Watching the Dawn

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Wave 3

The encircled expedition team is annihilated! The location of the thief camp may be exposed! Firefighters appear in Padd Valley!

Several heads of the bandits who have been smashed by continuous news-the Iron Throne Mage Van Gout, the leader of the cold-blooded gang, Adenauer? The conqueror and the leader of the Black Claw Mercenary, Taogus? Kossan is dizzy! They had to climb up immediately to discuss changes in the situation. If they are really robbers, then the next choice is no doubt, retreat, retreat or retreat. After all, how do robbers fight the army? Faced with a steady flow of troops and powerful logistics, the robber gang should be a group of rioters. Otherwise, go directly to the city, why hide in the sharp-toothed forest like a mouse?

But for the composition of the current bandit camp, the inferior black claw mercenary group, the local raging cold blood gang and the orc hired by the Iron Throne through the Temple of Barr, only the cold blood gang is a professional robber. In essence, all are mercenaries of the Iron Throne. As a mercenary group, they must achieve certain strategic goals. The goal of the robber camp is now. Cut off Aam ’s trade route to the Baldur ’s Gate, causing panic at the Baldur ’s Gate and providing support for the Iron Throne to seize control of the Baldur ’s Gate.

In this case, there is no better option than to completely destroy the army that keeps Flame Boxing on the road.

This army of less than fifty people really made the heads of the robbers hurt their heads. On the one hand, Flamefist passed a reward. Launched almost all the adventurers to siege the robbers, causing huge losses to them. In addition to the sharp reduction in the number of robbers in the robber camp, the evil gangs that followed the trend were also devastated. On the other hand, the Flame Fist team itself also began to attack from all sides, and the mode of action was haunting and unpredictable (actually, Anne was collecting equipment).

Under the two-pronged strategy of Flame Fist, the action of cutting off Coastal Avenue has essentially failed.

It is now before them. They have a chance to wipe out this flame boxing team! Then the plan of the Iron Throne can continue to be implemented. At that time, the actions of the Portal of the Bode will also be launched, and the top of the Flame Fist will be turbulent. It is no longer possible to send another team of soldiers to maintain business.

What are you waiting for? !

In the middle of the night, the robber camp finally made the final choice. The remaining eight hundred people poured out of the nest and rushed towards the Padd Valley.

Two hours before dawn, surrounded by small camps of less than sixty people.

Why didn't they escape? Do they have other reinforcements? Do they think that such a simple defense can hold it? These do not need to be considered again, since the soldiers of Flame Fist find themselves dead, then just accept it. What's more, the moonlight is bright on this day, which provides a good view for both parties. Start to lean in a direction that is not conducive to the sword group.

The enemy was divided into several parts under the hill. About a hundred black-claw mercenaries guarded the command center and placed it on a hill directly opposite the hill. The leader of the cold-blooded gang, Adenauer? The conquistador stood on the side of the hill with more than one hundred goblins, preparing for an array of bows and arrows. Although the effect of bows and arrows is not great, hundreds of archers can definitely make a repressive blow. The rest are basically orcs-Jackals, Ogres and Warcraft, etc., divided into two front and rear charge groups, ready to impact.

They can say that they have taken the twelve points of attention and thoroughly attacked it as a fortress!

Fortunately, all of Lu Yuan, Chanem and the Sword Group, and the mercenaries of Flame Fist began to pale. Adventure groups often need to fight with a small number of enemies. It can be said that this is always the case. So there is nothing surprising. But the soldiers of Flame Fist are different. After all, they are only guards, and they usually practice the training of battle formations. At least the instructors have not taught them how to fight when there is a ten-fold difference between the enemy and the enemy.

At this time, the Ukrainian military officer who had been silently arranging specific affairs stood up. Lu Yuan can see it. In fact, she is the weakest of all Firefight mercenaries, and it may be a clerical job. But this time, it was the weakest clerical staff who stood up first.

She turned around and turned her back to the orcs under the mountain. Although moonlight can illuminate the area, she can't clearly see her face, only the tense, tenacious lines can be seen.

