Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 116: Fei Xian Jian

Ps. With today's update, by the way, we can vote for the starting point 515 fan festival. Everyone has 8 votes. The vote also gives starting point coins. Please pray for your support and appreciation!

Five or two silvers, this is the private money hidden by a servant ...

The Minister of Security, responsible for copying Lu Wu's family, dare to swear by the sky that he really dug Lu Fu three feet and really did his best! And he did n’t embezzle anything in spite of it. Although he really wanted to get hundreds of millions of silver from it when he started (and Heshen copied 800 million two silver), Kangzizi let him go to the house, that is to let him make money by default.

It's a pity that our army is not weak, but the Communist Party / Army has a lot of inquiries according to the amount of money, and only then learned that the surnamed Lu actually began to evacuate the whole house quietly a few days ago! The guy relied on the giant dominance of "The World" in the logistics field, and almost completely silently moved the entire Lu Fu! In addition to a few Eight Banner Soldiers who are responsible for looking at the gate, there are a few fake porcelains in the living room as facades!

Nima's entire Lufu backyard, did not leave a piece of paper! Not to mention Lu Wu's dozens of flower-like concubines, and even the golden toilet was packed and taken away!

After Suo Etu finished speaking, I really wanted to cry without tears and didn't make a fortune without saying anything about it, but I was also impressed by the dignitaries in the whole capital! Everyone thought he was greedy for the benefits of Tianda, who can reason?

"Check, check me fiercely!" Kang Mazi was half crazy after hearing the bad news. But he did not doubt the loyalty of the request. "Seal the world! Seal all businesses related to Lu Wu!" At this time, he could not take care of Lu Wu's business network, which may involve most of the honors of Manjing. Lu Wu's wealth, quietly estimated in his mind, is worth at least one billion two silver! Moreover, Kang Mazi would not say that since the name of "Tian Ji" was changed to "Tian Xia Ji", it has always been a pimple in his heart.

Moreover, this is the only straw he can catch today ...

"Senior Qi Yun, the diary of the world ... has been checked." Suo Ertu knelt down and kowtowed, "Except for a few of our domestic government's buddies (spies), all the warehouses and cabinets are empty! Keeped in the stables The mules also all came out of the city in batches two days ago. Now I do n’t know where to go ... If the world does n’t count as a real estate, there is only one empty shell left in the capital. "

"Real estate, real estate." Kang Mazi only felt dizzy in his head, shaking like he was standing on the ship. "The property has a fart use!" Who still buys a house in Beijing now? ! In the past, the houses close to the Forbidden City were all fired by Lu Wu to high prices! But now there are Zhuangzis outside the city who live in Zhuangzi, lest they be too close to the Forbidden City and suffer from pond fish ... Suddenly, Kang Mazi remembered another extremely terrifying thing!

He patronizes Lu Wu's family property, but forgets that Lu Wu also has the possibility to calculate him. To know that Lu Wu is in charge of the household of the Qing Dynasty, the entire household has been tightly managed by him for several years! That's the household department. In the Qing Dynasty, all the military supplies, salaries, pay, and land documents, taxes, and household registration of the entire country can all be in the household department! Not to mention anything else, as long as Lu Wu burned his household registration and field information, the Qing Dynasty was over ...

"It's not good ... It's military food, and so is me!" Kang Mazi yelled tragically and fainted with white foam.

In the household department, Lu Wu worked out the Qing Dynasty's "Fukui Transfer System". Every three months, the grain inventory of the entire Qing Dynasty is checked, and there is a large-scale mobilization of the army's grain storage. This system, supported by countless honors, has been touted as a fine policy of "unprecedented beauty." In fact, everyone understands that it is just a means for the Manchu dynasty's military and military to get their hands on it and make money!

But in the promise of Lu Wu patting his chest, "I will take care of you, I will bear the trouble", this system has been in good operation for six years! And countless people benefited from it but not only did it not crash, but also worked well, gaining countless praises! The set of "circulation economics" created by Lu Wu actually became a prominent scholar of the Kangxi dynasty.

Now Kang Mazi is the first to understand that there is no "circulation economics" of Nima at all! Those shortfalls in military food are likely to have been made up by "Tianji" in the dark (corrupted food is also realized by "Tianji", which is equivalent to the "Tianji" firm turning around), waiting for the problem to accumulate until it is irreparable. , And then burst out of a landslide!

Related to it. There are also 70% of the mineral deposits held in Lu Wu ’s hands, related iron smelting and ordnance; there are also the silver roots of the eight major trading companies in Jinzhong controlled by the “World Records”; There are all paralyzed logistics systems in the six northern provinces; and ...

Kang Mazi knew very clearly that the Qing Dynasty was really over!

Without Li Dingguo / Army hitting Beijing, the Qing Dynasty was already broken by Lu Wu ... Because he understood this, he just passed out. "Shang Shang? Sheng Shang!" Suo Etu hurriedly supported him and wept bitterly.

