Watching the Dawn

Vol 10 Chapter 90: There are 3 in 1 book

"Captain ... what book are you reading?" After the initial panic, Liu Ming tapped on the headphones, turned on the sound compensation system, and asked quietly.

High-altitude descent is not a difficult thing. The reason why you do n’t train in the military school is to send the troops to send them for the “first time”. In fact, it is to dismiss the recruits in a certain sense! First of all, personal armor can withstand the test of various severe planetary environments, and the quality is reliable enough. And the small jet device that everyone carries can save lives when necessary.

Finally, the "Grey Mackerel" tank designed by Mu Xing is really awesome-no matter whether it is rail firepower or vehicle performance, it is better than the "Gray Mackerel" tank that would appear in history. Much more x! At present, the Xinglian Navy has purchased 140,000 such tanks in one breath! It is the most prepared tank of the whole army, and there are 70,000 orders of outstanding people waiting in line ...

The mass effect field pushes the high-speed air away. After a period of acceleration, the vehicle begins to fall / fall at a constant speed-basically hung on the chariot. Except for weightlessness, the personal feeling is like sitting in a high-speed elevator.

So, after screaming, the rookies cramped their necks with red ears, and one by one like quails could not hide themselves. Fortunately, Anne was watching the novel at this time, which made everyone less embarrassed. Liu Ming couldn't help admiring it! It turns out that the sir deliberately pretended to be reading a novel. Has this thought come to mind? Reminiscing Annie to remind everyone to turn off the sound compensation in advance, I suddenly felt that Anne's back became high-mountain ... Even the book the captain was reading became taller.

"If you promise to do all the next things for you, I will send you a backup," Anne said without looking up, "I just bought a few more anyway."

"Okay!" Liu Ming readily agreed-this must be the captain training me! … And even if I do n’t agree, you will still forcefully appoint ...

"Fresh! Liu Ming, you must be from the Northeast!" Annie said happily. Then Liu Ming received an email prompt. But what made him embarrassed is that everyone in the team received a copy ... how much did you buy! He heard Anne inadvertently broadcast on the channel, "Rookies. Now take your hands away from the gun! There are thirty minutes to go to the land, let's read novels, everyone ..."

Several people moved their hands away from the guns awkwardly-just when they fell / falled. They subconsciously grab everything they can! Fortunately, the insurance is closed, otherwise it is really possible to burst who's head!

Thirty people and chariots of the "Gamma" squad followed them closely above the side one kilometer behind them. Because half of the squad is veterans, Lin Zhuxue does not have to lead the team to squat the front of the car. So he accompanied the inspector Captain Leona, sitting inside the "Grey Mackerel" chariot. When monitoring Annie through the tank channel, I heard that she dared to take a group of rookies to a high-altitude reading meeting ... Lin Zhuxue hated to vomit blood three liters! He originally wanted to figure out how to round the field, but when he turned around, he found the middle-aged female captain. At the moment, I was also fascinated by reading books, I didn't hear at all ...

Hairy looks good! ? Lin Zhuxue was both relieved and depressed. When he first bought that book ~ ~ The name thought it was through the novel, then I thought it was a life flow of Nima! Life flows your sister! No artillery ships, no doomsday crises, no planets torn apart, white holes to collapse-are you sorry to write a book? ?

After reading five pages, even the strength of a broken star is unavailable, and he is bored to death ... He can only give up the book in depression.

Alas ... It's a waste of money again ... Book shortage!

At this time, boring, his eyes inadvertently swept the side face exposed on the transparent captain of the female captain. Lin Zhuxue suddenly realized. Although the captain's eyes were wrinkled, she was still very beautiful. She has no makeup, but her skin and face are well maintained. Presumably, when he was young, he was also a great beauty all over the country. Especially when Captain Leona read the book intently, there was a little smile on the corner of her mouth ... Lin Zhuxue only felt that her heart jumped! He panicked and turned his head hard, even making his neck slap!

Lin Zhuxue only felt a burst of cold sweat coming from his back. He seemed to have seen it—Annie had small black horns, waved a small fork, and laughed wildly—would you have more rumors of “I am a maternal control” after you “like men”? ! The sorrowful captain seems to have seen his future promising ...


"Jump!" With Annie's order, all the members of "Alpha" opened the jet pack and dispersed from the chariot like a blooming flower.

Wait until the "grey mackerel" bang. After violently smashing the dust in the sky, everyone in the team. Only fluttered down from a dozen meters of air. Slowing down the horse, for a solid tank. All are clouds. And with the protection of the mass effect field, the vibration in the car is negligible.

"Spread! Expand the scope of investigation!" Liu Ming ordered instead of Annie. He turned his head and looked, and found that his captain was standing on the roof of the chariot, looking at the sky boringly ...

