Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 30: Heaven is good


The world is bounded by Elona ’s foothold, and is divided into two separate parts in an instant.

On one side is a party place full of bright lights and laughter; on the other side is a 6-meter distance that hangs slowly in the dark night sky and carries the city Xinghai. The bright lights of the party outlined the silhouette of Elona, ​​standing slim on the edge of the roof, and the time flow on both sides of the boundary taking her as the dividing line was very different.

"Nana?" 6 spread his arms far away, keeping himself balanced like a bird. He saw Elona's mouth, clearly saying "big idiot". 6 Yuan's aura flashed in his mind, and he immediately wanted to understand everything, but couldn't help biting his mouth.

"You are not Elona!"

Nana can change time, build a world, and even drive across bridges in different worlds. Countless exquisite use of the power of the main god, she seems to know it. Elona ’s growth will be amazed even by the catalyst, but even Nana herself has no way to change it, it is her ten thousand years of loli body that always grows in reverse!

She can create a world, but can't let herself violate the rules of the source sea. How big is she to grow up a little ... It should be noted that both people have some expectations, but I really have to wait another 50,000 years to eat the forbidden fruit! Therefore, the adult Elona in front of you is by no means the master of her own family! So who is this person, the answer is naturally obvious.

"Elona is me, but I am not Elona." She said.

"I thought at least it would be officially started when we fully attacked the Mona." 6 Yuan said depressed.

The "Elona" in front of him is naturally "the fifth from the sea", the body of the main **** Nana, the creator of the neutral world, and one of the five oldest master gods imprisoned by the Mona and stealing power! 6 As far as I could guess, sooner or later I will face Nana's body, but I never thought it would be so early-and the state of the main **** seems to be slightly different from what I guessed before.

It should be said that she should not be imprisoned, sleeping?

But who can think of, just returned to the dawn boat, but just want to make extra money, can actually blow up the biggest Bss! What luck is this? It must be possessed! Of course, the old 6 can be determined without guessing. I am afraid that neither he nor the catalyst are actually being manipulated unconsciously. "The behavior of the catalyst is a little unusual, I should have guessed it." 6 Yuan Mahou gun complained.

He is not without doubt about the identity of Pepper, after all, there are virgins beside Tony, this is really strange! Therefore, the "referendum" arranged on the ship was originally a trial of Xiaoyuan from 6 Yuan-according to the arrangement of the old 6, the person who voted after 3 to 3 should be the small pepper. But somehow, the voting process was not carried out according to the arrangement of the old 6 from the beginning. Now that I think about it, it should be the Lord God who moved his hands and feet.

"No, it should have started from the moment you guessed the truth, although your guess is not right." Big Elona smiled.

Old 6 speechless.

Always mixed with ordinary people, he sometimes overlooks certain things because he sees obstacles. For example, for some supreme beings, you do n’t even need to mention his name in your words. As long as the one is involved in the motion, that person will automatically know the causes and consequences; and when he fights with a main god, he even wants the other to comply It's really too arrogant to set the time for the war!

"So, it was you who pulled me into this ... 'Battlefield'?" Old 6 gestured toward the ruins of New York. Although he did not say the following, the smile was clearly saying, "You are here to send Is it head-to-head? "Old 6 entered the world, pushing it all the way, without any difficulty, let alone teaching children, stealing two infinite gems, and collecting a lot of civilian technology and materials!

If you call this "Battlefield", then I welcome you to pull me a few times!

"You, get cheap and sell well." The main **** shook his head, and with the appearance of the mature version of Elona, ​​6 Yuan's heart jumped. "The reincarnations as strong as you are already rare. To allow you to enter this medium world, you must make extreme restrictions: not only can you retain at least half of your strength, but items above the legend are not allowed to carry. It is forbidden to carry and use technological items; your 6th team and deep space fleet must follow up, don't even think about it!

not only that. At that time, the strength of the enemy you encounter is ten times stronger than it is now. Not to mention, the strength of the Avengers will also be equal to your weakened. And once you get out of the boundaries, it will randomly attract the ultimate powerhouses such as Bully, Swallow Star, Ronan, Dr. Marvel, and the attitudes of the Immortal Palace and the Earth Government will also change-but everything that should have been born will not be effective for you. ! You ... you are a level-Bug that Nana has cultivated! "

"Oh, it's so excessive? I must criticize her when I go back." This time it's 6 Yuan's turn and I don't know what to say ... The grievance of the Lord God is really substantive. The old 6 listens, how can I feel a little embarrassed What?

