Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 469: Square inch boundary

Although Jixia Academy is an immortal orthodoxy, Zhang Sheng’s shocking handwriting a year ago can be said to offend all the supreme and immortal forces in the world, and plant a great disaster for the future, even if this disaster will not break out temporarily, but Zhao Daoling Also understand the situation of Xuegong, it must be very optimistic.

But anyway, during the millennia that the supreme saint in the world was banned, at least no one dared to provoke Jixia Academy. Therefore, Zhao Daoling's remarks were just to beat Li Qianmu.

Because he is ashamed of this strange Mr. who is like a school joke, but he is self-reliant on his identity and does not want to care about him.

After speaking, Zhao Daoling took a step forward, and his figure instantly entered the treasure boat. Xie Daoyun and the four followed closely. Li Qianmu behind could not help but curl his lips and muttered: "This hasn't stepped into the supreme yet. , It's like two to five to eighty thousand dollars, virtue."

Ye Hao shook his head helplessly and entered the flying spirit soldier with Li Qianmu.

The inside of the treasure boat was extremely empty and antique, and all the equipment was complete. Ye Hao and Li Qianmu were standing on the deck, Zhao Daoling at the front showed a wave of power, which was as vast as the sea and extremely terrifying.


Following Zhao Daoling's pinch, the treasure ship, which resembled a prehistoric behemoth, suddenly hovered, breaking through the void and heading for the distance.

"What an amazing speed!"

"Is this the Jixia Academy? What an amazing terrain!"

Outside Baozhou, a mysterious light curtain shrouded it, blocking the nine-day wind, allowing Ye Hao to stand on the deck steadily.

This was the first time they looked down at Jixia Academy from a high altitude, and it was Liu Qingyang, a senior disciple who was shocked.

Below, the mountains rise by thousands of feet and pierce the sky. Surrounded by the mountains, there is a seemingly endless righteousness. A large area of ​​the ancient temple is looming, and the sound of reading is heard inside, and it is the Jixia Academy. Where.

"What's so beautiful? Isn't it just mountains and water?"

Li Qianmu curled his mouth casually, causing Zhao Tianren in front of him to snorted coldly, "My Jixia Academy is one of the best in the entire Southern Territory. You really are a toad yawning, your tone is not small."

Li Qianmu rolled his eyes, but did not collide with a quasi-supreme.


As the treasure boat was galloping, the void in front suddenly shook slightly, and immediately an endless curtain of rune light condensed strangely, like an eggshell, covering the entire Jixia Academy.


"Could it be the Fangcunjie array of my Jixia Academy?"

The sudden change in the void caused Ye Hao’s several disciples to shake their bodies. Even Zhao Daoling’s eyes appeared solemn. The light curtain runes were extremely mysterious, and each of them was overflowing with divine light, which was more than the stars in the sky. To be complicated, only a very thin aura that radiates, it is like an infinite power, terrifying.

The Fangcunjie Great Formation, the guardian formation set up by the master himself after he founded the Jixia Academy in ancient times, is precisely because of the existence of this great formation that the Jixia Academy has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and it has not been destroyed for millions of years.

It is really the master's heritage that is too terrifying, the extremely sage soldiers measure the sky to deter the heavens, and the Fangcunjie large array shelters thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, even if the real saints arrive, they can't take the slightest advantage.

"This big formation, I am afraid it has surpassed the realm of the formation emperor!"

Although Ye Hao's realm is not high for the spirit formation, he is inherited by Shen Jiuyou, and can vaguely perceive the horror of this great formation in front of him.

In his feeling, if this big formation broke out in an all-round way, I am afraid that even the giants in the supreme field would temporarily avoid the edge.

"The Confucian world is not invaded by all enemies, it is not a lie."

Ye Hao couldn't help but think of the world's evaluation of this big formation, and couldn't help but sigh.

"How about it, awesome?"

Li Qianmu stabbed Ye Hao with his elbow and laughed strangely, as if he had arranged this big formation.

auzw.com "This is my Confucian sect guarding the mountain. If it's so good, you can say it?"

Zhao Daoling turned his head and glared at Li Qianmu, and immediately it was the fingertip pinch, and the mysterious runes merged into the front light curtain, allowing this large formation to make way for the treasure boat.

But Li Qianmu was anxious, gritted his teeth and grunted: "Bad boy, one day I will beat you to death!"

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth twitched, and he had to admire the boldness of this strange flower. Even the Burning Fire Realm disciple couldn't beat it, and he dared to face a quasi-supreme.

