Watching the Dawn

Vol 6 Chapter 62: The assassination of the chaotic night

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"Boom ~" The wooden windows of the hotel were knocked from the outside.

Jahira in the room made a "hush" gesture and stood up with Chanem at the same time.

This is a slightly larger room, divided into left and right by a wooden board. Jahira, Khalid, Chanem and Aimeng all live here. They then pulled out their weapons and stood behind the two. The four members of the sword regiment surrounded the window in a semi-circle and were alert.

To be honest, they have something going on now, which makes them feel guilty, and a little bit of trouble will make them trembling.

They also just ended their adventure in the cloak forest and arrived at the Bode Gate yesterday.

In the cloak forest, the sword team ’s adventures are magnificent-they went deep into the spider ’s den to help a brother find the brother ’s body; they clashed with the dark druids, but because they have a common enemy, the Iron Throne, In the end, cooperation was reached; they broke into the pterosaur lair for the reward of the Temple of Dawn, but unfortunately did not hunt the pterosaur. After only a dispute with the bustling Pterosaur Hunters, they had to give up; in the end, they rushed into the mine that the Iron Throne opened in the cloak forest, killed the important officer of the Iron Throne Dawan, and obtained the Iron Throne planning Some evidence of the iron ore crisis has freed the slaves of the mine pits to capture and enslave, digging underground rivers, and completely flooding the cloak forest mines-now there is no two years to pump water, do n’t want to mine again!

Yesterday, the members of the sword regiment arrived at the gate of Bode in the afternoon.

Then everyone in the group separated. Jahira and Chanem went to Flamebox headquarters. The evidence found in the mine about the Iron Throne was given to Flame Fist ’s deputy commander Ska in exchange for the reward for this mission. Kalid and Imon set an apartment at the "Three Old Wooden Barrels" hotel, preparing for the rest of the period. After entering the city, Dana received a letter from a small church that seemed to be from her hometown. Then she took Minsk to say goodbye to the team. Hastily left the city.

of course. There is also a troublemaker stuck on the way, a minstrel named Ados Kron. He touched the sympathy of Jasila and Aimon with his rhetoric, and agreed to take him into the door of Bode. And help him to rescue his lover-said to be broken up by the Grand Duke Anta? Silver Shield, currently imprisoned at home? Anta? Silver Shield's daughter, Shi Ji.

So they agreed, and they did. The cute and overheard news made everyone frown-in short, it was actually a kidnapping. Whatever is lover, all is nonsense. The actual situation is that they assisted the domineering villain Asto Kron, who kidnapped Anta? Silver Shield's daughter Shi Ji from the Duke's mansion. Now, A Duoshi took Shi Ji out to ask for a ransom. Countermeasures ... I really want to call the police!

"Boom ~" Percussion sounded again.

"Who?" Several people looked at each other, and then Chanem asked.

"I'm Annie, open the window!" A woman outside said in a low voice. Chanem outlined the heroine's heroic figure in his mind in an instant. He directly took the window latch and pushed it away. Before he could see Annie's figure, the figure flashed, and Anne had jumped in by herself.

Despite seeing Annie in Flame Fist yesterday, Chanem still failed to recognize her at first glance. Anne is now wearing a flame-fisted armor, still men's, and the cloak on her back is bulging upward, knowing that she is hiding something. If Anne had n’t taken off her equally ugly helmet, Chanem could n’t really confirm her.

As an ally who once fought side by side in Sharptooth Forest, there was an indescribable sense of trust between each other, and Jahira and Khalid saw that it was Annie, and both put away their weapons.

"Don't Lu Yuan's **** come along?" Jahira seemed to remember something and asked with a bad look. The troubled Chanem made her suffer all the way. She never knew the friend's adopted son. She was such a stubborn person. Until now, she and Kalid haven't been able to dispel Chanem's desire to talk to Shaflock, except that he won't buy a bunch of flowers now, and the fair-minded visit to the Iron Throne is just that.

"There are ... injured, Jia ... Jahira, yes ... yes ..." Kalid saw Annie's cloak rising high, as if carrying a person on his back, and bleeding on it.

"Thank you, Khalid, not Ayuan." Anne knew what Khalid wanted to say. Despite the fierce words, everyone still regarded Lu Yuan as a companion.

