Watching the Dawn

Vol 6 Chapter 59: Ramasis must die

In the deep night, the city gate of the Bode Gate opened again, and the iron gate of the city gate on the winding dragon bridge was also put down.

In the history of Bode Gate, which was not short, except for the period when the orcs invaded, the city gates and bridge gates were opened after nightfall, which almost never happened.

Today it is clear that the practice is broken again.

The city gate officer yawned and directed the two militiamen to quickly shake their handles and raise the iron gate a little bit.

On the inner side of the city gate, it is divided into groups, roughly arranged in a long square array, which is the armed forces and priests of each temple. Most people bring horses or other harnesses, and there are several carriages for each phalanx. If you do n’t get together, you do n’t know. There are dozens of temples and churches in the city of Bode ’s Gate, which can gather thousands of armed forces. These are purely composed of the elite shrines of the priests who can cast spells, and they are definitely a huge force. It is a pity that this force is essentially a congregation of people gathered temporarily. It was already night, but the crowd was still buzzing, just like the noise when the plane landed. After all, the temple armament could not be compared with the army. The person in charge of each temple could only apologize to Annie. In fact, they had no way to speak.

Annie was standing next to the city gate officer in full armor. She smiled and greeted the paladins and priests who had not known for a month. Then after the city gate was opened, the force of these various temples, with a brisk team, clustered through the city gate in batches. They left the Broad Gate to the north and disappeared into the twilight.

Of course, it is not necessary to catch the road overnight. All the personnel will be stationed in a farmhouse less than ten kilometers away from the city, where they will receive supplies and reorganization, and then they can go north to fight against the two-headed troll Kara. It is really unknown whether it is still there or not. The biological disciplinary surname of the troll is too poor to be an army.

Annie looked at the city with some concern. She knew that Lu Yuan had an adventure plan tonight, and Ding Mumu, who loved adventure ... Only Annie didn't know any details, so she was more worried.

But now is not the time to think about it. She greeted everyone in the Heim church who was at the end of the queue and watched them leave.

"Do you have anything else to order?" The city gate officer asked sleepy. His position is hereditary. The so-called "city key custodian" has no possibility of being promoted in his life, so there is no need to shoot anyone's fart except the four rulings.

"Ann", before Anne answered, a familiar voice rang from behind.

Annie turned back and saw the U.S. officer coming out of the gate shadow. She didn't look at all like the dimension that Anne was familiar with, the dimension that counted herself as her sister, and the dimension was hesitant, and the words were still resting. Although Wei just called her, when she walked over, Wei evaded her gaze and dared not look straight.

"Please give us some time, thank you." Annie handed a small bag of gold coins to the city gate officer, so the city gate officer smiled and threw the key to the soldier on the side, and walked away. The only thing that made him feel closer than the fourth ruling was the gold coins.

"What's the matter? Wei." Anne asked patting her head gently. With Anne's touch, Wei finally seemed to have a decision, and a relief expression also appeared on her face.

"Ann, please, I need your help!" Anne's tenderness finally caused Wei to cast aside her concerns. She reached out and held Annie's left hand, and said in a small but hurried voice, "Please save my adoptive father Ska! "

"What happened to Ska ?!" Annie asked unnaturally. She didn't say much because Annie did know something, but Wei didn't notice the change in Annie's expression, and she said quickly.

"I think Scarlett has to do some dangerous things, but I can't stop him! You don't know how stubborn he is!" Said Wei, and his tears shed. Wept bitterly in Annie's arms. "There is also the kind of stupid loyalty to Grand Duke Iltan," Anne muttered silently, somewhat disdainfully. She did n’t think of saving Ska. After all, Anne did n’t want Wei to be hurt, but ... Ska was so stupid, so she must find her way.

"This morning, when he sent me away, that expression appeared on his face," Wei said with a somewhat disappointed expression, and his face was also worried and scared, "although I don't know why, but that expression I Many seniors have seen it on their faces! They ... they ... never say goodbye and never come back! "

Annie held Wei's hair and hugged her into her arms. She knows that expression, which is often referred to as "regardless of death" in the East.

When she heard what Ska might have guessed, or when she walked on without meaning, even she couldn't help but feel some admiration for Ska. For this matter, she may know much better than Wei. Just like the fact that the forces of the temple were out of the city today, and the various movements of Flame Fist, it was a game of tacit understanding among the top management.

