Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 27: Dark Warfare 14

Li Huamei is just a small part of this huge operation.

Countless chains are turning with Lu Yuan's baton-if it is known that Lao Lu's goal is to "sack" the entire universe, even if the US team Rogers and Stark are crazy, they will not sign that contract!

The twelve leaving giant ships did not go too far, they were approaching the Kerry Galaxy! As the largest armed gangster group in the Milky Way, the Cree seem to be more accustomed to this "transaction" method-they did not hesitate to hand over the things blackmailed by the Dawn regiment-people who know how to do it are different! This time the Dawn Mission did not pay anything.

The hacking operation against the Zitari has ended, but a wider range of hacking activities are underway.

The Dawn system is like spreading an invisible large network. At any network interface that can be accessed by the entire Galaxy, it attempts to hack and obtain information. Backed by the natural AI creatures such as Jess, and powerful super hosts like Ms. Liming, and the endless energy of the "City of Dawn", the network wall crashed in front of them!

It's a snowball-like brutal growth-the more information, the more you get; the more you get, the more information!

Hundreds of thousands of small frigates, including the enlightened star of the dawn system, the star-linked frigate, and the falcon class of the sharp man, were thrown into the depths of the universe without hesitation by the mass effect core! According to the data deciphered and integrated by the Internet, they attacked the hidden scientific research ships and secret scientific research bases everywhere in the far star zone and on the strange planet!

The usual process is to rush in, use non-lethal weapons to disintegrate the resistance forces, and then copy or upload the scientific research materials as soon as possible ... Next depends on the specific situation. If it can be grasped by the gravity of the "City of Dawn", then teleportation returns and the task is successfully completed; if the environment is too remote to be teleported.

That can only upload the data, and then sit in the frigate and explode ...

The boat is gone, people go back to death, so rich is so capricious!

In order not to cause a devastating blow to the entire civilization-the whole process cannot kill people, cannot destroy research, and even have to leave a huge amount of wealth to make up for it. Therefore, although the pirate business is in full swing, money is being spent like running water.

What's more, there are a group of people who specialize in purchasing. They are sprinkled into the famous commercial city of the Milky Way and buy things without doing anything else! Just buy and buy as long as you see what the Dawn does not have! In just four hours, the entire team has thrown out 8 billion galaxy universal currency! The money looted from Zitari's secret account was scarcely left.


Those who have seen Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy should know that on the edge of the universe, there is a base city called knowhere (the head of an ancient god), and there is a person called a "collector". He specializes in collecting various rare, endangered or extinct creatures, and similar rare items. Because in the Guardians of the Galaxy, he once spent 4 billion currency to buy one of the infinite gems, the "Power Gems"!

This kind of Kaizi ... No, it is natural that the local tyrants will be targeted by the Dawn.

"This is the umbrella series of viral creatures captured by my men. They originate from a plane that is already extinct." Two rows of huge crystal boxes were neatly transported out of the battleship, containing all biochemicals from zombies, lickers to tyrants. The monsters that appeared in the crisis all appeared. "By the way, we will also provide the original virus, as well as some data."

Two thermostatic suitcases were opened, and the originals of T virus, G virus, Veronica virus, and C virus were stored inside a glass tube. The primitives of different colors are pleated under the light, like the eyes of a "collector" at the moment.

"1", the killer known as "collector", raised a finger upright, and then one billion currency was transferred to Zhao Min's account! As for the sale of viruses, "collectors" are the custodians of the universe, and his storehouse collects countless dangerous creatures, but they have never been out of control-it must be known that Xiangong will hand over the ether to him for safekeeping. Therefore, selling him the most dangerous virus may be safer than it is on the Dawn.

Zhao Min smiled and was uncomfortable with the price. She waved her hand at random to start moving, as if disdained to talk about the price again.

Subconsciously, "collectors" feel that their prices seem to be ... low? Being "sold a face" on money is the most unbearable for local tyrants!

"As long as the goods are good enough, I will give you a satisfactory price." He said deliberately.

"Of course, your credibility is better than currency." Zhao Min complimented casually, indicating a huge matrix transport ship to cross in front of the two, and then suddenly changed the side to transparent mode! "Hi!" The sight saw the "collector" holding his breath in an instant!

"The Reaper series, from ground infantry infantry to the oldest pioneer class ... I think you need a bigger warehouse." Zhao Min said with a smile. Yes, the light-class main battleship is an average of 2000 meters long! Not to mention that there are even bigger pioneer-class battleships!

The "collector" hesitated-the Reaper series undoubtedly fit his taste for hunting and punk! Those transforming creatures like "fat man" and "girl demon" are obsessed with the shape. But the giant battleship in the back ... Although the shape is also beautiful, it is completely different from the current mainstream battleships in the Galaxy, and the appearance is more like organic creatures than mechanical products, but he never thought of adding the battleship to the collection list!

As Zhao Min said, if he collects warships, he really needs a huge warehouse. And regardless of the cost of purchase or maintenance, it will be sky high. "I buy all rare creatures, but battleships? This seems a bit beyond expectations."