"Just you ?!" The main **** left a contemptuous look. Obviously, through the connection with Elona, ​​she already knew what 6 Yuan was. After he went back, he would only reward Nana for making the bug bigger and stronger, and there will be no criticism! "Anyway you lose this round, it's useless to take any more benefits." The goddess smiled again, and then she looked proud and gritted her teeth ... 6 Yuan finally knew who Nana's anxious Yin Qing learned from. .

"I almost burned the glass of Zitaremite, you even said I lost?" Lao 6 was dumbfounded, wrong, he was glaring, "So you are a blind referee invited by Rio, dare to blow Lao Zi Black whistle! "

"But shouldn't your target be me? How useful are the Chitarians?"

"... I didn't even know you entered the world, there wasn't even a hint, do I know that the target is you?"

"That's you stupid."

Looking at the proud Nana, 6 Yuan was in a trance and returned to the gate of Bode when he first met the goddess ...

"Acknowledge this result, I can tell you some secrets." Big Nana held up two playing cards, clearly marked with two big "" and "1" numbers. She smiled and threw the card that read "" at 6 Yuan. When 6 Yuan couldn't help it, she waved happily. "My real name is Yuan Wu. You can continue to call me Ai like Xiao Nana. Lorna, after all we are the same person;

You can also call me Sister Wu alone. We will continue to deal with the next few worlds. Don't say that I didn't tell you this time. "

Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu, Yuan Hai fifth? But 6 Yuan still likes to call her "Big Nana", or "Big Elona" because she is the same main **** as Nana.

[The game between you and the main dancer of the source dance completes the first game. The current score is: 1. The game ends when the score difference is greater than or equal to 2.

As the loser, you will be forced to bind a "Warrior Dice" before the score goes over the opponent. Only by throwing the dice every day can you act according to the throwing result template. (Note: The defeater's sieve throwing result is 75% unfavorable, the template is a random character in the plot world.)]

While getting the card, 6 Yuan also received a long-lost reminder from the main god.

At the same time, more information also poured into his mind, revealing many secrets of the Lord God for him ...


Lord God creates the world.

The Lord God guides the mortals in the world to exalted the throne and become the administrator.

Later, the helplessness of the main god-the administrator who followed the rules to seal the gods, eventually turned the loss of humanity into a slave of the rules, integrated with the essence of the rules-the failure of the first batch of "administrators" made them change the selection management Reincarnation was born.

The world created by each main **** is limited, but the world combined by multiple main gods is unlimited. The combination of the main **** and the plot world used to select managers is called the "infinite world". There was no redemption at first, but when reincarnations took risks in the infinite world, they always expressed a tendency to expect certain items, abilities, and skills in particular, and then only had redemption.

After the redemption function, the enthusiasm of the reincarnation has been greatly improved.

The infinite world is used to select administrators, but the main **** does not know what kind of administrators he needs-except for the number. Most of the requirements mentioned by the Lord God are similar to "I need five, can fight, don't die all the time"-so the original infinite world model is "nourish the Gu" type-people who have died are called as reincarnation , Let them use their second lives to fight in the infinite world, only to compete for the final limited crown.

The second batch of "administrators" created by the Gu Gu method is neither a success nor a failure. The new administrator is indeed tough enough to no longer be eroded by the rules, but also meets the diverse requirements. However, during the screening process, the negatives in human nature were greatly amplified-the universal labels of the final winners were selfishness, indifference, interest only, inability to trust anyone, ambition, etc.

Even if there are a few noble behaviors occasionally, they are not so good in nature but rather natural insane! In short, all those who come to the end are those who distorted their hearts.

After being repulsed countless times by this "administrator", the main gods decided to impose a death sentence on this method, although no harm was caused. Because this kind of administrator raises a bigger problem-they are all "world abominations"!