After the iron ore conspiracy failed, the Iron Throne urgently adjusted its plan. The leadership of the Portal of Bode seems to be stupid again, and they seem to be dancing with the baton of the Iron Throne-first the temple power is transferred out of the portal of Bode, and then the main leader of Flame Fist is assassinated , The candidate for the Iron Throne will seize the opportunity to take at least half of the command of the flame fist. After that, the Grand Public Security Tower? Silver Shield was also assassinated, and Bode's Gate fell into chaos. At that time, who could win the final victory?

If such a God-given opportunity, such a mind-set come true, the Iron Throne can still hold back the highest power of the Bode ’s Gate, then it is either the leader is extremely wise, or it is brainstorming. Unfortunately, that cannot happen, because the Iron Throne is a parliamentary system, and that was originally the ultimate goal of their series of conspiracies. When they reached their goal, it was also the moment they fell into their pockets ...

There is no way to make these things clear to Wei, such as-why Anta? Instead of conspiracy to defeat the Iron Throne with Silver Fist, Silver Shield wants to choose the dangerous trick of being assassinated and killed? Why did the Grand Duke Iltan, who holds the power of all classes of Flame Fist, choose to pretend to be seriously ill and hide in the Port Authority to recuperate, but throw the burden to Deputy Commander Ska, putting him in the position of being targeted? Why do the main shrines, rather than their own military power be consumed in the hairless northern wilderness, but also cooperate with Anta's actions to create opportunities for the Iron Throne?

Conspiracy against greater conspiracy seems to be not the right way.

What's more, during this period, some people will be sacrificed, such as Wei's adoptive father Ska. The chief commander of Flamebox, Grand Duke Iltan, is "exactly" seriously ill. As the most trusted person of the Grand Duke of Irtan, Deputy Commander Ska is actually responsible for the overall work of Flamebox. He will be the person that the Iron Throne is inserted in Flame Fist, Deputy Commander An Qiluo? The biggest obstacle for Dusen to seize the command of Flameboxing. Skaming knew that he was already targeted, but he did not hesitate to stand up and stand in front of the Iron Throne chariot ... There are so many people who want to get rid of him, even his most respected commander, Yan Grand Commander of the Boxing Commander, Grand Duke Iltan.

All of these are derived from two words-interest!

The Iron Throne Merchant Group occupies nearly a quarter of the city of Bode's Gate! Under the intricate name of the Iron Throne, there are various rich industries-manor, mine, shop, formula, route, craftsman, etc.! If you can swallow it in one fell swoop, it will be the biggest redistribution of benefits since the establishment of the Broad Gate! The value involved cannot be measured in money.

Of course, behind the huge amount of interests, there must be a large number of related people. That number may account for half of the high-level and half of the middle of the Broad Gate! If they don't jump out and carry out a "rebellion" on a large scale, what crimes will be used to punish these people? The consequence of direct martial arts may be the turmoil that has lasted for several years, and a city in the North has opened a good example. What's more, for such a great benefit, in order to have a higher control over the winning gate, let's not say that Skar is sacrificed-just let Anta? Silver Shield sacrificed a daughter again! It is to let the priests of the various temples of Bode's Gate streak collectively! They will not hesitate! What is involved here is not the benefits that human beings can calculate clearly.

So, Anne could n’t figure out what she could do to save Ska—Ska was the bait that had to be sacrificed before the Iron Throne could jump into the trap.

She and Lu Yuan's plan has always been to grab some fortune in the mouth of the predators, such as magic items, gold coins and gems, the Grand Duke can give up, as for real estate, don't think about anything. These are not the core interests of both parties, just like the food debris that fell during the shark battle, do n’t mind. But it's not that simple to save Sika, it's the effort of both parties, it's tantamount to taking the fire.

Fuck **** fuck

What is a mage? It seems that we have never talked about this issue carefully. The mage always looks like a character in a game-a warrior uses a sword, he uses spells, drinks potions to make up for magic, that's all.

But in the kingdom of Feren, the master must first and always be an academic researcher. Participating in adventures and casting spells to fight is usually one of the few. In the system of mages, no matter you are a legendary master or an apprentice who has just entered, you can't escape the system of research and experiment. It takes most of your life for this. By the way, the legendary mage who is running around and no longer doing research like Master Ilminster is basically giving up treatment ... is giving up progress and preparing to become a god.

