Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 34: Killer

Lu Yuan is a chatting artist and everyone who is good at chatting also serves as an excellent listener.

And Lu Yuan was listening carefully at the moment.

His eyes gazed softly at the other person's eyes; his body leaned forward slightly, his hands gently touching the other person's elbows supported on the table, expressing an alienated concern; his face matched the content of the water and green, Switching expressions subtly and accurately; every time Shui Qingqing's speech came to an end, he would just toast to drink, or comment on the content of the speech, one or two pity, but can penetrate the bone marrow, even sometimes It will look a bit sharp.

But the criticism was just right, but it made Shui Qingqing smile for this! This is of course not because Shui Qingqing is a masochist, only because she is a reincarnation. When Lu Yuan guessed her identity, he already had the ace of victory in his hands.

The rest is all routines.

As all of us know, the way in which samsara grows is potentially dangerous. Because no matter what kind of power you want to gain, the foundation is always the most important. You must know that Lu Yuan was still studying Shaolin Boxing for three years in Shaolin.

What is the growth pattern of reincarnates? exchange! instill!

Whether it is "Nine Yang Divine Skills" or "Ziqing Baozhuan", the main god's big ball of light will make the plenary session easy and fast! When you cast it, shout the name of the skill, buckle the internal force, buckle the fairy force, directly enlarge the trick is more convenient and faster! As for the specific principle of this skill, except for the small part that can be felt by the body, the rest is all confused.

Power comes quickly, and the routines are simple. As long as the reincarnations work hard to earn points and survive, at most they will consider adding a little more route, nothing else! Naturally powerful! How convenient! Like Lao Lu ’s first world, it ’s hard to be an apprentice for many years, or like the second world, it ’s a shame among the samsara!

Some people may say that the same level is definitely not as strong as those who cultivate themselves! Our reincarnation, is to step through the challenge! If it is not strong enough, then you can exchange some pop cards! What is the fear of the damage foundation, we did not fight to break JJ that time, there is the Lord God's treatment to guarantee what to fear! Or there is a better way to directly redeem higher-level power and completely crush it!

After all, a genius like Lu Yuan took more than six hundred years to grow up! If a reincarnation wants to grow to the same level as Lu Yuan, as long as he has spent 30 mission worlds, he will not need to hurry up for ten years. Compared with the long time commonly known as reduction, the cost of weakening is absolutely optional!

... the convertibility also has an end.

The Seraph lineage that was once high, astronomical, and the price of hundreds of millions of points, can be reached one day as long as the reincarnation is not dead. Shui Qing Qing Qing is such a person. She is the only one who has come to the end and exchanged the power of the Celestial Master Reincarnation. The power of the Sanqing Taoist ancestors made her succeed in consecrating the saint in one fell swoop!

But then? Then there is no more!

The main **** believes that the reincarnations have the power of this level, plus the authority they give, is sufficient for world management. So of course there is no more below, it is impossible to provide any more powerful power! And ... there is no more powerful power in the hands of the Lord God! You know, they are a group of waste wood for battle. All the exercises and bloodlines are naturally grown in the world.

It should be noted that the power of the world has an upper limit, and the power of the main **** has no upper limit. So going up further, the Lord God is no different.

Well this time! Once you were a saint, I was a golden fairy, and you regarded me as a ants! Now we are all saints, I cultivated by myself, you are exchanged ... Don't leave after school! The principle of the barrel, the shortest board effect, finally began to show its power at this moment.

Every saint who successfully consecrated the saints has not tasted the joy of stepping to the top, so he must first swallow the bitter fruit of the fact that he has become the scum of the saint!

... Occasionally even the saints who could not beat the big Luo Jinxian among the aborigines, almost lost all the blessings of the saints!

As the last saint of saints, Shui Qingqing finally understands why the supreme among samsara want to hide behind the scenes. They are not indifferent to fame and fortune, but understand that they are not so strong, so they hide their weakness with mystery!

Shui Qing Qing Qing began to madly plunder points, attempting to redeem all the fairy magic Taoism that can be exchanged!

