Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 32: Homeland Tour

Elona once described the relationship between her as the main **** and the Mona slave god-it looks like a primitive tribe, the powerful leader acts as a benevolent and generous giver, and the weaker person becomes the giver. This unhealthy relationship lasted for many, many years in the blink of an eye, and even the destruction of the universe was able to continue steadily.

Later, after gaining divine power, the Mona betrayed and imprisoned Elona. In the end, the main **** Elona fell into a deep sleep, but her consciousness awakened on the distant marginal planet Earth-and triggered the next story that can be put on the shelf ...

But Lu Yuan ’s belief in Nana is at most reserved, especially after meeting Nana. Because Nana and Elona are one, but the power gap is too big. Just looking at the matter of "Big Elona knows everything about Nana indirectly", it is completely overwhelming advantage, I am afraid that Big Nana wants to move a little in the memory of Little Nana easily.

As for why Lu Yuan suspected fraud in the first place, of course it was because it was too coincidental-I just doubted the extraordinary power of the Mona here, and there was a "perfect" explanation immediately there-I do n’t think it is too Is it easier? There are problems in how to see it. How can the pie falling from the sky be non-toxic?

Moreover, Lu Yuan's observation of Big Nana doesn't look like she was "captified". If he asked Lao Lu to find a "reasonable" explanation, he would be more willing to believe that Elona had enough life and wanted to commit suicide! So she was deliberately imprisoned by the Mona, deliberately created an avatar that carried her consciousness, and then deliberately let this avatar challenge her old power!

Big Nana should indeed fall into a deep sleep. The "little pepper" she saw was just one of her avatars in the dream and through various worlds; if Little Nana won, then Big Nana would completely destroy the "past self" and It was originally her wish to give the power to Xiao Nana to inherit; if Xiao Nana lost, she could also have different fun from it, at least for a while, she was not so lonely.

Win-win, win-win.

If Lao Lu guessed right, although her own Nana is weak, she is likely to inherit all the advantages, all power seeds and happy emotions of the main **** Elona. Although the big Elona is powerful, she left all her negative memories, eternal loneliness and scarred heart, etc., all negative things to herself-so her Nana can eat ice cream every day and be silly, And Big Nana went through countless worlds in her sleep and didn't open up.

The above is Lu Yuan's speculation-as of now, all his information comes from the Dawn and the main **** Nana-if he really wants to prove his suspicion, Lu Yuan still needs to go and see that world in person.


Fang stepped into the main world, and Lu Yuan couldn't help but stop, and "take a deep breath". He is in the void of the universe and has no ups and downs, of course it is impossible to really **** in the air. It's just that special and wonderful feeling in this world that makes him unable to control himself.

It has been nearly half a thousand years since Lu Yuan left the main world-when he walked, Lu Yuan was just a new tender that had just entered heaven. He knew nothing about the mysteries of the world except for the sword that he didn't understand very well; but when he stepped back into the main world, he was already a peerless fairy! In terms of understanding the nature of the world, even those ancient saints, no one can outperform them.

Therefore, Lu Yuan returned to this world, and immediately discovered that this world is essentially different from all the worlds he has been to.

An example is this: Although there are countless parallel worlds in the neutral world, and other gods have created countless derivative worlds based on the neutral world, the original version must be the one Lu Yuan just stepped into! The other worlds are like replicas of the main world—although they look exactly the same, they lack that charm.

The battle between Lu Yuan and Ren Shou for hundreds of years is also equivalent to two people sitting and talking for hundreds of years. Hundreds of years and Ren Shou, the guidance of the strongest monk after the flood, finally let Lu Yuan make up for the shallow foundation. The two are teachers of each other, and together they climb to the peak state that no one has ever stepped into. Even Ren Shou could successfully consecrate the moment Lu Yuan left Shushan World;

Lu Yuan is not unable to consecrate the Holy One, but he does not want to be bound to any world for the time being-that is, he has not crossed the threshold of the mysterious and mysterious because of this step.

