Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 19: Dark Warfare 6


"Yeah, you need a drone!" Lu Yuan patted his forehead and immediately ordered the matrix transport ship to remotely command, "I immediately produced 400,000 drones. What I need is the A-1 reconnaissance type, A-1b attack type, There are four models of A-7 auxiliary type and A-22 heavy fire support type, with a ratio of 3: 3: 1: 2, and are ready to add 400,000 aircraft at any time. "The matrix transport ship is both a delivery center and a supply center. Mining, maintenance and wartime production capabilities.

"800,000? What are you doing with so many?"

"Relax, just because I almost forgot this star unit's killer. Thank you for reminding me." Lu Yuan didn't forget, but neglected. Because in the interstellar war in the later period of the mass effect world, the application surface of drones is getting narrower and narrower, and even fell out of the equipment list. So it was n’t just him. The entire Dawn Regiment lost this equipment.

The first is the most important reconnaissance function of drones, which is almost replaced by the powerful scanning capabilities of universal tools. Then there is the rapid depreciation of EMP bombs-because the cost of this thing is so cheap, that whether it is a mass-effect world civil war or a battle against the Mona, it is a piece of cake! The atmosphere is too dull, I am happy to put two EMP flashes.

Liming personal protection is designed for nanometers and is not affected by EMP attacks. Non-nano devices have mature restart systems after being hit by EMP. And large organizations such as battleships and mechas have a considerable load on anti-EMP, which is almost an indispensable part of modern weapons.

Only drone, its synonym is cheap-whether it is nanometer or anti-EMP installation cost is too high, no one is used on the drone, the result is that the drone will almost be eliminated ... but was reminded to land It suddenly dawned on me that drones were used in a world with low technological standards, and they were still big killers.

"Next, weapons of mass destruction, cluster bombs, white phosphorus incendiary bombs, earthquake weapons, nuclear strikes, etc."

"Slowly say, I will record, how much do each make?"

"No, don't make anything! I mean, absolutely! Absolutely! Absolutely, it cannot be used in the United States!"


Team members can go shopping, but Lao Lu is not so lucky.

He was pulled by US team Rogers to study the offensive plan for the night. In fact, the US team is at most a commander of a brigade. It has limited understanding of strategic issues, and he ca n’t understand it. His main goal is to force Lao Lu to explain the side effects of each attack.

Because he was so afraid of Lao Lu's disagreement, he made a big news in North America-he could see it, this person seemed to be not friendly to our lighthouse country at all.

Because Stark, who has been working as a lubricant between the three, was not there, he and Lu Yuangou were exhausted! As we all know, that person's brain circuit is different from normal people. The battlefield is in his own home. The most worrying thing about the US team is that he is a moth! After all, if the land is really old and beautiful, they can completely explode with the stocked nuclear bombs and die with the alien.

So from this point of view, in fact, neither SHIELD nor the Beacon State Government actually think that they have reached a desperate end-just seeing that most parts of the United States are still maintaining normal order, and the Qitarui army ’s progress is slow. It has further deepened this illusion-asking for help just to reduce the loss of the lighthouse country.

In other words, the nature of this operation is emergency, not life-saving.

As for Stark, he visited the US military overnight and used his influence to report for this "reinforcement". Now he is a little crazy with Aegis! The main goal of asking for help is to restore the ability of the Women's Federation, but the result is to bring back a whole fleet! It's like trying to raise a kitten, but the pet company sent a Tyrannosaurus to be crazy!

So now there is also a mess. On the one hand, Lu Yuan ’s attitude makes them unable to grasp. This feeling is really very dangerous; but on the other hand, the amazing technology of the support fleet shows the amazing technology that makes them coveted. Three feet! So Lu Yuan was busy here all night, and there was no end of quarrel at the meeting. It can be said that a crowbar has entered in disorder, making the situation more complicated.

"It's finally done."

When Lu Yuan stretched out and stood up from a pile of printing paper, the sun was hanging high outside the window. "Thank you," Rogers was a little embarrassed, because most of his time was wasted explaining to him. When Rogers was about to continue to say something, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps from the corridor.

"The first team guards the passage; the second team cleans up the B side of the building, and the third team follows me!"

Rogers couldn't help looking at Lu Yuan, as if asking him if he knew what had happened? Lu Yuan seemed to anticipate what happened, but ignored Rogers. Instead, he went straight to the end of the table with a sneer, sitting on the chair in a big way, and tilted his feet on the table, looking at the direction of the door coldly.

