Watching the Dawn

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Bugs must die

This village is not difficult to find.

Although most people don't know it, the nearby druids have heard about it.

If these people didn't see Lu Yuan, they had questions and answers to the priest of the forest goddess, Mu Xing, and they also led the party. They were very doggies, and Lu Yuan was very depressed. I have become the enemy before I become the protagonist?

Walking at the entrance of the village, the two saw a deep symbol on a lush tree. Twilight stepped forward to interpret the mark on the tree.

The mark indicates that there is an eight-level wild druid standing in the sparse wood on the side.

But when they found the druid along the mark, they found him lying alone in the tree hole, with blood all over him and a huge wound in his waist, almost dying! There are huge teeth marks on the wound, and even some internal organs are damaged. If it is not the green energy wrapped in the wound, he must have lost too much blood and died.

"Save people!" Twilight immediately dropped the package and began to prepare things for surgery.

Lu Yuan still learned from Twilight. After the attribute bonus, he also learned a lot of other knowledge, plus some medical knowledge on Earth to instill Twilight, the two have their own unique first aid methods.

With the help of Master Lu Yuan, let the Druid lie flat on the board without touching the wound.

At this time, Twilight had opened the surgery bag, stretched out his hands, and Lu Yuan poured a bottle of water on it, and then dripped a bottle of specially purified alcohol. Evening Star performed the magic technique "but remove disease" in the room, so it was regarded as the completion of disinfection. The adventurers in this world are in good health, and generally do not get infected, and the infection can survive.

Twilight quickly cut off the carrion on the wound with a scalpel, and Lu Yuan began to give people a potion to maintain life. Because it doesn't matter if you cut more, Twilight cuts a lot of things that can and cannot be cut, and piles them in the basin, so the operation is very rapid. The operation was completed ten minutes later, and the green energy was now at stake. Twilight continuously performed one "healing serious injury" and three "healing minor injuries" in order to let the person's breathing stabilize and enter deep sleep.

Only then discovered that the big tree was where the druid's house was. He just fell under the tree.

Arranged the druid into the tree, and the two found another room and continued to work hard for their daughter.

Several times before, Twilight has been checked with divine magic afterwards. Unfortunately, she was not pregnant. Lu Yuan knew that this was Ms. Elona ’s dissatisfaction with him, and of course she would not wish them a pregnancy. Most of them ... did the opposite.

So every time Twilight asked, he actively cooperated. On the contrary, he made some excessive demands, and Twistar agreed with a shy voice.

This is the **** life.


"My name is Odek, and I studied under the" Tree of Ike ". It's nice to meet you, Elona's follower. To see you at this time, it must be O'Hai's guide. Druid whispered and advertised his god.

"I am Ewen Si Da, Elona's servant." Twisting used the courtesy of the temple to officially introduce it.

"'Green Field Morning Star'! It's too ... vomiting", because the jump was too excited, and the guy named Odeke teared the wound dead, curled up in pain.

Morning Star holds the Yuema unicorn holy symbol, ready to cast a spell to relieve his pain. I don't want the druid to reach out and stop saying, "No, don't use the magic on me, there are more important things to ask you and", he looked at Lu Yuan and continued, "With your partner. "

I went, he didn't even want to know my name, just wanted me to sell my life?

Then the system that was against him flashed the message:


Had to go to:

This task is worth 1000XP, the specific content makes that dying.

The task failed, not five days.


Lu Yuan vomited blood. After finishing this, Twilight could stay for another five days at most ... This punishment is too cruel, can't it be postponed?

"Now it's the season of digging insects. Joey and I came here from Sharptooth Forest and started to reduce the number of digging insects as usual. But what we didn't expect was that a queen was born in the nest. She attacked me and killed Joey. "Odeck stumbled.

"Is it necessary for me to kill all the bugs?" Twistar said with a terrible death.

"No, please don't do that," Odek refused. "The earthworms attacked us because we came here with the idea of ​​reducing their ethnic groups. This is the nature of their survival. We can't because of our ideas. To exterminate them. And it ’s good for the villagers. I just want to invite you into the worm ’s nest to kill about 15 ground-dwelling bugs and queens. If possible, please bring back Joey ’s body, the ground-dwelling bugs like to store Food, they usually drag the food back to the nest, and only eat and store it when they cannot find it.

So I thought that Joey's body might still be there, and I want to bring it to his sister.

In addition, please do n’t kill more than twenty animals, it will make this population completely extinct, please! "

Twilight stared back at Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan nodded in agreement.

"We will set off after a little preparation." Twistar said.

"This is a map of the worm's nest. In addition, the earthworms in the estrus season will actively attack humans. Please be as soon as possible." Looking at a druid with the expression "I haven't paid the party fee", Lu Yuan took the lead out of the room. .

Too lazy to see that look.

When Twilight came back, the two hugged and went back together to prepare the spell.

Because the original goal was to kill ground worms, the material preparation was very sufficient. Digging insects will spray acid, and body fluids are also weak acid environment, these will corrode weapons. Lu Yuan's thin sword is an ordinary weapon, but Twilight's is a fine product, and it is very sad to damage it, not to mention that it was given by her master.