But at this moment he felt the unknown beauty of the main world, but gave him the urge to consecrate in this world! It is a pity that the Holy Saint is no better than others-you can do it sneakily, but the Holy Saint cannot. The Holy Prophet will definitely announce the world and broadcast the mysterious name in Shino-that is, the moment he stands on the ground, every living creature in this universe can clearly know that a saint was born between heaven and earth!

And countless people will chant his holy name!

This wave of b is finished ... It is estimated that immediately, it is a big / wave fairy ghost looking for him desperately! Haha ~ With the big Elona as an unlimited battery in the back, even if the Hongjun Taoist is besieged by these gangs, they have to fool around.

So, low-key, low-key.

Now Lu Yuan ’s gaze can not be far, so he just stands on the spot and can clearly see the general status of the entire galaxy in the main world. Unlike the Milky Way galaxy in the Mass Effect world, the Milky Way stars here are all concentrated on the main lines of the two spiral arms of the barred spiral galaxy. Almost all the stars except the main line have been "moved away", leaving only some "virtual stars" instead of glowing.

Those "virtual stars" can deceive most scientific instruments, but they can't deceive Lu Yuan's eyes. Therefore, the solar system, which was originally on the edge of the spiral arm, is still rotating around the silver core. But hesitating that the nearby galaxies have been evacuated, and the solar system without gravitational pull is like a kite cut off, flying away from the Milky Way!

In the future, the Sun is likely to lose half of the nine planets and become a stray star in the dark universe. Of course, it may be hundreds of millions of years before we really leave the galaxy, and we will not see it in our lifetime.

There are galaxies in every derivative or replica of the neutral world. The appearance of the Milky Way is a disc that revolves around the center. "Advancing toward the Silver Heart" seems to be the impulse in the genes of every river civilization-even in the world of mass effect, every civilization wants to explore the Silver Heart Lu Lu built the first city of dawn inside Yinxin.

Therefore, if there is something strange in this world, Lu Yuan thinks, it must be located in Yinxin.

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, that is, it is composed of the center of the galaxy and spiral arms that extend to both ends. The spiral arm is divided into two parts: a "short rod" and a spiral spiral arm extending from the rod end. The Mona is the part of the short rod that occupies one side of the spiral arm. The entire area resembles a trapezoidal column, and the internal star system is regular and compact.

Since the Mona only occupies a quarter of the entire galaxy, it means that in addition to the short stick star domain occupied by the Mona, there are other powerful river civilization forces. In order to avoid provoking unplanned enemies, the Dawn is always strictly controlled within the Mona's star field when it is detecting and fighting.

Therefore, the three quarters of the spiral arm of the Milky Way and the center of the silver are still unknown areas for the Dawn.

But since Lu Yuan is here, of course none of the above counts. Although the Galaxy is vast, it cannot stop the footsteps of a Yasheng.


Lu Yuan stepped out and turned into a streamer ... Then he banged and hit the iron wall! Was bounced from the realm of a thousand miles!

Lao Lu clutched his red head, and the three corpse gods jumped angrily, "I'm just ... Hey? Why is there a wall here?" He also ignored the head pain and tilted his head to look at the shiny silver wall in front of him Daze. He didn't dizzy until he suddenly realized, "I'm going, isn't it! Shouldn't it be space! Where's the wall?"

He took a step in the reverse direction and waited for the streamer to dissipate, having retreated to 150 million kilometers away. When Lu Yuan looked back, he couldn't help but **** a bit of hydrogen! This should be the outer periphery of the galaxy ... but at this moment, where is the center of the galaxy!

There was a huge silver wall in front of me, covering the sky upwards and covering the earth downwards. It turned out to be like a huge box, and wrapped the whole silver heart into the box! What's more, on the periphery of the wall, in addition to the sparse thousands of constellations of galaxies, there are several diagonally distributed, with a diameter of more than 40,000 kilometers, which is also silver, and the size of Neptune is huge. Metal fortress!

