Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 147: Passing by 0 1

The sky is as dark as ink, and the violent wind and clouds are circling in the low altitude like a huge vortex, and then violently stretched down and contracted, even swallowing the entire Emei wreck like a creature!

Since then, Shushan, which has just been available for a few minutes, has completely disappeared from the world. Under the low sky, the monks who peeped here from countless directions witnessed the destruction of Shushan in person! Looking at the monstrous demon flames still swirling, everyone's heart bursts with sorrow when there is no hero and Wan Maqi!

"Old but not dead is a thief!" And at the moment, the six culprits that caused all these "tragedies" were gritting their teeth and scolding with anger! He scolded for five minutes at a stretch, and finally raised his hands helplessly, the endless sword waves tumbling from the underground layer, and in a blink of an eye, they stacked hundreds of feet high! Then it turned into a huge black dragon. After rolling for half a circle, it followed the back of Shushan and plunged into the tornado cloud!

Then 6 Yuan also disappeared in place.

A sword to destroy Emei?

Are you kidding me!

6 Yuan sees clearly. Ren Shou, the old thief, is clearly ready for everything. Only 6 Yuan owes him to collect all the "opportunities". So where he has no resistance, Emei was smashed by a sword-clearly the old thief had to take the opportunity to run, and then throw the pot to 6 away! But this old man is really a vanity, good show, good scenery, like the magnificent big scene! Everyone can see ...

As soon as he shot, he was in a position to destroy the world ... As a result, the result was naturally considered dead by the old thief who could see the future!

Although Lao 6 was "Megatron" this time, but from now on, the title of "Devil Head" has to be with him all his life, even if he jumps into the Yellow River. Knowing that it is impossible to explain clearly, 6 Yuan is able to scold and follow Ren Shou away.

6 Yuan and Lao Ren are people who deeply love this world. They have built more and destroyed less, paid more and demanded less. Therefore, although it is not explicitly stated, both people know that they will never put the final main battlefield on the earth, or even this universe. With the destructive power of the two of them at this time, if you do your best, you can break at least 20% of the galaxy! Even when they enter the competition of rules, it will lead to a chain collapse of the entire real universe, which is not impossible.

Hongshou Daozu, Nuwa, Sanqing and other sages, Fuxi, Zhenyuanzi and other quasi-sages, and Guangchengzi and other ancient golden immortals all left, Ren Shou and 6 are far away, undoubtedly the highest in this side of the world Fighting power! They usually shrink most of their strength into the spiritual world in order to ensure that the world will be destroyed without a miss, not to mention fighting.

From the outside, this side of the world should be in the shape of a pagoda. In addition to the physical world, the real universe occupies the first layer of the pagoda as the basis for the existence of the entire pagoda; there are the thirty-three heavens occupied by the celestial world and the nineth heavens that have been cut off by the saints and are now abandoned , Occupying forty floors of pagodas respectively; there are also fragmentary worlds beyond count.

While the pagoda has no top, it can theoretically contain an infinite "layer" world. It's just that the farther away from the material world, the more scarce all matter, rules, auras, and even biological spirituality-that's why the material world is the foundation of all worlds. Beyond the hundred floors, the world is almost chaotic! I do n’t know if the substance does not exist, even if the rules are there, and they are extremely confusing! In this world, let alone creatures, the immortals lack the basis for survival!

So what it means to be able to live "out of thirty-three days" sounds very high, but it is not convenient at all. Outside the thirty-three days, even the house they live in must be maintained by their own power all the time, otherwise they may collapse by themselves. Putting those saints and so on out of 33 days is firstly because these overpowered individuals will not affect the stability of the main world, and secondly because the incomplete rules outside of 33 days are helpful for saints to study the rules of the world.

Now, thirty-three days away, it is already a ruined Jedi. Who knows that it suddenly bloomed brightly in the void chaos, and then several mountains with a black dragon rushed into this chaotic and disorderly world!


"Lao Za Mao Xiu left, eat Laozi ten thousand swords ..."

6 miles after chasing into the world, before the words were finished, I saw the bare stones on Shushan Mountain, suddenly like the spring back to the earth! I saw that the sword inserted on the stone was corroded and decayed with the naked eye, and the soil layer on the stone was piled up. After a while, it was green and flowers and grasses were growing; A waterfall like a jade dragon fell into the endless void; pavilions, towers and pavilions rose up on the stones like mushrooms, and suddenly became a huge palace community. And between the floating suspended mountains, there are even more white jade corridors connected to each other, connecting several large and small suspended mountains into a whole.

It's not over yet. The million flying swords controlled by 6 Yuan turned into countless cranes and birds, and spread out happily, twirling in the mountains, adding countless vitality to the silent world.