This is a characteristic of our country. If the quality is not enough, you can get a penalty of ten. I will send you ten directly!

As a result, she was immediately turned back to life by exercises! Then she tried countless ways to go to the Xianxia world to study teachers, study and seize the students, and cultivate disciples to do experiments ... Unfortunately, there is no solution at all.

How can ordinary practitioners solve the problem of saint level? And the sage was dumbfounded when you saw it. You were wrong from the Qi practice period. How did you become a saint ... No, how did you survive? ! Shuiqing Qingqing, in the eyes of ordinary samsaras, that status is high mountains! But in the eyes of the real Jinxian, Daluo, Yasheng, and saints, all are jokes.

Things like cultivating immortals are like engaging in scientific research. Those who are indispensable to the realm of power are as ridiculous as the upstart looking for scientists to show off. He may not have money for you, but he is ten thousand times more proud than you! Don't say "there is everything when you have money", the values ​​of money worship have only been popular in China for thirty years, and our worship culture has a history of three thousand years! Society can distort you, but you cannot be triumphant because the three views are distorted.

Therefore, encountering "Lu Dongbin" is an opportunity for a lifetime of life, not to mention that the man in front of him is still very understanding!

Shui Qingqing certainly knows that Lao Lu is teasing her. She also likes this woman saying "no", not refusing to be stunned, but refusing to be punished by me ... Besides, it is not Lao Lu who wants to deceive her into bed, but she is holding her Legs, desperately curbing his desire to pounce.

It should be known that the kung fu is hot. Her avatar has destroyed the "harem" on the earth, and it has never been able to find any clues. She even quietly made a layer of film for herself, which is completely true, because it is said that the ancient men paid special attention to this ...


Lu Yuan smiled and listened.

Qingqing Qingqing is still very cautious. Everything she said is not a "secret", at least not at the level of saints. For example, when it came to the big silver box, she didn't mention it at all, and she met with a vague past.

But Lu Yuan still understood the galaxy and many secrets he did not know from another aspect.

"Twenty-two King Town Universe!"

The Milky Way, and even the entire universe, are divided and ruled by the so-called twenty-two kings (in fact, only the Milky Way). Qingqing Qingqing is the "fairy king" and is also one of the twenty-two kings. It is said that she is the only newcomer who has successfully consecrated in the past five hundred years. Her strength ranks at the end of the 22nd King. And because the main **** system is completely sleeping, no new saints can be born in the future.

Therefore, there was only the saying of "Twenty-two King Town Universe".

Among the twenty-two kings, there are seven Monas and five earthmen. The two sides add up, just over half.

Among the kings, only the Mona had been by the side of Big Elona. They are the first managers in the world, accompany the Lord God through the world restart more than once!

Therefore, the oldest kings of the Mona, kings of kings, kings of spirits, kings of paintings, etc., are all strong in the region of the twenty-two kings. On the contrary, the five saints on earth and the other ten are all saints who grew up after the opening of the infinite world, which is a lot worse than the gods of Mona.

However, because the strongest "spirits" of the Mona people basically stayed in the stronghold of the sky wall all the year round, they never went out, so their specific strength was unpredictable; only the painting king and the spirit king mastered the Mona's military politics and religion, which was occasionally Known. Several major forces in the Milky Way have therefore reached a dynamic balance. Among them, the first four saints born on the earth also have a great influence. They seized the half of the tail on the other spiral arm of the Milky Way, and there are 300 million stars under his command!

"When I swept across the earth, I heard occasionally that the people of the earth were oppressed by the Mona. Drinking water and thinking of the source, since the kings are here in the hometown, why are they stingy to lend a helping hand?" Lu Yuan asked indifferently.

"Hehe ~ Where does the source of drinking water come from?" Shui Qingqing said indifferently. "The Taoist friends were people of the Tang Dynasty, and I was also a person hundreds of years ago. My friends and relatives have long been dead! What do the people of the earth have to do with us Relationship? Moreover, I am the saint of this world, not the saint of this little planet! Do not make a mistake! "Shui Qing Qing Qing, a half-hanging saint, has a more open mind than Lu Yuan and Ren Shou. Or indifferent!

