Watching the Dawn

Vol 10 Chapter 30: Endless suffering

Xing Yan's clothes were scorched a few pieces, and the edges of his hair were also roasted yellow. Seeing Lu Yuan looking at her, Xing Yan didn't care to smile, "just too close to the main muzzle just now." Gently exposing the matter in a sentence.

Alien battleships have just been fired frequently, and the temperature there can be imagined. Lu Yuan apologized a little to her apologetically, sometimes he will forget that in fact, the noble creature like the Lord God is not good at fighting-when they need to fight, they usually give gold fingers-otherwise they will be like Xing Yan Be disgraced.

Lu Yuan apologized, but Xing Yan happily began to plan her laboratory. "Leave this shield generator to my laboratory to disassemble it!"

"No." How can such a future-related thing be given to "non-core personnel".

"Then transfer Misha to my deputy." "No, the Academy of Sciences cannot do without the suppression of the Queen."

"Then I want fifty tons of element zero!", "Make it yourself ...", "Make it yourself consumes three times as much power!", "Yes, you will need to buy the element no. 0 yourself later, The price is ... twice as good. "," Last name! I have been bearing you for a long time! Believe it or not, I call Lu Dabu to hack you !? "


The figure of Dawn reappeared in the orbit of the wandering star, and then moved towards the star, all the way to the limit of the bearing! The arc-shaped dome is completely open, whether it is solar energy or magic tower, are madly replenishing energy, preparing for the next escape route. Compared with the past, the speed of replenishing energy at this moment has been improved by an order of magnitude! But correspondingly, when the surface activity of the star is violent, the occasional flame will damage or even destroy the solar panels on the six rotors.

This can only be a short-term expedient measure.

But at a time when the aliens may go back and forth at any time, the Dawn can no longer take care of so many.

On the 33rd floor patio deck. Elona, ​​Xing Yan, Dragon God, Lu Yuan, Eight Cloud Purple, Mu Xing, and Ms. Liming reunited together. After a while, Aikexue brought the robot and hundreds of dormant cabins to the 33rd floor central hall.

Straight beam of light. Towering hall, transparent zenith and glazed floor. The sun shone like a miracle here. It's just that everyone is very serious, or sits or stands silently.

"A total of 113 people are related to aliens ..." Aikexue gave the electronic version of the list and information to Lu Yuan, and he also stood aside. Ms. Lim's mouth murmured as if she wanted to stand up, but Mu Xing pulled her and shook her head. After blending with Twilight, Mu Xing has understood when to be good and when to be decisive.

At this time, no matter what decision Lu Yuan made. She will support!

In fact, Ms. Liming did not dare to stand up to stop Lu Yuan. She peeped at Lu Yuan with some fear, and then bowed her head in awe ... The first time, she realized that the speed of calculation is not equal to IQ, and IQ is not equal to Wisdom.

On the surface of the whole thing, it seems that because of Mu Xing's impulsiveness, Lu Yuan led people to make remedies, and then triggered a series of coincidences, one thing pushed one thing to the point where it is now.

But think about it, suddenly contacting the earth also caught the alien by surprise! Aliens are tracking. Then the exposed device is exposed. Afterwards, the chasing action has caused a large number of data such as alien warships, technological level, biological image, weapon power and nature ... to be leaked to the Dawn, and even one is left, which may contribute to the technology of the Dawn. Shield generator for the second leap ...

All this because. Lu Yuan "exactly" owns a magic tower, and then hides the Dawn completely at the right time.

Not to mention, the language information of the aliens was also obtained during the communication. These language information not only leaked the content of the aliens ’conversations, but also the profile of some civilizations. The point is that the characteristics of these alien languages ​​can be used as search keywords to traverse the memory of all four million immigrants. When aliens speak. The instrument changed what was said. Those who had contact with aliens, even though he heard the language of the earth. But the traces of alien language have been preserved in his memory.

then. Coincidentally, Lu Yuan's subordinate Aikexue had the "exactly" ability to retrieve human memory at will, and the only lady who could stop this matter, just isolated herself, released host resources, and then "It just happened" that Lu Yuan obtained the root permission of the host some time ago ...

A lot of coincidences ... The current ending is that the unusually weak Dawn is unharmed and has gained new impetus; the incomparable aliens travel in vain, whereabouts are exposed, a lot of information is leaked, and they are lost An important person ... are these really coincidences? !

She quietly saluted Lu Yuan's back ... I hope this person will always be my captain!

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan looked like he had eyes behind his back. He turned his head strangely and grinned at her. Ms. Liming suddenly felt that the host was blank!

"These people are not in a hurry to deal with it, first discuss what to do next." Lu Yuan casually threw the electronic version aside and said unkindly.

In fact, because that list almost wiped out the research backbone of Dawn, and even Rita Sangyaning and Ai Guodong are on the list! This makes Lu Yuan very annoyed!

They are Aikexue's "parents" in a different world! No wonder Ke Xue has been looking at him with pitiful eyes since he came in. Lu Yuan nodded helplessly to her, Ke Xue immediately smiled. Even looking at the trust she had not concealed, Lu Yuan had to give the little girl a guarantee to let her have a good mood.

Although the information read from their memories is incomplete, Lu Yuan can clearly know that these people are participants, rather than occasionally obtaining information about certain aliens, and “infected people” who have been polluted by the information after participating in the research ".

Lu Yuan forced himself to change his thinking direction, and temporarily put aside the treatment of these people-now that all hidden dangers related to aliens have been cleared, it is time to decide on the next plan.

"Speed ​​up and leave now!" This is Ms. Liming's suggestion. Dawn ’s engine has been warmed up and can be started at any time, so obviously the sooner you leave here, the safer it will be. I just do n’t know how far I have to fly to escape the alien search limit. But seeing the technology that aliens have is clear. This hope is very slim.

