Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 231: Kill streak

After rushing into the eruption of the giant pit, a burst of irresistible traction caused Ye Hao's figure to fall rapidly, like a shuttle through the void, into a strange space.


As soon as he stood firm, a thunderous roar came along with the air waves.

Ye Hao's eyes condensed, and he suddenly looked into the distance, only to see a young man with Dao Soul Great Perfection who was fighting with a huge monster beast, and the storm of spiritual power continued to spread like a wave of anger.

The monster is a giant lizard, measuring thirty feet long, with thickly armored scales, like an earth dragon. What's strange is that its giant eyes are flaring like torches, which is extremely frightening.

"This is the demon spirit at the cremation site?"

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes. The biggest crisis of the cremation site is that there are countless monsters. These creatures seem to be no different from monsters, but maybe because the place has fallen to the supreme, or other reasons, these monsters The sudden change of spirit, eyes with strange flames, the strength is far better than similar monsters.

And the demon spirits in the cremation grounds were the weakest and had the Dao Soul early stage, and the strongest found so far even possessed the power of the Spirit Evolving Realm.

However, due to the special nature of the cremation place, it seems that there is a law that suppresses the celestial phenomenon, so that no giant monsters in the celestial state will be born.

Of course, these demon spirits are difficult to deal with, but if you kill them, you have a certain chance to get the source fire of heaven and earth, as if the mutation of these demon spirits is related to the large number of source fires in the cremation site, but because not every demon spirit There is a source of fire in the body, so all parties cannot be sure of this guess.


In his astonishment and contemplation, the young man's supernatural powers in the distance were already like waves, completely submerging and killing the monitor lizard, causing Ye Hao to narrow his eyes.

The monitor lizard has at least the realm of Dao Soul Great Perfection, and the monster's combat power is stronger than that of the human race, not to mention the monster spirit in the cremation ground, the strength is far beyond the ordinary monster, I am afraid it is enough The last three Dao soul Dzogchen monks.

"Are you the arrogant of the Changfeng School, no wonder"

Ye Hao recognized the young man, and while waiting for the opening of the cremation site, he also had a general understanding of the sect forces who came here.

The Changfeng Sect is also a powerful sect of the Eastern Desolation Party, no less inferior to the Tianyan Sect. It is said that the Supreme Realm giant was also born in the endless years, and the background is unfathomable.

And that young man also noticed Ye Hao and glanced at him with disdain and arrogance, obviously not paying attention to him.


Suddenly, in the corpse of the monitor lizard that had just been beheaded by the youth, a group of extremely brilliant flames seemed to be condensed by countless runes and jumped out, just like this mysteriously floating in the air.

"Heaven and Earth Origin Fire?!"

Ye Hao's heart shook violently, this Changfeng Sect's Tianjiao luck was really against the sky, and the first demon spirit that had just entered and killed contained the source of heaven and earth.

"Unfortunately, it's just Fanpin's source of fire."

Ye Hao secretly shook his head, the young man was also obviously aware of the Origin Fire rank, his joy quickly turned into indifferent, and he put it away in a cold snort and quickly left.

"This cremation site is somewhat similar to the Flame Spirit World."

After the youth left, Ye Hao began to look at his eyes. There was a huge vortex in the sky, and streams of light scattered from it to various places, obviously all the sects of Tianjiao who entered this place.

The sky and the earth here are dark red, as if they have been scorched by flames for thousands of years, and waves of heat swept from all directions, and Ye Hao felt a little sultry, even the cultivation base of the Dao Soul Realm.

"Only three months, we must find Sister Qingwu as soon as possible."

After clarifying the surrounding environment, Ye Hao immediately chose a direction to sprint away. The opening of the cremation site will last for three months, during which no one can leave, only to be squeezed out by the world after three months.

Ye Hao didn’t worry that Ao Hongchen would break through to the Burning Fire Realm during this period. After all, Ao Hongchen’s goal was the Supreme Fire. Even if he was lucky enough to get it, he must be fully prepared for the horror of the Supreme Fire. Will choose to return to the Sky Flame Sect to break through.

