Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 43: My routine is not bottomed out

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"Wow ~" Harry Potter sat on the bed with his head rubbed back, and his hazy gaze turned around in the room, confusedly saying hello to his pet Hedwig. [△ Net WwW.] "Hi ~, Hedwig. Are you sleeping well? I had a good dream yesterday."

Harry hugged the quilt back to the bed and closed his eyes again to try to taste it. On such a happy morning, he decided not to have some headaches with Hedwig. But with the sound of "grunts ~", he had to hug his belly and his deflated stomach reminded him that there was another thing he could not hide.

"Sorry, Hedwig, you didn't meet a good host. I guess there won't be breakfast today." Harry said apologetically.

Hedwig groaned, twisted the bird's head in a guilty conscience, and rubbed the cake residue on her beak cleaner again-she vowed to see a few cakes as soon as she opened her eyes, and then became hungry It ’s driven to eat it all! That is entirely out of biological instincts, and it has nothing to do with what the master steals!

And she is full now, kind of wants to drink water ...

"Ding Dong ~" Harry heard the sound of the doorbell ringing downstairs. Then Mr. Dursley shook the roar of the house, "Harry, Harry! Get up, damn, go open the door! Take the newspaper in by the way! You **** lazy!"

"But I was locked in the room and I couldn't go anywhere!" Harry shouted angrily towards the door.

Dursley patted his head, and what happened yesterday returned to his mind. The unlucky experience made him instantly wash away the idea of ​​"letting Harry out to work"!

"You're rotten in that room, and I won't let you go if you say anything!" He could only condescend to move his fat **** away from the breakfast table, and walked towards the door step by step.

"Who are you looking for?" Dursley looked up and down at the handsome, handsome young man standing in front of him, very puzzled.

The man was dressed in a well-known designer suit, his hair was meticulously combed, and he had a briefcase and a black umbrella in his hand—well, a typical old-school gentleman. Although this kind of dressing is called "old antique", it will never be outdated in London. Dursley has met some people with such dress code, some of them are children of old gentlemen's family, have received gentleman education since childhood, and others are people who serve those old gentlemen, both of which deserve his attention. !

"Mr. Dursley? You are really good. I am a staff member of the community committee. This is my work certificate ... Can we go in and talk?" The young man asked politely, although the tone was a bit unacceptable. Be suspicious.

"Mr. Lu Yuan? Okay, please come in." Mr. Desley let the door open.

"Are you going to hold a new party? I heard that I want to donate to the children in the poor areas. If it is, please invite us to participate. Both Mrs. Dursley and I are caring people, not to mention the little charcoal balls. Sorry. "

Dursley is a traditional middle class, they value the relationship and reputation in the community, and believe that the community relationship is an important social wealth-they dream of dreaming-meet a rich man at a community gathering , Get the favor of the other party, and then get a huge order!

"Small charcoal ball? Are you talking about black children?" Lu Yuan's face showed just the right disgust.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I swear it's not racial discrimination! It's just ... just a nickname, nickname! Hi ~ My dear Dudley, just like this." Dursley tried to make up, but that was over there The little fat man eating breakfast screamed and cried. "Fool, you never call me a little charcoal ball! That's used to call those niggas, you don't love me at all!"

Mr. Dursley's complexion turned pale.

"Okay, Mr. Dursley, I can pretend that I didn't hear it! Although those words are disgusting ...", Lu Yuan frowned and scanned the room. "I hope to talk to you separately," he Dudley, who was still eating wildly, added, "Some things can't be heard by children."

"... Baby Dudley, go back to your room. Oh, don't cry, dear, you can bring breakfast to the room to eat, it doesn't matter how much you want to take." Then they sat opposite Lu Yuan and looked at him together.

"Someone complains about you," Lu Yuan whispered sincerely and seriously, "Child abuse."

"That's impossible! How dare they ..." Mr. Dursley jumped out of the sofa like a needle, shouting angrily, "Mrs. Dursley and I are both caring good people, and We have an angel-like baby Dudley, and we are passionate about public welfare! How can we possibly abuse ... "

His voice came to an abrupt end halfway through his generous speech!

Because Lu Yuan held up a photo quietly, facing him and his wife-the content of the photo was exactly the scene where Dursley grabbed Harry's hair and hit the cabinet!

"I ... I didn't ..." Dursley fell violently on the sofa, arguing weakly.

His brain is in chaos now, he remembers scratching Harry's hair. But hit the cabinet? Dursley had no impression. But he did n’t even bother to pay attention to it immediately, because Lu Yuan then took out new photos, a total of seven or eight, and the content of each photo clearly showed that-Harry Potter suffered from beatings, imprisonment, Hunger and other great abuses!

The skinny, hurting young body was shocking!

"God, that's not true!" Mrs Dursley covered her mouth in surprise when she saw the photo. For a moment, her heart shivered.

Found that the second and third times were questioned, Lu Yuan frowned.

Mrs. Dursley remedied immediately, "I mean, these photos are not real! To know that Harry Potter is my sister's child, his parents died prematurely, and we brought him up in one hand! I admit Our educational methods may ... have some problems, but that is by no means abuse! "

"So far, Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, stop your performance." Lu Yuan stood up, looking impatient. "If you have a reason, then tell the judge! I'm just here to inform you that if things really go to the court step-then as a community manager, out of the reputation of many gentlemen in our community, we You will not be welcome to continue to live here.

