Watching the Dawn

Vol 10 Chapter 93: Bomb

The soldiers of the Star Alliance Navy are not the flowers kept in the greenhouse. Even the recruits in the military academy have experienced sufficient training. I have seen huge creatures like Tyrannosaurus rex, and have killed lemurs in batches (this animal is the new four evils of the universe, even extreme environmentalists will not protect them).

But when they saw a monster that was drastically drilled from the ground, as big as a cruiser standing upright, many people even suspected that they were dreaming! A dozen or so huge creatures from tens of meters to hundreds of meters suddenly came out of the ground, directly covering most of the sky, and turned the empty field into a barnyard jungle of barnyards! The monstrous giant monster stood in front of it and screamed. It had a long body like a snake, and there were horrid and sharp cuticles all around it. It would kill you if you wiped it gently.

At this moment, at least one-third of their bodies drilled out of the ground, standing like soldiers' black pillars, snarling indiscriminately. The sand demon worm's body is swaying in the direction of being roared by the shells. They are attracted by the large shock caused by the projectile impact. After that, the standing soldiers were all dizzy and fell softly to the ground.

After the Starlink soldier fell down by the shock, the whole person was not sober, and some people could only crawl in a direction away from sand demons. Until a thunderous sound sounded, both the headset and the outside world sounded at the same time, waking them up at once!

"Calm down !!!" Annie's voice, which normally sounded crisp and moving, became like a thundering roar and a roaring Hedong lion, exploding outside the residential area! But it was just right to rescue the soldiers from shock.

"Run !!" Annie yelled at the car's external speaker, which was the only command she could make. The on-board horn amplifies the sound thousands of times and converts it into a huge noise of hundreds of decibels, as if it were actually radiating to the surroundings. Several nearby sand monsters turned their heads violently, using their only one large hole, and the heads of countless blade tentacles, pointing to the "grey mackerel" chariot where Anne was!

"The sound works, but it's not obvious." Leona said in the back row. With an electronic version in her hand, she is monitoring the scene outside. However, Captain Leona restrained herself from paying attention to the star-struck soldiers who were torn apart by flesh and blood, and their limbs were broken. At the beginning, they all thought and concentrated on the habits of sand monsters. Every conclusion she gets will save a few lives.

"Run!" Annie pushed Liu Ming, who was scared.

Liu Ming looked back in horror. He turned the steering wheel, and the "grey mackerel" roared and turned half a circle in place. The four propellers below brought a few tons of body to a light "original" Turn around and jump half a step "! Immediately, I only heard the sound of "Poo Poo", and several large groups of green solutions spit in the car's position just now!

The acid "squeaked" eroded the rocks and the soil, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a big pit with inferior teeth, and white smoke was everywhere.

"Charge finished ...!" The new steel projectile came out of the rail muzzle with a hot flame! A sand demon caught in front of a certain team was directly hit by a projectile in the head! Its lower body is still underground, and the upper body is like a tree folded by the wind, falling down sharply!

"Hit! Hit!" Liu Ming shouted. He turned the steering wheel madly, and the car ran wildly in the sand jungle's "jungle" like epilepsy! "how is it going?"

"Useless ..." Annie looked at the monitor, the huge demon struggling to stand up again, said helplessly. Liu Ming was surprised in his busy schedule and still glanced at the screen quickly. The tentacles on the side of the sand monster's "big mouth" were cut a lot by the projectile. But the sand shield's biological shield is terribly thick! He was hit by a vehicle-mounted rail gun at close range, but he was only slightly injured ...

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Sand Demon screamed in the sky, the smaller sand worms around turned around and re-drilled into the ground! This big guy who seems to be among all the sand monsters, at least ranked in the top three, started to go crazy! It rushed straight into the "Grey Mackerel" chariot and slammed everything that was in front of it-whether it was a house, a wall or a "family", it was torn and crushed by its flying claws, and it chased chasingly on the "Gray Mackerel" Behind the "Shark" tank! Bite it hard!

