Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 145: Snow Valley Jianshan Yongning Cui 2

Okay, no sword is better than a sword ... it's nonsense.

For the reason we all know, Lao Lu will become ecstatic when he is excited, and then he likes to talk nonsense. So ... even at the last moment before parting, Lao Lu didn't hesitate to flick Nanming. In fact, this difficult problem that Nan Ming thought about in the future will not exist at all. As for the originator of the matter, he had already forgotten the moment he spoke. ... It must be said that Lao Lu really made the most of the light and light friends, when his male friend was almost unlucky.

As for why Lu Yuan is so happy? That's because he finally found and got it, to come to the world that he was looking for!

Among the eight factions of magic, Lu Yuan was the worst at prophecy. Because of the "magic prophecy", the core magic of the prophecy department, Lu Yuan always believes that the significance of this spell is to "discriminate" the basic accuracy rate of 0.3% (predictor's prediction accuracy rate). It was like floating clouds until he accurately predicted the number of warships the reaper attacked in the spear galaxy!

Gaining success, suddenly let Lu Yuan roll from one extreme to the other, he began to be very obsessed with prophecy. With the help of supercomputers beyond the times, there are abundant resources to mobilize for verification experiments, so that Lao Lu gradually found some laws of prophecy and began to gradually improve the basic accuracy rate. Until he obtained the Scepter of Sulfuras, the basic accuracy rate leapt again, reaching 30% of the level of an unprecedented person!

In other words, ten predictions, three hits! Things that even the **** of prophecy, Savolas, cannot do.

Then when the world of mass effect came to an end, Lu Yuan made a random prediction about "how to defeat the Mona" almost at will. Lu Yuan was completely a game attitude at the time. Because the core of the Dawn at that time included him, and he was full of confidence in the next stage of the war against the Mona!

The results of several large-scale deductions show that: in terms of productivity, with a network that can hunt resources in the entire galaxy, and a super city such as the "City of Dawn", the Liming regiment has begun to approach the Mona's production capacity; In scientific research, the Liming regiment not only completely digested the Mona's technology, but even achieved some surpassing! Not to mention, in addition to possessing a group of extremely strong personal combat power, the Liming regiment also possesses the "mass effect" of black technology!

As the unique "zero element" of this world, the Liming Group has a unique advantage!

Therefore, the core decision at the time was this: continue to expand the scale of the deep-space fleet, and on the basis of accelerating the construction of the "Xiaoyue class" heavy cruiser and the "Chaoyang class" super battleship, embark on the research and development of the third generation super battle ship Warships are private magical warships tailor-made for super-powers. For example, equip Yakumo Zi with a magical warship that is extremely explosive and good at concealment, to match Yakumo Zi with the most maneuverability with strong destructive power.

With the "gap" ability, Yakumo Zi can even solve a whole fleet by herself when she drives a battleship on the battlefield, and will control a war! Such over-spec combat power has already exploded! Throughout the technological world known to Lu Yuan, it was difficult for him to find a rival. But Lu Yuan ’s predictions showed that if the Dawn wants to defeat the Mona, the only way is to return to the world where he was born first ...

Why is this happening? What is there in that barren world?


In the end, Lu Yuan still chose to obey a magician's instinct when he couldn't decide, he still listened to magic;

So he left the Dawn and the deep space fleet, first returned to the world of birth, and then took Lu Zu to the world of the fairy sword; finally, he returned to the world alone three hundred years ago.

Sure enough, when he was alone on the road. Dawn first broke the news of the "Mona Expressway", and finally lifted the Mona's overall strength. From this angle, it can be seen that if the Mona is on the spiral arm of the Milky Way, the half of the planets that have disappeared are all converted into matter and energy ... The Mona ’s war reserve , Conservatively estimated to be 70,000 times the Dawn!

This is an unbelievable, shocking, and extremely unscientific figure, just like a country with five million people but a million soldiers is generally unscientific ...

Then came the powerful divine power and directly intervened in the war! This is not only unexpected, but also violates the rules laid down by countless main gods. Finally, when the situation became clear, Nana discovered that it turned out to be her "lost" power!

Since then, although no one mentioned it on the Dawn, in fact everyone has understood the war against the Mona, and the final Guandi wave ss is likely to be the full version of Elona! And with her tacit consent, a group of Mona gods who squandered her power unscrupulously ... You know, the "Nana" who lost the dominant consciousness behind the Mona was the oldest in this source sea One of the five main gods! Her power is not to say that today's Elona, ​​that is, "catalyst" must retreat.

Compared with "her", the power of Elona is simply a sea of ​​mayfly, not worth mentioning ...

Although the power of the main **** is not good at fighting, when that force is controlled by a group of Mona gods who are good at fighting, the situation will become very different. When the Lord God creates assistant gods, he places some restrictions on their power. In the world where the Monas are, it is clear that this limitation has disappeared. This also means that the power of those gods will far exceed the powerful gods of the Torrell world, the great Luo Jinxian, Dixian and Yasheng of the era of the gods, not to mention the highly developed world of science and technology.

Why did the difficulty suddenly rise to hell?

So when Lu Yuan was calculating Renmei Renshou, he was constantly searching for the "answer" that would help him defeat Mona and regain his power for Elona. What was it?

At first Lu Yuan thought it was a cultivation system. So he spent countless energy, not hesitating to occupy the valuable computing resources of Dawn, to derive the "perfect" method. In the end he got results beyond expectations. However, this system only helped him sum up and digest the past, and assisted Lu Yuan to climb to another peak. Lu Yuan created the perfect seven-sword "Human Face and Peach Blossoms in Red", integrating all the learnings of hundreds of years into it.