"Since this is the case, why don't you go back? I think Taoist friends should be stationed here all the year round, what's the matter? Wouldn't it be nice to go to the starry sky in Daxia Xingyu?" Lu Yuan asked. Daxia star field is a star field divided by four saints born on earth. And Lu Yuan has long found countless traces of green and blue on the earth. This woman really has a strong desire, and she has a cold footprint that can't be hunted all over the planet! These are obviously not completed in a day or two, indicating that Qingqing has been on the earth for a long time, and may not even have left.

"This is a little secret ..." Shui Qing Qing Qing chuckled. "But if you drink this cup, I will tell you." The tea set originally installed on the table has long been removed and replaced with countless fine wines. Talked to the hearty place, have drunk a glass of wine, not to mention such small things. Therefore, Lu Yuan took the glass without changing his color and sipped it out.

Shui Qingqing's eyes were watery, and she wished she could swallow this handsome Taoist in one fell swoop. She bit her lip, twiddling the jade bracelet worn by Landing, and went on. "Xinchang has no idea. The former saints are all overlords, and they have countless talents to manage thousands of galaxies for them! Since the little girl is sanctified, she naturally needs to build a team to drive me. Helpless ... … The easy-to-use system of the Lord God actually said it would be gone! "

Shuiqing Qingqing hopes to land far away from the symptoms and help her solve the problem of chaos in the power system. Of course, the Lord ’s affairs are not hidden from him. Moreover, the main **** has been "sealed" by the twenty-two kings. Although the power of the main **** can still be used, the infinite world has long since disappeared. She has been consecrated again, naturally there are no taboos.

"I don't know what to do when you say recultivation?" Lu Yuan's eyes flashed and he seemed to be interested. "Do you still use the people of the earth? But as far as I know, this place is the star domain dominated by the Mona."

"Oh ~ Earths have the benefits of earths, and aliens rarely look down." Shui Qingqing's fingers scraped his arms, pointing at the giant celestial body suspended in low earth orbit. .

"After all, according to the old example, for every saint we are born, we can take four million people away from the earth, that is, with the spaceship under construction there. Four ships have been left in front. Since I have no saints in the future, this one Naturally the last one. "

Lu Yuan smiled stiffly, and it didn't look good on the huge celestial body under construction ... It was an immigrant spaceship similar to the Dawn! ! !

"In the final analysis, these people are ordinary people. There may be no one with qualifications. I don't know how to cultivate them?" Lu Yuan lowered his head slightly, hiding his eyes in the shadows. There was a hint of chill in the voice.

"Ah ~ this is simple." The drunken, drunken man, who was drunk with water, replied dimly in the spring, holding his hand far away.

"Although the Lord God is gone, the power is still there. It is not difficult to create a substitute. As long as you use specific means to stimulate the consciousness in the human group, you can naturally form a collection of ideas and connect them together ... You will get some methods and strength of the Lord God. The substitute is only if you are the new lord god, and will try to create the world for the crew to use. Although the effect is not as good as the original lord god, it can also have a 50% effect to cultivate the sufficiency of the hand. "

She deliberately pretends to be drunk and confuses the "source of power" part. "Ah! You hurt me."

Lu Yuan's heart at this moment ... It's killing intent!

The so-called "specific means to inspire consciousness in the human population" is nothing more than a beautification of world wars, infectious diseases worldwide, economic crises sweeping the world, major natural disasters, etc.! The thought of Nana was also born and if it hadn't happened to acquire the consciousness of Big Elona, ​​it might even become a puppet in the hands of these people!

Lu Yuan just wanted to smash all these reincarnations!

"The Mona people are really stingy, only four million people ... such a vast galaxy, there are more than one trillion lives! For me, either don't send it, or simply give the whole planet to Qingqing, and you can smile. "Lu Yuan turned his head to one side and reluctantly changed the subject."

