Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 1033: Opportunity for sanctification

"Press down Zhang Sheng's seal!"

Ye Hao's figure was shocked. If he was struck by lightning, his face was full of shock and amazement, and he couldn't believe what the former said.

Indeed, since Zhang Sheng banned the world, Ye Hao had never heard of anyone who could break its seal. Even when he boarded the Cang Clan that day, Canglan, who was in a banned state, could not do anything. He could only watch the gate collapse.

Even the real saints can’t do anything about the seal left by Zhang Sheng. No matter how strong Ye Nantian is, he is still only half-sage. He can actually suppress Zhang Sheng’s ban. This really makes Ye Hao suffer too much from his heart. calm.

"It's just a temporary suppression, you don't have to make a fuss about it."

Looking at Ye Hao’s expression, Ye Nantian shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "The Confucianist Zhang Sheng is not easy. His seal is not as active as you think. Even with the power of the holy things in the clan, I am most You can also condense a clone to go."

"It turned out to be so."

Ye Hao nodded, but still suffered a lot of shocks in his heart. After all, even if Zhang Sheng's ban was temporarily suppressed, he could use the power of Semi-Holy to be amazing enough.

Moreover, according to the former, the clone that was condensed with the Ye Family's holy artifacts also has the strength of a half-step saint, which should not be underestimated.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that Ye Hao faintly understood how good the Ye Family's holy relic was, and perhaps only these mysterious treasures could break the blood curse in their veins.

"Patriarch Ye, what kind of relic is it, it's worth your effort?"

After the horror, Ye Hao couldn’t help but feel a deep confusion. For a ruin that was about to be born, the Ye Family in Zhongzhou sent a strong man to the Eastern Wilderness to regain the holy artifacts in their veins, but the ultimate goal was to let Ye Nantian temporarily suppressed Zhang Shengfeng to seize the good fortune in that ruin.

Could it be that there is a legendary elixir in the ruins about to be born?

If this is the case, there is no saint in the world today, and the supreme ban, if Ye Nan can really condense a clone, with his half-step saint strength, I am afraid that no one can compete with it.

Ye Nantian was silent for a while, and then said with a solemn expression: "Because there is a chance of sanctification in that ruin."


Hearing this, Ye Hao's whole body was shocked, and his face was even more unbelievable and shocked.

An opportunity for sanctification?

If this is the case, it is no wonder that Ye Nantian would spend so much time and effort, and he would go there personally at all costs.

Because of the opportunity of sanctification, for the former, such a powerful person who is stuck in the semi-holy realm, it is definitely more crazy than the legendary elixir.

auzw.com "You have also heard that there is no sage status in Zhongzhou."

Ye Nantian took a deep breath, did not hide Ye Hao, and continued to speak: "After countless years of investigation, my Ye family discovered that the reason why no one in Zhongzhou can be sanctified is probably because of the ruins."

Ye Hao's eyes shrank suddenly, and the expression on his face changed drastically. He couldn't imagine that this unsanctified cursed land in Zhongzhou might have something to do with the ruins about to be born.

"how can that be!"

After a while, Ye Hao spoke with a dry voice. In response, Ye Nantian shook his head and sighed, "Although I can't be sure, but my Ye family has been dormant in Zhongzhou for a long time, and found that there is no saint status in Zhongzhou. But because the saint status is suppressed by a certain mysterious force, no one in Zhongzhou has been able to become a holy since ancient times."

"As for the mysterious power, it came from within that ruin!"

Ye Nantian’s words are not surprising and endless, causing Ye Hao’s mind to roar, and his mind has been greatly impacted. The legendary things such as the saint's fruit position should be just a kind of the rules of the world, mysterious and mysterious, and it is impossible to predict. How could it be affected by a ruin.

"It shouldn't be wrong. My Ye family has existed since the ancient times. At that time, some sages in the clan noticed the ruins, but they have never waited for the opportunity to enter."

Ye Nantian said that these belong to the Ye Family's secrets. He told Ye Hao without reservation at this moment. Firstly, it was for his consent, and secondly, the chance of sanctification belonged to the chance of semi-sage. If the realm is insufficient, even if the opportunity is released It is of no use in front of you.

"Patriarch Ye's condition is to let me go to that ruin with me?"

With a strong pressure from the bottom of his heart, Ye Hao frowned and said, "Since Patriarch Ye decided to go personally, with your half-step saint's cultivation base, no one should be able to compete with you, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Nantian shook his head and asked, "You are so sure that Zhang Hengqu banned all supreme-level creatures in the world?"

Ye Hao was startled, frowning thoughtfully and fell silent. Don't say anything about it, even Zhang Sheng himself couldn't be sure, even before it dissipated, he said that maybe there are some big fish hiding extremely deep in the world. Even he can't perceive the ban. If there is such a terrible existence, it will be difficult to guarantee that such creatures will not show up if the opportunity for sanctification appears.

"Patriarch Ye, if there is someone who can compete with you, then even if I go, I won't be able to help?"

Ye Hao groaned and said, he is not a big bag, if he agrees to the former conditions, and can't help much by then, then he will be a little bit sorry in his heart. After all, the opportunity for sanctification this time must be The Ye Family has been dormant so far, the opportunity that has been waiting for endless years.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. Your true strength may not be able to compete with supreme-level creatures, but the True Phoenix Skyfire in your hand is even fearful of true saints."

Ye Nantian spoke. The biggest reason he invited Ye Hao to go there was also because of the terrifying nature of the True Phoenix Sky Fire.

After all, Ye Nantian asked himself, even if he was a half-step saint's supreme realm, if he accidentally contaminated the True Phoenix Skyfire, he would not end well.

"Besides, if you help this time, even if you can't win over the other four-veined clan elders, I can still use this to speak for you. Then it should not be difficult for them to help break the blood curse in your vein."

Ye Nantian spoke in a deep voice, with a meaningful color on his face, and continued: "Furthermore, according to the information I have received, the ethnic group behind your mother should also send strong men to the ruins this time. You want to know when that happens. What should I be able to find out more or less."

When the words spread, Ye Hao suddenly sighed, looking helplessly at the front, and said with a wry smile: "Patriarch Ye, you are really an old fox."

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