Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 93: Eve of dawn 3

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"They are retreating!" Bayun Zi heard herself shouting on the channel, and she quickly covered her face with a fan.

The host computer completely recorded the entire process and edited it into a video. As the core of the analysis work of the entire Liming regiment recently, the entire video was played hundreds of millions of times. And because playing here happens to be a critical turning point, over time, people often hear her sentence will be paused so that her sentence has also become a popular sound package on the Dawn, various synthetic rap versions , Rock version is circulating in underground channels.

What, "Yao Yao, he and he are retreating!", There are various rap ringtones, and even her own fox, Yakumo Blue, is secretly listening to her with a wagging tail. Yakumo Zi is about to die!

Sure enough, hearing this sentence, Zhao Min raised his finger in coordination, "Stop!"

The picture is solidified by the smashed planets occupying most of the field of view of the shooting screen. Through the blocked planet and the transparent wall, you can see that the alien fleet is not retreating from the retreat while retreating. Jump directly to the ground! On the screen, you can clearly see that many small warships have been involved in the energy tide, torn and broken.

"break down."

The huge picture is instantly divided into countless fragments along the boundary of the picture content, and each piece is individually listed in the virtual screen. Then a huge amount of data began to appear, detailed on the screen one by one! These are the results of tens of thousands of hours of analysis.

For example, showing the scene of the fleet transition. Each battleship is frozen at the moment of jumping, and then split into a new screen to start playing in reverse. Then the parameters, structure, performance, and even maintenance records of this battleship are analyzed! It is important to know that even the same standard warships, after being shipped from the factory, will be affected by factors such as battle loss and army modification. It will gradually become different from the original version. And some popular modification programs may even lead to the birth of sub-models.

This decisive battle. Although the results were not satisfactory, the data obtained this time greatly enriched the understanding of the Mona people for the prepared Dawn regiment. With the deepening of the analysis, the equipment system, painting rules, staffing, energy distribution, etc. of the 470 types of warships of the Monas have all been exposed !

It can be said that after this battle, the Mona's army has no secrets about the Liming regiment.

Not only that, the Liming regiment also proved with actual combat that with the help of "Element Zero", the Liming regiment finally began to take off. The fighting power of our main battleship came later! The huge warship that had made the entire planet and Xue Xing, the father of Mu Xing desperate, was stepped on again by humans!

Although everyone knows that the next battle of the video will turn sharply, but that is because of the intervention of extraordinary power. In the first half of the military battle, the Dawn Regiment has won all! Those who have been devoted to scientific research and development are indispensable.

After finishing and archiving all the data, everyone focused on it, and the picture returned to the planet that was full of vision and seemed to hit head-on.

"The latest analysis results show that we did find the planet in the galactic comparison." Ms. Liming said. Because the composition of the Milky Way on both sides is very similar, you can use the data on this side as an analogy reference. After the Liming Group obtained the 50 million-year-old data of the galaxy accumulated by the reaper, the database has detailed records of more than 75% of the objects in the entire galaxy with a diameter of more than ten kilometers!

The astronomical celestial bodies of the Milky Way have no secrets in the Dawn Regiment, which makes meteorite-level search engines enter the application stage.

With the operation of Ms. Liming. Another picture of the planet appears next to it. The comparison of the two planets through tens of thousands of landform features finally proves that the two planets are the same. "The rocky planet with a4 nebula number r # 54634710 is 22 times the volume of the earth. That is to say. The planet that he lost was not created out of thin air, but a naturally formed planet. By the way," Ms. Liming looked at Mu Xing, "This planet was recorded as" false "by us four hundred years ago, that is to say, it is one of those objects that have disappeared."

Mu Xing began to think about the meaning of this, which means that not all the disappearing celestial bodies were used to build "highways", and some of them should exist somewhere. When necessary, it can be used as a ball!

No one is going to say how huge the harm the planet of 150,000 kilometers in diameter really hit the deep space fleet. Especially the huge gravity brought by the mass of the planet itself. Even the light can be bent, not to mention a fleet! This will be a disaster for the entire fleet ... but. That was left to the commander who was present at that time to consider. For those sitting on the sofa circle, it was already a past tense, and they all knew what happened next.

Fire the main gun? Not to mention whether the main gun warm-up time is too late.