"That's it! That's it! I'm a target! Come on! Bugs! Come on! Let me crush you!" Annie screamed loudly through her horn! Two airborne heavy machine guns pulled their tongues to the left and right! A rail gun continued to fire, and the "Grey Mackerel" chariot began to shoot at every sand monster in sight indiscriminately! After a while, she attracted most of the sand monsters!

Everyone in the car saw that at least half of them had ran into the colonial walls. Although it is not safe there ... it makes everyone a little relaxed, and even has a slight sense of pride in their hearts! ... even three-quarters of the sand monsters are chasing around this "grey mackerel" chariot, and even two sand bugs are still entangled and biting each other!

"Left ... right! Jump!" Annie stretched her hand forward, closing her eyes and perceiving the movement of the sand monster! Now that the sand monster has burrowed out of the ground, she can make a clear judgment. When the attributes of perception are high to a certain degree, and after special methods of training, for people like Anne and Lu Yuan, this has actually become like the existence of another perception organ.

"Ah!" Liu Ming shouted with excitement, and he turned the steering wheel wildly. The "grey mackerel" chariot is like jumping a tango. After a short s-shaped sharp turn, the propeller burst out instantly and came to a horizontal roll in the air! In the next moment, the wounded sand demon rose from the ground! Take a bite!

In Liu Ming's world, it was like watching a silent movie at this time. The tank escaped a naval warrior and drove dangerously and dangerously between the two sand monsters-but at the next moment, he saw the soldier directly washed by the sand monster, the sharp carapace The tip ran over ... the dazzling blood made his hand tremble.


At the speed of the vehicle pulled to the end, a dozen tons of alloy tanks rushed past like a mad cow and directly hit the root of a relatively "slender" pillar in front! The huge kinetic energy allows the chariot to push the bug's body forward, pushing the soil layer behind the bug to roll, and has been pushing away a distance of more than ten meters! Even the torso of the bug hidden under the soil was pulled out!

Kinetic energy barriers are effective for ultra-high-speed projectiles, but lack effective barriers to "slow-speed" attacks. And the shield of this little sandworm is obviously weaker, and it was directly broken by the chariot! Even the chariot is still on the torso of its apartment building, tearing out a cut like a belly! Inadvertently, Liu Ming created the biggest result of the advance team so far ...

"Squeak ~~~ !!!" The larvae uttered a terrible scream, facing the sky with acid, blood and internal organs, and then broke off from the place where it was crushed and crashed by the chariot. Falling down ...

"Turn left!" Annie said anxiously, she felt that the biggest sand demon had rushed towards this side! The chariot "Woo" roared, but only a little bit, and "pulled out" the stuck head from the bug's body!

"Roar !!!" The earth shook, and the huge sand demon crawled out from behind the chariot. It knocked the dying sand monster away, regardless of the life and death of the sand worm who did not know whether it was his son's generation or his grandson's generation, just staring closely at the chariot that injured it! It screamed like a sneer, dusty, rolling the earth! A huge body of circles rises like a wall! Around the "Grey Mackerel" chariot, in a few circles, it will rise to a height of tens of meters! It is like a snake disk, preventing other sand worms from snatching, and wrapping the "grey mackerel" chariot in the middle of the body alone!

"Go to you / **** it!" Annie shouted, slap on the shoot button! The 80-storage orbital gun once again produced a hot projectile. But as soon as the projectile just came out of the muzzle, it distorted into the sticky mercury. It splashed a circle of ripples, but at the same time it was reducing its speed very quickly ... Finally, the projectile's perfunctory impact was on the sand monster On the carapace, broken into several pieces ...

"Using ... high explosive bombs!" Leona directly lifted the ultimate limit of the tank with the n7 permission, and the tank computing center began to read the most confidential data, creating a high explosive ammunition at a very fast speed- — That ’s the hammer-shaped tank ammunition explicitly prohibited from research, production and use by the Shenbao Treaty!

It's just ... Is it too late?

Sand Demon seems to be satisfied with the resistance of the little bugs, of course it can gather the body and crush the entire tank directly! Or drag it underground! But ... it screamed with excitement, his head pointed at the struggling "Grey Mackerel" chariot, a bright emerald green acid, began to condense in its mouth! It seems to be intentionally extraordinarily long. Its head, which is much larger than the chariot, hangs a few hundred meters above the chariot.