A minute later, the second tank also landed accurately on the landing site, and the two sides merged. After a short exchange, still in the form of team ab, one after another, marching towards the colony ten kilometers away.


The planet Akuz has a large number of native plants and a complete biological chain, and is a vibrant planet.

Before humans stepped into the galaxy, the Shenbao Council had extensive experience in planetary development, and had a complete set of molding systems-this set of methods and rules were also inherited and inherited by Starlink. For example, to minimize the materials carried into the planet, try to use the minerals and raw materials produced by the planet as much as possible; and, before thoroughly studying the planet ecology, choose the colonial plan that does not destroy the original ecological environment as much as possible-everything It is to prevent the collapse of the entire ecosystem and create a new planetary disaster.

Compared with the many technologies that can change the world in this era (such as releasing the "sky" along the equator to cool the entire planet), the livable planet's ecosystem is more vulnerable than babies ...

Therefore, the location of the first Akuz colony was located at the boundary between a wilderness and mountains. The landing site chose to be on a flat low mountain, with a straight line distance of almost ten kilometers.

"Scattered into a team of investigators! It's a team of investigators ... the first three and the second ..." Liu Ming was busy before and after running, and his classmates' performance in actual combat made him blush—even though he seemed to have been such. But when he began to inspect from a stricter angle, he discovered that everyone was almost a "substandard product"-this finding made him unacceptable, so that he continued to work hard to correct it.

A march of more than a dozen kilometers is fleeting, and for these soldiers who have been genetically optimized, this distance is nothing. Seeing the colonial wall in front of him, Liu Ming was slightly relieved. Fortunately, before reaching the colony, the marching team finally looked a bit ...

"Check the equipment ..." Liu Ming continued to shout, but a hand stretched out from behind, holding his shoulder, interrupted what he had received.

Liu Ming's heart was horrified—Annie's hand was only lightly pressed on his shoulder, but he felt like he was pressed by a mountain and could not move at all!

"Good job, let me do it next!" Annie said softly. Liu Ming nodded speechlessly as he watched Annie stepping out from behind him, his hands constantly uttering sign language. The entire "Alpha" team withdrew after her command and turned into a formation with Anne as the arrow. Although Anne didn't say a word from start to finish, the command system suddenly became smooth when she stood up.

It's just ... Liu Ming looked at Annie's back a little strangely, how does it look ... Captain Anne is not the same as usual?

As the formation spread out, Annie took off the huge shotgun she was carrying, and the "wide sword" gun clanged off effectively! Her left-handed universal tool swept across her waist like a cloud, half a dozen universal capsules, and instantly condensed into a dull three-foot diamond sword! Annie was holding the sword in her left hand and the shotgun in her right hand, standing at the forefront of the team.

At this time, it seemed to feel someone watching from behind, and Annie's eyes flicked back slightly. After noticing that it was Liu Ming, she didn't care much. She squatted down and pressed her hand on the ground, feeling attentive ...

But Liu Ming, who glanced at her, only felt the brain bang! The scalp is numb, the goose bumps are exploding, and the legs are trembling slightly. It is as scary as seeing a wild monster!

Is this the real strength of Captain Anne! ? This is the broad sword ... No, the terrifying look of Thor's hammer? ! At this time, Annie, like a sleeping beast, squinted her eyes and exuded an extremely dangerous atmosphere!

"Captain ..." Liu Ming heard that Annie opened the communication with Lin Zhuxue. Although everyone was blocked, he could still hear him standing behind Annie. He heard Anne say with an unprecedented serious tone, "Let those rookies retreat immediately! Is the female captain by your side to supervise? Please ask her to lead the team. The problem with the colony ahead ... I am afraid that only our" gamma " Only the original team can handle it! "

Liu Ming opened his mouth several times, wanting to expressly refuse to accept the retreat order. But in the face of Anne's terrible pressure, he couldn't say anything.

"You can send someone else to lead the team ~ ~ I won't retreat!" Captain Leona directly refused, "Don't underestimate me! I'm an instructor at n7!" A glance at the female captain, instructor your sister! Do n’t know that the long-term cooperation is the most important? ! He regained communication rights. "Annie, tell me your judgment!"

He didn't ask why-the countless actions in the previous border patrols had made everyone understand and began to trust Annie's-like a wild beast!

"My judgment is ... Danger ahead!" Anne remained silent for a few seconds, but she still wanted to understand that the advance team could not give up the investigation of the colony and confirm the safety of civilians-this is the mission of the soldier! Even the sacrifices are undeniable ...

So Annie could only repeat the sentence repeatedly, "The kind of danger that the whole army has annihilated!"


ps: ah ah, I have to keep going ... (to be continued)


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