Therefore, both of them put on ordinary weapons, and a large number of them were prepared in the secondary space bag. In addition, there are more than a dozen wooden large shields, the iron will corrode, and the wooden shields are enough to block the acid. Each person has several bottles of medical potion, a large bag of insecticide, a dozen small wooden barrels of vegetable oil, and a five cubic meter space bag.

Lu Yuan looked at the map and prepared a few torches.

Spells, Lu Yuan needs to be familiar with the usage of the Bigeby series of spells as soon as possible, so no adjustment is needed.

Twilight prepares mainly for healing and strengthening magic, which the priest does.


The so-called earthworm nest is made up of countless entangled caves and passages. It is three-dimensionally distributed within a depth of five meters to twenty meters. The range is unknown. The wormholes are criss-crossing and extremely complex. Only by relying on the map provided by the Druid and the occasional marks on the walls, the two talents will not be lost.

The burrows of earthworms are usually four to five feet thick. It is the "main road" of the nest. The roads are nearly two meters high, and the spaciousness exceeds the castle hall. The two gradually went deeper and never encountered a big bug. When reaching a fork in the road again, Lu Yuan motioned to Twilight. She carefully observed the wall and the map, pointed to one of them, Lu Yuan squatted down and lightly sprinkled beans on the ground.

The sight of the earthworm is extremely degraded. It generally relies on ground vibration to distinguish the surrounding environment. Therefore, even if both of them are holding items that are attached to the indelible flame, as long as they do not emit heat, they will not be found by insects. Instead, shoes should be covered with thick cloth, lest the vibration of footsteps cause siege by bugs.

Lu Yuan looked at the beans on the ground and watched carefully. Soon, the beans began to beat slightly, and then began to roll down the slope. Lu Yuan stroked the shape, indicating a bug nearby. Twilight nodded and stepped back to the wall to stop. Lu Yuan walked a few steps with a little force, and sure enough, the sound of the worm crawling stopped for a moment, and then rushed towards this side quickly.

Lu Yuan put a wooden ball in the center of the ground, then walked gently with Twilight to the cave where the sound came, and squatted down. As the ground vibrated, the wooden ball rolled around, and the induced vibration attracted the earthworm to this side.

The voice was getting closer and closer, and then a huge green beetle head protruded from the cave! It has a head with a huge flat carapace, a pair of degenerate yellow eyes directly above the head, and a pair of huge bite jaws protruding under the carapace. It first stopped in the direction of the wooden ball and then was ready to use it The six claws pulled themselves out.

How can Lu Yuan make it as he wants? A thin sword ran deep into the gap between the head and neck. Twilight also stabbed out two swords without hesitation, one stabbed toward the heart through the crack, and one penetrated the degraded eyes of the earthworm, and pierced into the head.

The insects direct the body through the ganglia, and the deadly position is often not the head or any position. After pulling out the sword, the two retreated to the wall and waited quietly. Watching the earthworm's wound continue to spray green liquid, struggling and rolling for a quarter of an hour before he died completely! It's amazing vitality.

Waited for a while, and no other digging worms came over, so the two men gathered to watch. This guy is dark green, fifteen feet long, with six thin legs with pointed claws and a pair of huge bite jaws, with scales and carapace distributed on his body. It is a huge version of insects!

The body of this big bug can't be moved by two people. Lu Yuan can only cut off the best carapace such as the head and back, as well as the pointed claws on the thin legs. The big jaws and the neck are especially Toughness: The skin with scale armor. After tidying up, an iron sword was completely abandoned. Because the ground worm can spit out acid to corrode the enemy, not only does he have a skin sac filled with acid, his body fluid also contains strong corrosiveness. The sword that stabbed the earthworm can hardly be used anymore.

Just down, kill the insects. Most of the time one, sometimes two. The most powerful power of earthworms is spraying acid, which can cover an area of ​​two meters. It is difficult to avoid in a narrow aisle. So the best way is to use a wooden shield to cover the mouth of the ground worm when it is ready to spit. Encounter two, usually Twilight star insecticide, Lu Yuan holding a wooden shield to cover the other. Once the big jaw bite, he dropped the wooden shield to hide, then took out the new one.

Occasionally, when he missed, Lu Yuan used the "Bigbai Guardian Palm" to ward off the worm. The bug was scratching and spitting against the imaginary wall of force, and was finally killed by Lu Yuan and Duxing together.

On the way, I calculated that ten insects had been killed, and the equipment in Lu Yuan ’s space bag was also consumed by more than half. There are now many crustaceans and soft skins of various ground digging insects.

Turning ahead, a huge cave of nearly 50 square meters appeared! The ground and walls are covered with holes of all sizes, and the largest hole is in the innermost position. Sprinkle the beans and start jumping almost immediately, as fast as tap dancing.