Think about what these reincarnations did during the mission-

They never thought they were aborigines, they always looked down on the aborigines with a high attitude to kill them easily;

As long as no points are deducted, they kill the Aborigines without any mercy. If they can still get points, they will carry out the massacre without hesitation; everything in this world will be converted into points indifferently in their eyes;

For points, they can assassinate the king and lead war; for points, they can blow up the dam and let the rivers flood; for points, they can go to Qin Muchu and become jackals of war; for points, they slaughter women, children, children, old and young, and even each other Companions are not soft! It can be said that in order to score, they can trample on all the rules of the world!

Get everything, leave the corpse, and leave the world-"After I leave, which one is flooding!"-This is the creed of the samsara! Their destructive power to the world is beyond imagination. Countless samsaras leave the nuclear bomb about to detonate in the last second of leaving the world ...

They can be so ugly that they are "alive".

In samsara, there is no more noble. You can't see the soldiers who died generously for the country, the knights with high moral integrity, the preachers who went deep into the barren land, and the doctors and nurses when the epidemic spread.

Among the reincarnations, only the limbs are cut off and still alive; the man is castrated and alive; the body is broken and still alive; the cannibalism is still alive; even a ray of residual soul is still necessary Alive-In order to hold the three words "live" to the supremacy, all noble sentiments are trampled underfoot.

Therefore, the seniors of the reincarnations are often rejected by all the world and become "world abominations"! In such a world, the cannon fodder that the heroes of the aborigines can kill with a sword, the reincarnation may need some fighting to get it; the reincarnation thinks that it is "the difficulty of the world has increased", in fact, they are getting more and more Hate and exclude, so the strength of the aborigines will be strengthened several times.

A cold joke is, "In the beginning, the newcomer of samsara can get a zombie in one shot; after strengthening into a veteran, they can take a set of moves to take away a samurai. Is the strength stronger or worse? ?

And on the surface, the reincarnations seem to have strong fighting power, but they are not-they seem to be trained to be more suitable for a "limited time combat" mode. Before the time limit is reached, the reincarnation is more fierce than the fiercest jackal! They can use their teeth to bite, they can replace injuries with injuries, and even fight with the spirit of taking your teeth at all costs! Can burst the maximum fighting power in the shortest time!

As soon as the time limit is reached, these people must be sent away immediately, and all the people should be cured immediately-otherwise the war damage rate will be terribly high ~ ~ is far from a senior reincarnation.

According to common sense, after entering the world of reunification, his strength should be greatly suppressed. His choice should be to use the plot to gain the favor of the Avengers, and then join the SHIELD to use the power of SHIELD and the Immortal Palace to fight against Zitari.

If he deliberately touched the infinite gems, the Fulian people would immediately turn their faces, followed by the SHIELD Bureau and the Immortal Palace. Even if you go through these three levels, it will be the coming of the bully himself! At this stage, the reincarnation who has been suppressed has no chance of defeating the hegemony. The only way to take away the infinite gems is to use strategies to let the infinite gems flow in the hands of the characters in the plot, and then rob them at the last moment!

After the time limit expires, as long as you survive the five-minute attack on the bully, you can teleport away ... this is the correct process!

The one at the 6th distance is a bug! It is evil way! It is worth despising all the reincarnations who have worked hard in the infinite world!

Because he ... he was not only rejected by the world, he was actually a "world caregiver"! World caregiver: People who are loved by the multi-dimensional and multi-cosmic world because they often make actions that benefit the world they are in and promote the health exhibition of the entire world. "World caregivers" will be treated as the original in any new world! live! people!

This is why others' paths are getting narrower and narrower, while his paths are getting wider and wider; other paths are getting harder and harder, and he is getting simpler, and he rarely encounters the reason of the reincarnation;

As the saying goes, "It's not that you don't report, the time is not up."

6 When giving back to each world he has experienced in good faith, it is only because of the principle of "fairness" in his heart-he would rather pay more each time, and never owe debt.

But who knows, unconsciously, 6 Yuan has received the best gift.

The world's favorite. (To be continued.) 8

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