And once you go to court, you have no chance of winning the case, and the court will deprive you of your custody of the children ... "

"I'm fed up! I'm really fed up!" Just when Mrs. Dursley wanted to say something, Mr. Dursley broke out without warning!

"We adopted him-fed him and dressed him for school-but what did we get ?! Nothing but trouble! Let the court deprive that **** guardianship, I don't want it! Let that little freak Go to the orphanage and let his **** freak friends find a way! "

"Don't be like this, Dursley ..." Mrs Dursley's pale face dissuaded.

"No! Don't stop me, let me finish talking!" He came to Lu Yuan angrily, shouting word by word, "If you want to deprive Harry of custody, don't sit here , Hurry up and do it! I will welcome with my hands raised! "

"You're wrong, who told you that it was only Harry's?" Lu Yuan's expression dimmed directly when he roared to his face. With a sneer, he said calmly and ruthlessly, "Of course, the deprivation of custody also includes the fat child just now, the custody of the two of them!"

"Gosh! What nonsense do you have, what's with my Dudley baby ?!" As soon as I heard that Dudley was involved, Dursley immediately softened. Mrs. Dursley also screamed, "No! Don't **** my Dudley!"

Lu Yuan indifferently dusted the dust that did not exist, and clipped his briefcase.

"This is the law-the judge and the child protection agency will not allow parents with" child abuse "to continue raising children, even if the child is your own! Both children will be sent to the orphanage until they are changed. Caring family adoption. "This is the rigidity of the law, people rarely adopt children over the age of ten. So if Harry and Dudley were sent to the orphanage, the only result was that they would live there until they became adults, and then become the residue of society!

"No, please don't! Dursley!" Mrs Dursley screamed and threw over, hugging Lu Yuan's leg.

"Sorry ... I'm so impulsive just now. You know, Harry messed up a big business of mine, so I want to punish him. Yes, just ... a little punishment, I promise it will be the last time." Mr. Dursley also apologized in cold sweat.

"Then stepping on the horse is better for the child, don't step on the horse and cause me trouble!" Lu Yuan suddenly became angry!

He reached out to grab Dursley's neck collar and directly picked up the three hundred catties of Dursley, and dragged him in front of him! "Do you remember if you stepped on a horse!"

"I promise! I swear to God!" The frightened Dursley only nodded and swear.

"Made mentally retarded ~" Lu Yuan angrily threw Dursley into the sofa.

He changed back to the "sensible talent" at the beginning, and said slowly while arranging his suit. "You know how much work I have to deal with every day, you know how angry I was at the moment I received the complaint! It takes at least three years to build the best community in London. It can be destroyed by accidentally leaking in. Yi Tuo! "

He looked at Dursley ironically, his eyes clearly saying that you are that duo!

"Listen. I want to remind you that the complaint will not only be sent to the community center, maybe the police station and the newspaper have received it." He said in an ultimatum, "I know that the child is still locked upstairs Room. If you really do n’t want to be accused, it ’s best to release him immediately. Give him food and dress him up! If there is a police investigation, you ’d better be able to deal with the past ... If you are accused Court, please find another house in advance! No criminals are welcome in this community. "

"Right," before leaving, Lu Yuan turned around and said, "Because of this, you need to pay a thousand pounds of community cleanup costs ... This is not mandatory."

He smiled gently.

Non-mandatory ... But do you really dare not pay?

As soon as the horrible community center staff left, Dursley and his wife started screaming together, "Harry! Harry, you come down! Damn, Dudley, you are not allowed to eat anymore! Give food to your cousin!" Harry, take off your coat and put on this one! "" Harry ... "

Just when the inexplicable Harry was stuffed into five or six slices of bread, and was forced to change to a full set of clothes ~ ~ and was asked every time, "We are good to you"-" Dingdong ~ "The doorbell rang again.

The pale Dursley couple opened the door tremblingly, and they saw a policeman standing outside the door.

"Hello, is it Mr. Dursley and his wife? I am instructed to handle a case of domestic abuse of children. May I have a look in?"

Yi Rong changed her appearance and changed into a police uniform, Lu Yuan, smiling and showing eight teeth, shining coldly in the morning sun.


Two home visits, two thousand pounds "fine"-although it will make Mr. Dursley painful, but not enough to make him really remember his life!

Lu Yuan took out the photo of Dursley tearing "Harry" clothes and clipped it to the frame, then he dialed the direct telephone line of Mr. Dursley's company. "Mr. Dursley, I ’m honored to inform you that we have a gorgeous photo of you. We have placed a copy at your front desk and you are welcome to appreciate it in person. Also remind you that if we did not receive it before Friday Five thousand pounds, your wife and boss will see this picture ...

Good luck with your work and goodbye! "


Since then, the Dursleys have really become "good" for Harry Potter, and his food and clothing needs have been met. At the same time, the relationship between the two sides has become more cold, without any trace of tenderness-Dumbledore, who loves to generate electricity, sighs for it-but it does not matter to Harry Potter, because he never expected it. That kind of thing!

It is already a great happiness to be able to eat and wear clothes, chat with friends through owls, and not be abused by the Dursleys at will.

Little Harry was very satisfied.


PS: So I wrote another chapter and went to bed after sending it. Please like it! (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please visit m.Reading for a better reading experience.

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