In general, the scope of magic research is very broad, and it is not limited to the use of magic power-as long as the muscles do not understand it can be magic-therefore, in addition to the use of arcane power, Steam engines can be magic, logic can be magic, and chemical reactions and physical phenomena can also be magic. This world uses magic to explain everything, so it is inevitable that scientific and magic are mixed together.

So the mage must be smart? As some people have metaphorically, in billions of people in our world, if the value of dnd is calculated, Einstein ’s intelligence is 18. So came to the conclusion that all traversers are waste wood, and they are not qualified for the profession of mage.

Is this really the case? At least I do n’t think so. I think everyone who normally completes college education can become a mage in the magical middle ages.

For example, Leonardo da Vinci will hire a laboratory assistant, a 21st-century college student (not the kind of waste wood) to compete with Copernicus, who will he choose?

One has a systematic education, extensive knowledge, and a macroscopic understanding of the world; the other has only simple logic and basic mathematical knowledge, and his life is limited to a few small places. He put forward the sun-centric theory. How to choose is not clear at a glance? But it is simpler to be smarter. Copernicus was a rare smart person in that era, which is not comparable to ordinary college students. But from the perspective of the gap in knowledge reserves, there is a gap between the two that can only be bridged by wisdom and ingenuity.

The level of research in the magical Middle Ages is at most the level that Leonardo can achieve during the Renaissance. Measuring cups with scales, droppers capable of dropping a single liquid, pendant spirit level, etc. are all considered unique secrets! Knowledge such as sequence of numbers, logic, and solid geometry belongs to the treasure of a certain school! It can really make a passing college student laugh.

Fuck fuck

Ramassis is also conducting his own magical research.

"呱 ~ 呱 ~" The alarming crow flew in from the window and yelled at Mage Ramasis. Ramasis raised his head impatiently from the book, reached out his hand and grabbed the crow's neck, and severely cut off its cries. He then threw the crow into a glass jar and closed the lid, blocking the disturbing sound.

Every time he regretted choosing crow as his favorite.

Ramasis put down the book in his hand regretfully and stretched his stiff body. He extended his index finger and clicked on the crystal ball on the table, and the scene outside the tower of the Master was revealed.

A man wearing a gray mage robe and a hood stood in front of his mage tower door.

On the surface, the man just stood there knocking on the knocker, and his manners were as impeccable as the nobleman's housekeeper.

However, in the arcane vision of the unfolding crystal ball, the man was ascending a thick, azure blue arcane power, and was gently touching the defense of the mage tower-there was no attack, only the degree of triggering an alarm. And his apprentice looking at the door was lying curled up in the porter, unaware of his life or death. He pouted, and the guy always likes to provoke the official mage, and sooner or later it will be bad luck, he knows that there will always be such a day. Ramassis calculated a little about the remaining apprentice's family and his own talents, and then pouted again. He would save it later. This guy can continue to squeeze out the gains for twenty years, and now he is dead. It's a pity.

"But come here at this time? It looks like another annoying guy!" Ramasis rubbed his forehead and looked at the book he had laid down with regret, and sent the regular troublesome guy at least two hours. Don't want to continue researching tonight.

The reason why Lu Yuan makes him so irritable is because Lu Yuan looks like an old, rigid person.

What he saw Lu Yuan used was a very formal negotiation step among the mages-on the surface it was an ordinary visit, in essence, it would use arcane power to show identity, ring level, power surname, camp, tendency, Negotiations and so on ... "But that was a courtesy one hundred years ago! Who taught this old antique!" Ramassis complained in his heart, can't he simply send a letter? !

The message displayed by Lu Yuan ’s arcane power is “I am a traditional magician who walks in the good camp and masters the four-ring spell. I am here to visit the master of the wizard tower and make formal and solemn negotiations. It is because there is a big trouble between us. This trouble happened under the premise of my reluctance. I am very unhappy, so if the problem is not solved, it means war. "... tmd orthodox and rigid! Kramathis had to go. Threatening war usually means a negotiation. There will be no war. I may be able to get some benefits from it.

