Watching the Dawn

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Attacking Amazon

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Thanks to h7n9 for exterminating the chicks and ╰ つ ゛ for 200 starting coins!

Thank A Gang 77, Zhixin's happiness, Nax. Ryan and Zangkong Ximu reward 100 starting coins!


In Minsk, half is coincidence.

Lu Yuan is not sure whether this person really exists, because from the timeline of this world, when he was about to leave a few months ago, this person did not know where, how could it happen to happen?

Because this time I found another poor ghost, only Twilight could take Minsk to buy some necessary equipment.

Lu Yuan walked in the direction of the Temple of Heim himself. If he said something nice, he might be able to cheat ... cough, and he could buy some healing potions.

Dealing with the temple is a very troublesome thing.

Because the object of the transaction is not a simple businessman, he has faith. And the place of the transaction is in the temple of the other party. You must not offend the other party ’s beliefs in words and deeds. You must also not be opposed to the other party in your beliefs. Respect-this is very important. In the temple, especially in the temple with the white-faced face of Heim, under the eyes of the holy symbol, "Everything will be nothing", which means that the other party can know your thoughts .

Even so, even if you do your best, there is no guarantee that your wish will be achieved.

The temple is not a merchant, they would rather give potions to their believers. It is also unwilling to sell to non-believers unless you have sufficient value. Fortunately, Lu Yuan still has some status in Naxikai, and these heroes who "save Naxikai" are now in popularity. Moreover, he is relatively familiar with most of the people here, there are always some internal channels of acquaintances. After some setbacks, he got a few bottles of potions from the pastor in charge of the warehouse. Of course, it cost nearly a thousand gold coins!

If it is normal, it is of course best to deal with the temple. The priest in the team is the best. Unless it is an enemy deity, the servants of God always start with Shanshan Youli. But ... cough. The relationship between Elona and Heim. Not great. So Twilight is generally not close to the Temple of Heim. The reason is said to be that Nana ’s oracle has the phrase "Heim ’s coffin face", which caused a continuous conflict between the two churches ...

Helm ’s Temple of the Helmet is the tallest and magnificent building in Nasik, occupying one side of the entire Linhe street, with a nearly ten-meter tall main entrance and layers of columns. To the pedestrians passing by boasted the glory of Heim. of course. Lu Yuan's private business. Walking through the main entrance is death. He entered through the concealed back door on one side, and when he was done, he came out from the back door. It happened to be in a small alley that looked like a dead end.

Behind the wall, the door behind the wall, "Bang", re-closed, and it clung to the wall of the alley. There was no gap in sight.

Lu Yuan looked back at the wall inexplicably, and there was always a sense of discomfort raised by people.

"Do n’t blame me, Lu Yuan. The business belongs to the business, but Heim is on top! I hate everything related to Ms. Elona!" On the side of the wall, his "good friend" from small to large in his memory is now in the temple The trader working as a trainee pastor shouted loudly through a secret door, "Good luck!"

I was still very emotionally reminiscent of the old, and sold him the potions with a brave heart, and the generously discounted "former" friends actually turned around and left no dross. Belief, it ’s ... it ’s impossible to say. Lu Yuan himself lacks faith, and certainly is not qualified to evaluate people who have faith.

He just wanted to say, "No wonder a simple transaction drags on for so long."

Lu Yuan touched the ring marked with Elona on his finger, raised his head with a wry smile, and saw four heavily armed women stuck in the direction of the alley exit.

Four seemingly tough women were overwhelmed in a half-encircled formation. The two in front were wearing metal armor, carrying warhammers and chains in their hands. Two leather-clad women walked behind, one holding a longbow and the other holding a dart. All looked at him with a bad face, especially the lady holding the Warhammer. The hatred in her eyes almost burst into flames, as if she could pounce on him at any time.

"You also have a day full of vices! I waited too long for this day!"

The woman said, gritting her teeth. The woman beside her tore a piece of paper from behind the shield and carefully compared it to the way it landed far away, "Yes! It's him!"

Lu Yuan Fuqian, **** wanted order, **** issuing authority.

"Hi, ladies, relax, don't hold your arms. My name is Lu Yuan, local! The guy on the wanted order is Chanem, the candlestick. The wanted order is wrong! Are you looking for Chanem? I happen to know his whereabouts. Turning out of the alley and turning left for two hundred meters is ... "

"No!" The woman holding the hammer and staring at him with hatred interrupted him. "The person I'm looking for is you! I have been chasing from the north to the south, and I have found you for more than half a year! ! "

Her voice was full of resentment, both to Lu Yuan and to herself.