The "tick" acid flowing down the tentacles landed on the chariot, corroding the armor to "squeak".

"Is it over?" Liu Ming said pale, as he stepped on the reverse and pulled out the chariot a little bit harder.

"It's not time to die!" Anne pulled down the joystick coldly. "Boom", the roof split laterally from the middle, revealing a gap of one meter wide! Annie stood up straight, confronting the big bug without giving in!

"Damn the worm!", She pointed the big sword in her left hand to the sky and pointed to the huge mouth that occupied seven-eighths of the head. "Eat me a curry stick!"

"!" With Annie's roar, the ordinary alloy sword synthesized with a universal tool suddenly became crystal-clear! And radiate a dazzling, holy white gold glory! The glory first expanded into a huge sphere of light around, and then suddenly contracted to the limit with Annie as the center! In the glory that is not clear, it seems that even Anne herself has become transparent!

Immediately, the sphere of light compressed to the extreme burst like a collapsed star!

The white gold light is like a giant sword that penetrates the sky and earth, stabs straight in the direction of Annie! The bucket-like white beam of light tore the time and space, traversed a distance of hundreds of meters, directly hit the head of the big bug, and inserted into its mouth ... The world was silent for a few moments ... Then I heard thunder and lightning ripping overhead, violently exploding in all directions!

The sky instantly turned white!

"This is ... power? What a beauty ..." Every human being irradiated with white light couldn't help groaning / groaning involuntarily. Their hearts began to be full of courage and hope, their bodies became no longer stiff, and muscles ran out of new power to run, even the wounds were not so painful ...

The surrounding sand monsters are like being splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid. After being injured, the big one becomes more cruel! And those around 100 meters, directly turned away from the center of the light and drilled down into the soil!

The transparent sword in Annie's hand, still pointing to the sky, suddenly shattered into countless spots and dust. And herself, like falling leaves in the wind, fell down weakly ...

"Annie!" Everyone in the car hurriedly reached out, but Captain Leona first caught Anne and hugged her in her arms! "Annie ..."

Although Annie's face looked haggard, she didn't look like she was going to hang, which relieved everyone. But Annie's lips murmured, her expression anxious, and she seemed to want to say ...

"I'll listen ... what are you going to say?" Aunt Leona put her ear to her lips. "Quick ... run ... run!"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Look at the "dozens of floors" above the head that are shaking and are about to fall down at any time! People in a car scream together! Leona raised her leg with one foot, kicked on the wrench, and the armor plate of the roof closed together! As soon as Liu Ming pushed the engine, the car slammed and turned directly, and then the four ports worked together. The "Grey Mackerel" chariot quickly slid out along the ground!

Then I heard the sound of "Wala" like a rainstorm knocking on the roof, and countless flesh and acid fell down from a height of hundreds of meters! Immediately afterwards was a worm corpse that was hundreds of meters tall and tens of meters thick, like a collapsed skyscraper. Push Jinshan down like a jade pillar! I just felt the car body jump up, this piece has been smashed into ruins!

When the "Grey Mackerel" chariot reluctantly adjusted its posture and prepared to stand up, the second sand monster that screamed rushed over again, its dark body covering the sky! The open mouth reveals countless spears like spears!

But at this time, "Boom!" A loud noise, the side of the insect's head ~ ~ burst into a huge fire! Throw it to the right like a swing! "Annie! Are you okay ?!" Lin Zhuxue shouted anxiously from the communicator.

After most of the personnel entered the fence, Lin Zhuxue drove the second "grey mackerel" chariot and joined the battlefield!


ps: That sort of chapters is too shameful. After serious thinking, I decided to give up! Later chapters that are not four chapters are not used.

ps2: The title of this chapter, I really want to call it "mouth / burst".

ps3: Annie has also gained new growth from her teacher, but the attributes of the two are different and they will not look the same. My big curry stick v5!

ps4: Please support the genuine ones if you like it! Now they are ordering 2600, and they are slowly accumulating little by little, and now they are still less than 400 and are all booked into high-quality products. I hope that the first book of Lao Lei can end with the qualification of a boutique! r1152


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