Hearing "Lv Dongbin" teasing her again, Shui Qingqing Qing chuckled and hit Lao Lu's shoulders, not seeing his cold, frost-snowy expression, and his eyes as if they were going to fire!

"Hahaha ~ You, don't talk nonsense if you don't know what's inside, and be careful of those guys! This is not the black pot of Mona ..." Shui Qingqing said with pride. "You don't know how to repair the wall in the past ... You need as much material as half of the Milky Way, and almost all the unimportant stars and planets are being demolished. But the solar system has remained unharmed, and the water in it is deep.

As for the earth, there are at least three reasons why we cannot take it away. "

"Oh, there are so many of them?"

"The clichés are stiff, dear, and I'm not telling you." Shui Qingqing gave him a glance, and the person was already close enough to sit in his arms. "This number one is trouble. To move the entire planet and population from one arm to the other safely, at least four saints are required to work together, and they are the ones with the highest strength. Who Can it cost so much?

The second one is fear. On the small earth, five saints were born among the samsara! You said there is nothing strange here? Certainly impossible! But there is something strange, and no one can find it! In this case, the meaning of everyone must be rather ruined, and it cannot be grasped by someone. I am the weakest, and I am more than self-preserving.

Third, it is impossible. Because by this time, a surprisingly stunning character was born on the earth! "

"Is it a new saint?"

"No, just an ordinary person, but he has become the savior who saved the earth," Shui Qingqing's expression looked helpless and admired. "His name is Xue Universe!"


"Before Xue Universe, no one could imagine how graceful a person is to carry the whole world forward. This is Xue Universe!" Speaking of this person, even if it is evergreen, there is a face of worship. "Although this person does not have strong power, he has a world-leading mind! The smartest person in the Galaxy is none other than him!"

"Is it so powerful?"

"You are from the Tang Dynasty and don't understand it at all.

Xue Universe's three major inventions: energy crystallization technology, derived batteries and wireless energy transmission and other application technologies have completely solved the energy problem of deep space travel; artificial real life, this time he replaced God! It is said that all the artificial intelligence carried by the host of the immigrant ship is a simplified version of his artificial life; as for the third invention, in fact, none of us have seen it, but it really exists!

Xue Universe once clearly told the Mona and us ... if we dare to move the earth, he will destroy the whole world! "

This ... Lao Zhang Ren is a bit cruel! Lu Yuan ’s eyes crossed the atmosphere and countless obstacles, and saw a drooping old man sleeping in a dorm with a tube in his body ... full of respect!


"Really! All the prophetic spells and calculations point to the same result. If we dare to destroy the earth, then all the saints must be buried together! Even the gods of Mona are no exception! So we have reached an agreement, The Monas gave up on destroying the earth, and the people of the earth must not walk out of the solar system and need to receive our protection! The additional condition is that each saint can take away 4 million people from the earth. stop."


Suddenly, Lu Yuan took off the white jade bracelet on his wrist and put it in the palm of his hands. "Look, you have been touching this bracelet, do you like it?"

"... Hi ... Of course I like it!" Looking at the clear and translucent white jade bracelet, Shui Qingqing's voice was shaking! She touched the bracelet from the beginning, and she felt a different kind of wildness! After a long time, I finally confirmed that this bracelet, which was casually worn on my hand, was an ancient treasure! Don't look at the countless redeemable treasures in the space of the Lord God, but almost all the ancient things involved are imitations! Not even one percent of the original power!

And this jade bracelet in the hand of "Lv Dongbin" is undoubtedly a divine thing, and its inner content is vast and undoubtedly genuine. Sure enough, it was an ancient fairy, and even his own saint's jealous bracelet seemed to people to be just an ornament!

"Send you." Lu Yuan said indifferently.

"Really ... really?"

"Of course," Lu Yuan took Shui Qingqing's hand, touched her slender wrist, and said with a smile, "Shall I put it on you?"

"it is good!"


Shui Qingqing has been speechless.

She could only watch with extreme fear, her arm was under the jade ring, and a little bit of smoke disappeared! The jade bracelet is divided into inner and outer double rings, and the small teeth inside are cut into small pieces of skin and flesh! The process is comparable to thousands of swords!