Oh, the interrupted Lu Yuan shut up awkwardly and began to face this woman for the first time. She wore a heavy metal armor made of all metal and stood at the forefront with a warhammer. When she spoke, all other women closed their mouths and waited for her to finish. Obviously, she is the leader of this group of people. If this is a group of mercenaries and killers of the Iron Throne, Lu Yuan can come to a fireball without hesitation! But he hesitated for the first time when he saw the woman, the not-so-beautiful face, the traces of deep hatred and wind and frost.

These women are not pretty, but their equipment is very good-women wearing leather armor on the back, the leather armor on their bodies are shining with a weak magic aura, and the metal armor in front is also a munitions. Weapon of magical aura. A squad has several pieces of magical equipment, and it is a core equipment such as weapons and armor, which is already good in the ranks of adventurers. Lu Yuan did not know when he provoke such a senior.

"Can you tell me why?" For the first time, he wanted to know what these "" would say.

That woman. She took a deep breath, seeming to suppress the boiling hatred, and then said: "I will tell you! I want you to die clearly!"

"My name is Ramaha and I am the head of the" Amazon Girl "adventure group. We are from the East and farther away than the Highest Forest. The second year I came to Jianwan, I met my husband, Seri Well, he is a Druid who is very respected in the local area. He is a good man. We traveled together, took risks together, and fought against the orcs on the east side of the Gate of Bod. Two years later, I and Seren Formed a family. With a lovely child ... "

Lu Yuan listened silently. He didn't know any of the names and places that appeared inside. Looking at the gentle expression on the woman's face, she probably remembered something.

"After that. I put down my Warhammer. I left the" Amazon Girl ". Like an ordinary woman, she took the house, took care of the children, and waited for her husband to go home. Once ... once, the orc attacked. Our child, unfortunately ... … Unfortunately… I die. I did n’t protect her, yes, it ’s my fault! I no longer use the Warhammer and I do n’t know where I dropped it. When the orc rushed into the village, I was completely panicked. If, If I can still fight, then the child will not die! Sereon will not die! ...... "

The woman named Ramah began to shed tears.

The woman behind raised her bow and dart and threatened not to approach the landing. The woman holding the flail on the side stared at the distance, knocking down the shield of Maha with a shield, "Don't be weak, go on, my sister."

"Hah," Ramaha exhaled for a moment, sharpening his eyes again, staring far away, giving him a vague sense of vagueness. Perhaps there was really an unsolvable hatred between him and Ramaha.

"My husband and I tried to resurrect our children. But at that time we were very poor and could not afford the diamonds needed for resurrection. So my husband accepted the employment and moved the nest of a group of flying dragons to the depths of the cloak forest. Before he left, he said that if he could not come back in a short time, he would transcribe the resurrection of the dead into a scroll, and send it back with the casting materials, but I never waited, and the death time of the child will soon exceed the end of the resurrection. limit……"

"Did he transfer the flying dragon's lair to an iron ore mine? Did he accept the employment of the Iron Throne? I remember that person. He was wearing a dress made of leaves. He was very powerful. I almost died in his In my hand ... "

Lu Yuan said slowly, he remembered the battle on the verge of life and death that he experienced with Twilight in the cloak forest. Lu Yuan has completely wanted to understand the cause and effect of the matter. "His name is Sereon?"

"Seraion Impas, the second-level oak staff of the Darkwood Druid Order. 'Dark Hope' is his title, and his teachings maintain a natural balance in the area east of the Darkwood Forest. , His bravery also protected many villages from orcs! "

Lu Yuan shook his head and felt that something was ridiculous. My first adventure actually killed a hero? !

It was his first battle so close to death, but after nearly a hundred years in the middle, he could not even remember the appearance of the man, but he didn't even know his name until today. He still remembers that the man did carry two diamonds and two "Resurrection of the Dead" scrolls. These things Lu Yuan and Duxing themselves were useless. Later, Duxing was handed over to the Lady Temple for distribution.

Unexpectedly, it was he who prepared for the resurrection of his child, and that was the employment remuneration of the Iron Throne.

"Your ... what happened to the child?" Lu Yuan asked dryly.