At this stage, all the main guns known as "J star" are actually glass-fired guns. It refers to irradiating the surface of the planet with a beam weapon of great energy and heating the planet to cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami. , Hurricanes and other natural disasters. And melt the crust to form a wide range of lava materials. Because of the sudden change in the environment of the entire planet, in the next three to five weeks, 90% of the creatures on the planet will be completely extinct. Because the main component of rock is silicon, it will form a glass effect after melting and condensing, so this process is also commonly known as "fired glass".

"Star annihilation gun" should actually be the abbreviation of "planetary biological annihilation gun". The main gun of the Fortress of Dawn can go further and reach the level of "Star Breaker". It is a pity that even if her efforts can break the stars, the broken planet fragments under the inertia will also cause great losses to the deep space fleet!

So as the flagship commander of the Fortress of Dawn, Yakumo Zi made a decision to make countless men ashamed in just 07 seconds! She changed and contributed to the core reactor. Manipulating the core of the fortress mass effect to run in reverse, greatly improving the "mass" of the fortress itself, driving the Dawn fortress and directly hitting the planet!

At that moment, Mars hit the earth, and the sky collapsed! The fortress of dawn is deeply embedded in the planet. Deep into the mantle. The whole planet is like a glass ball hit by a hammer, on the verge of breaking. Then the reactionary forces broke out one after another. In the end, the planet r # 54634710 was crashed and the Dawn Fortress suffered the most serious damage since leaving the factory. The entire fortress was nearly destroyed, but the entire deep space fleet was finally preserved.

"Cracking and crackling", the picture played to the highlight moment of Yakumo Zi! Looking at the resolute Yayun Zi sailing forward, the bear children in the sofa circle applauded. Yakuchi Zizi hid himself behind the fan, smiling slightly.

Then Nana intervened, sending all the warships back to the world of mass effect at the end of the video. The towering wall of meteorite flying from far away swept the entire battlefield!


"It's extraordinary power!" No one spoke. Zhao Min's voice was not too big, just enough for people in a small circle to hear. "Although somewhat reluctant, I still have to say it again ... It seems that this time Lu Yuan is right again! The power of science and technology is not enough to support. Only the extraordinary power can fight the extraordinary power. . Next, as we continue our analysis, we will adjust the direction of resource investment and increase our support for Lu Yuan. Ke Xue? "

Aikexue raised his hand, "Because the main unit of the Dawn Fortress was partially destroyed. Next, we have assigned a lot of intelligence analysis work. So the gas refining period he requested requires a delay in delivery. I made a joke with him at the time, but I think he should understand that something went wrong on our side. But he didn't ask. "

"No need to doubt, that guy knows everything very well in his heart." Zhao Min said affirmatively, "So, just like we looked at him all day, nothing happened on this boat can be concealed from him. Ms. Liming It ’s his eyes, Elona is his power, and each of us is in touch with him. "She said that, Ms. Liming just smiled, it was the default. "He was confused about our actions. Just because of trust!"

Yes, Lu Yuan's attitude has always been "not in his position. Not to pursue his politics." Just like when the Dawn was transformed, since he was not on board. Of course, let go of these people to do it, messed up and he was in the bag. If he does everything in a big way and says "Let me come here!", It seems that except that everyone in the world is mentally handicapped, everyone will only be staggered. Then, he can't be exhausted. , And these tough women have long parted with him!

Lu Yuan is a leader, not a leader. He has always clearly distinguished the two.

"Next, I will adjust the computing resources and derive Jindan and Yuan infantry exercises as soon as possible. In addition ..." Aikexue thought for a while and suggested. "Shall we strengthen the extraordinary strength? After a large-scale human experiment, I guarantee that the results obtained in the laboratory are perfect and we all know that even if it is not perfect, the exercises returned from the guy will definitely It was modified by him to the stage of perfection. "

"Voluntary principle." Zhao Min finally concluded. Only some of the core members of the Liming Regiment may be interested in Xiuxian, such as Li Huamei and her. Among the ready-to-use combat capabilities, Yakumo Zi and Feng Jian You Xiang are the high-end combat capabilities you can expect.

