Watching the Dawn

Vol 6 Chapter 49: Lu master's small abacus

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In the workshop, Lu Yuan looked at the man in front of him with a smile, who called him "Master Lu" yesterday.

"I haven't asked for advice, is it Zunjia?" Lu Yuan said with a good attitude.

"Alex! Alex? Sander, I'm from the winter city in the north." Alex smiled as he looked at this Lu Yuan who was still talking to him yesterday, always looking away Looking at the walls on both sides, I really want to find a place to hit hard twice.

"Please sit down." Lu Yuan smiled and gave way. When I was caught by the store manager yesterday, thinking of being forced to work was of course not very pleasant. But Lu Yuan thought about it, what is power? Technology leadership is strength and value. Now that I have the best technology in my hand, what can I not get? You do n’t have to do it yourself.

You see, it's like in the original game world, the pterosaur lair in the cloak forest is very difficult, now? The Iron Throne has struggled to move the pterosaur lair from the coast to it, but the result is not because the hammer was killed completely? The iron ore had been served by Duxing once before, and it has not been restored. Now the pterosaur lair has been flown by the car. This time, Xiao Cha and Jian Tuan, who ran to explore the iron ore mine, were estimated to be unsurprising.

Besides, he and Duxing have just entered the door of Bode and need time to figure out the environment. Annie needs time to get into the top of the Flamebox mercenary, and Ding Mumu also needs time to gain the trust of the Iron Throne. Therefore, Lu Yuan was determined to settle down. After renting a house directly and setting up Twilight and Nana, Shi Shiran started working.

And, on the first day of work, he called an apprentice and invited the big man who chatted with himself yesterday.

Lu Yuan asked someone to ask. Alex is still a celebrity. The head of a famous adventure group in the Northland, although he likes drinking and bragging, is very good at dealing with people, and their group has a history of more than ten years at the gate of Bode. He has not heard any bad things and is trustworthy. And Lu Yuan originally wanted to advertise personally. Need someone who can brag. You see, he dares to take Dimo ​​Gaogen as a **** and knows that it's true that he will leave it to him.

"Please come here today, there is a commission that needs to trouble you. Please sit down and take a look at this sword first." When Alex sat down, Lu Yuan reached out and took it out of the space bag. The long sword of "Piercer" was handed over.

The sword made by Lu Yuan. Limited to the level of the forge, some fine and some simple. On the whole, the weapons made during the first time during the Bode Gate, even if the forged weapons have excellent attributes, can only be regarded as ordinary in craftsmanship. In terms of craftsmanship, Lu Yuan, a blacksmith with only five years of experience, knows more, and can't use it if he doesn't have the skills to do so. Often there is a trace that is not knocked in place and has to be corrected by repeated corrections. These are obvious in the eyes of experts.

After passing through the world of leaning against the dragon, Lu Yuan was promoted to Grand Master. The use of physical power has reached the state of being meticulous and divine. During forging, it is natural to do what you want and do whatever you want, and there is no longer a situation where there is no more than enough effort and insufficient strength. The level of forging suddenly rises to a large level. At this time, the works forged again look very exquisite, and the pieces on the craft are all flawless fine works.

His earlier works. The set of swords and "cutting clouds" used by Twilight are better. They belong to the magical pen of the flash of light, far beyond their level at the time. The "Piercer" sword is typical, a normal work of that period. This long sword now looks very rough, the hammering technique is slightly stiff, and the traces of the final correction are clearly identifiable, and the external decoration is not special-even the scabbard is not equipped, just with a half-cut sword sleeve , Most of the sword body was exposed.

The sword that Master Lu handed over to him, even though it didn't look very good, Alex still dared not neglect it. He quickly stood up and took over the long sword handed over by Master Lu. He first gazed at Lu Yuan with an adoring gaze, then turned to the long sword. This sword has eliminated the means of protective prophecy, and the attributes of the sword are directly displayed in full. With such a look at Alex, his mouth widened involuntarily, and the saliva was about to drip.

This is no longer a pretense. He is the head of a senior regiment, and he can't look like a clown.


Cross Sword +1 (Excellent Quality) (on the verge of damage): "Piercer"

The sword made by Hantie is forged by the "cold forging" method, which is extremely hard and sharp. This thin sword, specially forged by master Lu Yuan, is regarded as a +1 magic weapon when he uses it.

Data (in the hands of Lu Yuan):

Damage: 1d8 + 2

Hit value: +1 improvement

Damage type: puncture

Weight: 3.5 pounds

Weapon category: long sword / sword

Material: Metal (cold iron)

Combat data: Extremely handy, objects with a texture less than three-quarters of the sword will be penetrated.


Master Lu's work? That really doesn't look very good. This long sword without enchantment is of ordinary material and craftsmanship. Although it looks new, it looks like a bayonet sword. It is not powerful enough to be cut. This weapon, such as Alex, is not worth seeing! Not to mention seeing those tiny cracks and notches, this is already a waste sword that will break when reused!

It can be said that this sword is useless except for the peculiar feeling attached to the sword. But look at the attributes that are displayed-the two attributes of "excellent quality" and "extremely handy" that are about to flash the blind dog's eyes, he almost shouts crazy!

