Watching the Dawn

Vol 10 Chapter 22: Utopia

"Welcome, young man." The old man wearing Phoenix i-type armor shook hands warmly with Lu Yuan, who also wore armor.

"Haha ~ This armor is well-reproduced, and the digital color is changed to make it more like ... Don't be nervous, young man. When I was young, I also wanted to be n7." I wrote the word "n7" in red paint and couldn't help but make a joke. When I saw Lu Yuan's somewhat embarrassed expression (actually proud of ...), I suddenly felt that the young man became more and more lovely, and his attitude was more sympathetic. "You can call me Tang, oh, it is estimated that you young people don't understand this kind of name, then call me Tang."

"Lu Yuan, I still call you Tang Lao." Lu Yuan said politely, like a young man with a sense of cultivation. (His teachers and classmates must be crying!)

"Can understand the difference between these titles, young man, you have a good family." The old man was very happy. He took Lu Yuan's arm with a smile and walked to his manor. "Let's go, I will take you to see this year's pumpkin, the biggest one ... Wow ~ I think I can hold fifty people, and I can do a big job this year!"

"Why don't you put it on the core of mass effect and build a small spaceship that can be lifted off?" Lu Yuan made a suggestion.

"Good idea, Xiao Lu, do you like pumpkin car games? I remember we did this once." The old man was a little surprised. Now there are fewer and fewer young people who like pumpkin racing, so he will arrange this year's competition to Narcissus (the largest satellite of the Zion planet) in an attempt to use the low-gravity environment to attract more young people. Audience.

"Of course, in 2170, you installed a mass-effect core on a pumpkin with a big locomotive and outperformed the speeding car. I remember it all! ... I am your fan!" It was obvious that I only read the news a few days ago. But Lu Yuan is still able to stab at him without changing his face.

"Young man, I really like you more and more!" The old man couldn't hold his mouth happy. The more the two talk, the more speculative.

It stands to reason that at this time you should be invited to be a guest at home—but because of quarantine regulations and other constraints. That is impossible. After Lu Yuan landed on the new planet, due to civilian transportation, the quarantine observation period lasted for one month-within this month, as long as it was on the surface of the planet, Lu Yuan could not take off his armor, nor could he leave the floating robot beside him Sight.

Do n’t be fussed. Although it is the age of the Pan-Galaxy, the technological capabilities of civilized races are not as advanced as imagined. The ecosystem of each planet is still very fragile. It is said that there is a livable planet because the cargo ship brought a spore. This spore rapidly mutated and spread in the new environment, and then floated in the air, causing all the animals on the planet to be blocked in the lungs, suffocating and dying in a few weeks.

Since then, the planet has an environmental level of 1, and humans can live outdoors without wearing armor. Upgraded to environmental level 3, in addition to armor, you need to wear a filter mask, and up to seven cleaning procedures when returning to the cabin ...

There is also the Krogan planet, where one-third of the population starved to death because of the lemurs that stole (breeding fast. They like to steal human food). Not to mention the gene phage virus, which directly destroyed the Krogan Empire.

"Come on. Young man." Donald La's arm landed far away and came to the edge of the farm, looking at the huge pumpkins piled in the field with satisfaction.

"My son does n’t like to grow pumpkins. I do n’t think my grandsons like them either ... They all want to go to big cities or go to space to be an adventurer. I remember when I was a kid in a pumpkin field ... … Ah, I started to talk again. ”After talking for a long time, the old man realized that he was nagging again. He shook his head in disbelief, took out two tickets and handed it to Lu Yuan. "I know that shipping these pumpkins can't make a few dollars. Every year we spend a lot of time looking for carriers. Thank you, young people. I hope I can invite you to visit the Narcissus Pumpkin Race!"

"Thank you, my honor."


"After heavy rain, the country roads are always muddy.

When I was young, I like to watch the streams formed by the rain. The clear and transparent water flows and jumps between the sand and the branches, sometimes forming a small waterfall. Looking at it, I can see the scenery of those distant places on TV. A person like me who grew up in the country may not go to such a distant place in my life.

But when I was holding a notebook in the hotel and trying to recall my childhood, I suddenly realized that ... I have gone to places that I haven't even remembered. "


"Several people with me were found online temporarily, and it was just a ride along the way. When they knew each other, they started chatting. I sat in the front seat and listened to them. I plugged in a few from time to time. Sentence. In a bad mood, I like to tell some jokes to see others laugh, looking at it for no reason and feel lonely, so I want to get off.

