Watching the Dawn

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Rescue Dana Black

Listening to Afu ’s report, Lu Yuan still interrupted the report about Ding Mumu. He thought about it and said, “I ’m so uncomfortable listening to it, let Mu Mu do it for himself. It will work. "

Ding Mumu was not born to be a temperament, perhaps because he had been suppressed for a long time as a good girl, and now he is rushing towards the path of evil intentions. As soon as I got the "transgender belt", I went to the temple and stole a dozen "remove curse" magic scrolls out. With the "change face technique" and "transsexual belt", no one in the world can recognize her. Naturally, it is the fun of men and women, saying that it is a good game, if it is not good, then it is careless Lungs.

When Lu Yuan entered the Naxikai mine, he became aware of the problem. The semi-physical story world created by Elona is still very different from other main gods. The other main gods are pursuing a "plot". Under the direct control of the main god, as long as they can continue to progress, they will basically advance according to the development of the plot. And Nana's world is pursuing truth and logic, so Nana itself does not control the development of the plot, and what things develop into is like.

If a fairy came down and completely destroyed Barr ’s church, maybe even the story of the winning gate would not happen.

So in the mine, he encountered more enemies than the adventure team's ability. If this is the first adventure of six novices, 80% will explain it to all of them. And this time going to the Jackal fortress is undoubtedly more proof of this. If you want to tie down the entire fortress with a small team, you absolutely need to be a thousand and Faerun. It's like dreaming. Well, how about the number of robber camps that Zhanem is about to attack? Thousands of them ... Is the six-person adventure squad going to deliver food?

According to this logic, the plot has collapsed.

Unless in the end Chanem drove against the sky, the gods flickered, and Suffolk walked against the sky, making him happen, coincidence, hit big luck, make the old sand with the will, seamless, and be done every day Off. Like the last in many Western novels, Shuma took a shot of the Dragon Slaughter Gun in the Chronicles of the Dragon Gun and took away the five-color dragon **** Taksi. At that time, Taksi had to shoot his own card. Roaring "Nima is too illogical". Who can reason?

Chanem ’s assessment is now a newcomer of the third- and fourth-level pink tactics. How can he chase Laosha, a fifteen-level fighter, six months later? upgrade? Lu Yuan did not see the upgrade with the next big copy. How do the soldiers upgrade? I do n’t know, such as the master, how do you upgrade if you do n’t want to experiment? ! All day long. Engage in yarn mage!

So he immediately separated from the protagonist team. On the one hand, let Mu Mu go to Jianwan to collect interesting items. Prepare for something that can be fully exchanged if needed in the future, such as the “transsexual” belts that go against the sky. And Anne is going to go to the gate of Bode to participate and guide the armed forces of Flame Fist and the Church of the Good God, which will definitely be available next.

But how can the plan change quickly? Ding Mumu is now wearing a transgender belt. Merry everywhere, beckoning butterflies.

Annie is like a magnet. As long as she acts alone, she will soon be able to pull up a female army with good combat effectiveness and full of energy ... Are you a descendant of the Red Army? The people of the Magic Middle Ages were so fooled that when they read the knight's creed, it was like a blood of blood. However, only Anne can do this, because she is just and awe-inspiring, she never fooled others. As a deep-seated secondary disease patient cultivated by Altolia, she has always regarded those as adult creeds.


After the Yunwu Mountain Pass, although there are still many jackals on the road ahead, there is really no "must-do".

With Nini guiding in the front, the three people easily walked to the foot of the fortress of the jackal. No one can know the history of this fortress. It has a thick dwarf and human architectural style, but today it has fallen into the hands of thousands of jackals. As for the jackals who have built cities or tribes here, there are wooden social structures ... No one has studied them. Seeing that the jackals have not distinguished their age and sex, and talked about the local conditions, but pulled out the first time. cut.

The fortress was built on a tall cliff in the Yunwu Mountain Range. It was built against the mountain, and below the mountain was the Yunwu River with deep and rough water. There should have been a long hole approach bridge across the moat to the city gate, but now it has collapsed and is completely missing. What is left today is that I do n’t know who built a long cable bridge across the river, a skeleton made of steel cables. Such a project can be human or dwarf, and it ca n’t be a jackal anyway.

After crossing the bridge, walking up the hill is the fortress of the jackal, like walking down the hill is the complex Fatt cave-that is a weaker monster that is indistinguishable from strength and goblin. Slaves and prepared food. In addition to entering the jackal fortress to rescue Dana Black, the Fatt ’s cave also has a deep landing target deep inside, a magic book that adds charm.

This book is actually the most headache for Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan does n’t need the book of Li Min, while Anne and Mu Mu can avoid the book of perception and intelligence. Because Mu Xing wants to leave, the first five categories of books can all be given up-but there is no woman Will give up the magic book that adds charm!

Lu Yuan gritted his teeth secretly and got it first! If I was forced to choose, I would use it myself! Anyway, our charm increases, everyone has a profit, right?


It was dusk at the foot of the mountain.

