Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 2: Hu Bugui 2

"The surnamed Lu is really as vicious as your ancestor Lu later! It seems that you and other shameless villains can steal the high position, which shows that this **** realm is not too bad!" Lu Yan held the flying sword and pinched the sword. After chasing a figure, Yu flew in the air.

"Do n’t forget that you also have the name Lv. Our family has nothing to do with Hou Hou ..." The man in front seemed to reluctantly refute, "And I went to Yuhang to investigate because I was entrusted by the Divine Emperor and my duty. And because of listening It was said that Yu Hang suddenly and purely Yang Taoist world appeared, and I was so tempted to take the initiative to ask Yu Hang to investigate. It is not a mental calculation! "

Between the two, the two had already flown hundreds of miles. Following the wind and the clouds all the way, the underground people can only see two white traces across the sky. But look at the meeting carefully. Whether it is running in front or chasing behind, it is actually the pure Yang fairy Lu Dongbin! The two lives are exactly the same, even with the same voice! It's just that the one running in front wears Confucian clothes, and the one running behind the sword wears a robe.

"Bah!" The robes in the robe immediately spurned and said angrily. "Pickling, I am ashamed to surname Lv with you! ... Well, even if what you said is true, going to Yuhang is just a lot of coincidences and responsibilities! Then what are you doing by fooling me into lilac lilac? ! You would n’t say it was a coincidence! "

"That," said a toothache expression in front of him, "That's really a coincidence ... how do I know that when you see my face in vain, you pour the gourd beans and take what you should not say I ’ve said it all! I do n’t know if I do n’t know! The gentleman is cautious and does not bully the dark room. If I do n’t know it, then it ’s okay, since I know it, of course, it ’s a matter of division. It's a foregone conclusion, what's the use of chasing me! "

"Bah! Every time if you stop me, I cut the pickled yam tree early! You stand and let us fight!" Lu Dong behind shouted impetuously. A pinch of sword tactics, a sword light tearing the sky toward the front of Lu Dongbin cut off! However, Lu Dongbin in the front seems to have known that the latter is going to cut this sword, as if it has been matched with thousands of times, and at the same time, one side of the body cooperates with the tacit avoidance. "If it weren't for you, the bastard, who leaked secrets and gave Fu Xi ten guts, would he dare to move a finger?"

"This ..." Lu Dongbin in front was speechless. His own Divine Emperor is indeed a little bit bully and fearful, and he often makes decisions and regrets ... But Lu Dongbin, who studied in three schools, used Confucianism as his bone and Taoism as his use-to put it bluntly, he was born into a lawful and kind camp. The characteristics of these people are not doing evil things, respecting authority, observing the law, and obeying the class, so he can't do bad things about God Emperor Fuxi, and he will refute it. "The Divine Emperor handled the matter impartially. According to the rules of the heaven, what's wrong? Zhao Ling'er should be punished according to law!"

"Lao Tzu didn't say that he was wrong!" Lu Dongbin shouted at the back, "Lao Tzu said he dare not punish!" Come unreasonably and casually.

Two Lu Dongbins, one is the 6th Yuan from Shushan World, the famous pure Yang Dao ancestor in the history of China; the other is Lu Dongbin, a native of the fairy sword world, who is also a fairy in the world and a **** in the world. Why did they collide together and have an endless posture?

It turned out that before the 6th was about to leave, a sword raged across the sky, instantly slashing the dragon and deterring the world! Sword front, Wan Maqi!

It can be said that his light is momentary, and the whole world is enthralled and silent.

At that time, no matter the ancient **** or the Lord of the Six Realms, in front of that sword, they all acted blind and could not see. Understand that this is a world with gods and sacred human beings, although there is a basic social order. But in the final analysis, the class of the entire world still respects strength! At first, the monk of Longjiang didn't understand this, but if he came to Buddha, the door could be very clear-he could close the door to call him a ancestor-but outside of Xitian, it was still divided by the height of the blade, and no one could rely on his mouth. Escape for a lifetime.

Since Zhao Ling'er has this great **** standing behind him, he should be able to go anywhere in the world, no one dares to provoke ...

But she did something that shocked the Six Realms, and even almost destroyed the Shushan Sword School, so that God Realm had to punish!