For example, in the sword "Two Straits Flower", the blue birth lotus comes from Li Yu's Qinglian sword song. But the flower of death comes from some perceptions of Fantasy Township; another example is "Ying Shuangxue", which is actually the strongest boundary created by the combination of magical prophecy, Mirror Sword World and the original Tianxin consciousness! Among the seven swords, countless shadows of Lu Yuan's cultivation history can be seen.

However, Seven Swords is his summary and promotion of the past, and still has a limit, and the main **** is infinite, so this is not the answer.

Lu Yuan then turned his attention to those powerful exercises that this world has retained. Despite the decline of the fairyland nowadays, after all, it is inherited from the extremely brilliant wild world, and the shadow of that great era can still be seen vaguely! Therefore, Lu Yun took great pains to collect Shushan's "Ziqing Baozhuan", Xinrui's "Heart as Heart Sutra", Hesha Taoist "Hesha Qishu", and Guangchengzi's "Dinghu Tianshu"!

But after getting it, Lu Yuan knew that he was wrong, including the ancient Jinxian Guangchengzi, which was circulated to this day, essentially because they recognized the fact that "manpower is sometimes poor", and then he created Fu Zhuan, Zhen Fa, forging, alchemy and other auxiliary means to enhance combat power! Indeed, these methods can magnify your personal strength dozens or hundreds of times! However, this is still not the answer ... Still that sentence, this method has an upper limit, and the main **** is infinite ... You can never imagine what a guy who can squander infinitely will do.

In the end, last night, Lu Yuan found the most important answer in Qi Xiaer, who almost concealed the whole book ...

Fate is really enough to tease people.


Lu Yuan sat cross-legged on the planet of the spiritual world, his right palm spread across his chest.

A small rune fragment from Qi Xia'er's body was floating above his palm, emitting a faint light.

In addition to Lu Yuan and the planet, there are millions of remaining fragments and incomplete runes, which wrap the planet and him densely in the center. Those runes are the results of Lu Yuan's searches over the past few months, and they are a hundred times more than Lu Yuan once had! Even Lu Yuan did not expect that there are so many rune debris in the world! Like the fragments on Lu Yuan's palm, they are complex and distorted in shape and composition, as if they contain infinite mysteries, but they are simply unrecognizable.

But if you look closely, you will find that these two types of rune fragments are different. If the one million fragments are "dead for a long time", then the rune fragment in his hand is "severe. For ten thousand years, there is still a small breath of runes.

It is a pity that this little breath does not make "It" rejuvenated! Even if it is filled with that million runes. Because those fragments are dead and useless ...

"I can't think of it. Such an important piece of debris was found on Qi Xiaer's body." Lu Yuan shook his head, and he still felt incredible. Seeing this small piece of ups and downs dimming at a rate visible to the naked eye, it is clearly "not far from death". With the other hand, Lu Yuan took a small cloth bag out of his arms and carefully opened the layers, revealing a piece of dark golden metal.

Triangle fragments, slap size, as if made of gold, pleated in the light. It seems that it is a fragment of a soldier's blade, the blade part is not sharp, one side is carved with mountains and rivers, the other is carved with sun, moon, stars ... Xuanyuan sword!

As soon as the debris was taken out, it seemed to resonate with the suspended runes, and then the flowers, birds, and plants carved on the metal all floated up and merged into the rune fragments. When the last line was integrated, the rune debris seemed to be full, and finally returned to the radiant look! And began to spin rapidly in Lu Yuan's palm!

I don't know if it turned ten thousand circles or one hundred thousand circles. The fast-turning rune fragments even rolled up a small tornado.

Immediately, I heard a slight chirp of "Keng". If it weren't for Lu Yuan's five-knowledge keenness, he could not hear it. A "dead rune" as large as a dust was sucked into the rotating whirlwind! Then the light seemed to swell again.

In a flash, hundreds of years passed ...

Lu Yuan sitting cross-legged has become a mud figure, his appearance is covered with moss and vines ~ ~ Can only be vaguely seen, it is a person sitting cross-legged and extending his right hand shape. Fortunately, this is Lu Yuan's spiritual world, and here is his planet. Therefore, despite the luxuriant life, it has not yet reached the stage of birth of intelligent life. So even if there is already a lot of turmoil, no one will bother this unknown mud statue.

The runes are still spinning, but now the runes are almost complete.

And the millions of rune fragments that once wrapped the planet, but now only a few pieces remain, still resisting the suction of the runes. It may be that part of the energy was also absorbed during the complete rune of the rune. These pieces of fragments also seem to "live", so they do not want to be annexed. But the tornado has expanded to the entire starry sky, and the pieces of rune fragments are finally hiding, and finally they are attracted down unwillingly!

As the last gap was filled, the mysterious rune of the mysterious mystery began to shine, and it continuously sprayed out the contents, which was extremely messy! Suddenly it was "the Dao gave birth to one, two gave birth to one, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things.", And in a blink of an eye, it became "the soldiers who are fighting in battle are all moving forward in array" ... the content changes from time to time, and changes constantly!

In the end, the rune is still a big "virtual" character but its body is "real"!

The wood and stone cracked, and the clay sculpture slowly closed the palm of the hand, holding the complete rune into the palm of the hand. After watching this rune grow for a few hundred years, Lu Yuan finally realized it! This is the Taoism that the Hongjun Taoist deliberately left above the "virtual and real" heavenly saints in the second-level principle of this world!

This is the answer Lu Yuan is looking for! (To be continued.)

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