Watching the Dawn

Vol 11 Chapter 174: Fire Phoenix 2

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Leona ... She has been hiding inside the ship's stern, no matter how critical the situation is, she just stood by and watched until the chance of no one really appeared! ——The shells of the “Guandu” finally ripped open the shell of the “Kashan” fearless ship; two consecutive blows made the shield of the “Kashan” always unable to restore;

Leona drove the fighter jet out of the battleship, and in less than a second, the captain drove the fighter plane to complete the incredible movements continuously!

The body glides naturally in the air, loosening the hooks of the special cracked torpedo. In the narrow gap between the two ships, the fighter plane circled half of the circle sideways like an osprey-that special torpedo was like a stone thrown by a sling. It first turned a small circle with the fighter, then pulled off the claws, and flew accurately into the "cardigan"-that is not much bigger than the torpedo itself ...

Leona pulled the fighter up sharply, pushed the engine to its maximum, and then directly pressed the detonation switch!

The plane leapt on the surface of the battleship like a cobra ... Leona certainly knew that pressing the explosion switch too early would limit her survival probability infinitely lower! But every second more than the delay of the explosion, the probability of success of the explosion is greatly reduced-the enemy has countless means to counter it-and the only advantage of his own is only the word "unexpected"!

The fighter plane rushed straight away from the fearless ship, and two laser beams crossed across behind her, only rubbing the tail part. When her warplane flew away from the first fifty meters, the world was still turning as usual. But the next second, Tianhedi lost its voice and color!

The hull of the Intrepid Ship suddenly swelled at the broken part. The bubble-shaped protrusion first expanded to an unimaginable level, and then the hull finally could not bear the huge tension. A series of cracks appeared on the hull, and the pure white dazzling light was sprayed from it! Explosion and burning white glow, unlimited expansion!

This is the end of the moment-Leona's mind suddenly crossed this idea-she has imagined the scene of her sacrifice countless times. But when this day really comes. Leona felt peace only in her heart. She gave up and continued to control the fighter, leaning her body against the driver's seat. Look up at the fearless ship that is about to explode!

She wanted to witness this glorious moment-not just for herself. As Lieutenant General Yang said, small fighter tactics may become history from today. This time, the fighter's record of the fearless ship's fall may become the end of this tactic, and become the final sound of the small fighter tactics!

(If Lu Yuan is here, he will definitely widen his eyes and groan with an incredible face-Sister, you really think too much! There is a three-type system. Take it out temporarily for self-defense! Mu Xing Dake has not made this achievement Resting in your eyes, you gang of unskilled soldiers want to end the era? Then the black technology of the Mona in our hand, is the shield against 90% of the laser swollen ?! Wait for the era to be ended again Really ?! The times are innocent ...)

Leona watched the fearless ship break off from the middle, then burst apart. Just like a nuclear bomb exploded in the air, the central part was directly decomposed, and endless debris and flames were ejected outward, even covering her entire vision! Leona watched quietly, waiting for the final moment to come.

But at this moment, her eyes suddenly went black, a dilapidated spaceship. Suddenly appeared above the fighter's head! The "Guandu" frigate was fearlessly blocked between her and the blast wave! The ten-meter-high plane is set against the hull of a hundred meters. It looks extremely petite. Leona did not expect that the "Guandu", which should have been detached for a long time, took great risks to turn around on the occasion of a sudden attack, blocking the entire sky for her!

"Cracking!" She heard the endless sound of the impact on the warship overhead, the fighter plane was affixed to the "Guandu", and then pushed together to fly into the distance!

"Hi, partner, are you okay?" Lin Zhuxue's thick voice rang in the communication channel. Sounds at the moment. It is so reassuring.

Leona stared blankly at the battleship above her head, which firmly protected her and the fighter underneath her, and her heart became mixed! "Hi. Partner ..."

Just when she wanted to say something, the fighter's communicator and the universal tool "tick ticked" together. Interrupted her! As the "Cardigan" fearless ship exploded completely, the battlefield interference it released certainly disappeared. After the communication between Leona and the flagship was reopened, new news swarmed! Leona quickly glanced at the news she received, some asked, some reported ... until she saw a piece of information that should not have appeared on the battlefield, a trace of disappointment appeared in her eyes, Leona gently shook Shaking his head, shut himself again.

