Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 101: Heaven and Earth 6

Qi Shuming was slightly blocked by the long eyebrow, and had missed the opportunity to stop Lu Lingmeng. She could only watch her swaying past the gate of the ancestral hall-you passed it honestly, Lu Lingmeng smiled towards the ancestral hall. After a while, I said, "Hello, old mixed hair."

Qi Shuming was so scared that his face was white!

He vowed to wait for the long eyebrows to go away, and promised not to kill Lu Lingmeng—it was too cheap to kill her! He panicked and turned his head. Sure enough, he saw Master's white eyebrows shaking twice ... Well, Qi Shuming knew that his long eyebrows must have been aroused by the phrase "old miscellaneous hairs"! If he knew that the long eyebrow was just because of this "old miscellaneous hair" to evoke countless memories of being scolded, I don't know how he would feel.

The two thought so deeply that they missed the second chance to stop Lu Lingmeng ...

"She?" Seeing the girl with the surname Lu straightly approaching a cave on the edge of the cliff, her long eyebrow looked at Qi Shuming with some doubt. As the founder of the Emei School, Changmei clearly knows what is hidden in that cave-the Emei School's supreme treasure "Emperor's House of Tianzhudou Shuzheng", mixed with the Fuzhuan who suppresses the two instruments of dust Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Rune! "

"Lingmeng she is definitely not a spy!" Qi Shuming almost blurted out to explain Lu Lingmeng-it can be seen that she absolutely filled the Emei School's favorability.

Looking at the strange expression of long eyebrows, Qi Shuming realized his speech. He didn't know how to explain, "Lingmeng has some ... quirks, according to her own words, she is that ... Squirrel Party." Said here, Qi Shuming's thoughts were finally clearer, "Lu Lingmeng was an orphan when he was a child, long In the deep mountains, I do n’t know anything about the world. After that, I have been learning art with Lingyun, and I have never contacted outsiders except the teachers and brothers of Shushan. "

This is an indirect explanation to Changmei. Lu Lingmeng was born innocent.

"But the child is naive and naive, sometimes like a child, and especially likes to collect cheats. Whether it is Shushan or other factions. When she sees it, she always asks for one or two. One or two, the methods of cultivation collected by her are all-encompassing. This matter is known to everyone in Emei and above. However, as soon as this child was a little lazy, he rarely read it except to collect it. These books existed in her master. Secondly, Lu Lingmeng's major was the Pure Yang Danjing , It ’s not my Shushan heirloom. ”

This is to say that even if she got "The Emperor's House of Heaven and Sealing Straight", it was useless.

Long eyebrow nodded, "natural jade. There is no cause and effect." This compliment gave Lu Lingmeng an identity. It should be noted that the "seed players" in Xiu Xianjie, such as Li Yingqiong, are all powerful reincarnated many times, and they are famous in the previous life! But such people have deep causality. Instead, Lu Lingmeng, like a clean and flawless jade, has not been carved and naturally has no cause and effect.

Who can't love such an apprentice? ! The road to reincarnation is a simpler and easier way. In the realm world, there was a person who had never been reincarnated. He practiced the same body all his life. Finally, he flew to heaven with his own flesh-that person is Ren Shou.

"I'll stop her." Qi Shuming said. You don't need to ask him to know that the collection locations of "The Emperor's Tian Zhuandou Sui Zhen Qiao" and "Hun Yuan Yi Qi Tai Qing Rune" are either Qi Lingyun or Qi Jinchan! And Lu Lingmeng can come here. She must also carry the amulet of the stolen wife Xun Lanyin. I don't know how long she planned-what's the matter! The key is that this time I was hit by Master ... Lao Qi had a headache.

He deliberately forgot Lu Lingmeng's shoes that didn't make a sound when he walked, he made them ...

"and many more". Who knows that Changmei stopped him again. "Two instruments of small dust will only hurt people who are hostile to Emei, and people whose heart does not belong to us Emei ..." The drums don't need a hammer, Changmei just said a few words, and Lao Qi knew it all! Ren Shou valued this young girl very much, but he still took precautions against the person who didn't exist in his deduction and suddenly appeared! So he has to try again!

Qi Shuming couldn't resist the long eyebrow, and could only stand silently. Worried to see the landing Lingmeng got into the stone cave. "Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Rune", but the appearance of Liangyi's large array of dust, where it is. Nature is also the core of the two instruments of dust .... Now he can only watch Lingmeng landing in the cave silently, praying secretly. Don't hurt her too much.

There are a few kinds of treasure protection, Lingmeng actually gently and ingeniously, then entered the treasure of Emei!

Under the joint attention of the long-browed master and disciple, she really did as Qi Shuming said-after entering the door, she did not go straight to the rune hanging in the center, did not go to the shelf to take the book, but hang out in the cave. Watching her engraving "Lu Lingmeng is here for a tour" in the corner, she also moved a stone to block it. The long-browed apprentice looked at each other ... Can you still play like this? !

Wait, that cave, no, it should be said that the entire mountain of the book collection is like an ancient treasure from Emei!

Then Miss Lu sat on the Taishi chair, pretending to be Qi Shuming. As she talked, she drew a pen on the table, holding a pen, as if teaching others. Qi Shuming is speechless, I am this image in your heart? Come on, in the whole bookkeeping, we slowly look back! Lao Qi gritted his teeth and smiled. Next, as expected, Lu Lingmeng began to take "The Emperor's House of Heaven and Sealing the Truth", and the teacher and apprentice were nervous again.

As a result, Lu Lingmeng was la la, and after a maximum of half a minute, he left it aside, and then turned the books on the shelf again. After not more than half an hour in total, he ran to play "Fu" has gone ... Qi Shuming turned his head to look at Master, meaning "You all saw it?"

Even if you do n’t forget ~ ~ there is no such quick way-if you don't forget, you have to go through it again. What a pity, two dumplings, do not know that there are continuous shooting and video recording in the world ...

Long eyebrows are also speechless ~ ~ Moreover, this Lu Lingmeng is a very strong man at first glance. Since she entered the cave, because she was wearing Xun Lan's amulet, she would not be attacked by the two instrument dust arrays, but she did not trigger the two instrument dust arrays at once, which was a miracle. By this time, Changmei had confirmed that Lu Lingmeng was the disciple he needed most, even more important than the last few in Sanying and Eryun.

As long as she passes the last test-

A long eyebrow moved his finger. On the top of the cave in the distance, a "pop" came suddenly, and a stone fell.

Lu Lingmeng subconsciously looked in the direction of making a noise, and a five-foot-high "dust" word carved on the front stone wall suddenly slammed into Lu Lingmeng's eyes! Her deep hostility to Emei, inherited from Lu Yuan, instantly turned into a nebula burst and Zifu spontaneously burned—

Since "Leng Peng" in Lu Lingmeng's heart ignited a congenital samui real fire, as long as he was able to burn Lu Lingmeng to ashes!


ps: In recent chapters, I have focused on writing plots, but I will not write funny plots for now. (To be continued.)

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