Watching the Dawn

: The theme of the next volume is hot!

The volume of Shushan has passed half, it is time to determine the theme of the next volume-Lao Lei always collects materials in advance to prepare.

The original volume should be the true last world, and then we will engage the Mona. But because when I asked for the monthly ticket before, Lao Lei said another volume, this is not good to eat, especially if the monthly ticket of this month is really very powerful!

So, add another world.

For this new world, Lao Lei first does not say his own ideas. Because Lao Lei always said that this book was written together with the readers, so I hope the book friends will also participate! Do you have a world you particularly want to see? If you have any, just post in the book review section! (The weight is calculated according to individual fans.) If your post has a lot of replies, and there are many supporters in the world, Lao Lei promises to consider it! Make sure to write well, not easy to rewrite!

The original world, the decision is placed in the next book, the attitude of this book is to go through as much as possible!

Lao Lei can mention a few ideas:

A. Make the monkey go bad, "Brother Monkey, take me to heaven!"

B. The Lord of the Rings slammed the half-orc; the Galaxy Fleet slammed the bugs; Harry Potter slammed the small pot friends ...

C. Child, I am your father. (Star Wars)

D. Fulian has become a weak chicken. I will save the world ...

E, you think about it.

Because the voting system in the author's back office is canceled, SO ... I will also post a top post in the book review area, 94!


Finally, tricks for monthly tickets. (To be continued.)

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