At this moment, after the pain of Qingqing Qingqing reached its peak, he even began to curse himself ... Why have such a strong regeneration ability! When every piece of flesh needs to be cut repeatedly until it loses vitality completely ...

But what made her crazy was that the man who had just talked to her just now, turned her head and thought that her man was drinking now! Seeing her tortured, but without any mercy ... Is your mind struck hard? !

Realizing her glaring, Lu Yuan just smiled and raised her glass to win.


"Is the artificial real life created by Xue Universe still there?"

"Of course ... It is said that Xue Universe is a life cloned with cells of her body, so Xue Universe is called a daughter. Not only did she live well, but she was also drawn into the infinite world by the Lord God and became a reincarnation."

"and after?"

"She is worthy of being the daughter of Xue Universe. The weapons made by her have swept through countless worlds. She is the third person on the earth to ascend to the throne, known as the" King of Wisdom "!"


"her name?"

"I think ... it seems to be a planet, earth ... no, it should be Jupiter."


"By the way, this Mu Xing's emotion is missing ... I mean, since it is Xue Yuyu's daughter, it should be a serious woman similar to a humanoid computer."

"Who said? Jupiter is exactly like a normal person! Otherwise, how could it be called artificial real life!"


Lu Yuan walked inside the Fortress of Dawn, on the road to the laboratory. He deliberately chose a path that few people passed, walking slowly and slowly, his steps slower and heavier and heavier.

The longest way, as long as you don't look back, there will be a moment after all.

Lu Yuan hesitated to stop in the corner.

At this angle, he could already see Mu Xing's busy figure through the glass ... Lu Yuan looked at it like this, but he couldn't stop in his head. "Every sacred person can take away 4 million people and an immigrant spaceship", "Special means to inspire consciousness in the human group" ... The thoughts that were turning one after another in his mind turned even more. many.

Both Nana and Mu Xing's "avatar" Twilight appeared at the gate of Bode. Who is guiding who? After Twisted and Mu Xing were completely separated again, Twisted rarely returned to Dawn, and even hid far away ... Did she find something that made her unacceptable? Is everything about Mu Xing true or false? What is the real purpose of the war with the Mona?

Lu Yuan found that he couldn't tell whether Mu Xing's performance was real or acting, and her understanding of her was completely out of control ...

"What the **** are you tangling about!" Someone behind him said ~ ~ Lu Yuan turned around and silently hugged Nana into his arms, holding it tightly! Seeing Nana, thinking of those injustices, Lao Lu's heart was bleeding.

"Okay, I don't care, what are you tangling." Nana patted his head on the foot and comforted, "I'm really nothing, I'm already on board when I wake up. You are suspecting Mu Star? "

"... I'm not skeptical, I'm scared! Because she is the King of Wisdom, and the IQ of our entire ship is not as smart as her ..."

"I will show you something." Nana said. She grabbed the hand that landed far, and in a blink of an eye, moved to the interior of a dark cabin.

"Huh? I never seem to have been in this cabin?" Lu Yuan frowned as he looked at the extremely strange arrangement. "Wait, what is that?" Lu Yuan's eyes were firmly attracted by the glass cabinet in the center of the room. There was a white mass of tissue with countless folds on the surface ...

"This turned out to be a brain slice ?!" The recognized Lu Yuan was taken aback.

"Yes, including all the emotional areas and most of the memory areas. Before I woke up, someone had surgery for memory slicing and weaving, and it was used on myself! But without the support of the Lord ’s power, this operation is completely Destructive and irreversible. That is to say, here is just a souvenir that she has forgotten ... "

"Mu Xing!"

PS: How to say, the initial setting is a bit too complicated. Originally this part has been abandoned and deleted from the outline. Later, Lao Lei wanted to write more than 4 million words anyway. I believe myself, I can still be more pitted! So I wrote ...

PS2: The titles of the last three chapters should be connected together, "The old homeland travels, you should laugh at me, and kill the killer."

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