Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 494: Dan Jie (1)

Ye Hao’s actions made everyone laugh wildly in the room. Even Ji Jiusi and Dan Sheng looked sideways, frowned and glanced at the young man. There was contempt and dissatisfaction in their eyes, and they seemed to be on the same stage as the former, pulling down. The level of the entire Danhui.


Not to mention Wu Ya and Shi Yuan, the most dazzling Tianjiao, even the other contestants are showing disdain at the moment, and even more are reprimanding, wanting to drive Ye Hao off the stage.

"Is this kid reliable?"

In the stands, Li Qianmu's expression was also very strange. He originally had a glimmer of hope for the young man, but at this moment he was also feeling guilty.

"Daddy must do it!"

Xiao Nun flattened her mouth and muttered.

"a shame."

In front, Zhao Daoling frowned, and his face uttered indifferently.

Liu Qingyang and Chen Wuji almost burst into tears with laughter, and pointed at Ye Hao below like they were looking at idiots.

"I don't know the severity, laughs generously, stupid."

Xie Daoyun glanced at the young man, and after shook his head contemptuously, his eyes turned to Ji Jiusi again, his eyes gleaming.

"My God, what the **** is he doing!"

Dan Dan wanted to cry without tears. When she wanted to come to a teenager, even if she was a beginner to learn the alchemy, since she dared to participate in the pill meeting, the worst thing was that she had a lower level of alchemy.

But right now, the young man uses the most common medicine cauldron, and then uses the common fire to refine the pill like a mortal, this posture may not even be able to refine the lowest-rank first-grade pill.

Pills in the world are divided into one to nine grades, but this is a division in ancient times. When the world's pill path fell, few people were able to refine nine grades of pill, and even Korean pharmacists could not.

The ancient spirit melting pill that Ji Jiusi refined at this moment has reached the category of sixth-grade pill. This pill is extremely precious, and its refining is extremely difficult. In addition to the few alchemy masters in each sect, junior characters It is impossible to refine successfully.

For this reason, as long as Ji Jiusi succeeded in refining the Ancient Rong Ling Pill, he would be the champion of the Pill Club this time.

After all, the ancient Rongling Pill is already among the top in the category of six-grade pill. Unless someone can make a seventh-grade pill this time, it is impossible to overwhelm Ji Jiusi.

However, the difficulty of refining the seventh-grade pill, in the current world, I am afraid that, except for enchanting evildoers such as Han Wudi, some alchemy masters are not fully sure that they can refine it.

Although Wuya and Shiyuan, including Dan Sheng of the Dan tribe, are all Pill Dao Tianjiao, they are still only juniors, and it is impossible to refine the seventh-grade pill.

And the most important point is that alchemy is extremely energy-intensive, and without strong cultivation base support, it is impossible to refine high-level pills.

And if you want to refine the seven-tier pill, you must at least have the cultivation base of Nirvana. At this moment, there are a group of juniors, except for Ji Jiusi and Dan Sheng, who are just a few celestial phenomena, and most of the others are in the spiritual development state. It is the limit of everyone to make six products.

Of course, although I knew Ji Jiusi was going to refine Rongling Pill this time, Wuya and Shiyuan still did not give up because they belonged to the Pill Dao Tianjiao, and they knew more about the difficulty of deriving an ancient pill. .

And even if Ji Jiusi succeeded in deriving the pill, whether it was really successful in refining is another matter.

As long as Ji Jiusi fails to refine the alchemy, the champion of the alchemy will be born from them.

The idea of ​​auzw.com sounds quite ridiculous, but the probability of success is extremely high. Even in this Danhui, there are nearly 80% of the Zongmen Taoism, do not believe that Ji Jiusi really derived Rong Ling Pill, and can be successfully refined.

"Hey, what kind of pill is that Dan Sheng refined? Just smelling the scent of the medicine makes my body seem to be strong!"

"This taste seems to be a sixth-grade pill for enhancing spirit pill!"

"It turned out to be a sixth-grade pill!"

"Zeng Ling Pill is considered to be the upper-middle level among the sixth-grade pill. If Ji Jiusi has not refined the Rong Ling Pill, then the champion of the Pill Club will probably be Dan Sheng!"

"Hey, the Dan Clan is worthy of being the Dan Clan, such a arrogant, and only this kind of Taoism can be cultivated."

"It is extremely difficult to refine the sixth-grade elixir. There are too many variables. One carelessness will blow up the furnace and destroy the pill. On the contrary, Wuya, Shiyuan, and Fang Han will refine the fifth-grade pill, which is more secure. ."

As time passed slowly, the entire square was filled with a strong pill incense. All the Taoist Tianjiao controlled the source of fire in the body, staring at their own medicine pots, especially the medicine pots of Ji Jiusi and Dan Sheng. It is also surrounded by strands of divine light, as if there is Ruixia transpiring, and the mysterious light is radiating, and the visions are numerous and incomparable.

Of course, there was another alternative between the courts, and that was Ye Hao.

At this moment, the black iron medicine cauldron in front of Ye Hao exudes a scorching high temperature, and the firewood below keeps crackling. There is no trace of pill incense in the black iron medicine cauldron, let alone the slightest anomaly, only the thick black smoke is like a stick. The black dragon, curled and wafted.

"Hahaha, that weird thing in Jixia Academy, isn't it really cooking?"

"Oh, this black smoke is really choking me to death!"

In the stands, people laughed from time to time with a joking look. The scene on the young side is really too funny. The others are all refining alchemy with Ruixia divine light, but the alchemy is full of choking black smoke. Both The gap is too obvious to be comparable.

"Senior Han, is he all right, Master?"

At this moment, even Qingwu's pretty face was full of depression, but he couldn't help asking the Korean pharmacist, as if he wanted to ask a miracle.

"To be honest, even I don't know."

Han Yakist smiled bitterly and shook his head, because in those ten days of alchemy, he had taught everything he could teach. Although the young man made rapid progress, he still did not succeed.

As for whether Ye Hao can refine the Rong Ling Pill this time, everything is full of unknowns.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from the field, like a muffled thunder resounding in the square, only to see the medicine cauldron in front of a young man burst and explode because he couldn't bear the strength, if it weren't for the celestial man who presided over the pill meeting. The elder will take shelter at the right time, and I am afraid that the youth will suffer severe damage if they die.

"Well, the control of Yuanhuo is not perfect, and the fryer is not surprising."

"The medicine cauldron is damaged, this guy is out."

Amidst the rumblings, the young man also walked down the square in frustration, and soon afterwards, a second and third person appeared in the fryer and were out one after another.

Alchemy is too difficult and full of uncertainty. It has extremely high requirements for alchemists in all aspects. Even if you know the alchemy recipe and even have succeeded in refining in the past, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents next time.

It is precisely because of the difficulties that make alchemists become the hottest professions in the world, just like the spiritual formation masters, and are sought after by countless practitioners. Even if the alchemy is in decline, alchemists still have a very high status.

"Tsk tusk, after the first fryer, nearly 30% of Tianjiao was out of the game at once. It seems that the ups and downs of the mood have a vital influence on alchemy."

"Haha, look at that kid in Jixia Academy, he wants to fry the stove too!"

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