Coinciding with the unprecedented change of the Baldur's Gate in a century, it is the moment when our generations rise up. In order to seize the opportunity of this historical surname and fulfill the unsatisfied desire of the teacher-in the city of Bode's Gate, a complete mage tower is built behind the city's main palace. He only needs three things most urgently, money, money and money.

"Here is the Master of the Five Rings, Ramasis, visitor, please indicate your identity." Ramassis held the crystal ball to let the sound conduct.

"Fourth Ring Master Lu Yuan, I visited here because of a sudden attack that I just encountered. Your apprentice Weber? Aote just attacked me on the street of Xiacheng District, I need an explanation!" Lu Yuan's voice came with Some anger spread.

"How is Weber?" The voice that sounded again asked urgently.

"Unfortunately." Lu Yuan said indifferently, no longer speaking.

Ramasis had some anger first, but when he looked at Lu Yuan up and down and used his surname to evaluate the value of the magical equipment on Lu Yuan's body, his smile climbed back into his mouth. Simply looking at the appearance of Ramasis, the warm expression, the gentle smile and the wise eyes of the elderly, how to look is a kind elder. Those who do not understand his past, will certainly not know what kind of viciousness is hidden under his gentle appearance!

Is Weber dead? Of course he is angry-because that guy still owes 50,000 gold coins in debt!

But since he is dead, then he must find a way to recover his losses, of course, looking for compensation from the person in front of him.

The mage downstairs has a young voice but masters the four-ring spell-he is a very talented person;

Can't control his emotions when speaking-he is very young and provocative;

Still using the outdated orthodox mage etiquette to negotiate-he and his teacher are unexplained idiots;

A shining and unified magic aura-true tm is a rich man;

And the guard who was hiding on the side, thinking he could not see ... hehe.

Such young people are always self-righteous and explode as soon as they poke. Ramassis decided to show his soft wrists first to see if he could fool him. Of course, in order to prevent pigs from eating tigers, he has complete preparations.

"Kata", the door in front of Lu Yuan slid silently to both sides, revealing the bright lobby of the Master Tower.

It is a spacious circular room with an upward staircase on the side, and the room is arranged in a simple living room style. Because there is no space expansion, the small space and the layout inside can be seen from the outside, and immediately give people a sense of "nothing here".

"Come in, let's talk. By the way, your lady **** hidden in the shadows will stay outside. I'm old, but I can't handle those two magic swords. The voice of regret sounded, and he was invited to be a guest. By the way, some frivolously refused to enter Twilight, like a very generous elder. Although it is not stated clearly, the message all implies that "that murder case is nothing. You are a young man I admire. I just want to have a good chat with you." If Lu Yuan did not know in advance what kind of person Ramasis was, he might be fooled by him.

Lu Yuan nodded and left the guard outside the mage tower like a stubborn young man with incomplete thoughts. He stepped into the opponent's home court without even noticing that the door closed behind him. This made Ramasi, who was hiding upstairs, lower his evaluation of him again.

What is the Master Tower? The Master Tower is the private domain of the Master, the "kingdom" that the Master has built for himself! In the mage tower, a mage can multiply his own power, and he can also limit his opponent's power at will. But did this idiot step in? Ramasis smiled triumphantly, lacking a challenge to his surname, which was too simple. He paused his cane, and a beam of teleport lighted up, sending him directly in front of Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan looked at the mage Ramasis who was sent to him in front of him. This guy has the appearance of a traditional middle-aged man, with some thin faces, a neatly trimmed white beard and a noble dress. There is no sinister and mean, and instead a generous and easy-going look; there is no ruthless laughter when the villains come out, only with some sadness and regret, it seems to be regretting their own death.

In addition to the eyes of some vultures, the whole person is a qualified middle-aged warm man.

Lu Yuan looked at the look, Ramasis did not care. He was scanning the far and wide of the body with the arcane spells of the mage tower, watching more and more magic items being identified. The surprise of the total price made his corner of the mouth lift, and even a sad expression. Can't pretend to be anymore.

No more blackmail is needed, the equipment on him is enough to compensate for my loss.