"I'm going to save Dana Black. I'll leave it to you here. You can help Nini to find the book. Whether it is found or not, we must evacuate before dawn."

Fatt's strength is very poor, but the number is extremely large, it is impossible to conduct a large-scale search of the foot of the mountain. The best way is to use the little black cat Nini's stealth and shadow jumping ability to let Nini search by herself, with the help of Twilight.

After explaining to Twilight, Lu Yuan turned to Minsk and said, "Before I come back, your only task is to protect Twilight's safety."

Direct attack on Jackal fortress, unless I am crazy. Still have to use the old way of sneaking in secret.

"Leave it to Minsk. I swear in my honor that I will not let the lady get hurt." Minsk said.

"Oh, I'm talking to it", Lu Yuan pointed at the hamster Bubu.

"Squeak ~"

"Okay, then I will act as you agreed."

Lu Yuan walked alone under the cliff and took out a small strand of hair. This is the hair that Witch Dana Black handed to Minsk, but unfortunately this stupid big guy didn't understand anything, and he lived up to the witch's thoughts. Lu Yuan Shen Jingshen, cast one obtained from the legendary Ilminster. A rare two-ring spell "Hunting Mark" (). This spell can help the caster to track the movement based on the items carried on the body.

After casting the spell, the hair automatically burned to ashes, and a faint mark was added to Lu Yuan's mind. According to Lu Yuan's current spellcasting level. You can maintain the mark here for at least five days. He took off the mage's robe. Carry the long-sword "Heart-Piercer" behind him. Gently stretched, grabbing the rocks and crevices of the cliff and climbing up like an ape. It soon disappeared into the twilight.

The ten-meter-high city wall, built on a hundred-meter-high cliff, can't completely stop Lu Yuan's footsteps. In the country of Faerun, unless you can fly, climbing from here is absolutely impossible. But when this impossible becomes possible, the rest becomes surprisingly simple.

The wall on the side of the cliff has only two anti-aircraft ballista towers built. There can be no ballista and no guards. And because the castle is built on the mountain, here is basically the highest point. Standing here, the "hunter mark" in the mind becomes stable and clear.

The Jackal fortress used to be a mixed military and civilian fortress. For safety, countless people's houses were packed into this huge fortress, and the entire fortress was crowded like a pigeon cage. Fortunately, there are all stone and earth buildings here, otherwise there will be a fire and the Northland will no longer need to consider the problem of the jackals.

The fortress is full of tall, multi-story walls, a densely packed "pigeon cage", and an aisle under the wall that only allows two people to pass sideways. The aisle inside the fortress is more like an underpass against the high walls on both sides. It is extremely narrow and complicated. In the evening, when the light is not good, there are crowded jackals everywhere, and Lu Yuan had to take a risk of walking and jumping around the house and the surrounding walls.

The funny thing is that it is probably because the orcs like the jackals have very poor intelligence. When they see something flying above their heads, most of them are "wangwang", and then they leave behind.

But here is a fortress with thousands of jackals! "Wang Wang" roar everywhere, really a paradise for dog lovers.

After passing through a row of barracks, Lu Yuan came to a place with a huge deep pit.

This kind of deep pit looks like a beast pit for watching a gladiator. The walls are barbed, and several rooms like a "cave" are drawn near the bottom. Past beasts, orcs, or slaves Close in there. Because this big pit is more than ten meters deep, and the side is inclined like a bucket, it can't climb up with bare hands. There is no ceiling above, the only thing that can go up and down is the path that only allows one person to walk on the side, circling the wall built in the big pit.

As long as the people are kept at the bottom of the pit, no matter how many people, only a sword can be guarded. Lu Yuan doubted that this was originally a jackal, because human beings treat aliens in this way. They are detained in the open air, and feeding is directly spilled from the top of the pit ... but now the jackal has become the master, and this deep pit has been used to imprison humans.

Lu Yuan followed the mark and touched the edge of the pit smoothly. Unfortunately, when you get here, you are no longer able to solve problems by stealth. He took out his staff and looked at the several jackals standing by the pit, whispering dragon language in his mouth, spilling a handful of fine white sand and performing "sleep". As the gravel fell, several jackals began to fall asleep, one of them even fell asleep directly on the edge of the pit. Lu Yuan passed, and twisted his necks one by one. Jackals have a keen sense of smell, and if they use a sword, they will soon be discovered.

At this moment, the Jackal turned very sweetly, and then rolled over and fell off, and immediately fell to death with a snap, Lu Yuan jumped down without thinking.

"Ah ~" curled up at the bottom of the pit, Dina Black who was not locked in the "cave" was taken aback by the falling jackal, but she just shouted aloud and was covered by a big hand.

"Hush ~" Lu Yuan, who fluttered to the bottom of the pit, covered Dina Hei's mouth, and said "Minsk" gently in her ear. Dana Black immediately relaxed. It seems that Xiaoming has a high status in her mind.

"The whole body relaxes." Lu Yuan took out the rope, and swiftly tied the two together, fixing Dinahei on his back. But Dana Black had nothing to relax, she was almost paralyzed. I haven't eaten for a few days, just relying on rain. If she hadn't relied on a few tricks to frighten the werewolf, she might not survive today.