The sky near Chengdu is always covered with white fog, and the visibility on the highway is less than 100 meters. It was an unfinished expressway. When the toll booth was approaching, the driver started to find a path and slipped down. We do n’t have much fare, and we praise the driver for the move. The driver Chengxing said that there is a manor of the local tyrants and bullies near Dayi County. The local tyrant is Liu Wencai, who is a representative of the big landlord in Sichuan.

Several Sichuanese laughed, and they were taken to the revolution several times when they talked about elementary school.

This gave me a chance to tell the driver to let me get off and take a look. Several of them stayed for a while, and finally everyone waved and dispersed. "


(Randomly copied two paragraphs from the previous manuscript, controlled within five hundred ...)


The spacecraft flying from "Eden" to "Zion" can only reduce the weight by half by relying on the mass effect core that comes with the landing, so the spacecraft will have to travel for more than half a month, and it can't make much money.

In addition to the huge pumpkins of a large ship, there are various items such as parcels from couriers, mailed letters, etc., all of whom are to be sent to the Narcissus colony. This reminds Lu Yuan of his experience as an adventurer at the Bode Gate ... If there is any difference, it is that although the transportation route is not formal, whether it is sent or received, it is a very formal enterprise.

The interplanetary transportation cost is extremely expensive, but the profit is very meager. Lu Yuan ran like this once, and the whole month went smoothly and profited, perhaps earning three or five thousand stars ... If something goes wrong with the engine, it will immediately become a loss. So he now understands why Li Yunchen is so rich, and he still has to use the old ship "Skywalker" to pull a watermelon, a Mercedes-Benz, and he can't run this kind of transportation!

In order to save costs, if there is no cargo ship going along the way, the courier company generally uses a kind of "cannon" mounted on the space station to launch the cargo in a certain direction directly for the unimportant cargo! Then notify the other party through the buoy network to find a way to receive it-it is said that this kind of arrival probability is one-third, but it is not intercepted. Since then, there are as many as one-third of the goods that endlessly drift between the stars ...

Lu Yuan's fingers flew on the keyboard, and lines of text appeared on the screen. Lu Yuan ’s first thought was just to seize an opportunity—writing a book was just an introduction, and Lu Yuan also prepared a series of nostalgic moves—he knew very well that when nostalgia began throughout the age, that How powerful is this kind of power. So the thing to do is to make the best preparations before this tide is triggered.

After all, it is a new era of great navigation and a new era of great geographical discovery! The overall human spirit must be determined and aggressive. Nostalgia can only be a short-term rebound after a long-term rush, and it cannot be the mainstream of social values. So he intends to actively participate in it, and then when this wave reaches its highest point, launch his carefully prepared gifts for the world-red wine and cigars from the sixteenth century (well, this thing again) , And fashionable clothing from the end of the twentieth century (remember someone sweeping Ginza)-in short, the overall characteristic is that it is expensive to die!

Lu Yuan intends to prepare some more funds for his future ship-Normandy SR1, this all-galaxy's most advanced boat, only a hundred meters in length, research and development costs and cost up to 2 billion stars.

The entire temporary money-raising plan is still in line with Lu Yuan's long-standing idea of ​​"do big things, do big things".

But people are so strange.

When Lu Yuan began to recall while writing, the memories gradually smoothed from stagnation, and he couldn't immerse himself in it. Childhood joy, boredom at school, loneliness during boarding, college entrance to college and work ... Many scenes reminded him of his purpose. He let go of the idea of ​​picking up text directly from his memory. For the first time in nearly 100 years, he planned to tap these memories with his fingers a little bit.

Perhaps it is because the time interval is too long. Sometimes, he remembers the matter itself, but has forgotten how he felt at the time.

In order to get back his thoughts at that time, he would land on the planet Eden, chat with an old man like Donald, go to a pub in the city, or simply chat with some “netizens”. After all, no matter what the age, the nostalgia of the elderly

At this time, Lu Yuan completely let go of the idea of ​​making money and seriously wrote this book.

While writing his own book, he sought out the original concept of life by communicating with the aborigines, and he helped the colonial people to do some transportation work within his ability. Lu Yuan was only for help, never thinking about making any money from it, so he met many friends. As his footprints spread throughout the "Utopian" galaxy, his reputation among the residents is getting better and better ...

Until one day in the future, the former alumni of Lu Yuan, Ashley Williams who was promoted to non-commissioned officer, was sent to serve on the "Eden" star. When she discovered that Lu Yuan was among the colonial inhabitants, she actually had a reputation like a sage, so she almost passed out!


ps: Ask for a ticket, always keep the top ten in the classification. (To be continued)



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