"You just come in like this ?!" Ramasis's tone has been completely changed, as if to say "You need more idiots to walk directly into the mage tower"! Under the powerful scanning of the Master Tower, the details of the equipment on Lu Yuan's body were clearly touched. There are seven or eight magic items on his body, and there are many powerful magic items like "Bodean's Cloak" ... Is it powerful? Of course strong enough! But whether it is "Traveler's Robe" or "Night Vision Ring", or "Martial Arts Gloves", these are horse riding adventures! Ramasis wanted to laugh! Came to meet a hostile and higher-ranking wizard than you, shouldn't you prepare a life-saving scroll? Should n’t you wear a combat gear?

Wearing all-in-one travel equipment to negotiate, are you going to die or give money? !

With the help of the Master Tower, even the equipment hidden in the dimension bag will be identified. Ramasis double-checked it again to confirm that Lu Yuan had never carried a "Slaying Arrow" or a high-level powerful scroll, which could threaten his own items.

So, Ramassie settled down, and he tore away the disguise. Before that, he had estimated that the equipment on Lu Yuan's body was worth about 80,000 gold coins. It doesn't matter if he has wealth hidden elsewhere, it will be mine-the Master Tower can cooperate with the imprisoned soul, read memory, and even himself You can read what you have forgotten.

So he was too lazy to talk nonsense, "Arcane Deprivation" he was very pretending to point and landed far away, and the Mage Tower dazzled the colorful rainbow light and wrapped up Lu Yuan. He is very satisfied with this trick, and with the help of the power of the wizard tower, the target is completely isolated from the arcane power, which can be regarded as a single-person version of the forbidden area. "Arcane deprivation" is a power of the magic goddess Mishra, he borrowed a name. Anyway, I hid in the tower, and you called "ao big bang" and nobody cares about you.

"Okay, now take off the equipment," Ramasis said softly. "These are the compensation left to the Weber family. As long as you leave them intact to me, I can guarantee that you leave alive, and This matter will not be pursued again. "Although Lu Yuan had lost its ability to cast spells in the forbidden area, some magic items could still be stimulated. He didn't want to see Lu Yuan's desperate despair, which damaged the value of these items. After all, it seems to him that those are already his property.

He looked at Lu Yuan, who seemed to be scared and stupid standing there, and sneered. "Did you not understand what I meant? Little Master. Take off, yours, equipment!"

The young man on the opposite side opened his hood, and Lu Yuan's appearance was revealed, with a similar expression on his chest. It's a pity that Ramasis didn't care-just like the modern saying "data won't lie", he firmly believed that the wizard tower left to him by the teacher would also not lie, and the young man opposite had no cards, He's pretending to be calm!

"Kill!" The man named Lu Yuan yelled aggressively, and rushed over with a staff in a ridiculous way, wouldn't you plan to smash me with that one? Ramassis thought it was a ridicule. At this time he felt that the defense of the mage tower was pierced through a small hole, and it seemed that something had penetrated.

"Sure enough," he whispered to his heart and waved his staff. The presence of the magic tower made the spell he guided complete instantly.

A huge white light anchor flickered, making a "Kata" sound, and then Twilight and the little black cat Nini fell out of the shadows. The "dimensional anchor" spell can interfere with and strengthen the space, disturb the space coordinates, and prevent any transmission. As a result, the kitten Nini took Twilight's "shadow jump" and was kicked out of space halfway through. The two people who encountered the bite were now curling on the ground in pain, and the little black cat was twitching.

How can a rich mage like Lu Yuan not have a hole card? Seeing Twilight and the little black cat appear, Ramasis felt relieved. Powerful guards and pets that can jump in dimensions, this is probably his dependence. Seeing Twistar struggling with a sword and slashing over, Lu Yuan rushed to his side as well, and he seemed to intend to smash him with his staff, but the speed was a bit faster than expected. However, Ramasis did not care, with the help of the Master Tower, most of his spells can be instantaneous. He waved his staff disdainfully, and in an instant, a layer of orange-yellow, translucent walls like thick frosted glass formed a hexahedron to completely protect Ramasis.

"Amber sarcophagus, the spell my teacher left me, real art! You are the only one who has the honor to see it alive, feel honored!" Ramasis watched the landing and Twilight starred in vain The transparent "wall" can't help laughing. The supply of arcane power of the amber sarcophagus is provided by the mage tower, so it is simply "absolute defense" if it is displayed inside the mage tower! Unless you can dump the mage tower with a single blow, you can never break this sarcophagus.