"Do you remember what kind of person Anne Knight was ?! Do you still remember her heroic fight with us ?! Do you think that the leader will be a coward who left us and escaped alone ?! If leader Anne Saying that Dawn arrived, it means that she firmly believes that we can do our best! We can stick to Dawn! It is now less than two hours away from Dawn! And Captain Anne will definitely arrive with victory!

She shouted exhaustedly, and then the Uighur officer left with a shield chest and a sword in her right hand, standing in front of the camp.


Blood and fire, sword and sword.

Lu Yuan has no idea how many times the two sides sawed!

On the one hand, there are perfect stone walls to guard, elite soldiers like Flame Fist, experienced military officers like Weihe Mike, and powerful adventurers like Landing Far and Sword Group;

On the other side, there are more than 800 combatants, powerful monsters like ogres, soldiers like the Black Claw mercenaries who are not inferior to the flame fist, and all the leaders of the robber camp, the elves Hankot, Van Gotte, the Iron Throne, and Adenau, the leader of the cold-blooded gang, the conqueror and the leader of the Black Claw Mercenary, Taogus?

Today, forty-eight Firefight soldiers lost more than half, and Mike was injured to protect Uighur officers. Now lying on the edge dying. With the enemy shooting at no cost, the three men who had been fighting on the front line, Jahira, Khalid and Lu Yuan, successively shot arrows. Lu Yuan hit two arrows, one arrow over his shoulder, and one arrow on his knee. ...

Sword regiment. Qi Feng was the most injured. He and Hankot, the goblin who wore a Yangbu in a hundred steps, faced each other with no dodge. Qi Feng was penetrated into the lungs with an arrow. The goblin Hankot was sealed with an arrow and died under Qi Feng's arrow.

At this time, another wave of enemy attacks receded, and almost all the stone walls in front were demolished. Lu Yuan, mixed with blood and sweat. Leaning behind the last half-stone stone wall, he raised his magic wand and guided "Plastic Stone" to build a new stone wall again. The expression was indifferent and focused, as if the previous battle had not affected him in any way.

"It's dawn ..." There was a serious wound, and the soldier who just made a simple bandage said, and Lu Yuan's hand shook slightly.

"It's dawning ..." "It's dawning!" Sounds continued one after another. More and more people are joining in, with words of joy and hope of life.

Compared with the robber groups under the hill, they are at a high place, and they can already see the white fish belly floating in the distance.

However, Chanem, who had been standing on the tree with the bow and arrow, was silent. He was standing at the highest point, and it should be the first to see the morning light. But he did not say. It even prevented the excited Emmon from yelling.

Over time, as the monsters assembled again, the mercenaries and swordsmen fell silent.

Yes, it's dawn.

You can hear the early morning birds chirping across the forest in the distance, and you can hear the morning wind swaying the trees.

But ... Everyone is looking to the East. Anne and reinforcements ... Where?

Many people's hearts keep falling down, like falling into a cold deep well. The monsters started shouting under the mountain, forming a team and rushing up again, but everyone looked at the East motionlessly. There is only despair in the eyes.

"I will ... fight against rape!" A thick baritone said firmly! His voice is not loud, but enough for everyone on the top of the mountain to hear! Lu Yuan never gave up. He supported it with a magic wand and stood up diligently. After saying that. He threw the last killer in the staff, the six-ring spell "Bigby flying high five", without hesitation and threw it towards the monster's densest place, only to hear the sound of a broken bone. Twilight squeezed his shaky body hard and stood with him. Everyone who could move the sword regiment gave up long-range weapons, either with a sword or a cane, and stood with Lu Yuan to the forefront position.

Minsk's lips were trembling, and tears were in his eyes. This was excitement, not sorrow. This is the epic battle he has been praying for. Dana Black stood behind him and hugged Xiao Ming's thick and strong man's waist tightly. Jahira with the arrow in the leg and Khalid with the arrow in the abdomen supported each other and supported each other. Their hands were pulled together, and there was only each other in their eyes. Behind them were Chanem holding a spear and Imon holding a dagger. Only Qi Feng, who is still lying on a tall tree, was seriously injured, but after a simple bandage by Chanem, he is still in a coma with too much blood loss.

