Watching the Dawn

Vol 6 Chapter 64: The sword in the flames

Congratulations to Liquan as a protector!

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Thanks super? Soulbreaker and Yuelian reward 1888 starting coins!

Thank h7n9 for exterminating the chicks and rewarding 200 starting coins!

Thanks to 7starsseeker, warpten, not sturdy enough, lazy dormouse, yf533, Zangkong Ximu, and Tianxie Banner to lead Li Xier to reward 100 starting coins!


Just when Lu Yuan took his hand and picked up the staff, he was about to call Elona.

A message from Twilight suddenly passed through the spiritual connection. That force was beyond imagination. It not only forcibly broke the one-way conduction barrier and transmitted the message, the remaining force also plunged into Lu Yuan. Inside his body, to supplement all his previous consumption to a perfect state!

"I can let you rely, A Yuan, not rely on you." Twistar left this message in his heart, and then the whole person was covered with a layer of emerald green light. Her hand stretched out, through the barrier of **** flames, through Lu Yuan's protective spell, and pressed against Lu Yuan's back!

"No!" In the vigorous green and entangled flames, Lu Yuan couldn't see the outside scene, and could only hear the roar of Hal's impetuous roar.

Compared with the flames of hell, it seems that green is the more flaming flame! She followed the flames of **** wrapped around Lu Yuan and hurriedly extended towards Hal Trezmon. Before he had time to escape, she transformed into a huge chain and joined Lu Yuan again!

This time, we caught him!

Twilight fell down with a smile. Unfortunately, Lu Yuan couldn't see it.

When Hal Trizmon began to wailing, the two men were thrown into a world without any resistance in the tears of countless space forces. When both people opened their eyes, the surroundings had changed, and everything changed.

The mage tower, the burning flame, the smell of sulfur, and so on have all disappeared, replaced by the breeze on the hillside, the field covered with green grass and flowers, the bright sunshine, the long sandy beaches of blue and goose. Although the twisted chains on his body have disappeared, Hal Trizmon still feels powerless-not an adjective. Is really weak. That's even more than when it was entangled with chains.

As a Barlow Flame Demon, as a demon with strong power and standing at the highest level of the abyss, his combat power is composed of a strong body, evil breath, and a large number of spell-like abilities.

But now, almost all spell-like abilities. Including teleports, laws, profane auras, flame bodies, etc. All were scrapped or suppressed. His evil breath was quickly wiped out by the surrounding environment. This forced him to quickly withdraw it and protect it with his body. Three go to the second, he is the only one left now. That is the physical combat ability.

No matter how graceful and faceless he was, he lifted the transforming spell and his body quickly expanded into a Barlow Flame Demon! He quickly swelled his body and broke through the noble clothes he had saved for four hundred years without hesitation, and then he had to take advantage of the remaining flame power before it was completely annihilated, and fixed it into a beheading Sword and a long whip.

The current Hal Trizmon looks no different from the Balo Flame Demon—a three-meter-high body with huge massive muscles tangled with immense power. He can weigh up to 5,000 pounds, has two horns up to three feet long on his head, and stretches wings with a ten-meter width on his back, allowing him to fly briefly. Of course, there are the devil's traditional sheep hoof and anti-joint. If it is in hell, every step of his step will step on a burning footprint! Now, only smoke black smoke.

Hal Trizmon regretted it, he regretted it!

I knew that the woman could perform this kind of magic. I must hide as far as the world is. This divine art is clearly a more unreasonable "God of the Kingdom" than "the coming of the Kingdom of God!" It is undoubtedly more powerful than pulling the environment of the Kingdom of God into the main plane, using the power of the Kingdom of God to kill the enemy, and transmitting the target directly to the Kingdom of God! That was the **** who faced her faith directly.