The request figure is not yet known. It is his faithful and holy saint who chopped off the last hope of the full life to his own hands ...


It is said that when Lu Wu threw his head and sprinkled his blood, he could not contact the body at the critical moment. What is Lu Yuan doing at this time? If Lu Wu knew the truth, Bacheng would spit out a bit of blood and then jumped out of the tomb to find Lu Yuan to settle the bill!

Because Lao Lu is nothing serious. He was hiding cats ...

Prosperity of science and technology, prosperity of magic and magic are two distinct development routes. Perhaps at a lower level, you can also compare the pros and cons of each other, such as "It is better to give me a short bow with a magic missile", "Eat my big Katyusha!", "You can block Stopping the residual wave can't stop the mental control of magic "and so on.

But at a higher stage, you will find that the two routes are both integrated and independent of each other, and ultimately show a "mutual quality" situation. The fusion side is reflected in the principle of scientific research and the analysis rules of fairy demons. The conclusions of the two will often be the same because the "objects of study" on both sides are similar, such as time, space, dimension, macro, micro, life, soul and other topics .

And the real mystery of the world is there, it will not change because of different researchers. For these mysteries and true knowledge, scientists call it "truth", while practitioners call it "the avenue", they actually describe the same thing.

However, science and immortal have a completely different aspect: Take "Stone to Gold" as an example, a spell that can be used by practitioners at the stage of practicing Qi. Although the spell lasts for a limited time, during the period when Dao is in effect, no matter what instruments are used, it will be found that the stone really turned into gold! The Dawn was only after reaching the "second energy level", and began to make a large-scale periodic table of all elements with metal hydrogen, which of course also contains single-substance gold.

And science can destroy the planet, can reach the speed of light, can build warships and expand the force with extremely fast speed, and these are things that cannot be done by practice;

As for the dimensional weapons like the "two-way foil" of the singer civilization in "Three Body", the Dawn is also conducting exploratory research, but at present there is no opportunity to get started. Preliminary speculation may not make progress until the "third level". But from the direction of the main god, there seems to be a paradox in dimensional weapons. Because the dimension of a universe should itself be continuous.

"Catalyst" once tried to carry out dimensionality reduction experiments at a certain point in a barren physical world, and then that world was destroyed as a whole. That is, if "two-way foil" destroyed the solar system through dimensionality reduction, then the entire galaxy should be incidentally 1. All matter in the entire universe is crushed into two dimensions! Rather than just destroying the solar system ... In addition, if you want to achieve that degree, another problem is where does the "dimensionality reduction" energy come from?

To destroy the solar system, the estimated energy required is the sixteenth power of the total solar energy! After the destruction, the energy released at one time will also destroy all the stars within tens of light years ...

There is also a thing like lifespan: since ancient times, only practitioners can live thousands of years, but every thousand three hundred years have to withstand the test of a heavenly disaster! Ordinary people, even if you are Einstein, can only live to 77 years old; but now the genetic technology of Dawn has raised the limit of life to 1,700 years, and there are no side effects such as "day disaster". Which one is better is hard to tell.

In short, this is the whole thing. As a whole, after the advanced technology and fairy magic have developed, they have their own strengths. No one can easily crush each other.

It was through this principle of "mutual quality" that Lu Yuan combined technology and fairy demons to create such a wonderful flower as the floating city. Perhaps only he, who is the two of them, had this condition. A solid turtle shell , Come as a safe base for this world! Just like the Emei School's condensed cliff with two large dust formations is as stable as the Taibei Beidou, Lu Yuan, protected by a mass effect shield, Mona shield, **** tree and magic tower, can say for the first time that he is It's really safe.

Although this bulky floating city ~ ~ as long as a battleship is pulled from the ocean fleet, it can be destroyed. But for practitioners, there is almost no way to make the shield overload to exceed the upper limit. Because the energy core of the floating city is directly connected to the source sea, the shield can be said to be endless before being overloaded at one time, even if it is attacked for tens of thousands of years. The representative of the strongest attack in this world can be considered to be the "celestial catastrophe" that Dixian will experience once every 1,300 years.

Therefore, the entire floating city is like a golden soup.

However, Lu Yuan will not be paralyzed by this.

For example, after Bai Guyi left, it was as Lu Yuan had expected, and next came Li Yingqiong, the king of luck. Li Yingqiong also took away a purple gold order. Then it was the second time with the dry bamboo master, smiling monk, Bai Xia Sun Nan, and Mrs. Qi ... If Lu Yuan still couldn't understand the cause and effect by this time, he would be the most stupid fool

Emei faction is positioning the location of "Xianjia" through frequent trading opportunities! What the real eyebrows want to do is self-evident ...

So Lao Lu started hiding.

ps: Any remarks about 515 asking for votes, asking for money, asking for red envelopes, etc. belong to the starting point system and use the author's tone to publish it, not the author's intention! Old Lert hereby declare!

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】 (To be continued.)


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