Alex rubbed his eyes non-stop and couldn't believe what he had been expecting for so many years. This is a p hammer! Laozi is best at two-handed sword!

"Big ... Master !? Master Lu !?" Alex questioned with a trembling voice. He wanted to ask but he didn't know what to ask. Without asking, he was afraid to miss this chance, so that the hand holding the sword was nervous Have to tremble slightly.

"I made it." Lu Yuan picked up the tea handed by the apprentice, and Yun Danfeng said lightly. Now he has his own dedicated studio. Even apprentices are equipped with a dozen.

Alex was instantly stunned by happiness, "Master! Master Lu! Please give me ... No, no, you have something to tell me to do, please say! Please say!"

The pleading came halfway through, and watching the Master Landing Master smile at the tea, he was sober after all. Quickly the cliff Lema changed the subject. It must be done first. Things are done well and everything is easy to say. If you don't do well, don't mention any pleading. If at ordinary times, an old fritters like him would definitely not be too full of words, he would always add a circle of words like "I do my best". But not this time! The magic weapon is in sight. That must be "when there are difficulties, we must rise without difficulties!"

"The hammer thing was created by me on a whim, and it wasn't a big deal." Lu Yuan's voice seemed so easy-going, so elegant, but listening to Alex's ear, he was born with a high mountain. a feeling of. Look! Master Lu really is not as young as it looks on the surface, and the craft is so rough. In fact, the connotation is rich!

"I am best at casting swords. So, there is something I want to entrust to you ..."

Alex immediately sat up straight and listened carefully.

"I think, those who want to build a hammer don't necessarily like to use a hammer, for example, you ..." Lu Yuan's eyes stayed on the hard cocoon of his tiger's mouth and thumb, "Two-handed sword?"

"It's a two-handed sword!"

"The hammer business will be handed over to the apprentices in the future. I still hope to build a few more good swords! So, I want to entrust you to carry this sword. Go to the tavern and hotel to show it to those who want to make a hammer If they change their minds and have good materials or novelty in their hands, they can come and talk to me. As long as the things in their hands can touch me, I can guarantee to build an exclusive excellent weapon for him! Of course. This time, I can make up to three or five ... that's all. "

Can excellent weapons be customized? ! Alex began to feel dizzy again.

In fact, this is something he misunderstood, and it was also caused by the actual situation of the country for thousands of years. The birth of Faerun ’s excellent weapons is mostly in harmony with the time and place, and then the master has a wonderful hand! Most forging masters are creating sophisticated and excellent-quality weapons for life, and sometimes they can make epic or legendary weapons because they have obtained excellent materials. The only excellent weapon, as the pinnacle of non-magic forging, is really something you can't meet.

Alex was still a bit skeptical. After all, something that nobody has done for thousands of years, suddenly someone claimed to be able to do it ... but after a second thought, he understood something. What Master Lu just said is "exclusive and excellent items"! This is very different! Excellent items are usually in the hands of anyone and can reflect excellent characteristics. And the exclusive and excellent items must be limited to users ... but this is also very good!

Thinking deeper, the dragon like pterosaur had existed in Faerun for 1,000 years and 800 years. Everyone has seen its tail, but Lu Yuan took the tail and built a hammer, which immediately became a warrior artifact. Light weight, powerful and will never hit yourself (when bending too much, the outer bone will form a bracket), this hammer is a mess on the battlefield! So many people are pursuing, not just to be handsome, but to say good is the key! Now that Master Lu has created a unique hammer, it is not surprising that he has invented a method for manufacturing exclusive and superior weapons!

As for why Master Lu had to commission specifically, is that still unclear? ——They who want to make hammers, not only prepare their own materials, but also pay a deposit of almost 5,000 gold coins for the purpose of ranking! And just like that, when it's built, it's still far away. Many people's intentions are to buy a heirloom mentality, and will wait for a few years or more! But actually? A fool wouldn't think of the doorway inside. It's the grocery store that collects the money, but Master Lu! The store charges five thousand, how much money can be left in the hands of the master? The key is to let Master Lu himself be satisfied with the remuneration! Otherwise, how can the quality be guaranteed if the construction period is delayed? If an apprentice did it casually, he would break his hands during the war. Who would cry?

Alex is still very fortunate at this time, although he is also the head of the senior group ~ ~ but he knows well what price some people can pay for superior weapons-anyway, he absolutely takes Not coming out. Now, as long as you work hard, you can not only get an excellent two-handed sword, but also get some benefits from it.

This line I put on is definitely a profitable business.

"I see, you are waiting for my good news."

Lu Yuan continued to drink tea leisurely and watched Alex go out. Alex hadn't got the hammer yet, so he dared to brag with Dimo ​​Kogan. Now give him a good sword, not afraid that he can't blow flowers. He shook the bell, and not long after, an apprentice came in.

He picked up a scroll and gave it to the apprentice, "Give this to the store manager."

Inside the scroll is a ciphertext that only two people can unravel, and the production process of "Dragon Tail Hammer" is written on the front, and the things he needs are written on the reverse. Since Lu Yuan didn't want to continue making the dragon-tail hammer, it might as well sell for a good price.

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