The only thing that worries Ye Hao is that he and Qingwu did not enter together, and this space is so vast, he wants to find Qingwu within three months, time can be said to be extremely urgent.

With such worry speeding, five days passed quickly.

In these five days, Ye Hao encountered many sect Tianjiao, but he did not see a person from the Tianyan Sect and Qingyun Bang. As for the demon spirits in the burial ground, he encountered hundreds of them in these days. It was like breaking into a monster's den, one after another.

Among the hundreds of demon spirits, the weakest have the power of the Dao Soul in the early stage, and the strongest have the power of Dao Soul Dzogchen, and many even appear in groups, but Ye Hao is worried about Qingwu and does not want to delay the slightest time. , Are all directly crushed by Thunder means.

With his current strength, within the same realm, even if the combat power is stronger than the demon spirit of the average cultivator, it doesn't take much effort.


On a mountain, Ye Hao directly smashed a giant wolf from the later stage of the Taoist Soul, and amidst the rain of blood, a splendid heaven and earth source fire, the whole body red, like a delicate red lotus, suddenly rose.

"The origin of the land?!" Ye Hao's eyes condensed, and joy couldn't help but appear in his heart.

He killed at least two hundred demon spirits this way, but only obtained a mortal origin fire. Compared with the young man of Changfeng Sect, this luck really made him feel a little speechless.

The local source fire in front of him is the second source fire he obtained this time. The rank is by no means low. Even most sect Tianjiao will be jealous. After all, not everyone is like him and can develop it. Half-step supreme life sea.

"It seems that the rank of the source fire of this heaven and earth has nothing to do with the strength of the demon spirit." Ye Hao groaned. The first mortal source fire he obtained was the demon spirit that killed a Dao Soul Great Perfection. The income, and the origin fire of this local origin, came from a demon spirit of the later stage of the Dao Soul, which really exceeded his expectations.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ye Hao didn't want to delay time, and was about to collect the Origin Fire. Suddenly, a fierce wind, like tearing the air, screamed towards him.


A cold light flashed in Ye Hao's eyes, and his body instantly moved horizontally, avoiding the spiritual power training that was enough to cut a person's arm, and immediately cast his gaze on a hill to the right, where he saw three figures of two men and one woman. Looking down at him with a sneer.

"Even to avoid it, luck is really good." The young man in the lead shook his head regretfully, and then waved his hand like a fly, thinking that he was generous, "Leave the origin of the land behind and get out."

"People from Yinluo Mansion?"

Ye Hao squinted his eyes slightly. The two young men's faces were pretty handsome, but their auras were extremely gloomy, and the same was true for that pretty woman. The breath of the three of them, he immediately recognized their origins.

Yin Luo Mansion is also a powerful force on the Eastern Desolation. Although it is slightly weaker than the Sky Flame Sect, there has never been a supreme power in the sect, but it is definitely a huge monster, not comparable to the Sky Profound Academy.

"Shit, a slave repairer from a subordinate force has a good vision." The pretty-faced woman sneered, her eyes full of disdain, and she obviously recognized Ye Hao's origin.

"Give you three breaths to disappear immediately, otherwise you will never leave." Another young man opened his mouth with cold eyes, and his expression seemed extremely impatient.

Indeed, from his identity as the Tianjiao of Yin Luo Mansion, the slave repair of a mere subsidiary force is not worthy of him to say more.

However, just when he thought that the young man below would flee desperately, an indifferent sneer came from his mouth unexpectedly.

"One Dao soul late stage, two Dao soul mid stage, dare you to speak so much?" Ye Hao looked at the three with a blank face, his expression was not at all afraid, and with a direct wave of his left hand, he put the source of fire into the storage. bag.

"Hehe, it's really daunting!"

"A slave cultivator in the early days of Dao Soul dare to be presumptuous to my Yin Luo Mansion?"

