Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 55: hero

At the moment when the prophecy appeared, Lu Yuan was stunned-because he was suddenly jammed with a lot of information, so he clearly "knows" the cause and effect of that prophecy! Even Trelawney and the old man were exposed in his vision.

As the saying goes, do n’t take the village head as an improper cadre, and do n’t take beanbags as improper dry food. Although Lu Yuan is pretending to be a trumpet, but his full passive skills can't be cleared, a proper quasi-holy peak! He can walk sideways in most of the world. To say that anyone in this world who can talk about him in a fair and solemn way, apart from the two main gods, anyone who talks about him will be heard by Lao Lu dozens of words before and after ... even if it is the saint saint.

Even, if the other party is too far away from him, he can directly kill through the "prophecy" itself!

The word Saint Order is simple to say, but it can be called a world-destroying monster in most of the world! There are too many people like this, and even the institutions of the world itself become insecure, so it is a kind of existence that is not welcome in any world ... So although the main **** Ginny is not very welcome, but she still believes in Lu Yuan, there is a reason , Everything is because of strength!

And the Holy Order itself is beyond the prophecy-almost any prophecy cannot "see" them. Trelawney paid the price of prophecy in order to see "Lu Yuan" clearly, but she still could not record Lu Yuan in the crystal ball; the same thing was, when "that person" appeared in the prophecy, Lu Yuan All I saw was a large blank-so did the man.

However, there is a slight advantage for Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan knows that the other party is a holy order. Therefore, in his eyes, the prophecy was only "hollowed out", and he could still judge a lot of information for it; but the other party could not confirm his rank, and it is likely to produce wrong judgments ... Of course, these are temporarily It didn't matter, what surprised him was something else.

Lu Yuan didn't even care about tidying up the table and monitor, and slid out like a fish directly from the table and chair bench. Without touching anything, he immediately pushed the wooden door in.

"Uh ~ I'm sorry, excuse me." Looking at Ms. Ravenclaw, who slammed Lockhart under her feet, even Lu Yuan choked a bit-it's completely different to watch the impact from the monitor and to watch it directly-this But 3d is super clear.

"I'm in a hurry, and you will continue in a while ... Do you know Ms. Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin is still alive!"

-That ’s right, Salazar Slytherin, another founder of Hogwarts, is the old man with a white beard!

Lao Lu is a little depressed now. How about a good flirtation with Mrs. Loli? Say good vacation and everyday world? Now these old and immortal guys are reappearing one by one. What do you mean? ! Big Nana, give me a rough one! With these old immortals, is it necessary to continue the plot?

Not to mention, Ms. Ravenclaw is likely to be reluctant to take care of anything-but Salazar Slytherin is still alive after all, and there is the Lord Voldemort? In the eyes of Salazar Slytherin, Voldemort with his descendants may be a hybrid! Are you kidding Voldemort to guide the restoration of pure blood? Salazar Slytherin was the first to disagree!

This plot is about to run away!

"Should ... be alive." Ms. Ravenclaw just missed the old man's name, but was not too surprised. "You know, I died in front of them, and I know almost nothing about what happened to them later. But according to what I learned back then, neither Slytherin nor Hufflepuff seemed to be studying how to obtain the secret of eternal life. . "

"Doesn't Helga Hufflepuff still die?" Lu Yuan moaned while covering his forehead. The difficulty of Nima's world has increased a lot! If Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the Dark Lord are already legends, then the four founders of Hogwarts hundreds of years ago can live to this day, and each will not be weaker than a powerful god! Perhaps the power (the ability to master the rules) is slightly insufficient, but 80% of the power can be exceeded!

Lu Yuan basically can judge through the little discussion with Ms. Ravenclaw that Ms. Ravenclaw is probably already at the top of the legend ... and she is a ghost that is gone.

"May be disappointing you, Helga Hufflepuff is indeed not dead, her constellation is still high above the sky." Ms. Ravenclaw said with a smile, "Since knowing where the soul is, no one has The idea of ​​'undying is evil'. Like me, even if you die, you have to transform your soul into a ghost instead of going to ... there. "

"What does the place of the soul mean? Where is it?" From the beginning, a series of news shocked to the speechless Lockhart, at this time finally found the opportunity to speak.

It's a pity that Ms. Ravenclaw and Lu Yuan glanced at each other, and ignored him tacitly-the soul of human beings would become the fuel of magic-this kind of thing was easily understood by the rules; but the school The four founders ... if they change to their standard today, they will definitely be able to discover the problems in magical energy! But they would never be better than Dumbledore and Voldemort, and they should not be able to touch this level.

"How did you know? Who was the first to propose this idea?" Lu Yuan asked directly, and he found that Ms. Ravenclaw had nothing to hide.

Ms. Ravenclaw said a name, "Godric Gryffindor. Then Salazar Slytherin verified this hypothesis experimentally, and since then, the two have been mixed together all day."

? Gryffindor and Slytherin are stirring up together? Lu Yuan was really helpless this time, "Yes, none of the four founders ran ... I knew it would be like this, Nima could not be relaxed in a world! (Are you less relaxed)

"You continue." Lu Yuan smiled, and passed the two of them, and went upstairs.

Crossing the corridor, pushing a non-existent door between Room i and Room ii, Lu Yuan stepped in. There was a refreshing magical energy, Lu Yuan took a deep breath, and finally felt more comfortable.

This is the villa he brought from Huaxia, and the room still maintains a modern decoration. Returning to a familiar environment, Lu Yuan renewed his spirit. He came to the side of the room and uncovered the flannel covering the whiteboard—the dense lines on it, and recorded countless messages.

