you see someone. Let him take another path! Give Five minutes for your team! "

Finally, Lu Yuan opened the team newsletter and said, "Lao Yuan ’s team is also here. I informed our route. Everyone should pay attention to safety and be ambushed carefully! The tasks do not conflict. I gave them five minutes to evacuate."

At this time, the woman sobbed and contacted their captain. After seeing Lu Yuan finished, she quickly said: "Brother Lu, our captain said no problem. This time we didn't notify in advance, so our captain said to send a message. Here you are. The attack on the merchant ship is a move away from the government, and the female president has also arranged mercenaries to sneak into your airport base. "

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yuan received the message.

[Task 6: Protect the base. Mission Statement: After the main personnel were transferred to occupy the military port and rescue the "Queen Mariana", the evil female president arranged elite mercenaries to sneak into the airport supply base. You and your squad must fight to the end to protect the base! It is 1 hour and 21 minutes before the base is attacked. This message must not be disclosed to the characters. If the airport base is lost, all logistics supplies will be delayed until 48 hours after the base is recaptured. Mission reward: 1000 US dollars, the rank rises by one level. 】

"Thank you", Lu Yuan handed her a piece of chocolate, and then left the passage backward. The woman didn't become a villain in an instant. She just pressed down the sobbing voice and stuffed the chocolate into her mouth to chew. The sweet chocolate gradually relaxed her tight nerves, listening to the instructions in the headphones, bypassing other channels The captain converged.

Since there is a heavy machine gun at the main entrance, you can only take the sea jumping route.

As a temptation, only a small number of elite and large numbers of armed fishermen came to grab the boat. As the person in charge of this battle, Lao Yuan is a well-deserved arrow figure. As soon as he left, the rest fell apart, and the intensity of the attack on the main cabin became almost zero.

After Lu Yuan's three men went to shock, the militants had already been killed or wounded for more than half. James, who came out, also took more than twenty crew members. They picked up the guns on the road and counterattacked them along the way behind the landing. The attack was fierce and abnormal! The repelled militants fled through the door and encountered a heavy machine gun that was facing the door! In the shock of M2's blasting sounds ~ ~ personnel even shattered the walls of the cabin.

The flying wall deck splashed everywhere, and even Lu Yuan was suppressed under the deck.

"Fuck! This crazy girl!" Lu Yuan shouted, "You search for the loot below, I will go up and see!"

This cargo ship was rebuilt by a cruise ship, so the luxurious superstructure is just sealed and not demolished. The owner's plan is to be a cruise ship during the peak season, and be a cargo ship in the off-season. The cruise business in recent years is not as good as a year. One is because the newly launched cruise ships are larger and more luxurious, and the facilities are more advanced and comfortable; the second is because the emerging Internet rich people are more inclined to show off rich consumption. They prefer to buy retired warships than planes. They prefer Victory Square to chartered amusement parks. In short, it is a kind of move that makes old tycoons disdain.

They are not as keen on improving the quality of life as the old mining giants, and they like to rent cruise ships for large parties. Therefore, as wealth accumulates in emerging industries, the entire cruise industry is gradually declining, and only the people of the third world are still keen on this "noble communication game".

Therefore, most of the current cruise routes are changed to pass through major Asian countries.

PS: I tried to add pictures today to improve the sense of reading. I do n’t know if you can see it ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~. \\ u003c / a \\ u003e

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