"Speaking of extraordinary power," Mu Xing stood up and reopened the screen, showing a tree diagram. "This is the demographic composition of the Mona, we can clearly see two points from the above. First, the Mona society is formed by the Mona absorbing the fusion of many conquered races of the Milky Way; second, the Mona The upper layer is the real Mona. "She has opened some information to show the scene of the Mona when he first visited the earth hundreds of years ago.

"At that time, from the language of the Mona, they mentioned the words bishop, believer, communicator, etc. many times. At that time, we thought it was inaccurate in translation and corresponded it to the ordinary social structure. But obviously, this This kind of understanding is problematic. According to the analysis of the data we obtained later, there is indeed an extremely large religion in the Mona society. So, the Mona race relies on the power of religion to stipulate the noble Status. Only then have many different races been unified under one social system. "

"And we all know that taking the earth as an example. With the development of science and technology, religious forces have always been receding. That is because science is constantly being proven and falsified. But religion can never clearly answer the question of where God is So the decline of religion is a historical necessity. But ... "Mu Xing pointed the arrow back to the video. "If God really exists ?! Then all this logically makes sense. If there is God support behind the Monas, they can indeed enslave any race without gods."

"The second question is what kind of **** is this? Also, as we know, as long as the source sea submerges the world, extraordinary powers can be born in this world, and then evolve into wild gods; the second is the **** created by the main god, they It is used as an assistant to manage the world. So what kind of **** is the Mona? "

Then everyone turned their heads together and looked at the only **** expert present. Being watched with expectation by everyone, let the vanity of the catalyst get a little satisfaction for those things that have been blackmailed, blackmailed and blackmailed in the past. Let it go with the wind. Nana is not there, and the title of catalyst **** expert is well deserved.

He stood up and learned to open the holographic screen like Mu Xing. In fact, he secretly made a few pictures.

"First of all, although I am the first main **** to create a complex big world, using gods as assistants is not my first creation. This traditional origin cannot be verified, but it can certainly be earlier than my birth. Since I said God, Lu Yuan and that ... "He looked at the wind and saw Youxiang, and finally vaguely passed. "Everyone refused to be a god. Why? Because they see clearly, being a **** is not so beautiful.

Although the power of the gods is powerful. But they are greatly restricted by the rules and the world, and they are in danger of being assimilated by the rules at any time. Once assimilated, he will transform from human nature to divinity ... similar to the intelligent ai we use. But the above is nonsense ... "

The catalyst said something to make everyone embarrassed. He was very proud.

"Let ’s put it that way, it ’s definitely not the power of God! Because that kind of power is too powerful and beyond the limit. Like an ordinary person who has great power, the galaxy is destroyed by them! It ’s definitely not the Lord ’s. What the assistant should do! I do n’t know if you have analyzed the mythology created by me ... My mythology, as a whole, tends to be conservative and cautious and skeptical about innovation. Why? This is an example! "

His fingers poked heavily on the modified spiral arm of the Mona.

"Not all innovations are a good thing. Look at the galaxy that they changed into messy things. Mortal people always sit in the sky and always value the little benefit in front of me! I put ancient and correct knowledge in nature, waiting for you To discover the great laws of nature, and thus evolve to a higher level. But the results obtained are often the wanton destruction after a little mastery of power, thinking that the world is not like this. Whatever you want to 'reform nature', the final result is often regret and Self-destruction is mortal! "

Only then did the catalyst throw its own point of view. "So the existence of the reaper is necessary! Sweeping the desperate race into the garbage dump to make room for the latecomers ... it's really not bad!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ ~ Miranda shouted him below.

Zhao Min clutched his forehead and couldn't see it anymore.

"Okay, be quiet!" She suppressed it forcibly and finally pinched the bridge of her nose to ask the catalyst, "So what is your conclusion?"

"A main god, a strong main **** like me!" The catalyst simply replied, "I don't know why, this main **** will use his power to destroy the world. Our main gods are all builders of the world. Of course, we also have many mental patients, which is not surprising. But my conclusion is that it is a guy who has lost the divinity of the Lord God and still controls the strength of the Lord God. He is very dangerous ... "

At this moment, suddenly the room flashed, and Elona appeared in the center of the sofa circle.

"I'm sorry," Nana said solemnly, "I think ... that might be my strength!"

"I ... lost power." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please visit m

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