Looked at each other. Lu Yuan added mage armor to himself, and Twilight blessed armor of faith and summoned the divine power. Lu Yuan took out a bunch of wooden barrels filled with vegetable oil, took one of them upside down, and broke it **** the ground in the middle! Twilight also picked up one and smashed it against the stone wall opposite. The two cracked, but for more than ten seconds, all the barrels had been broken here, and sawdust and vegetable oil were everywhere, and some of the vegetable oil trickled into the cave below.

In the process of smashing, there have been some vibrations rushing towards here quickly. Lu Yuan just blessed himself and Twilight's weapons with "enchanted weapons", and six normal and one particularly huge ground worm rushed in together.

"Entanglement" Twilight star pressed to the ground, countless vines appeared, entangled seven insects. Lu Yuan's fingers stretched forward, and a piece of coal crossed a 40-foot space. Landed in the center of the swarm. With the sound of "boom", the fireball exploded and the orange-red expanded and rolled in all directions, instantly triggering a raging fire that filled the whole house! The King of War "Fireball" first appeared in Lu Yuan's hands. The seven earthworms squeaked together screaming, and the sound was sharp, like scratching the iron skin, making the back numb.

Lu Yuan continued to play "Bigbai Slam Palm" and "Bigbai Assault Fist", and the digging worm that was about to rush out or tripped or hit back.

Vegetable oil is extremely flammable, the flame is fierce but short-lived, and in a blink of an eye, only sporadic flame remains. Most of the insects' bodies are liquid, which can cause a lot of damage whether they heat up or cool down, so after the fire has burned, the remaining few insects are dying and are squeaking and screaming.

Twilight star "three-level summon allies", recruiting a huge violent badger of heaven.

"Charge!" Twilight shouted, and the ferocious badger of the realm rushed towards the earthworm queen, and two huge creatures tore up. Lu Yuan and Twilight followed behind quickly, repairing the knife on the neck of the burned dying earthworm. With the summoning of the Holy Power, the Twilight Star of Strength 19 is even more terrifying. With a sword, the head of a digging worm is cut off. If Lu Yuan said that he wanted a carapace, it might be cut faster.

The earthworm queen is still entangled with the violent badger in the heavenly realm. Lu Yuan and Duxing have already cut off six ordinary earthworms like chopping melons and vegetables. It's just that the body is still tumbling and twitching, spraying acid everywhere, making the smell full of sour taste.

"Fix it quickly!"

Lu Yuan shouted. Twilight rushed past with a roar, and a sword cut through the soft skin of Digger's chest. Immediately, Lu Yuan's "burning ray" was ready, and a hot ray rushed into the broken wound. For a time, the steam rose, only to hear the burning squeak and the queen's sharp screams.

Lu Yuan is holding Duxing and standing at the farthest place, not letting her venture to rush past. When the steam had disappeared, the queen was prostrate there and there was only a slight ups and downs in the torso of the torso.

"Don't go", Lu Yuan stopped Twilight, "Use bow and arrow."

He threw the wooden ball towards the ground in front of the queen. Sure enough, as soon as the wooden ball bounced off the ground, the queen slammed forward. Two sharp jaws silently divided the wooden ball into three pieces. Twilight Zhang Gong shoots dozens of arrows in a row, some are inserted into the gap of the carapace, some are inserted into the mouth, and some are shot into the eyes. In this way, Lu Yuan also received the prompt to complete the task almost half an hour later!

It can be seen to what extent this guy's life is tenacious.

Lu Yuan continued to pack up the carapace of the corpse of the insect. This time, not much was collected, most of them were burned and incomplete. Of course, the flame was still intact, and Lu Yuan put it in one place. As for the biggest queen ~ ~ After Lu Yuan put out the acid and emptied the internal organs, the whole was stuffed into the bag. This might be the best thing.

"come here!"

Twilight turned from the biggest pit and shouted.

Lu Yuan remembers that in the game, there is a little treasure.

Sure enough, in the deepest part of the tunnel, three corpses that were still intact and a lot of leftover bones, armor fragments, clothing fragments, etc. were found. Twilight wrapped all the three bodies with the linen that they brought, and asked Lu Yuan to receive the space bag. Originally Twistar's suggestion was to go out and be rejected by Lu Yuanyi in return.

Lu Yuan rummaging through the clutter, and soon found several bottles of potions and two magic scrolls, one was the three-ring spell "hint" and the other was also the three-ring spell "Furious Charm". A small magic dagger and a slightly damaged magic chain mail.

When looking for something else, "Hey, look at this! It looks like you used it." Lu Yuan looked up and saw Duxing holding a fiery red stick in his hand, and immediately overjoyed! This is one of the main goals this time, the Fireball Staff.

Received his hand, stroking up and down carefully, it is simply not enough! This is a fireball technique staff. As the name implies, as long as it is pre-charged well, when used, it can fire 50 fireballs! It's just a small caliber gun that you carry with you. This thing Lu Yuan had seen countless times when he was in a witchcraft shop. It's a pity that it can't be bought. Now that I really have one, the happiness that flows from the bottom of my heart cannot be suppressed.

Holding Twilight, kissed two of them fiercely, the two covered each other and walked out.

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