"I will fight back all the mistakes!" The vice captain Mike's clenched hands were released, and the U.S. military officer picked up her sword and shield again and stood up. She struck the shield with her sword and said loudly, the beauty covered by blood and sweat Face, this moment is very touching!

"I will fight for the unarmed!" The uneven cries sounded, and more and more soldiers of the flame fist followed the shout. They remembered the battles and victories over the past half a month. They remembered Persist in the two-hour battle until dawn, pride filled their minds. This allowed them to grasp their shields and weapons and enter the bunker again.

"I will help those who seek help!"

"I swear not to hurt women and children!"

The vast voice echoed in the sky.

There seem to be more and more people in harmony, and the sound is getting louder and louder. This sound came from all sides of the forest, from every corner of the forest, covering all the murmurs of the bandits, shaking the whole forest like waves in the sea. "Who is talking?" "Who is it?" "We are surrounded!" The robbers began to be confused, and many people were whispering in a mess.

"I swear to protect my brother-in-law!"

"I will treat my friends sincerely!"

"I swear I will never die of love!"

In a clearer voice, Annie walked out of the jungle with a white unicorn. She held a shield in her left and a lake sword in her right, wearing a metal body armor. The whole person pleated and glowed in the morning light!

The dew and mud on her face and armor, and the image of Ronaldinho turned into a zebra, could not damage their gorgeous bloom at the moment!

As the chant of "Knight's Proverbs" ended, her body shone violently with white light.

This white light not only wrapped Anne, but also continued to extend backwards to the knights who followed her to steer out of the jungle. Every knight in contact with the knights began to radiate light, and then bloomed his own blessing to his companions. Body! More and more auras are layered together, like a woven chain armor, connecting the entire Knights together, as strong as a piece of white steel that is beaten and shaped!

Taking Anne and the two dragons as the guide, the entire Lily Knights began to charge forward slowly. They adjusted the speed faster and faster, pointing directly to the back of the bandit formation.

Then the trees around the swamp gradually revealed countless elves and half-elves holding bows and arrows. Under the tree came the druids covered with leaves and the rangers holding two swords. After them, many priests Elona wearing dark green robes Waving green light, blessing everyone's fighting attributes.

With several screams, many enemies near the bush were dragged into the bush and never came out again. The frightened enemies quickly fled around the bushes and leaned towards the middle. They already knew that it was very, very bad.

Afterwards, there were countless wolves, tigers, leopards, and bears in the bushes, and they drew forward under the command of the druid.

Lu Yuan turned around, the sword group turned around, and the Flame Fist soldiers turned around.

Encouraged by the entire camp, Wei lifted her long sword forcefully, her eyes were firm, and her beautiful face burst into blue for the first time! She screamed with all her strength and shouted in her chest.

"For honor! Flame Fist !!!!!!"

"For honor! Flame Fist !!!" The red-eyed Flame Fist soldiers shouted, as she walked out of the bunker, arranging two deep formations in front of the robbers. Defense? No defense is needed at this time!

On Mercedes-Benz's unicorn, Annie raised her big sword ~ ​​ ~ pointing to the chaotic notch of the bandit camp, "Towards there!", As Ronaldinho shone a flashing light, all the knights followed her Charged.

"My Lord Elona !!!" The earthquake shook, she jumped up with the Knights and rushed into the circle of bandits!

"My Lord Elona !!!" The elves in the tree pulled out their longbows and fired rapidly for three consecutive times, igniting the rain of arrows.

"My Lord Elona !!!" The rangers pulled out their swords, leaned forward, and burst into the enemy group like lightning.

"My Lord Elona !!!" The druids transformed into various beasts and attacked with their summoned animals.

"My Lord Elona !!!" Lu Yuan led the team to the core position and rushed past. "Roaring technique" followed the roar and formed a cone-shaped trace in front of him. The enemies standing in front of him were all shaking like drunkenness. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. To read.) ()

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