Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 124: Although 0 million people 8

It has been watching the goddess of the sand **** soar and disappear, and the two talents withdrew their eyes and looked at each other.

"It's your turn." Lu Yuan jumped out of the car and said. "It's up to me." Xuan Zhenzi said flatly with a wry smile. He simply put his hands down and no longer resisted. Among the three people who have "disappeared" in the front, Master Baimei is his elder, equivalent to half of his master. No matter how high he is, there is no need to say how high it is. ; Even if it is a strange and evil evil corpse Xuan Qi, there are Hao Tianjing and Jiu Suding passed down by the Yellow Emperor. Under the alternating application of two ancient treasures, he can only protect himself if he is in the match, there is no way to break through the defensive circle of those two treasures.

With that said, Xuan Zhenzi thinks that it is probably because he is the worst of the four, and this is left to the end.

Poorly, he was called by Master Baimei's book of flying swords, and then he was bored with people ... No, it should be said that he was fighting a sword with a clone. The entire sword fighting process was completely suppressed, let alone watching the three "companions" disappear one after another. By this time, he had no confidence in the victory over the people in front of him, and he couldn't even escape the orange-red light that killed Xuan Qi. He saw for thousands of miles that he pointed directly at his eyes, and the hit was the same! The power is incredible!

Xuan Zhenzi asks for it, even if it is for him, even if he knows in advance, he can only close his eyes to death! As for resistance? Perhaps, apart from the great array of two instruments of dust, he could not think of any magic weapon in the world, the formation of the magic can be stronger than the nine doubts. But even the nine suspects are dying in the light ...

The only regret in Xuan Zhenzi's heart today is that he still doesn't know why there is such a powerful person suddenly in the world. Why did Master Baimei need to gather the forces of righteousness and evil, and come to fight against this person together? Why can the sand **** boy be morally sanctified? Why can this person send someone to ascend? ... Countless questions lingered in his mind. Xuan Zhenzi is the head of the Three Immortals in the East China Sea. The most favorite thing in his life is to live on a small island and practice, often not going out for decades. His sensitivity to the changes in the cultivation world is far worse than that of his younger brother.

In fact, Xuan Zhenzi didn't know that among the four, he was the only one who defeated Lu Yuan with his real strength.

In the third volume of Dinghu Tianshu left by Guang Chengzi, the power of each formation is often incredible. But the prerequisites for the formation of the formation method are also extremely harsh. This was the case in the era of floods, because at that time there were all kinds of treasures. For example, Zhuxian Jianzhen uses Zhuxian four swords. The Zhou Tianxing Dou needs to use Chaos Clock to suppress the array and so on. These Lu Yuan ... not at all!

Lu Yuan read the third volume completely, and imported all the formation methods into the fortress host for analysis. After fully analyzing 70 years (the time flow rate of the Dawn area), he barely selected a sword array that was still usable The law, "Eight Gates Golden Lock Array". This is a big deal!

Do n’t look at the name, it ’s not too low. The first sentence of the formation is that. "This array needs to be based on the eight-faced mirror treasure."

... The eight mirrors of the treasures are the only thing to stir!

It is said that Haotian Mirror is the treasure, even the Yellow Emperor has such a side, and even Tian Dun Mirror is a little worse! Guang Chengzi, you are an old miscellaneous hair, where will I go to find you the eight treasures! The most annoying thing is that this old miscellaneous pair of "treasures are all drizzle, you can pick them up when you turn left", and I will not talk about the manufacturing methods of these eight treasure mirrors!

Anyway, as long as you put together eight magic mirrors, you will be able to present the "Eight Golden Lock Array". These mirror magic weapons do not need to be the same, they just need to be different. Because with different magic weapon mirror matching. Innumerable combinations can be derived ... No, it should be 8 permutations and combinations. But the quality must be the treasure! Once the quality of the eight mirrors is different, it is in the barrel effect. The overall power of the formation will be reduced by one level ...

The above is just the first requirement of the entire formation. In short, the formation is super trouble!

Lu Yuan's main body is the "eight-door golden lock array". According to the other principles of the formation method analyzed and repaired, it barely came up with an "eight-door Dunjia flying fairy array". Dunjia refers to the flying escape and teleportation functions that come with Tian Dun Jing, while Fei Xian refers to the "Spirit of the Mirror Sword" and Ai Enshi. However, Guang Chengzi's formation system is indeed out of the box, there is no world in it, and once the formation of the formation is very powerful!

For example, the formation of Lu Yuan, which has been put together, has actually exceeded the imagination.

It is with the help of this formation that he can meet the enemies separately, break the game calmly, and break the future one by one! Whether it is Master Baimei, Sha Shentong or Xuan Zhenzi. All I saw was Lu Yuan playing one-on-four! Only Lu Yuan knew that he was always in one-on-one. Under the influence of the formation. The time and space in the area are inverted and disordered. So that Lu Yuan played with each of the four people one by one, but it seemed to be divided into four at the same time.