"You must hide your clumsiness, hide your clumsiness." After Li Qianmu muttered for a while, Ye Hao gave a white look, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, "I am giving you face, otherwise I would have beaten it long ago."

Zhao Daoling turned his head and glared, Li Qianmu looked like a duck pinched by the neck, smiled sadly, and did not continue to say.

In response to this, Ye Hao couldn't help but shook his head. This strange guy was still muttering to hide his clumsiness. Could he still hide his strength in front of a quasi-supreme?

Those who have such a method, I am afraid that in addition to the real supreme, even the quasi-supreme powerhouse can not do it.

Could this wonderful Li Qianmu still be a giant in the Supreme Realm?

If Ye Hao would have made such bold guesses in the past, but now the world's supreme has been sealed by Zhang Sheng, even the two supreme of Jixia Academy are no exceptions, so this possibility will never exist.

After passing through the Fangcunjie large formation, Baozhou was like a white rainbow, hurriedly heading towards the distant void, and Ye Hao's several academic disciples had already returned to Baozhou to sit and practice.

After all, the Emperor Yaozong is not too close to the Jixia Academy. Even at the speed of the flying spirit soldiers, it takes nearly a month to arrive. However, in everyone’s training, half a month has passed quietly. As they got closer to the Emperor Yaozong, they met more and more flying spirit soldiers from various ethics.

At this time, a young man with a luxurious dress and a handsome face was seated in the first place in a flying spirit soldier with a rich pill fragrant. His aura was extremely strong, and the pressure of the celestial phenomenon made the pretty maids who served on the side feel trembling. .

The young man's name is Huo Zun, he is under thirty, and he can condense the phenomena of heaven and earth at such an age. His talent is absolutely amazing, even if it is no more than the tianjiao in the immortal orthodoxy.

Indeed, although Huo Zun did not come from the Immortal Orthodoxy, not even the Supreme Orthodoxy, he came from the Huo family in the Southern Region.

The Huo family, the famous Dan Dao family in the Southern Territory, even if there has not been a supreme-level giant, the ancestor of the Celestial Man is also a powerful quasi-emperor.

With all the supreme beings in the world now being banned, the powerhouse in this realm is definitely the top combat power in the world.

Moreover, because of the Huo family's advantage in alchemy, the network of relationships they make is also extremely large, even if the true supreme Taoism is not a last resort, they are not willing to engage in evil with them.

It is for this reason that even though the Huo Family is not the Supreme Family, they are also invited to the Medicine Emperor Sect to learn the alchemy.

"Young Master, the flying spirit soldier in front, looking at the sign, should belong to Jixia Academy."

A Spiritual Realm servant who controls flying spirit soldiers respectfully spoke.

"Jixia Academy?" Huo Zun's face is extremely handsome, slightly feminine like a woman, "Haha, this sage residence, I am afraid it will be sunset after a thousand years."

"Young Master, do you need to go around?"

The Lingyan realm servant asked for instructions, but Huo Zun shook his head playfully, and said with a smile: "No, the Tianjiao of Jixia Academy is a rare sight in the past. Go up and say hello."

Huo Zun got up and walked towards the outside deck, his eyes were cold and stern and he swept across the lingering realm servants, and said: "Take a close look at the Holy Spirit that day. The ancestor is already in the Medicine Emperor Sect and the Alchemy Master in the Witch God Valley. After agreeing on everything, we will work together to refine it into a blood pill. If this little girl runs away, the death of your whole clan will not be enough to make up for it!"

All the servants of the Spiritual Evolvement Realm are busy and promised. They are all Huo family confidants, knowing the importance of this matter, because as long as the blood pill is refined, the Huo family ancestors are very likely to break through the supreme barrier with this, and move from the realm of quasi emperor , Really enter the supreme realm.

With all the supreme being banned in the world, if their Huo family is the first to give birth to a supreme, then in these thousand years, the Huo family is the number one in the world, and the resources they can get are simply unimaginable. This is absolutely not in the past. There may be great opportunities.

Thinking of this, a group of Lingyan realm servants looked like eagles and falcons, staring at the iron cage in the corner with countless runes.

Inside, a girl who was carved from pink jade and looked only three or four years old, had a pale, fleshy face without a trace of blood, and a strange iron pipe was connected to her tender white arm, which was red. Blood was continuously drawn from the girl to a small porcelain bottle outside the iron cage.


The girl curled up in the corner of the iron cage, her consciousness seemed a little fuzzy, teardrops hung on her long black eyelashes, as if she had dreamed of something in a coma, her small body was shaking constantly, and her mouth was dreaming about something.

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