"Let's put it here", Emmon opened the innermost bed. She cleverly guessed that since Anne came in through the window, 80% of the wounded had problems, so she pointed directly to the most hidden bed.

"Let's take a look ... Ska !!" Jahira lifted Annie's cloak and saw a middle-aged man's pale coma, tied with gauze and Annie, and could not help but exclaim.

Because she immediately recognized that this man was the only one they had seen at Flame Fist yesterday, Flame Commander Ska. At that time, Ska was also grateful for their efforts and arranged their new tasks. Unexpectedly, only ten hours later, Ska became like a dead man.

She and Kalid untied Scar from Annie's back and checked it carefully on the bed. At this time, Ska had taken off all his armor, only wearing underwear and shirts, and unfamiliar people could not see his identity. A thick bandage has been wound on his back wound, but the whole person is still in a coma due to excessive blood loss.

"I have run out of magical arts. Please help him. He has been injured for half an hour now. I don't know how long he can last." Annie asked.

Jahira nodded, and Khalid began to remove the bandage on Ska's body.

"Give it to Jahira, there must be no problem." Imon comforted Annie's arm.

"Emmon, you seem to have grown up!" Annie also relaxed a little at this time and greeted Emmony, who she didn't see yesterday. Imon now seems to have matured a little bit. She is no longer the twitter girl. She has begun to learn to observe and judge, and she will also comfort others. Chanem didn't turn around Annie like he used to, and he was wiping the blood dripping from Scar. Dealing with the traces when Annie came over.

Hear Annie's praise. Aimeng embarrassed herself back a little bit embarrassed, clasped her arms tightly, and turned back to the shy little girl again. Although I haven't had much contact before, the whole half of the sword group rested in the arm of kindness. Annie once again showed her royal sister halo. Cut all the little girls under the hooves of the unicorn.

immediately. Annie was embarrassed and said to Chanem, "This time you may be involved in trouble."

Looking at Chanem's expression of doubt, Annie pointed out the window. At this time. From outside, the shouts of flame fist mercenaries hunting around, and the sound of a whistle sounded, and they gradually approached here.

Annie could only explain the situation as soon as possible, and she arranged the equipment and stood up. "Despite all the short acquaintances, I trust you as you believe me. I will lead the chase, deputy commander Ska Just come to you! He will be the key to our thwarting the Iron Throne conspiracy! If Commander Ska wakes up later, please ask his suggestions and believe his arrangements. If the commander ... has n’t been awake, then you must try Meet Grand Duke Iltan, the chief commander of Flamefist. Although he is seriously ill and may be controlled by another deputy commander, An Qiluo Dusen, he is the only trustworthy person in the gate of Bod, And people who know how to save the situation! "

After "Take care of everyone", Annie glanced deeply at all of you present, turned around and jumped out of the window. She put on her helmet again and turned away from the search direction of the soldiers, quickly left the "three old barrels" The hotel ran towards the direction of leaving the city. So far, the flame fist uniform she is wearing can effectively cover up for a period of time.

Baldur's Gate, this is a big city. Various people on the street and all kinds of traces left on the street are strange. It is an impossible task to want to track a person accurately in the city. Flamefist soldiers can't do the same, they just search the big and small hotels in the city in accordance with the regulations.

It didn't take long for a group of flame-fist soldiers to block the streets in front of and behind the "Three Old Wooden Barrels" inn, and a dozen soldiers, under the leadership of a sergeant, searched the rooms. Wooden buildings have basically no sound insulation effect. The guests who were disturbed downstairs and their various curses were clearly visible on Chanem's side.

"Hide Ska, we need to deal with these bloodstains and gauze." Jahira's voice just fell, and a young man who appeared to be oily and slick, pulled a beautiful woman into the room in a hurry. This is the squad's biggest cancer, the kidnapper minstrel Asto Kron, and his kidnapping object, the grand duke's daughter Shi Ji, the pair of "two goods duo." It's okay for Asto Cron to deceive his teammates with a lie to help him kidnap. After all, there are few clean minstrels. But the female second-handed goods began to think that she eloped with her lover. After being told the truth by Ai Meng, he was happily cooperating with Asto Kron and extorted Grand Duke Anta Silver Shield together!