This requires the consumption of an artifact and the full power of the priest. In this way, God also needs to agree to this prerequisite! It's such a singular divine art that can let honestly meet himself, which is really unlucky! You know, in the kingdom of God, all laws are made by God! Power depends on who is more intimate with God and who is more consistent with God ’s ideas, not who is more powerful ... If I did n’t sign with the old man, I would not be called to Faerun, if I was not called to Fei Lun won't meet this pair of men and women, if I don't meet this pair of men and women, I won't come to this sad place ...

Lu Yuan looked at the surrounding environment with surprise-the flowery grassland, the beautiful castle on the hillside in the distance, and the two little girls watching the battle on the edge of the square ... This is our home field! Lu Yuan reached out his hand, and as his mind summoned out of thin air, a dazzling Eight-Edged Han Sword appeared in his hand.

"It turns out that you are a second-class crippled ?! Sorry you always like to pretend to be a human nobility! Is it because the appearance of the devil can't meet people?" Looking at less than three meters, it is definitely a small one in Balo Hal Trezmond, Lu Yuan sarcastically said.

"Don't laugh at me! I'm stronger than all Balo Flames! I have the strongest magic power! I ... I'm the smartest!" Lu Yuan's words stabbed Hal? Pain, so that he couldn't help burning in anger. This prompted the instinct of Balo Flame Demon to fully awaken in him, and with a bang, the endless flames of **** burned out of his body.

He wielded the **** beheading sword and slashed towards Lu Yuan, while the "flame whip" attached to the flames of **** circled like a poisonous snake, winding up from behind Lu Yuan. One by one, one by one should divide Lu Yuan into four pieces.

"I heard ... angry demon, its heart has the best effect", Lu Yuan still seems to have no pressure chuckle, playing his sword. But if you see him inside, you will find a layer of Jiuyang Qi like a giant wave superimposed, layering his meridians almost exploding! All of his magical and spiritual power poured into the sword in his hand, and the sword was constantly engulfing various forces like a bottomless hole.

His ear echoed the sound of the count of the vice brain, "20, 19, 18, 17 ...", "Divine Kingdom Transmission" uses the power of the priest's sacrifice and the disintegration of the artifact, not for unlimited time! He, relaxed on the surface, actually only had the chance of a sword. If the gods in the kingdom of God are needed, the duration will be shorter.

Seeing the flame demon's momentum rising, rushing over with flames, the three-meter-high wide body and the attached **** flames almost covered the sky above Lu Yuan's head. The beheading sword like the door plate and the flame whip of more than ten meters are about to collide, and Lu Yuan is a little creature sandwiched between the two!

It is a pity that in Lu Yuan's view, the deceptive fireworks were removed, and the devil's whole body was covered with flaws all over. Lu Yuan pedaled the soil under his feet with all his strength. The whole person indulged out of thin air, crossed the **** beheaded sword lightly, and rushed into the flame demon's arms like a flying bird. "Yeah!" With a cold cry, the falling Lu Yuan opened his arms like a bird ~ ~ A long sword infused with all skills is like a light grass stick, and has no weight. Lifted up, the demon's chest crossed.

Lu Yuan flipped over and his body stagnated strangely in the air. With the sound of slashing and raging like rags, the flames and the blood burning in the sky were splashing into the sky. In the end it's bottom-up, cut the devil's chest completely!

Zheng ~~, a distant sword sound, spreading far away, resounded through the Kingdom of God.

Hal Trizmon's tall body was stiff there, and blood spewed out of his wounds, and it was only before Lu Yuan that he was avoided by internal forces and flew to the sides. Lu Yuan's entire body stretched forward and fell, hanging on the deflected thigh of the demon. His arm carried the internal force again, and inserted it along the demon's cut chest. The internal force cut off the blood and the burning of the flame. He continued to search for it until he firmly grasped a coconut-like heart. And then pulled it out vigorously!

Even though all the connections have been cut by the sword, the heart in his hand still flows with magma and blood, jumping with an extremely strong rhythm.

This is the heart of an angry Barlow Flame Demon! The best ingredients for weapon enchantment! (To be continued ...)

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