What's more, the amber sarcophagus has a more powerful feature-one-way transmission of magical power-I can hit you, but you can't hit me!

After appreciating the weakness of the two, Ramasi raised his staff with a smile, tired, and he was ready to end the farce. Did they break them up a little bit with missiles? Or use control emotions to directly erase their thoughts?

It seems to know that he is futile no matter how struggling, the young master named Lu Yuan finally lost his staff and hit the outer wall of the "amber sarcophagus" with a punch, even the fist was bleeding . His female guard also gave up using the sword to continue attacking the sarcophagus, and ran to support the mage. But Lu Yuan still seemed very unwilling, and punched a few more punches on the wall in succession, resulting in **** hands.

Watching the little bugs give up their struggle, this feeling is really too happy! Ramasis opened his mouth and prepared to speak the last spell to entertain them. I must choose a spell that has never appeared in the north. This is an art!


"Poof ~" The curse that had reached his mouth suddenly turned into a turbulent upward liquid, which made him unable to resist spraying, spraying with the five senses from the cracks of his teeth, patting on the translucent wall in front of him, and then thick Sticks to it. Ramasis stared blankly at all this ... what is this? Why is it red? What's wrong with me? Why does there seem to be fragments of internal organs? ! Is this something I sprayed out? ! Did I unknowingly "destroy the internal organs"? ! Impossible, the amber sarcophagus can isolate any unnatural forces ...

He couldn't think anymore, a huge sense of weakness struck, the scenery in front of him was distorted, and he couldn't help reaching out to hold the amber wall. But at this time he heard the cracking sound of "click and click" and lost the wall of the "amber sarcophagus" infused with arcane power, and it seemed not much stronger than glaze.

It seemed that the young man on the opposite side tapped lightly with the staff, and the once extremely solid amber wall broke and collapsed into a piece of debris.

Kramathis didn't care anymore. He could feel that Death was standing behind him. His time could already be calculated in seconds, but he still stubbornly moved forward and walked towards the young mage.

"How do you ..." He struggled to grab Lu Yuan's sleeve and prayed to him with incomplete words and eyes. "Do, do ..."

As a mage, his thoughts are so clear at the moment, no greed for money, and no attachment to rebuilding the mage tower. There is now only one mage who is extremely curious about the unknown. Even if he is about to die, he wants to understand this question-how did Lu Yuan attack him through the amber wall? He was very sure that it was Lu Yuan, not all his female guards did.

Now he has fully understood that this may be a trap, no, this is a trap!

Whether Lu Yuan stepped into his mage tower boldly or his female guard jumped in, it was a blind eye. Lu Yuan wanted to kill him from the beginning! He has even investigated his surname and preferences long ago! That's why he pretended to be an old-fashioned mage, so he wore a gorgeous outfit. Because there is no chance of head-to-head confrontation, Lu Yuan did all of the above in order to stand in front of him! The real killer must be close to him to play, so he kept approaching the body of Ramasis until the two people were connected together through the amber wall.

Is it a variant of "kill"? Is it a "finger of death"? Yes……

"Sorry ... you won't understand", Lu Yuan said with apology. He really wants to apologize, because the whole introduction is not clear in three words ~ ~ and a dying stranger, he has no time to explain the principle of "seven wounded fists". There is no way to say that in order to prepare this killer skill, in order to evolve the "seven wounded fist" from a deep fist to the realm of gods, it took ten years. In fact, he hasn't yet figured out why the Seven Injured Boxing can have the effect of "beating the mountains and fighting cattle". Science can't explain it, and Martial Arts can't explain it either.

It took him one year to learn "Seven Injured Boxing" and ten years to improve "Seven Injured Boxing", in order to prepare for what might happen, when no means like today is working!

"I ... shouldn't ... bring you ... close, your ... spell ... must ... close ... only ... only", and finally Ramathis didn't finish the sentence, and gradually He fell to the ground and lost his life. Lu Yuan looked at him with some regret, and carefully checked it to make sure that he was truly dead, instead of struggling three times like the American version of oss.

"You shouldn't actually go downstairs," Lu Yuan replied, although Ramasis could no longer hear.

Because of his martial arts, the mage close to him within ten meters is now fully charged.

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