The two were still hiding in the room next door, planning how to divide up the first ransom that had just arrived. As a result, they saw the flame fist surrounding the hotel, and the two frightened two goods ran for help.

"Anta? Silver Shield sent troops to catch people! It must have been a traitor from us! Hurry up and hide us!" The greasy man, Ados Crohn yelled eagerly, not even noticing Everyone in the sword group turned black. The beautiful woman he pulled, Shita, daughter of Anta Silver Shield, nodded in excitement. Neither of them noticed that there was a wounded lying on the bed. They hurriedly opened several cabinets that could not be hidden, and finally looked at the bottom of the bed together ...

"Ah! Let it go!" Ador Kron screamed with Shi Ji, covering his ears. Jahira grabbed one ear and pulled two irresponsible men and women from under the bed—a teammate dedicated to the pit. A devoted father, really deserved to be a couple.

"Little Cha?" Jahira looked at Chanem.

"Leave it to me!", Chanem pulled out a dagger expressionlessly and said to Shi Ji, "You must hear every word I say next!" He hacked gently with the dagger Nails, like a real kidnapper, Shi Ji nodded in horror, "You, take off your coat and lie down on the bed! Block this person firmly, don't let anyone discover! If you are exposed ..."

"It must not be exposed! I promise!" Shi Ji looked pale at Chanem's dagger. Then he looked at Sika, who was silent and seriously injured. Quietly pulled the sleeves of Ados Kron, "This is your new kidnapped person? Why did he hurt so badly?"

"Because it's not obedient!" Chanem interjected viciously, "Not yet undress!"

Shi Ji looked at Asto Kron, and he nodded helplessly. Shi Ji grumbled and took off her coat. Lie down on the bed. Covered her and Scar with a quilt. After seeing Zhanem do something else. She quietly grabbed the sleeve of Ados Crohn again, looked at her unharmed self, and contrasted with Sca, who was seriously injured. She said sincerely, "My dear, you are so kind to me!"

"Oh, huh, huh," Ador? Krongan smiled.

"What's laughing? And you! Come here!", Zhanem turned his head, grinning coldly, raised his dagger and pointed to Asto? Kron "I have a good task for you!"


The door was open, and a sergeant of the Fist of Flames walked in with a soldier. The soldiers listlessly looked at the rooms one by one, apparently not thinking that they could find Knight Annie. His gaze stayed more on Jahira's chest and Aimeng's ass, which is a rare benefit in the near future, especially a forceful young and beautiful, all born beautiful, and with the pretentious ladies in the city They have completely different temperament.

The gloomy sergeant looked at him sharply, his nose moved slightly, and he smelled a **** smell.

He looked around suspiciously, and finally his eyes stayed on the right hand of Ados Kron. The bag of messy gauze was covered with blood.

"What's the matter ?!" He stared fiercely at the hand, and Aduoshi? Kelong timidly tried to hide his arm behind him, and was caught by the sergeant! "Are you making trouble in the city?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Ados Kron immediately denied, but his face became pale, making the words unconvincing.

"What are you afraid of?" The sergeant said disdainfully, but didn't pursue it. "Show me your hands! Even if you make trouble like this, you are a petty thief. This can't hide my eyes from the dragon dog! Huh, but today, Grandpa has too many things, I don't care about you! You are not so wounded. , Pretend it? Untie it and show it to me! Tell you, do n’t want to hide my dragon dog ’s eyes! "

Imon remembered that the gauze that Schneum had replaced Ska just now was wrapped around the right hand of Ado? Crohn! Can't help getting nervous, quietly holding the short bow under the table, ready to start.

It's just that Chanem turned on the spectator mode indifferently, and showed no signs of doing it. Imon can only watch Asos? Kron unravels the **** gauze-revealing a long new wound ... Hey? ! Huh? ! Huh? ! Why is there really a wound! Imon turned to look at Chanem and saw that his brother shook his head slightly, signaling her peace of mind.

"Well," the commander named Dragon Dog grabbed his arm and put it in front of his eyes, carefully looked at it, "Tell me how did this wound come from?"