"You can move Dawn to my semi-physical world, where aliens must not be found, such as the Caribbean ..." Nana threw her tongue at Xing Yan. Xing Yan rolled his eyes. The world of the Caribbean Sea was made by two people from Xing Yan.

"I ... I have to make suggestions too!" Aikexue jumped and said. But when Lu Yuan's eyes turned. She immediately whispered, "Actually ... it's Dad and Mom who have something to say." Aikexue spit out her tongue. Ms. Liming, who had just quietly discussed with her, waved her hand, and the environment in the hall changed instantly .

The 33rd deck has become a place similar to a human court. Lu Yuan was sitting at the top in the costume of a judge, Misha was sitting next to him seriously, and everyone else was sitting in the auditorium, his specific face was hidden. The couple of Ai Guodong and Rita Sangyanin. Standing side by side on the dock in the lobby. Eke Xue turned into a cute little girl, holding the hands of two people timidly, sandwiched between her parents.

She shook Ai Guodong's hand and seemed to encourage him to tell the truth. Ai Guodong and Rita Sangyan looked at each other and finally nodded. Ai Guodong took the lead and said, "I am not an alien, nor a traitor among humans ... if this is a game, I am actually ... the organizer of the game."

"We are responsible for making the game fun, and aliens," Rita continued. "Give us survival!", "The chief person in charge of this plan is academic Xue Xue ..."

With the couple taking turns to illustrate. For the first time, the context of things is clearly displayed in front of everyone.

In the 23rd century, when humans first discovered that the inner starry sky was a skin and a completely false "sky", humans set off an unprecedented "advance to the sky" movement. The vast solar system and nine planets have never seemed so narrow and breathless.

But when mankind solved the problem of energy crystallization for the first time and was ready to make great strides, a mother ship (the alien's main ship. The prototype of the Dawn), nearly 50 kilometers in diameter, sailed into the solar system!

The human leader at the time. There are also top figures from all walks of life, such as Academician Xue Universe who has broken through the crystallization of energy. He was forcibly invited to visit the Mona warships. Yes, Mona, this is what aliens call themselves. Their empire occupies a quarter of the spiral arm of the Perseus in the Milky Way, covering more than 4,000 stars! Have hundreds of colonial planets! The solar system? It's just a very remote galaxy on the edge of its territory.

From not hesitating to convene actions to accurate convening objects, and then a light is shrouded and then transmitted, from which we can know how much the Mona know about human society. After visiting the powerful warships, they directly showed two ways to humanity-whether to continue to live "filled with tribulations" or to destroy them directly!

During this time, the Mona showed a little bit, the image of the mothership destroying a planet-the second way is not to destroy humans, but to destroy the earth.

"We do n’t know what the purpose of the Mona ... But Academician Xue said that it was meaningless, and directly defined it as a" game "... In this game, all the people of the earth have to play players against the tribulation, and We who know the truth, the role is the organizer. "Speaking of which, Ai Guodong's eyes stopped red.

Rita Sangyanin said loudly with a more intense attitude, "We will not accept any trial, because everything we do is just for the continuation of humanity! Too many things, you simply don't understand!- think about it!

Why can human beings in the 26th century design and build artificial objects as large and complex as the Dawn? I tell you, because many cutting-edge technologies are provided by Mona! Why is the immigration ship, which is responsible for the safety of four million people, unarmed? That's because all our voyages are within the Mona's territory! Except for the Mona, we will not encounter any attack while sailing! Why are some planets, such as this stray star, not actually discovered while on Earth? Because the ‘sky curtain’ is not just on the outer periphery of the earth ... It exists almost anywhere in the Mona ’s territory, some shelters, some mimetics, they design their territory into a huge maze!

Our technological development is arranged! Our immigration is arranged! Tribulation on the way is arranged! Even, I can tell you clearly ... when everyone on this ship is starting to fall into despair, driving the Dawn in a certain direction at will, ready to fight hard! Before the fuel runs out, you will definitely encounter a planet that has not been detected before! "

"Humans will regard this planet as a holy place! But in fact, this planet will not be very suitable for human survival. Humans need to transform the planet's air, moisture, temperature, soil ... and so on a lot of environmental conditions before they can wear protective gear. Life, just as we did on Mars!

We scientists will rebuild civilization on that planet-but these are not the most important! The most important thing is that there is also an indigenous race that has just evolved to the same degree as human civilization on that planet! ... Humans and each other must fight for the same planet! Only the winner ... has the hope to survive! "

"The human society remaining in the solar system will eventually split, and people living in space expect to build the sun into a Dyson sphere system and use extremely large energy resources to transform the entire solar system into a happy place for adults; and the people of the Earth, the Moon and the Mars Federation are even more They tend to build the moon into a final immigrant spacecraft and leave the solar system. Disputes become wars, and wars become hatreds ...

Alien colonial humans will fall into the quagmire of war ~ ~ Even if the local indigenous races are eliminated, they will face increasingly powerful attacks from various civilizations ... I guess until one day, when both sides After they have come through and built a better home ... The Mona will arrange another lively battle between the native humans and the alien colonists ... "Ai Guodong made a self-deprecating tone. The final statement.

Rita Sangyan has been covering Aikexue's ear with her hand, even if it is only a short moment, she does not want her daughter to hear the cruel reality.

"Tribulation, never-ending tribulation ... this is the game rules that the Mona made for humans!"


ps: So everyone sees that the classification was "Science Fiction", but it was actually correct. The initial setting that came out only after the 220w word was indeed a little late-555, which is really a tragedy ...

ps2: The recent votes are so few ... (to be continued)



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