"Battleship? Hahaha ~ Man, this is not a battleship! How can I sell that ordinary commodity to the greatest collector!" Zhao Min took out a piece of information and handed it to the "collector", "This is from Another ship creature! A cute and cute ship lady! Have you seen the biggest one? She is a collection of handsome and killing, the famous space ship lady Yamato! "

"What? You said it was a creature! A warship creature?" The defense line of "Collector" was suddenly defeated! What's your favorite, ship mother?

14 billion, although it is a ship's mother, it still has to be sold at the price of the main ship. According to Zhao Min, I sell battleships. As for you to take them back to warm the bed, it is your own business.

"Come, come and visit our magic series, the magical creatures from the gates of Bode-declare in advance that there is a super dangerous creature inside, Red Dragon!"

"What are you waiting for? Don't Mr. Ma Xiong and Lei Xiu from Eastern Fairy Realm come?"

"There is also our Wasteland Biology Exhibition Hall, mutant scorpions, double-headed cattle and crabs Crab Crabs, oh? Oh, you like big head flies? It doesn't matter ... just be happy.


The "collector" sat down at the table with a distorted face, and his hair was messy. Obviously he was caught and caught! Looking at the bills piled up in front of me, the expression looks both happy and sad, just like being robbed ... Women have an uncontrollable desire to buy, and sometimes men are also ... Zhao Min laughs Yan Yan on the utility tool Operate, inject astronomical money into countless stream accounts.

The collector of countless years has fallen into her pocket most of the time.

Busy, she seemed to feel that the necklace was a little in the way, so she took it off and put it on the table. The eyes of the "collector" were pulled away from the bill a little bit and moved to the necklace pendant-it was a small six-sided crystal with a rotating gold coin in it. The gold coins were turning, and his eyes couldn't help but follow a circle.

"What's that?" "Collector" asked curiously, no matter how hard he tried at this moment, he couldn't move his eyes away from the crystal. Well ... this follow-up product, Lao Lu attached a powerful "enchantment" on six of them, which is one of them.

"Her name is" Universal Truth "and it is a unique piece of art." Zhao Min said with a smile, just like the grandmother of the wolf.

"It's ... too ... fascinating. How much!"

"This is" universe truth ", how can it be measured with money!"

"2 billion!" "Collector" shouted fanatically.

"You have mastered the 'universal truth'." Zhao Min said pun.


New York, Party scene.

"What are you talking about? No progress! ... then give me the casualty numbers! I mean, immediately! Immediately!" After receiving a call, an American general began to shout into the microphone regardless of manners! He originally came to show off to these gangs of freaks and aliens, knowing that the progress of the army completely made him lose a big face!

"What do you mean by zero?" The general made an incredible gesture to God. "You mean zero casualties ?! Haha ~ You want me to go out of this room and say 'yes, we use Hundreds of thousands of people attacked New York, but the Chitari resistance was fierce! After hard work, the Mi army retreated with zero casualties, right ?! "

"I tell you! Before I resign, I hope to see your resignation report on the table!"


"It doesn't seem to be going well." The black widow Natasha held a glass of wine and chatted casually with Lu Yuan who just happened to meet.

"Zero casualties." Old Lu Hanxiao spread his hands-according to the Mi army's practice, for the battle, it must either publicize victory, or forcefully show the difficulty of the battle, and the casualties are heavy. This is their routine. Now that "zero casualties retreat" came out, haha ​​~ it was almost beaten. Who made this group of militaries completely morale-free? Once the high-tech heavy weapons were destroyed, the front team immediately refused to advance.

Zero casualties were never intentionally hit.

"Always think you are making trouble ... I heard that you want to invite me to dinner? You even wrote in the treaty?" Natasha's fingers gently curled her blond hair, and her emerald eyes looked at Lao Lu.

"Cough, that was once."

"Why? Did you change your mind? Or did you find that I was beyond your hunting range?" The black widow pressed hard, and the two were close enough to hear. Even for foreigners, it has already entered the "intimate distance". But Natasha really doesn't mind a date with the mysterious Mr. Alien, and it's okay to even spend the Spring Festival. Among the few people in the reunification, only she is truly grateful for Lu Yuan's great recovery technique, so that brought her a little angel ~ ~ Lily.

"No," Lao Lu touched his nose embarrassedly. "In fact, my daughter strictly forbids me to invite you to dinner after going back. No matter whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, everything will not work! And I'm afraid she will continue to be angry. In fact, we are standing together with wine like we are now playing with fire. "

"Haha ~ You have a daughter? It seems that you love her very much. I can understand this feeling. Wait, have I met her?" Natasha first remembered the girl who lived next door!

"Of course, she asked me to thank you for your pie, and asked me to bring you a small gift that she made by herself, for Miss Lily." Lu Yuan took out a baby fist-sized six-sided crystal and placed it on the Natasha booth On the open palm.

Inside the crystal, a brilliant gold coin is spinning.

Somewhere, this gift can be worth 2 billion!


PS: The chapter name in the previous chapter is wrong. The dark battle will continue until the end of this world, because the entire transition world is a dark battle. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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