But at this time, Lu Dongbin of this world happened to be under the decree of Fu Xi, the emperor, and went to Yuhang to explore the heels of 6 Yuan. When Lu Dongbin visited the people, he also wanted to check out what happened to the Chunyang Taoism that appeared suddenly. After all, his Taoism in the folk has been cut off. The sudden appearance of the Taoism made him very curious, thinking that someone used his name to swindle and cheat. As a result, the two things are gradually coming together, Qi Qi pointed to the town of Yuhang on the edge of the East China Sea!

Lu Dongbin came to this small town and instantly noticed the traces of Taoism on Lilac Orchid ...

He originally wanted to inquire about the news in Lilac Lan's mouth. Who knows that Lilac Lan sees Lu Dongbin in this world, and thinks that his master is back-after all, the two people look exactly the same, even the tone of speech is almost the same-Lilac Lan, of course, must answer questions! And knowing what you say is endless! Although Lu Dongbin felt a bit inappropriate at the time, he asked all the questions clearly for his duty.

This is good. Not only is Lu Yan ’s bottom being touched, but even "6 Yuan has left this world, it is likely not to come back. The sword was left only to deter the world" Lu Dongbin even guessed and asked to know!

After hearing Lu Dongbin's return, Divine Emperor Fu Xi was overjoyed and immediately sent someone to arrest Zhao Ling'er! Because Zhao Ling'er was almost ruined by the Shushan sword faction this time, the sword immortals in the Shushan gate were in full swing, and the head of the previous generation also came out to ask questions. Although Li Xiaoyao is the current head of Shushan, he can only barely suppress the internal opinions of the martial arts and is unable to help Zhao Ling'er. But old Lu was pinned down by another Lu Dongbin ... As a result, Zhao Ling'er, after slashing twelve heavenly gods, was finally outnumbered and was "captured"!

Today, twenty-two years have passed since we left 6 ...

"The surname is Lu! You know that we really fight each other in life and death, and we will only die together! Why do you have to fight hard!" The former Confucian confessor Lu Dongbin was really chased and killed, and finally pulled his sword back. "You have chased and killed me more than forty times in these years. Although I have withdrawn repeatedly, but I can't bear it! Don't force me to desperately!" Although the two people have different world lines, their innate qualifications are the same, and their perceptions are exactly the same. After fighting for decades, they have known each other for a long time, just like Ren Shou and 6 Yuan transformed into each other and promoted each other. It can be said that there is almost no difference in strength between the two! Really desperate, surely hurt both sides.

"It's just for you to desperately." Where did you know that seeing him stop, Lu Dongbin in the robe didn't rush up, but instead returned to Qingning instantly. It's just a bit desolate between words. "Trusted by others, loyal to the people. Old Lu I have the trust of the old people, I have long faceless living in the world."

"... I'm sorry!" Confucianist Lu Dongbin said sadly. He is now everywhere, and he has only one option left-6 Yuan if he can come back. What if he ca n’t come back and is trusted by others, besides repaying him with death? But 6 Yuan has been away for more than 20 years. Having said that ... I actually know that hope is already very slim. If you still hold on to the silver lining, if you do n’t choose to fight at this time, it will become a stolen and stealing life, and you will even look down on yourself!

"It's easy to say justice", but how many people can do it in the face of it? Lu Dongbin deserves to be Lu Dongbin. Although he seems to have become slick on the surface, he is still the pure Yang Lao who never changed!

"No matter who you and I are fighting to die," said Confucianist Lu Dongbin solemnly raising his sword. "The other should be transformed into the real **** Lu Yan in order to protect Zhao Ling'er all his life!" Entrust the other party with the future.

"My apprentice lilac orchid is a heartless loss, and has been in the cell wall for twenty years! If I die in battle ..." "She is my personal disciple of someone Lu!"

"Come on." "Come!"

Two identical crimson rays rise infinitely, reflecting the red sky!


Fairy Sword Six Realms also has the legend of Pangu.

Roughly speaking, Pangu opens up the world, after death, the three emperors are deified, that is, Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong, and the rest of the spiritual power is transformed into the Five Elements spiritual power and other ancient gods. The body becomes God Realm, and the heart is mixed with the clear and turbid two gas phases, and becomes the **** tree connecting the Six Realms-Pangu's body utilization rate is very high. Since then, the **** tree has become the source of life in the heavenly realm, and it is suspected that all the creatures born later were picked from the tree.