Bai Mei died on the avenue, Xuan Qi was hung on the main gun, and the Sha Shen boy was sent to him for merit ... Only Xuan Zhenzi was Lu Yuan who only relied on his cultivation practice in the Jin Dan period! Although Xuan Zhenzi is just the long disciple's big disciple, he is not as good as one-tenth of the long eyebrow. However, Xuan Zhenzi was also an immortal in the world, and he had taken off Yuanying early. He was one of the top figures in the world of immortal cultivation.

Emei is a school of sword immortals, Sanxian Xuanzhenzi is already the strongest instructor of Emei today. Lu Yuanneng can use Jin Danxiu to defeat Xuan Zhenzi in the sword fighting, although he has the advantage of studying the skills of the Emei School in advance. But it is also undeniable that Lu Yuan came to this world for twelve years, stripped of his whole body and started from scratch, and finally entered the ranks of the peak of the world today. It can be said that his practice speed is comparable to that of open practice, and he is unique in the world.

Now Emei, apart from those strong bald foreign aid, no one in Emei has been his opponent.

As long as Lu Yuan maintains the posture of being so refined and aggressive. When he stepped into the Sanxian Realm, he will indeed have the qualification to challenge the real person of Changmei ...

"Hey! Come to me, and then? You have been in a daze, and what does it mean to smile strangely?" Xuan Zhenzi said impatiently, I was ready for you but procrastinated, which still makes me People are dead?

"Hehe ~" Lu Yuan was in a hurry, just now, yy was too enchanted, Master Tai, Master Tai.

Lu Yuan coughed twice, and then quickly said two words to Xuan Zhenzi, even if it was finished. He said so, "There is a Zijin Xiaoling in your pocket, right. Right?" Seeing Xuan Zhenzi nodded in surprise, Lu Yuan immediately turned peace into violence. "Yes, what are you still doing here with the pestle? You are not going to work! You can see it today, the sand **** boy is so soaring! Work hard, boy! His present is your future!"


Then Xuan Zhenzi left. Outside the gate of Taiyuan City, there was only an empty road, and hundreds of people sleeping in the grass.

The avenue from South has been cut off because of Lu Yuan's illustrious reputation. Not only that, because Lu Yuan killed him all the way, the Manchus in Taiyuan City and the army had already escaped. After all, Lu Yuan is 10,000 times more terrible than Li Dingguo's army! In the face of Li Dingguo, he can surrender, but in the face of the crushing flying sword ... can only wait to be stern. No one is stupid, who has the blood of the innocent on his hands, knows in his heart.

I originally thought that this matter is only known to you knowingly ... But who can think of it, suddenly a killing **** came out and knew! I already knew, from the beginning ...

Taiyuan was abandoned, and the entire Manchu of Central Plains was fleeing wildly. They rushed to Beijing from all directions, hoping that their emperor would protect their safety. But I don't know that because of the shaving order, Kang Mazi has become the top champion on the list of Lu Yuan's must-kill!

Lu Yuan picked up the Haotian Mirror that fell from the grass after the death of the ghost corpse Xuan Qi, and brushed the dust above with his sleeve, and sighed.

Continue to return to sit on the cowl, watching the sky in a daze, waiting for those people to wake up naturally. He is not in a hurry because the end of his road is also Beijing ...


Xuan Zhenzi did not stay in China, he went directly to a place where North America is now drifting.

Nowadays, the colony of North America has just been established, less than fifty years before the establishment of the first settlement in North America. The European massacre of indigenous peoples in North America has just begun. From the 16th century to the 20th century, the Europeans were extremely The efficient massacre of 30 to 50 million aborigines led to the beacon country.

"It was decided at their legislative meeting in 1703 that for every peel of an Indian scalp and for the capture of a red man, the bounty was £ 40; in 1720, the bounty for each scalp was increased to £ 100 ; After a tribe in Massachusetts Bay was declared a rebel in 1744, it stipulated the reward: 'Every stripped head of a man over 12 years old is worth S $ 100; ... every stripped head of a woman or child Gapi is fifty pounds! "

It wasn't until the establishment of the Lighthouse State in 1783 ~ ~ that the slaughter of Indians still did not stop. It was not until 1924 that the Indians were formally recognized as citizens, and it took another ten years before the slaughter really stopped ... and by this time, the Indians had few.

It is ridiculous that, in order to wash the land for the lighthouse country, some people fabricated that the North American Indians mainly died of the large-scale infectious disease Europeans carried the past virus. This statement has never been officially accepted. Because in North America, there is too much evidence left by the slaughter of Indians, there is no way to wash the floor in our country, but this matter is spread as truth, and the beauty is divided into his father's washing and washing.

The North American Thanksgiving Day turkey, now it is said that the turkey is a gift "as a gift" to the colonists by the Indians. The tail feathers of turkeys are gorgeous and bright, and they are often used as Indian headdresses so-called grazing, drinking, killing Indians, that's all ...

Now that Xuan Zhenzi goes to North America to stop the Holocaust and help the Indians to establish a country, then our great lighthouse country may disappear from history ... I rely on it! Without me, the great lighthouse country guides the world, from then on, humanity will fall into the darkness, and tens of millions of Indians who have survived will cry and rung for slaughter ... Lu Yuan is speechless and looks at the sky, personally strangled the hope of humanity, I made a big Die!

ps: Unconsciously, it's actually 4 million words! Congratulations. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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