Watching the Dawn

Vol 4 Chapter 36: HK Alpha

(Thanks for the waterproof 1888 starting coin! Thank you Sima Qingshang for the 100 starting coin! Thanks for the proud afterglow for the 100 starting coin! Thank you H7N9 for killing the chick for the 200 starting coin!)

"Alex, hey, Alex, wait for me", Elijah, deputy chief engineer and rifle expert of HK Weapon Lab, rushed out of the elevator and chased after Vice President Alex.

"Eliya, tell me, you are not looking for me for G11." Alex, the vice president of Alex, who was dressed in a decent suit and took the secretary to the meeting, asked helplessly.

"Ah ... No, I came for G11. But Alex, you have to give me another chance ..."

"No, no, no chance, Elijah, no chance." Alex originally planned to turn around and leave, and finally turned around and solemnly said: "Elia, I know the G11 is excellent, we are on it. Thousands of dollars have been invested in research and development, believe me, I really know the excellent G11! But listen to me once, the last time! The Berlin Wall fell, AK everywhere! AK! And **** AK! Germany no longer needs G11, Do n’t do it in the US or India. Listen, G11 provides us with unparalleled technology, it will improve all our products, I believe in your value, Elijah, I believe in you. Use your energy on the submachine gun Right. "

"Alex!" Elijah reached out and grabbed the vice president's sleeve, blocking his movement to leave, disregarding his impatient expression, said very solemnly: "This is also the last time, I ask you to see Look at this report! If you still have n’t changed, I will immediately turn off all experiments on the G11! I will make submachine guns, I will make pistols, whatever you want me to make. "

Alex took the report and looked at it seriously. As a traditional German, he has always been serious, rigorous and meticulous in his work, so he frowned quickly during the reading, and even very politely closed the report carefully reviewed the side of the headline before continuing to read. Until he read the entire report, anyone could see his ferocious anger, and his secretary even stood by the wall and waited.

Then he reluctantly repressed and asked politely: "Elia, did you get the wrong report right? Or did you finally learn to make up?"

Eventually let the anger vent. "You want me to believe that the G11 we made is actually a three-shot sniper rifle ?!"

"Yes!" Elijah responded, staring at him without fear. "At a distance of 300 meters, the error of the first 600 rounds is less than a coin! Put on the heavy barrel and sight, it is It can be used as a sniper rifle with a range of 400 to 600 meters! It is still in three bursts! "

"The first six hundred shots! God, why is the six hundred shots?"

"The information from our battlefield investigators shows that most of the firearms only fired less than a thousand rounds before being replaced."

"Battlefield investigator? With your sister, when did we send the battlefield investigator? Who? Where? Where? What? What did you do to hide from me?"

"Relax, it's in Aruco, an island country in the South Pacific. There is a battle of light weapons, I don't know why you don't pay attention. Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, they are all staring there But our HK product shines there! They used our products-HKPSG, HKMP7 and HKG11 to eliminate 197 times the opponent! Look at my mouth! Not 9 times not 19 times, it is 197 Times! "

"Wow" Alex agreed with praise and turned back to the secretary: "I should know about it! Like he said it, a very convincing example."

"Yes, boss, I will pay attention."

"Then what pistol do they use?" Alex turned back and asked Elijah.


"Very good! Now tell me how they use G11. Let's go to the office and talk."

"Of course, you know, those guys are simply geniuses, do you know what their team's name is? HK-Alpha! Can you imagine their enemies talking about them? And their suggestions for improvement are great! I love these guys! "

"It's time to remove Alpha. Well Elijah, if it is really so good, I will consider it. You know that the weapons purchased by the military are always two kinds, either it is cheap enough! Or it is good enough! Now I really hope It is the latter. "

"as you wish!"


"Hello there?"

"Hello!" Lu Yuan replied, looking at the Xie Ding man in his fifties in a big suit.

"Ah, let me introduce myself first. I'm Deputy Chief Engineer Baudelaire Elijah of the HK Weapon Laboratory. You can call me Elijah. We are here to talk to you about G11 improvement authorization and Request for further cooperation. "Elijah said, as a technician, he went straight to the topic. Having finished speaking, he took the lead to walk outside.

Lu Yuan opened his mouth, just stop. When he wrote that letter, he wanted to be able to take the opportunity to visit the weapons laboratory in HK, Germany, to gain insights. Unexpectedly, the other party ran directly. It seems that the main **** is to limit the reincarnation to the battlefield of the island, and not even give a chance to let it go.

Elijah pressed the remote control on the side of the box truck, the side wall of the carriage flipped up, and the four-layer gun frame folded inside protruded forward, revealing the neat and complete sixteen G11!

"Captain Lu Yuan, in return for your precious suggestions and support for HK products ~ ~ We are honored to provide you with 16 new models of G11 improved! Of course, this is only part of the test work! We will also provide armed support, logistical support, and a million dollars for your team. In addition, my laboratory is currently docked in the open sea, which is a large cargo ship. We will modify and provide it according to your suggestions at any time. Samples, if you are interested, we welcome you to visit at any time. "

Looking at these standard, sharp shooter and even battlefield-supported G11, Lu Yuan couldn't help crying. With so many guns, how do I choose? Also welcome to visit, I am not a leader of Shenma. He surprised him when he received a million dollar check. The system reminds him that the cash he holds exceeds the upper limit allowed for military ranks, please transfer or consume 450,000 of them in 24 hours.

Although is said to be armed support, it must not be free under the restrictions of the main god. Including these 16 experimental G11s, if you want to own them, you need to spend money to buy them. It's just that these G11s have temporary use rights, as long as the data is recorded, they can be temporarily leased for use. At the sincere invitation of Elijah, Lu Yuan took Annie, Ding Mumu, and Mary to visit the "Neptune" freighter docked off the military port, and the HK weapons laboratory above.

HK's weapons laboratory includes two parts: weapon manufacturing and weapon testing, which can complete the entire process from weapon manufacturing to testing. There are more than 200 barrels of various types and various butts, rails, accessories, etc., and even a lot of special alloy materials are stored, which can directly process the barrel and various parts! When Lu Yuan visited, he already made up his mind to pack the entire laboratory away, which is much more advanced than the machine tools he got!

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