After a while, the door was pushed open by bang, and a large number of people poured in! First, dozens of special forces armed to the teeth, controlling all the key points in the room, and then the crowd showed a point, revealing a pride of the US military major general and several lieutenants, and extremely embarrassed Tony Star G ...

Four M4A1 submachine guns and two M16A4 assault rifles were aimed at Lu Yuan together.

The U.S. Rear Admiral collated the collar unintentionally, and said arrogantly: "I announce that the next command will be taken over by the U.S. Army! Fang did not carry any weapons of mass destruction or acted to endanger the American people!

Before the inspection results are announced, any hostile actions will be regarded as a threat to the United States, and the United States has the right to pre-emptive strikes! "He smiled and added forcefully," including but not limited to nuclear bombs. "

After the US major general finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yuan sitting at the end of the table with satisfaction. Lu Yuan crossed his fingers across his chest, shaking his feet, as if the six guns pointing at him did not exist. The atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Rogers was dumbfounded at the sharp turnaround, but Stark opened his mouth without knowing what to say to ease the situation. The decision was originally made by the politicians in his presence.

"Rogers, Tony ..." Lu Yuan's slow and low voice sounded, and the two people panicked. Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan even picked them to speak first. The major general's face stiffened and his eyes were colder. Lu Yuan said with self-satisfaction, "From the time you boarded the Dawn for help, until Stark disappeared last night, and Rogers wasted my time all night ..."

Rogers and Stark were blushed with shame, because although the current situation was not their original intention, Lu Yuan said all the facts, which made them unable to refute a word. They were simply ashamed of "suspected betrayal", but the President of the United States at the base 55 and Nick Fury, director of the SHIELD Bureau, changed their faces together!

"I can think that the whole thing is from beginning to end," Lu Yuan's eyes were cold, "Is it a trap ?!"

"Sir, if you want to speak clearly, our missiles are aimed here ..." The major general of the US Army snapped.

"No, I swear I have absolutely no idea that things will become ..." Tony tried to defend.

"Calm down! Don't be impulsive!" This is Rogers.

"Stop him!" President of the United States and Nick Fury stood up and shouted.

Lu Yuan ignored these noises and simply waved his hand with his eyes closed, "Free to fire!"

"Dada!" The staggered light instantly illuminates the room!

The short and subtle "Locust" submachine gun can eject 600 rounds in one second! Under the mass-effect weapon, the heavy-duty Kevlar body armor of the special forces was torn apart like a newspaper, and the projectile passed through the flesh and brain and then penetrated the wall! Sixteen Marines in the house were killed by projectiles shot from inside the house and through the wall!

Then six petite armed submachine guns appeared in the room. In an instant, all the soldiers with weapons were wiped out. After the stealth force field was lifted, the six Misaka sisters aimed at the rest with cross fire, even the US team and Iron Man were no exception!

There were fierce crossfires everywhere in the building! But in a very short time, these crossfires went out one after another. Because the poor gunpowder weapons of the Rice Army could not penetrate the armor worn by the Misaka. Together, they are not as deep as mass-effect weapons, causing more trouble for the Marines.

After all, these mass-effect weapons are designed to fight against mass-effect fields, armored targets, and aliens. Used to deal with the army of the earth, their power is obviously too large.

"How dare you do this?" The major general said with a pale face. "Do you know how many missiles are aimed here? And your transport ships and vacation soldiers ..."

Lu Yuan ’s universal tool suddenly popped up a holographic picture ~ ~ A sister Misaka appeared on the screen. "Commander, the vacationing team members were attacked. The other party was suspected of being a regular army and possessed heavy weapons."

"Permit to fight back!"

"That intensity ..." asked Misaka, embarrassed. At this time, everyone in the house heard a violent explosion in the direction of Seattle, followed by a few tremors ... Obviously some people had already cut it first.

"Unlimited, all who dare to take weapons to aim at you are targets!" Lu Yuan ordered coldly. "We need to make the Americans understand that we are mercenaries, not 2B saviors!" He looked at one of the lieutenants coldly, and the man bowed his head in embarrassment.

"You can't do this!" Rogers shouted. He raised his shield and rushed to Lu Yuan, but an invisible force shot him directly on the wall! He was accompanied by Iron Man!


PS: There is another chapter, I am writing. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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