"The Iron Throne has paid for the resurrection of our children at the cost of all the loyalty of the" Amazon Girl "to the Iron Throne!"

"You shouldn't be like this. Go back," Lu Yuan said in the most sincere tone for the first time, "Ramaha, go back! Go with you and the child of Seren and continue on the path of kindness and salvation Do n’t think about vengeance anymore! It ’s really just a battle encountered, as a mercenary, you should understand. There is no hatred between us, my partner and I have helped a lot of people, we should have been The same way, but fate made us stand on both sides of the battlefield.

Even if I survived in the end, it does n’t mean anything, and no one is right or wrong! "

"Begging for mercy now, don't you think it's too late? Have you ever tried to understand him after his death? No, you haven't. Because you won, the one who wins is always right.

So, I must avenge my husband, this is an oath of the Easterners! "Ramaha pulled the visor down. It seemed that she had returned to calm and was ready to put an end to it.

"By the way, the image on the wanted order was also changed by me so that I can catch you! And, even if you escape today, don't think of peace! The Iron Throne and Tsavorlock already know that you destroyed their iron ore, yes You destroyed the interception of Greian, and you killed Mura in the Nasika mine! You are now the number one enemy of the Iron Throne! "

"How do you ..." The words stopped right after the exit, and Lu Yuan was surprised to ask, "How do you know that I made them?"

For the iron ore, there may be people who fled at that time, and even someone who may be lurking nearby to spy on later; for the killing of Mula, everyone has to go to the bounty for the bounty, of course there is nothing to say; but at least The only thing that can be known about the candlestick is that of Jasila, Khalid and Greian. How could anyone else know the inside story? But then he stopped, because he wanted to understand-the other party didn't know, she just kept all the crimes on Lu Yuan's head because of hatred ...

Nima, women are terrible.

At the same time, Lu Yuan suddenly felt weakened again, "Ramaha, your husband has already left. So, if you are also killed by me, what will your children do?"

"Battle to death is the glory of the Easterners. My partner will consolidate my bones, and my daughter will be proud of me! And she will be well taken care of by her grandfather ..." Ramah lifted her up Warhammer, bowed her head and kissed the holy emblem tied to her wrist, she was a priest. "Do n’t delay with words, Lu Yuan! Fight me like you did with my husband Serian! If I die, let our hatred end here! I promise my sister will not come again Your trouble. But now, we are going together. My Lord Gui Lun, Storm, may your ... "

"Wait!" Lu Yuan shouted back a few steps, interrupting Ramaha's prayer to her god, "Your child, isn't it Ji'er?"

"No", since the prayer was interrupted again, Ramaha did not go on. She meditated in her heart to make up the prayer, and then put on a fighting posture, "Her name is Leah! Ahhhh !!!!!! "With a cry of war, the blue light fell on her and the warhammer.

The companions around her also attacked at the same time. Behind her, the arrow shot from the longbow drew a line of fire, and the burning long arrow shot at Lu Yuan's chest. Two darts circled across the arc, sealing off the left and right spaces. The woman holding the shackles on the side is also a priest. She began to chant the magical technique of "human fixation" in preparation for ending the battle.

"I'm sorry", Lu Yuan bowed sincerely, the arrow wiped over the top of his head, the horizontal dart hit the left and right darts. He didn't seem to do anything, but he immediately raised a dozen black tentacles, stretched in from the hem of the ladies' clothes, entangled, stirred ...

Female natural enemy, secondary Efak black tentacle!

No matter the lady whose magic is interrupted ~ ~, no matter whether Lamaha, who is tearing her black tentacles, or the two who have been **** with bows and arrows. Lu Yuan maintained a posture of apology, leaned back to the stone wall attached to the alley, kicked his heels, his body rose up, and then gently disappeared over the wall.

Only a few left, facing the three-meter-high stone wall, the Amazon girl gritted her teeth.

Alas, Lu Yuan ran away depressed. Really don't go!

Although she is not Ji'er's mother, Leah will not work! He remembered that when he first came to this world, the lonely little girl he had lost in the woods had already caused her to lose her father, and she could not hurt her anyway.

She is so lonely, she must be waiting for her mother to go home ...

"", Lu Yuan wiped the wet corners of his eyes, and somehow thought of his mother.

Right and wrong in this world, what a **** mess!

ps: Take a day off to rest at home today, there may be a chapter in the afternoon. (To be continued ...) ()

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