"Leona?" Lin Zhuxue didn't know why she said halfway, so she stopped and asked at random.

At this time, the body of the "Guandu" was burning and smoking everywhere, and there was no good place. More than fifty crew members on and off the ship are trying to keep the ship running for a while, so that the "Guandu" can crash safely-just like the "Pittsburgh" piloted by Shepard. Crashes are inevitable-but you can minimize injuries to people.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Lin. Captain Cynthia has just given birth to a daughter, and you are a father!" Leona said with a smile.

After that, there was no communication between the two. The frigate smoked black smoke, ripped the rain curtain with the fighter, and fell / falled towards the planet.

Behind them, the fearless ship exploded into two pieces of wreckage, falling / falling straight from the sky, and smashing **** the head of the pirate base!



Facing the turbulent flames, Miranda reached out very quickly and pulled Lu Yuan behind him! Then she reached forward with her left hand, and a light blue transparent mask appeared in front of the two people, blocking the flames and the hot air from the door.

Fortunately, these flames are just a by-product of a huge explosion. When an explosion occurs in a small space, the unventilable airflow will be sprayed along the channel to a very far place. But these burning air have no roots, so come quickly and dissipate quickly!

"What's going on outside? It's hundreds of meters underground! Do we get a main gun of the fearless ship?" Lu Yuan guessed casually.

But then he looked at Miranda face-seemingly, it was really possible! Otherwise, unless a fearless ship hits the zombies directly on top of its head, where else to make such a large kinetic energy impact? ! As long as you look at the strange patterns formed by the twists and fractures on the wall, you should know how strong this impact is.

"Miranda, you must know what! Tell me, and we have to leave right away ..." Lu Yuan grumbled in his heart. At this moment, the bottom communication of his universal tool has been started, and the battlefield images captured by the dawn mothership are being continuously sent to him.

"I'm going to say ... in fact, it all stems from Starlink's plan." Miranda sighed, and then quickly told the whole story. What she said was similar to what Lu Yuan knew-Star Alliance suddenly went crazy and wanted to solve the pirates in one breath, and even gathered up to 30 cruisers for this! The entire operation, from making a plan to starting an offensive, actually took less than three months-which also caught Ceberus by surprise.

When the Cyberus organization received the intelligence, Star Alliance had prepared all offensive matters. Cyberus and the pirate organization have many invisible transactions. In addition to the slave trade, they also obtained and robbed many resources that could not be touched by the pirate organization-such as the zero element! Cerberus believes that his goal is noble, but they don't think that Star Alliance will understand and agree with this.

Especially the last hijacking operation against Mu Xing, and the penetration of the Navy exposed by the Cerberus organization, made the Navy go up and down in anger!

If it were not for Cerberus to provide the battleship technology of Touareg and Ashali immediately, the Star Alliance Navy may still be chasing and violating Cerberus! Although Cyberus was temporarily let go ... but if the Star Alliance Navy really finds evidence of crucifixion in the pirate's den this time, they must be willing to do so!

"That is to say, the person who bombed the planet outside is the Star Alliance ?!" Lu Yuan asked behind Miranda. At this time, there were hordes of chaos in the hallway, and there were pirates in armor and guns rushing around. The two men wearing helmets were not afraid of being recognized. "Besides, why don't you clean up the evidence earlier ?! You have to come when the Star Alliance is attacking ~ ~ Isn't this sick?"

Miranda opened her mouth, and finally only replied with depression, "Do you think I don't want to ?! It's not a temporary encounter with something. It can only be exchanged through pirates ... otherwise I won't make such an unsure plan!" "

"Wait, let's go here!" Lu Yuan held Miranda in the direction of the elevator. He pointed to the trace of the flame burning on the wall. "The fire was sprayed from that direction, indicating that the elevator shaft has been destroyed. ! We must leave in another direction. "

"Damn!" Miranda immediately understood Lu Yuan's meaning and turned to walk in the opposite direction. "Brother Lu, you are still quite powerful ... But you just made a mistake. I am afraid that the bombing of the planet was done by the Batari people. Starlink will definitely not do this kind of thing! Not because of noble things ... Lieutenant General Yang of the team will soon form the Sixth Fleet! Before his fleet is built, he must be careful not to make any principled mistakes. "


ps: Continue three more changes today. I have to say that the three more is an outbreak and will definitely be beaten ... so forget it. (To be continued)

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