Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 404: Tianzun (1)

In the void, four light curtains filled with terrifying aura suddenly appeared, like a huge cage, tightly closed, and all things within a hundred li were enclosed.

This sudden change caused Lin Jing's expression to change drastically, her figure flashed rapidly, spurring the yin and yang qi to slam into one of the light curtains, but the power of the lunar yin and the sun was strong, but Lin Jing was only the first glimpse of the doorway. , And she is not in full bloom at the moment, she can't break the light curtain at all.

"Despicable villain! You have done tricks long ago?!"

Lin Jing's face was pale, and she gritted her teeth and stared at Ye Hao. At this moment, she was like a bird in a cage. A trace of panic appeared on her pretty face, because the four light curtains in the void not only completely sealed the radius of a hundred li, but also completely sealed it. The speed visible to the naked eye is shrinking sharply. If she continues at this speed, even if she has mastered the Sanqing Youtian Step, her range of movement will become smaller and smaller before long.

At that time, the so-called world speed is completely useless.

Ye Hao didn't speak, but quickly pinched the tactics between his fingers, manipulating the spirit light to shrink constantly. In fact, just as Lin Jing guessed, he had already set up the spirit light in secret at the moment he decided to take action, just in case.

Because in the first level of the trial, Ye Hao had seen Lin Jing used the power of the sun.

This supernatural power is so prestigious that there are not many qualified practitioners even in Tongtian Daofeng Sanqingshan. Therefore, Ye Hao guessed that this little aunt was not only talented, but also his own methods and methods must be unfathomable.

as expected.

In addition to the power of the lunar sun, Lin Jing also mastered the two supreme magical powers of the Sanqing Mountain, especially the Sanqing Tour Tianbu, which is known as the world's ultimate speed. There are only a few body techniques that can match it. If it were not for Ye Haozao With preparations, even if he can beat Lin Jing this time, I'm afraid he can't help her.

"Shen donor is really a good method."

In the distance, Lu Guan couldn't help but sigh, and the shock in his heart was even harder to heal for a long time. When the young man killed the Young Master of the Blood Wolf Clan, he knew that his strength must be good, but Lu Guan never expected it. Yes, this taciturn, seemingly ordinary boy, is so terrifying.

Even judging from the strength of the young man, Lu Guan thought that even if he was him, he might not be his opponent.

Even Lu Guan was like that, not to mention Sun Ming and Xie Daoyun. The whole figure seemed to be bombarded by thunder. His face was full of shock and horror, especially Xie Daoyun, while his heart was shocked, but also unprecedented complexity emerged.

Xie Daoyun didn't expect her sister to recommend it, and she was just reluctant to do it, but there are unacceptable supporters who have such a strong strength.

And when I thought of myself yelling at the young man before, Xie Daoyun couldn't help being bitter, and his cheek was flushed with shame.

"Sister Lin!"

On the other side, the young girl who Lin Jing is protecting this time has a small face full of anxiety and panic, but she has nothing to do. Although she Zhou Rou is the most amazing seedling of the Zhou family in the Southern Territory, she only has the cultivation base of the Burning Fire Realm. I am afraid that the strength of Xie Daoyun is almost the same.

Even judging from the strength shown by the talented young man, Zhou Rou asked herself, even if she opened up the spiritual veins, she might not be able to compete with the former.

of course.

Few people in the field could not imagine that Ye Hao now only has the Burning Fire Realm cultivation base, but he can completely suppress the Tianjiao who walked out of the Tongtian Daofeng Sanqing Mountain, and even Lu Guan, who came from the endless Buddha land, can't compare it.

But if a few people knew his true identity, they wouldn't be surprised by all this.

After all, when he was in the Kunlun restricted area, Ye Hao was able to compete with Zhang Kuaixue evenly with the use of the Burning Fire Realm cultivation base.

Although Zhang Kuixue admitted that he had lost a move in the end, Ye Hao also didn't think he had won.


The so-called Jianzong holding the sword, Zhang Kuaixue, who did not use the Sword Sword, is absolutely equivalent to binding oneself.

And they fought against each other last, and because of Xiang Canhong's appearance, the winner was not divided.

But anyway, Ye Hao's ability to fight Zhang Kuixue to such a degree was enough to prove too much.

You know that Zhang Kuaixue can be as famous as Sanqing Daozi, Buddha Zi Shenxiu and other peerless evildoers. Ye Hao's real strength may be slightly weaker than those people now, but as long as he evolves his spiritual veins, and those people After being in the same state, then this slight gap will certainly not exist.

It is precisely because of this that even if Ye Hao is in the Burning Fire Realm now, he can still be crushed against the immortal Tianjiao such as Shang Lin Jing or Lu Guan.

"Who are you?"

Obviously, Lin Jing was also aware of this, because at the age of a teenager and with such a strong strength, she would never be an unknown person.

However, Ye Hao naturally didn't have the leisure to explain to the little Taoist aunt. In silence, he finally shrank the aura to thirty feet, and immediately flashed a cold light in his eyes, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Lin Jing's complexion changed drastically, as if she was moving and avoiding the enemy, but it was a pity that she was in the prison of aura, and the range for her to move was too small. Even if she mastered the world speed of Sanqing You Tianbu, it was still at a dozen speeds. After breathing, Ye Hao got close, and immediately shook his silver teeth.


In the prison of the spiritual light, the vast and majestic qi and blood permeated, Ye Hao turned into a phantom, and he increased his speed to the extreme before reluctantly following Lin Jing. The two chased and fled, but the movable range was too small. , Lin Jing, whose physique is at a disadvantage, can be said to have no strength to fight back.


In a flash, Ye Hao's fist was filled with golden light, and another punch was blasted out. Although the space was shaking and blasting, Lin Jing barely blocked the punch, but finally his body shape resembled a broken kite, slamming heavily. Above the light curtain.


Lin Jing couldn't hold back a big mouthful of blood, her graceful body was covered with cracks like cracked porcelain, her aura was even more sluggish than ever, and she couldn't even stand up.

"We give up! Yubi gives you!"

Outside the light curtain, Zhou Rou Lihua shouted with rain.

Lin Jing bit her silver teeth with unwillingness and anger in her eyes, staring at the young man like a tiger.

Ye Hao didn't look at Zhou Rou, as if he hadn't heard her yelling at all. His black eyes looked down at Lin Jing indifferently and said, "You still want to kill me?"

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely shame myself!"

Lin Jingqiao spoke with a cold face.

Ye Hao nodded calmly, and said: "It just so happens that I don't have the habit of staying in trouble."

When the words fell, Ye Hao's palm suddenly clenched, and as the vast and violent blood rose and burst out, his fist was like a round of golden sun. In Lin Jing's incredibly fearful eyes, he just hit his head with a punch. under.

With this blow, Ye Hao didn't leave any hands behind, let alone pity and cherish jade. It can be expected that as long as this blow is implemented, even if Lin Jing is physically strong, he will never be lucky.

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