"This is ... Shushan?" 6 Yuan was really taken aback. "No, this is the ark you built!" 6 Yuan Zuanyuan thought about it and realized it. This must be the boat that took a long time to build for thousands of years! The scattered hanging mountains and the corridors are clearly a large array of two instruments! Only with this tremendous array of creation, can we lock the moisture of the air in one side of the world and create a fairyland of Shushan with nothingness!

"Since the 6th brother is here, why don't you climb the mountain at a glance." Lao Zaimao's voice came from afar.

6 Far away dumbfounded, he squeezed his fist and simply let go of Feijian's control. At the moment, against the background of the dark and empty sky, Shu Shanmei is thrilling! 6 Yuan Yuan knew that such a beautiful scenery was fragile, far less than the Fei Xian ship's resistance, as long as the "Chu Qing" sword could be broken with a slash. But he could not raise the determination to destroy all these good things in his heart, and he had no choice but to fly towards the entrance of Shushan.

"What's the scenery here for me?" 6 As soon as he landed, he saw a "disgusting" smile on his long eyebrow. "The old man has abandoned his thoughts for nearly a thousand years. The grass and trees here are all planted by the old man himself."

"Really?" 6 looked at him from afar, and suddenly smiled harshly. Seems to predict something, Ren Shou's complexion will fly. But at this moment, two grasses under his feet hugged his shoes. The grass is weak, let alone Renshou, even ordinary people can break away. But if he broke away, the grass with his feet was bound to fall, and he was going to fall off a little bit ... Ren Shou shook it, and finally stopped at the same place with a wry smile. A few long grasses behind him shook violently like a sword, "Boo Biao" a few times, pierced his pants ...

"What's the trick?" Long eyebrow's expression is strange ... whose chrysanthemum is poked by the grass, the expression will be very strange.

6 A distant smug smile, "Since you are hiding your sword, you don't know that everything in the world can be a sword!" With his words, the sword energy on Shushan instantly became vertical and horizontal! The green long grass is the long sword, the scattered petals are the short swords, the rugged mountain stones are the giant swords, and the gurgling streams are the soft swords, even the flying birds are shining! For a time, all things in the world pulled their swords toward the long eyebrows!

This moment of long eyebrows ... I really regret it! He didn't understand how 6 Yuan saw it-he loved everything on this mountain.

But for 6 Yuan, things like fetish are not a problem! Long eyebrows even looked at the past and the future, but after all, one's energy is limited, he can only see the outline. So he wo n’t know that in the future, some people can drive their parents out of their homes for their pets to live in; some people can commit suicide after their pets die in order to stay with their pets; dog parties and cat slaves are all around the world-love to grow flowers Planting grass is a healthy hobby of retired cadres.

"What's the reason to move my Shushan? Let's go outside to fight!" Chang Mei filled with indignation.

"OK, let me do three tricks!"

"Don't Bilian ... a trick!"

"Two tricks! Don't promise Lao Tzu to demolish the house immediately!"


Two figures soared up!


Crimson flowers bloom in the void, and the sword illuminates the world! Endless chaotic void, every inch turns into a sword front!

Human sword, ten-faced, Taozhiyao, flowers on both sides, sentient beings ... The five swords are in heaven and earth ~ ~ Chaos gives birth to clouds, gives birth to 6, and gives birth to everything, and it is broken in an instant! During the birth and death of all things, a purple and blue sword light can never be corrected.

"I hate breaking a sword with a sword, I hate Jianxiu! Old man, let's say three tricks?" 6 Yuan shouted and flew across the sky. Although there is no medium for sound transmission, the words rang in Ren Shou's ears without any errors. Ren Shou's figure also flickered in the void, without any trace of regularity. "The old man never promised three strokes," he said indifferently, but hid the shrinking Shushan world more tightly.

At the beginning, he only gave half a stroke, just to put away Shushan World! He and 6 Yuan knew that it was unrealistic to make two or three moves. In this world, no one can carry the pinnacle of 6 Yuan!

This is a chaotic world. Chaos cannot be regarded as "empty", its essence is "chaos". Therefore, long eyebrows can turn Shushan into a fairyland without any effort by taking advantage of the rules of heaven and earth that they have comprehended. It should be noted that construction is 10,000 times more difficult than destruction. With 6 Yuan and long eyebrows stirring chaos, this world is no longer an empty void. When Chaos merged the aftermath of the battle between the two, scattered rules, began to create all kinds of strange things-

Some objects are like table legs, and some are like a twisted road. Of course, it is more because the swordsmanship of the two are close to "life" and "destruction", so there are a variety of messy creatures.

Although these creatures survive in the void, but can't survive for a thousandth of a microsecond, they have left their mark on this world ... (to be continued.) 8

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