"That was really an epic battle! In the cloak forest, we met the legendary sword spider! Have you seen the sword spider? Eight feet tall and eight feet long, it has eight long legs, each They are all sharp swords! I thought at the time, broken! This time our squad is here to explain! What to do? What to do? At this time, only me, only me stood up! I said to them , You go first! I'll break it ... "

"Fart!" The Dragon Dog interrupted disdainfully, and the spit stars sprayed directly on the flamboyant Ados? Kron's face, "Fart! Your sword spider has eight legs! Eight more ... Your sword spider eight lives in Together? I do n’t even look at the Hunting Daquan, you are so embarrassed to come out to brag ?! Tell you, everything ca n’t hide the eyes of my dragon dog! "He raised the arm of Asto Kron to show the wound and glanced sharply Everyone, I'm nervous and can't breathe.

"It was obviously scratched by the goblin's knife!" Dragon Dog threw his arm away disdainfully. "I'm a bragger, bragging must be divided into occasions! In front of my dragon dog's eyes, all scammers have nothing to hide! "

At this time, it seemed that the sergeant's yelling disturbed Ska, or it might be because Jahira's magic was in effect, and Ska, who was close to turning, groaned. Just when the voice of Longdog just dropped, the whole room was clearly audible ...

Several people resisted the urge to start right away.

Longdog's face became serious again, and he strode to the side of Shi Ji's bed. "Who was calling?"

"It's me! It's me!" Shi Ji pressed Sika's mouth firmly under the quilt. "I called, ah ~ ah ~ ah ~" and yelled a few times with his throat.

But obviously, Dragon Dog didn't plan to let Shiji lie in bed. His sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the quilt. "It's so unpleasant to call, it's not like a prostitute? Tell me your name!"

"I'm not the daughter of the Grand Duke!" Shi Ji shouted with closed eyes.

Cold field ...

Dragon Dog glanced seriously in the room, making sure no one laughed, especially the soldier he brought. After confirming again and again, Dragon Dog exhaled quietly, "How do you lie on the bed?" He felt it was time to change the subject and leave immediately after getting the answer! He found this woman lying on the bed that he couldn't see through-could it be so fat and so stupid? This must be a big trouble!

"I wasn't kidnapped!" Shi Ji continued to scream with her eyes closed.

A drop of cold sweat penetrated from everyone's forehead ...

Dragon Dog glanced at the room again seriously. He felt that his life must have been ruined. I would be the laughing stock of this century of flame fist ... But when he looked at Chanem, he saw his finger pointing at the temple Twice.

"Sure enough! Just like I thought!" Longdog cleared his throat and announced solemnly, "Nothing can hide from my eyes of Longdog-this young prostitute lady, you have a brain problem!"

"I'm sick! My brain is indeed defective!" Shi Jiru Meng Amnesty repeatedly confirmed.

"Hahaha, close the team!" Longdog laughed happily and took the soldiers out of the room. He could still hear his screaming in the distance, "I said! Nothing can hide my Dragondog pair eye!"

... Several people in the room wiped their sweat, and Asto Kron spread his hemostat on the newly cut wound, so he did not dare to make any sound ...

"Uh ah ~! Where is this ?!" Shi Ji was about to get out of bed and was released from his mouth. Sika, who was confused about the situation, issued a loud cry again!

You look at me, I look at you, there is no way out. Now I don't have to infer from Dragon Dog, everyone knows that there is a problem. With the sound of the call, there was silence all around ~ ~ The sound insulation of the whole store was not good, and now it is quiet even the sound of the falling of the cup in the lobby is clear.

Shi Ji tearfully covered Ska's mouth again and watched Zhanem shake his head vigorously. This is not my fault. This is really not my fault!

In the corridor, dozens of footsteps walked neatly to this side. Chanem picked up the staff and Kalid pulled out his sword ...

"Captain! Captain!" Suddenly a flame-fist soldier shouted along the street and ran into the hall, stopping the non-commissioned dragon dog who was going upstairs again. "Captain! I have found the Knight Knight! She is on the winding dragon bridge! The commander asked everyone to gather there!"

Dragon Dog looked at the direction upstairs, patted his scabbard again, and stopped without knowing what he was thinking. Then he ordered, "Gather! The goal is winding Dragon Bridge!"

A group of people left in a hurry.

"Xiaocha, how did you think of it just now? You look ... changed a lot."

"Nothing, just think about what Lu Yuan will do ... It will be clear at a glance." (To be continued ...) ()

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