"It's time to go." When Lu Yuan reached out and pressed his hand against the wall, his fingers were scratched. When the decaying wall shattered, Lu Yuan's figure rose upward. Even with one person, Lu Yuan still walked along the same path without a sound. Return to the top of the cliff. Then he jumped without hesitation. Dana Black on his back looked at the high wall of the Jackal Stronghold far away, and could not help bursting into tears.

With a snap of fingers, flying feathers swarmed. Towed to the ground, the two people landed on the ground dashingly.

The rescue operation ended smoothly and without any risk.

"What are you doing ?!"

When approaching the meeting place. Lu Yuan saw that there were hundreds of jackals in the crowd. And in the distance there were jackals coming one after another. But now Mu Xing and Minsk can only fight back to back against one side wall. Lu Yuan shook his head and had to raise his staff and pull out his long sword. Shouted "I'm dry tofu!" And rushed in.

A series of fireballs opened the way, Lu Yuan cleared a large space in front of him, and Muxing and Minsk rushed out.

"What are you doing ?!" Even Lu Yuan had to be annoyed, and the otherwise smooth work was messed up at the last moment.

"Minsk must fight against evil!" Xiao Ming shouted in spirit, and then he said "I want to save Dana Black!", And then rushed back after waving the sword.

"Minsk! Minsk!" Dana Black on Lu Yuan's back shouted his name, did you smile? Seeing such a Xiaoming, you must be happy to burst the watch? ! Since then this second goods belong to you! Excited Minsk finally saw Dina Black on Lu Yuan's back, "Dana Black? Dana Black! You evil mage who kidnapped the princess! Hand over Dana Black!"

Lu Yuan had a black thread, he quickly released Dana Black, and said to her, "I've had enough! I'll leave it to you later!" After that, I threw it to Xiaoming.

"Reassure! I will protect Dana Black!" Minsk yelled to take Dana Black, back on his back without hesitation.

"I'm talking to Dana Black!" Lu Yuan was crazy, and Xiaoming would answer the call too.

"Bubu knows that you rescued Dana Black, you are a partner of justice! You are now a good person!" Minsk issued a card while fixing Dana Black with a belt. Fortunately, he has a problem with IQ, but basic combat and survival skills are not a problem.

"Minsk him, what's wrong with him?" Dana Black asked weakly, and by the way Lu Yuan handed over the bread and water. Danay tried to distract her by talking, trying not to eat too fast or lacking demeanor, but Xiao Ming's back, like ADHD, couldn't do this at all.

"Bubu and I are very good, very happy!" Xiao Ming rushed to answer.

Lu Yuan pointed his head, punched hard with a fierce gesture, and then spread his hand-"It's so broken ..."

"Got it ~" Dai Nahei covered Xiao Ming's mouth and answered clearly.

"After Twistar and I broke off, Dana Black, you direct Minsk to break through! Immediately!" Lu Yuan stopped and just stood in front of Twistar. He released the "cobweb" to cover the back of Twilight, and the two walked a few steps together. Afterwards, Duxing released "entanglement", and Lu Yuan used "fireball" to light the previous cobweb. A large army of jackals stood behind.

"Cross the bridge!" Lu Yuan and Twilight who ran on the suspension bridge saw Minsk, who was carrying Dana Black, fighting two tall Warcraft men.

"Cut his neck! Big idiot, I said neck! Stop me and cut it again!" Lu Yuan was asking if Xiao Ming was brain-damaged again, and heard the witch Dai Nahei pointing excitedly. The stability is pretended! Nima, I finally know who infected Xiaoming's brain damage.

How could Lu Yuan waste that time in the United States, waving the glazed stick and guiding slightly, a huge white stand big hand appeared, and then slammed in front of the two Warcraft men! Only hearing the sound of broken bones and piercing flesh and blood, the two Warcraft men who turned into corpses in the air have been flying towards the end of the bridge. At this time, the six-ring spell "Bigby Flying High-five" is a proper killer. Lu Yuan seemed to think of something, and ran to the front ~ ~ when he passed the corpse of Warcraft, Jianguang turned around and cut off one of the Warcraft's wristbands.

If they didn't come up, Lu Yuan couldn't remember that there is a good magic item here!


At night by the campfire, Twilight smiled and showed the charming and legendary book "Leadership and Influence". Lu Yuan also showed off the cleaned bracers, but Twistar is now enjoying life and is not interested in these adventure equipment. Lu Yuan took out his small book and crossed out the above article "The Jackal Fortress, Save Dana Black, Get Charm Book, and Agile Bracers."

"" He whispered the joke they had agreed with Annie.

"I don't know, how are they doing now?" Twistar and Lu Yuan sat back to back and said quietly.

"Should it be better than us?" Lu Yuan said humbly. On this way, the jackals were chased down, so why go to Ding Mumu who sleeps in the willow, and Anne Bi, the leader of the flame fist mercenaries?

ps: Ask for votes and subscribe! (To be continued ...) ()

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