Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 40: 1 book

Diagon Alley, Lijian Bookstore.

How did Lu Yuan find the broken cauldron located on Charing Cross Road in Westminster, London from the airport all the way, and how he tapped the broken wall three times to enter Diagon Alley and finally found the process of the Lizian Bookstore in the corner No need to go into details.

A second-floor bookstore with tight space in the store, even with live posters filled with eyebrows everywhere, could not give Lu Yuan the feeling of standing on the mountain. The piles of bookshelves full of four sides and the lingering breath of printed matter only make people feel that they are stuck in the pile of old papers of the sixties.

"Who are you looking for?" A middle-aged man with glasses and tousled hair came out from behind the bookshelf. He held an open thick book in his hand, and his eyes looked out from above. Obviously I was hiding behind the bookshelf before.

"Hello, this is Lu Yuan." Lu Yuan is quite speechless, don't I look like a customer who buys books?

"I'm the manager, Amos Angelo." The man rolled his eyes and said, "Look, I'm very busy now ..."

Well, it's just secretly reading books, Lu Yuan really can't see where he is busy. However, Lu Yuan still directly took out the note left by Nana and said, "Someone left me with the same item, I hope I can come to the Lijian Bookstore ..."

Talking, Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. Because he saw that when he took out the note, the manager Amos Anqiluo seemed to be confused by something and entered a hypnotic state? Lao Lu immediately moved his mind. "By the way, in addition to picking up the stored items, she promised that the shopkeeper would provide me with a decent job!"

"The thing ... yes, it's a book." Amos Angelo turned to the back of the bookshelf, and found a thick book with a dark golden light and gave it to Lu Yuan. "Want to provide a job? Why?" The man patted his head in confusion. "Okay, Allie resigned. I'm a bit overwhelmed. You can take over Allie's job and try it for a month. Salary 42 plus Every month, the probation period is halved. "

Speaking of which, Amos Angelo finally got rid of the influence of the note completely. He stopped talking and looked at Lu Yuan up and down with suspicion, but in the end he didn't regret it. "Okay, you come to be the deputy store manager ... I need you to sort out the newly-arrived books. If you can't do it, then leave by yourself. That's it, don't bother me!"

After speaking, he retracted back behind the counter and soon immersed himself in the world of books again.

The owner lost contact again, and there were no customers in the bookstore. After Lu Yuan turned around in the bookstore himself, after roughly figuring out the room layout and the classification method of the bookshelf books, he began to deal with the pile of new books piled up behind the store!

At the end of July at this time, Hogwarts students were still on their summer vacation. It was one and a half months before they received the book list from the owl. However, as the only cooperative unit designated by Hogwarts School of Magic Textbooks, Lizhen Bookstore got the book list early and began to stock up. Therefore, a large number of new books are for students. In addition to putting some of the teaching materials on the bookshelf, Lu Yuan also specially prepared hundreds of "school year textbook packages."

Those who are sure to buy all the textbooks, such as Hermione's school bully, just take a textbook package directly and conveniently.

After finishing the teaching materials, it was the books that the magicians named to order. There are many types in this category, such as "Ghost's Language", "Vampire Transformation Method", "Dragon Blood Dipped in Garlic" ... in short, all kinds of strange things. This kind of book Lu Yuan needs to pack the bags one by one, and then call the courier ... No, it is to send the owl to the designated place.

However, because these books are often rare to see, Lu Yuan will quickly read it every time before mailing. Don't ask for more understanding, just take pictures.

When he was doing all this, he didn't care that one eye was watching him quietly. The surprise and surprise in his eyes ...

The deputy store manager of Lizhen Bookstore is not a good job, and 42 Jin Jialong is a number that is in line with the difficulty of this job. To know that this is a magical world after all, even those teaching materials are fine. Ordinary magic books often have magical illustrations with spells, and even pages impregnated with magical breath, which will cause great harm to the human body. Therefore, the work of a bookstore usually requires formal wizards who graduated from school to be competent.

But Amos Anqiluo, who had realized that he might be deceived, was only intentionally allowed to give Lu Yuan a profound lesson. And without any guidance, let him directly organize those magic books ...

But what happened next made him more and more surprised that Lu Yuan will start working soon, at most it shows that he is flexible and thinking. But what is the strange "all poisons do not invade"? The magical breath that can corrode the body, passing through his body majesticly, but failed to cause any impact!

In order to teach ghost language, he simply imprisoned a book with a fierce spirit in the book, and ordinary people simply could not resist its howling. When Lu Yuan grabbed the book and read it, the fierce spirit was so frightened that he didn't dare to take a sip. There is also a book of vampires that must be fed with blood, honestly showing hidden content in front of Lu Yuan, how good you are! Is this still a vampire?

This supernatural phenomenon that transcends common sense, of course, subverts Amos Ahn'Qiro's worldview! He couldn't help but think about it, "Does this guy who looks not much older than my daughter turn out to be a super magician?"

In this regard, Lu Yuan can only pretend that he knows nothing.