Lu Yuan found the name "Merlin" and wrote "Godric Gryffindor" behind him. After pondering for a few seconds, he drew a line between the two. "That man" was "Merlin", and after "Merlin" died, he became "Godric Gryffindor". Godric Gryffindor not only promoted the new magic research with the secret of magic, but also walked Slytherin into the urn to serve him-Lu Yuan did not tell Ms. Ravenclaw that he was in the prophecy The scene I saw.

I just do n’t know, after the identity of Godric Gryffindor, he turned into who appeared in front of others ...

But what is interesting is that all of this is actually turning around the same center-Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

That person's chosen identity and those around him never seem to be far from this place?

"Should I say, is it really the world of Harry Potter? Perhaps the key point is Harry Potter?"


Hogsmeade village.

The noisy and noisy month finally passed-the turbulence caused by the sale of the screaming huts, from the beginning to the end, the villagers in Hogsmead village followed the whole round of attention. And before most people get bored, the abrupt stop at the most! The whole process is full of twists and turns and exciting, just like a classic opera rehearsing skillfully and performing with all the characters. Very impressive!

When the Auror sent by the Ministry of Magic was hung on the tree, the impulsive students of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, and the wandering mage who wanted to become famous all came in one after another, and then they collapsed in the screaming shed. ! But after they failed, their descriptions of the screaming shacks were different-some said that they encountered an extremely beautiful female ghost, who was fascinated by the fascination, and woke up to find that he was hanging upside down on the tree; Others said that they encountered a brutal male ghost with a height of eight feet and a waist of eight feet! Extremely brutal! There is a swollen nose and a pig-like face to testify!

What's more, it's actually said that the inside is a Muggle-style luxury villa ... you must have eaten more effervescent tablets before entering!

When the Ministry of Magic was at a loss, Fuji invited Dumbledore, the strongest white wizard in the contemporary era, to help solve it, and Dumbledore seemed hesitant not to agree-the most part came-famous writer, adventurer, anti-black The magic fighter, Professor Hogwarts, and Gidero Lockhart announced that he will come forward to solve the "screaming shack" incident!

For a time, the world was shocked and attracted a lot of attention! You know, perhaps because of the same **** repel-almost all male magicians are suspicious of Lockhart's true strength. So when Lockhart announced his plan in high profile, it was unknown how many people snickered in secret.

That day, with countless people on the scene, Lockhart stepped alone into the mysterious screaming shack and stayed in it all night!

That night, magic lights flashed from time to time in the shed, and the piercing wailing seemed not to stop from nightfall! Fight, continuous battle! The crowd of melon-eaters from funny to suspicious, serious, gradually became heavy and expectant! Lockhart's specific strength has not yet been seen, but his super long standby ... the toughness of the battle, still convinced all the onlookers! It was almost dawn, and the people present had turned into one-sided support for Lockhart!

Finally, when dawn came, a huge swell ripple swept across the hill, overturned everyone to the ground, and shattered all the doors and windows of the screaming shack! There are dumb cannons that cannot be used for magic, and there are also powerful divisions! But under the eruption of this force, all people are as vulnerable as babies-showing how terrifying the fighting in the shack!

After the outbreak, the shed was completely silent.

Who's winning? no one knows.

At the time when everyone was in the limelight and everyone was uneasy, Gidro Lockhart, with his bruises all over, stepped out the door of the screaming shack! As it happens, the glory of Chaoyang also crossed the hillside at this moment, shining on Lockhart's body ... He forged his full strength and raised his wand high towards Chaoyang! Like holding up the torch that illuminates the world!

That picture has become a memory that many people cannot forget for countless years.

Then, he fell slowly in the morning breeze and fell like a hero ...

At that moment, I don't know how many fans comatose with him in tears.

In short, Gidero Lockhart, who was sent to St. Mungo ’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, has completely become the headline overlord of the newspaper and a contemporary hero on the magic side! Every newspaper wanted to interview him, and every girl was proud to cherish his signature. Lockhart's condition affects the hearts of countless magicians from the Ministry of Magic to the Hogwarts campus. Most of the people who have hacked him have changed from black to pink, not to mention the passers-by fans who circled this time. UU reading is countless!

Even the ugliness he made when he was teaching at Hogwarts is now no one mentioned-in the hearts of girls, that is actually Lockhart's humorous and childish side. Everyone doubted him, but instead of explaining it, he chose to push the ball — can anyone be more willful than this? Until he used a great rescue as a counterattack! Also sucked the faces of those people fiercely!

Now that these young girls have all evolved into brain remnants, no matter what Lockhart does, they will be resolved with countless “deep meanings”.

Lockhart is always right!

This can be seen from the sales volume of the novel he wrote with his illness-"Secret Date with the Screaming Hut", Gidero Lockhart tells you the unknown secret of the screaming shack , And the twelve hours he spent with Ms. Royna Ravenclaw-people are tired of the news made up by newspapers! They were eager to learn from Lockhart the first-hand "truth" of the screaming shack!

Especially involving Ms. Royna Ravenclaw? ! Gagging! Buy buy buy!

So as soon as the new book came out, it triggered an overwhelming sales spree!

People have to sigh at Lockhart's ability to grab the headlines-he entered the hospital is the headline, he wrote a new book is the headline, the sales volume of the new book he wrote ... even headlines! This makes Wang somebody's love!

As for how many copies of this book have been sold, look at the headline of the "Prophet Daily" to know-"Lockhart's new book, the census of the magic world!"

This is even higher than the highest praise! Lockhart laughed while crying because half of the money had to flow into another person's pocket.

It was at this time when the world was noisy that Lockhart attracted the attention of the world like a magnet.

A couple from the East moved into the screaming hut in a low-key ... (to be continued.)

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