Afterwards, Nu Wa was demoted to the lower realm and created a human realm (a few generations of fairy swords, when eating set). The **** tree takes root in the world, and the stone condensed on the root is Shu Mountain. Because the God Realm is on the God Tree, and the Human Realm is under the God Tree, there has been class since then. What's more, Fu Xi also decreed that "the deficient of gods are immortals", that is to say, those who are not qualified to be gods become immortals, which degrades immortal world. Immortal Realm is located in the Lingshan Cave Mansion in the Human Realm, and God Realm is in the sky, which is a lower level. So God Realm is always high, looking at people with nostrils.

Ordinary immortals dismissed them in their eyes. For mortals, it's more like seeing ants ... The so-called "the ashes are unknown, the mole crickets don't know the spring and autumn, the mortals look up to the sky, and don't know that they are at the bottom of the well." This is the case.

Shushan is the only one who can treat a **** as a person.

At the moment, on the main peak of Shushan, surrounded by clouds, there is a man in a robe, climbing down the cliff of the back mountain. The gravity chaos outside the Shushan enclave is not enough for the non-powerful to fly the sword. In this place, Yu Jianguang straight up, more meaning to provoke the Shushan sword faction. Therefore, no matter who you enter, you must choose to walk on foot. Seeing that the man jumped like a monkey in the mountains, every time it fell tens of feet away, and the stone at every footstep was smooth and bright. Obviously, it has been up and down countless times.

When the Taoist walked through the clouds and fog of Shu Mountain, his face gradually appeared. Whose eyebrows resemble long swords and look like stars, not Li Shuyao, the head of Shushan? ! Now that 6 Yuan has left for more than 20 years, Li Xiaoyao is also in his 30s. But looking at him, he is a bit more mature than a young man, and he is a bit more dignified as a long-time leader, and has not changed much from that year.

Li Xiaoyao's appearance is certainly amazing, but he knows that there is another person who is worse than him-that person has not changed his appearance in the past two decades! Just because she wanted Master to recognize her as soon as she came back, she wouldn't feel a little strange ... Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyao's heart burst into sourness, and immediately forced down.

This is another forbidden place in Shushan. But for Li Xiaoyao, the head of Shushan, most of the forbidden areas are open. What's more, why is it a forbidden place? Everyone knows well ... It is a demon who is suppressed by the realm, but it is said to be the best friend of the master! Few of the truths are known today.

Shushan hangs in the air, and under the mountain, it turns into a retrograde jungle, and even gravity is reversed here. People walk through the forest as if standing upside down, but it feels like usual. Li Xiaoyao splits the willows and walks through the forest quickly. A towering big tree suddenly appeared, facing the vast cloud-that is actually one of the main roots of the **** tree ...

It's just that if you look closely, there will be a huge sword mark on the main root. In high numbers, the length is almost impossible to measure! This sword mark almost cut off the main root of the entire **** tree by two thirds! Every time Li Xiaoyao saw this sword mark, he couldn't help but sigh, as if he could still see the blue sword light that tore the sky that day!

Twenty years have passed since the sword was broken now ~ ~ A dense, entangled vein like a fishing net is born in the broken sword mark. Obviously this **** tree is in the root system of self-healing, but it will take thousands of years to get the entire sword mark to be completely cured.

Standing in front of the tree veins and weaving the net, Li Xiaoyao exclaimed softly, "Ling'er".

Xu Yu, the roots of the hundreds of millions of trees were separated like living snakes, giving way to a straight path inside the sword marks.

The setting sun shone into the tree hole, revealing a woman with her head down and her face covered ... It was just twelve brilliant bundles of fairy ropes that tied her firmly to the tree! Four dazzling divine swords with cold light nailed her limbs! Countless **** tree roots penetrated her body, sucking her spiritual power and vitality! Looking at the dark red liquid flowing through the tree veins, Li Xiaoyao clenched his fists in his sleeves, and the green muscles jumped!

"Brother Xiaoyao, you never know what you should cherish." Youyou sigh, and a long wave of open, revealing a face that is disgusting and happy, almost stopped Li Xiaoyao's heart. Then he saw Zhao Ling'er like countless times, his sight line passed by him, looking at the distant sky.

"... Does it hurt?"

"Of course." Zhao Ling'er's face felt no pain.

In the sunset, her eyes were as bright as flames. "But these pains will be returned to those people thousands of times. So I hurt, but I don't hurt!" Zhao Ling'er raised his head proudly, "When my Master returns, see him turned upside down!" (To be continued. )8

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