In order not to break the rules, he can not use the portable space that can hold a city, control not to fly, and control not to show extraordinary strength, agility and physique. But after all, Lao Lu is already the energy of the innate perfect Taoist body trying to erode and harm him, trying to confuse his mind and control the magic he controls under his super high resistance, it is impossible to succeed.

I completely ignored the boss's gaze, after I was busy with the things in my hands. Lu Yuan randomly found a corner to sit down and opened the dark gold book.

"In 1606, the signs of the decline of the magic tide are becoming more and more obvious, what should I do? Why does this problem occur in the world that evolved from the neutral world template? I am going crazy!"

"1611, this year, someone finally answered my question. The tide of the source sea that appeared in the 20th century turned out to be one of the most famous characteristics of the neutral world! At this time, the people of the earth are known for their high quality and low price, and they are the most suitable for recruitment. Become a reincarnation. Why don't I even know this kind of thing?

But most importantly, if the whole world entered the era of the end of the law in 1980 AD, what would Harry do? "

"1632, the energy of the world is still declining. I asked a lot of main gods, but each of them was curious about the idea of ​​creating a magical world in the end of the neutral world. They made a lot of interesting suggestions. But it's actually useless. "

"1640, the history has begun to deviate from the" real history "! Just when I couldn't think of a solution, Archmage XXXXXX (blackened) found me ..."



The dark gold book deposited in Lizhen Bookstore is the work diary of the world's main **** "Ginny".

From the beginning, Lu Yuan believed that the help of the main **** "Ginny" was true.

Of course, what she said should be true. This little girl doesn't seem to have a skill tree for lying yet, and playing love games with children is already her limit.

Lu Yuan can imagine the origin and development of the whole thing. A novice master **** accidentally saw the story of Harry Potter, then fell in love with the world in the story, and fell in love with the hero Harry Potter! In order to even have a romantic, deadly, cruel, and crippling love relationship with Harry, she impulsively created a real Harry Potter world based on the story.

The follow-up development was obviously doomed from the beginning because there was no plan from the beginning, and the world's difficulty was beyond her ability. She began to play off, but was reluctant to leave the field.

The whole world is gradually getting out of her control, and the tide of the source sea is unexpected, not to mention, there are various messy traversers appear, even including a perverted strong god!

It is conceivable that under no circumstances, "Ginny" had to consult the terrifying predecessor. It is a pity that the big Nana she met at that time was full of indifference and loneliness, which hurt like a hedgehog living alone. So after being sarcastically by Big Nana's merciless irony, he went away. Perhaps in the view of the big Nana at that time, any measures to try to save were superfluous, it is better to learn this lesson and start from the basics.

But she left an indelible childhood shadow on the little girl.

Later, a reincarnate living in the United Kingdom handed over "Ginny" a magical material from the New World, but helped her "solve" the problem of "how to build a magical world in the end of the law."

It is said that as early as the early days of the Great Geographical Discovery, the Vatican sent the patriarchs and judges of the Inquisition to the New World three times in order to try the pagans of the New World.

These samurai warriors and judges have completely lost their extraordinary abilities after being far away from "the glory of God", so they suffered an unprecedented defeat in the New World! They were beaten down by the Protestants until they were nearly destroyed by the whole army! Later, the Holy See completely abandoned the New World, but the remaining staff of the Inquisitions who remained in the New World were not willing to fail, and had been secretly planning a larger conspiracy.

Some researchers at the referee station have found a way to restore extraordinary power.

But by that time, the power of the Holy See had been completely expelled from the New World. In desperation, the only surviving investigator of the referee took this information ~ ~ and secretly returned to the UK and went into seclusion ...

This information is the one that the reincarnation later handed over to "Ginny". After she got it, she was ecstatic and could not wait to promote it on the entire European continent (because this is the main place where the story takes place). With the change of the old and the new, hundreds of years later, the new "magic" theory and methods of use have completely replaced the old system.

Of course, there is a factor that the main **** is pushing behind, but the main reason is due to the promotion of the tide of the source sea. In this large environment, the level of power in the world is falling. Only the entire European magic side, led by Britain, has emerged in this end-of-the-world disaster! In one fell swoop, it surpassed the new power of the new continent, and the ancient eastern country that has been cultivating thousands of years of civilization, and became a new mysterious power!

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the influence of this factor. Britain also set its peak at this time and became a sunless empire, with colonies all over the world ...

The development of the world is "returning to the right track", the three major schools of magic in Europe have been established in turn, and the trajectory of the four founders of Hogwarts is as historical as when watching the story of Harry Potter will slowly unfold ... The main **** "Ginny "It was found that she was gradually losing control of the world!

She is not a great **** like a catalyst, and it doesn't matter if you just throw a world or two. As a new student, Ginny put all her strength into the main **** of this world. She can't lose, she can't afford to lose! This material world has far exceeded her ability, and even trapped her in turn. So once the world is controlled by others, even she must follow the hapless ...

In desperation, she had to go to the terrifying Lord God for help again.

Fortunately, the big Nana seemed to be in a good mood this time. She simply pointed her to a "clear way" to seek help from a samsara with the power of the Lord God! (~ ^ ~)

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