"Stupid ants, think that our Yin Luo Mansion's Dao Soul Realm can be compared with your servant forces?"

The expressions of the three people in Yinluo Mansion were cold, and the murderous intent in their eyes flickered crazily, like three tigers looking down on a lamb. Although the young man below also had the strength of the early Dao Soul, but with the foundation cultivated by them in Yinluo Mansion. , To kill this kind of slave cultivator, even in the same state, it will not be much harder than killing a chicken, not to mention that the state of the former is weaker than them.

"I don't have time to spend time with you. I will also give you three breaths, either roll or die."

Ye Hao spoke indifferently. When he entered the burning cremation site this time, he had come with a murderous mind. Even the Saint Child of the Tianyan Sect dared to do it, not to mention the three Yin Luofu Tianjiao.

"Well, the ant-like slave repair dare to be so presumptuous. I want to see how you can make me die." The headed young man laughed furiously. The spiritual power in his body burst out like a cold wave. Frostbolt swooped down suddenly, "When you are slaughtered later, you must be taken out of your soul and placed in Yinluo Purgatory for a hundred years!"

"Even if you Fang Tian, ​​the saint son of Yin Luo Mansion, are here, I dare to kill, let alone the three of you."

Ye Hao grinned, Qingwu was deeply trapped in the Sky Flame Sect this year. Although he usually didn't reveal it, his murderous intent had long been suppressed like an abyss. Now he entered the cremation site and faced the three murderous intents to him. People, Ye Hao no longer wants to be suppressed.


The spiritual power in his body erupted directly, and Ye Hao's entire figure was like a volcano that had been silent for a hundred years, and it was like a sleeping beast awakening. The vast power fluctuations changed the expression of the young man who rushed from Yin Luo Mansion.


Ye Hao stomped heavily on the soles of his feet, and when the ground cracked like a spider web, his whole person was already hitting the blue sky like a tsunami, and he rushed up, his fist with a faint golden light, like a small sun, facing The youth smashed out.



In just a few breaths, the two were entangled like lightning, and the aftermath of the vast power poured out like a flood. After dozens of strokes, Ye Hao's fist blasted his chest directly in the horrified gaze of the young man of Yin Luo. Let him explode in an instant, completely killed.

No matter how deep the Tianjiao was cultivated in Yinluo Mansion and how strong the physique is, how can it be stronger than Ye Hao who practiced the extreme realm method?

Denglong three extreme realm, body refining invincible method.

"How can it be?!"

At the same time, the two men and women who sneered and watched the battle in Yinluo Mansion above, could not help but change their color when seeing the blood and rain below, and unprecedented fear and shock appeared on their faces.

Senior brothers who were better than them were killed by a slave who was far inferior to them in a short period of time?

In their eyes, the sheep turned into a peerless fierce tiger?

The two were pale, their bodies and minds were instantly shrouded in fear, feeling unprecedentedly cold.


Without hesitation, let alone war, the young man shouted with a pale expression, and turned around and fled for the first time.

"Did you go?"

Ye Hao sneered, the evil spirit erupted in his eyes, and the whole person turned into a black lightning, and instantly overtook the young man. The Husha Bengtian fist broke out, and the young man was smashed into pieces with one punch, and the woman who fled to the other side also After being followed up by Ye Hao after dozens of breaths, he completely wiped out.

The so-called Zongmen Tianjiao, a powerhouse in the middle of the Dao Soul, was vulnerable after Ye Hao stepped into the Dao Soul realm.

Taking a few deep breaths in the same place, Ye Hao's anger slowly calmed down. He didn't have the slightest guilt in killing the three people. In the burning cremation site, either you died or I died. The law of the jungle was realistic and cold.

"Shengzi Lin Xuan, we are a subsidiary force of the Sky Flame Sect, don't go too far!"

Just after Ye Hao wiped off the blood on his hands, a cold and desperate anger came from a distance.

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