The volume of these fortresses is certainly not as good as the "City of Dawn" that puts stars in a bowl. But compared to the "only" 75km long fortress, it looks like the gap between elephants and dust! Moreover, these fortresses are obviously war weapons armed to the teeth, which is very different from the "City of Dawn" of the nature of the production center.

Of course, the most important point is that there are as many as six such fortresses! In addition to the one on the Mona side, there are one each in the other five directions of the "big box" (including up and down)! Whether it is a fortress or a huge wall, such a huge project can of course not be completed by the Mona family. Just making that "box" itself may consume half of the galaxy's material.

In other words, not only is the giant wall built by multiple forces; even these fortresses should be stationed by a fleet of multiple forces, dedicated to monitoring these six giant walls ... at least from the standpoint of guarding the giant wall, this The six families are obviously together with the Mona!

"Mad, doesn't that mean that the difficulty of the game has increased by six times at once?" Depleting the resources of the entire galaxy, building such a huge box that can't even pass through the immortal technique, and the wall is completely a dead magic area- If Lu Yuan could not guess that it was the main body of Elona, ​​then his IQ was too high.

"Why did you jump to three weeks?", Let's not talk about how those fortresses that guard the giant wall can break through. I am afraid that the giant wall in front of it will not be easy to break through.

Lu Yuan subconsciously tapped the immortal force on the wall, and the wall was so dense and dense that there was no vibration! Lu Yuan was shocked in his heart and examined it more and more carefully. He is two meters in size and can't match a pixel on this giant wall, so he's not afraid of being discovered. It's just that the more he checks the wall, the more surprised it is. This material ... seems to be very similar to the neutron star material he has seen!

Neutron state materials, which combine protons and electrons in the nucleus into neutrons, are excellent insulators and the hardest solids. Of course, its quality is unprecedented. Super quality will definitely make gravitation absolutely dominant. Therefore, using neutrons as materials is indestructible, but on the other hand, all equipment will lose its effectiveness in neutron materials unless it is driven by gravity.

But a wall made of neutron-state materials? is it possible?

The inspection was unsuccessful, and Lu Yuan simply pulled out the "Chuqing" sword. I saw him holding the tip of the sword against the metal wall. After a while, Chu Qingjian began to insert it inch by inch. Lu Yuan closed his eyes, and the whole body was full of immortal force. This metal wall, which was suspected of neutron, became like a fermented bean curd under the sword! It is true that the sword of early Qing has evolved into a conceptual artifact. If it is still a sword of material ~ ~ no matter how sharp it is, it is impossible to cut neutron material!

Lu Yuan only twirled the sword, and then cut off a large piece of the desktop!

Sure enough, the weight of this piece of material is also comparable to that of neutron star materials, with the mass of about dozens of battleships. Fortunately, Lu Yuan has subspace. In a world without a gravity factor, it is useless to have quality in the air, and Lu Yuan has a steady income.

It's a pity that from the moment of cutting to putting away, the holes that have been cut out on the wall have been restored as before! Not only that, the fortress above the head suddenly became bright, and countless straight lights shone in this direction! Obviously the wall anomaly has been detected.

Not only can that huge wall not be entered through magic teleportation, but also the physical cutting is not known in depth, but it will always recover and alarm the enemy-it is as solid as a golden soup! And according to Mu Xing, even if this kind of neutron star is bombarded with a fortress' mass effect, its effect is very limited.

On the contrary, the field knife of the mass effect field newly developed by Dawn can effectively cut this substance in the laboratory. It seems to be a point of science and technology ...

Since the grass was scared, Lao Lu did not plan to appear in front of the enemy now. In his view, the fortress and the fleet above are not worth mentioning. This huge wall is really a big trouble that can't be bitten and beaten! It doesn't make much sense to do more until you find a way.

So Lu Yuan took another step and disappeared instantly. When the laser illuminates, there is only one wall.


If the intersection of infinite neutral worlds, the first is the Milky Way, the second ... is the blue planet, the earth.

That is the second goal.

But when he came over the planet, he was stopped by a woman.

A beautiful woman with wide sleeves.

She said in a gentle voice, "Dao friends, please stay!" (To be continued.)

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