Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 583: Skywalker's reminder

In the Black Death Realm, the Skywalker stands proudly in the void, exuding the overlord and terrifying aura, like an immortal king who has fallen into the mortal world, is invincible, superb, and even the mysterious creature who sits in the long river of time has his eyes Fear appeared.

"Ji Tianxing, who on earth are you? Why do you dabble in the long river of time so many times?"

The mysterious creature sneered coldly, with a solemn voice. The man who appeared before him had met several times in the long river of time. He only knew his name as Ji Tianxing, he was called Skywalker, and he knew nothing about the rest.

But what is certain is that this mysterious man named Ji Tianxing is extremely terrifying, even strong with some demons, and he has never had the upper hand in several fights.

What's weird is that such a detached and terrifying person seems to have emerged out of thin air. There is no information about this person in the heavens and the various star realms.

"Is it really like deduction, you came from some time in the future?"

The mysterious creature spoke in a deep voice, staring at Skywalker, seeming to want to find some clues from him.

It's just that Skywalker seemed to have not heard the words of the former, and never said a word. His face was filled with a thick chaotic air, and he couldn't see his expression. He just turned his eyes to Ye Hao in Hanoi, and sighed slightly. Said: "This is not the place where you can set foot today."

"Your growth is still too slow"

"Time is running out"

"Be strong as soon as possible, you are qualified to come here to explore one or two."

Ji Tianxing's voice is very special. It seems to have gone through thousands of vicissitudes of life, but it is not old, with strange magnetism and charm, as if whispering through endless time and space, intermittently, and not real.

"Do you know me? Who am I?"

Ye Hao was short of breath, and kept asking, he was really confused.

Skywalker is Ji Tianxing?

Why would such a supreme power know him, but he has no impression?

"You have to pursue everything about you yourself." Skywalker's voice was solemn, "Also, you must be careful not to be careless."

Ye Hao was startled, and Skywalker's voice was intermittent, as if through endless time and space, he couldn't really hear him.

Outside of Kunlun Ruins, Skywalker also reminded him to be careful of something.

This time, it was the second reminder of Skywalker.

Ye Hao's heart is full of confusion, what exactly is Skywalker reminding him to be careful of?

However, before he could continue to question, Ji Tianxing waved his palm slightly, and immediately, Ye Hao seemed to be covered by a vast invisible force, flying involuntarily towards the lower reaches of the long river of time.

"Hey, are you here for this ant this time?" Ji Tianxing's actions made the mysterious creatures who have been in the long river of time suspicious. "This ant is in control of that remnant weapon, and it has attracted people like you to take action. Is there really something special?"


The eyes of the mysterious creature opened and closed, and the light of deduction appeared, but soon, a vast and unparalleled force came back, causing blood to appear in his eyes instantly.

"You erased the cause and effect of that ant this time!" The mysterious creature yelled coldly, with shock and horror in his eyes, "Ji Tianxing, for an ant, you have forcibly interfered with the cause and effect in the long time, don't you be afraid of the backlash of heaven?"

Skywalker didn't speak, but after sending Ye Hao away, his aura seemed to weaken a little, and his figure faintly appeared illusory, as if he would be excluded from this space at any time.

"Heaven and earth are not tolerated?" Shock appeared in the eyes of the mysterious creature, "How is it possible?"

The long river of time is mysterious and special. Even if he sits here, he has never broken all of its mysteries, but it is certain that the time and space of Hanoi is extremely special. No matter where he enters from, he will not be like forcibly interfering in the past and the future. There is a situation that is intolerable.

auzw.com Boom!

Thunder burst out suddenly in the void, Ji Tianxing's whole body rose up into the sky, directly attacking the mysterious creatures, and at the same time, a vague spatial channel slowly formed in the Black Jue Death Realm.

"I want to go!"

The mysterious creatures were frightened, and endless roads emerged and exploded, and the chains of order and gods shattered the void, causing the entire black dead area to continue to shatter, like the sky and the earth, the scene is extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, Ye Hao was swept by that vast force, passing through the long river of time in the ancient times like a stream of light, then broke through the Heijue Deadland, broke into the basin of the present and ancient times, and finally fell into a stream of light suddenly.


As the world turned, Ye Hao fell heavily to the ground, a stone platform in front of him, and a dark and silent cave in front of him, Wang Sheng's body still sitting quietly.


In the void, the mysterious golden vortex disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"I'm back?"

Ye Hao suddenly returned to his mind and looked at everything around him. At this moment, he was at the deepest place in the Eternal Land, the cave platform at the top of the Qianzhang cliff.

"Is all this an illusion or is it real?"

Ye Hao sat down on the ground, gasping like a drowning person, his eyes full of shock and shock.

It is really that everything he experienced is too unreal, it is almost like a dream.

He was inexplicably taken into the long river of time, separated by endless time and space, and saw the strongest person in the ancient times. What made him most unbelievable was that at the end of the ancient times, there was still a terrifying mysterious creature sitting cross-legged. , If it weren't for the strong appearance of Skywalker, I'm afraid he could not die anymore.

In silence, Ye Hao looked at the gray bead in his hand, and saw the originally invisible crack on it, which had deepened a lot at this moment and became extremely obvious.

"Not an illusion"

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, the cracks on the gray beads were caused by the terrifying creatures who had been sitting in the river of time. Obviously, everything that happened just now had happened.

After the horror, Ye Hao couldn't help being silent again.

Skywalker saved him from desperation twice, what exactly did he want to wake him up?

And who is he?

For a long time, Ye Hao sighed, unable to understand the key, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to the corpse of Wang Sheng sitting cross-legged.

Zhang Sheng and Wang Sheng had also used the Spring and Autumn Scriptures to set foot in the long river of time. But these two Confucian sages finally ended up miserably with the collapse of the Taoist heart. They must have seen something that he could not see in the long time.

What happened in the ancient years?

Why all the key time nodes disappear out of thin air.

Is this artificially erased, or is it because of interference from the rules of heaven and earth?

Ye Hao sighed. He wanted to take this opportunity to figure out everything about the ancients, but he didn't expect that everything was still misty.

What is the origin of the terrifying creatures who have lived in the long river of time?

And what does the walker of the day have to do with him?

In the silence, Ye Hao couldn't help turning his gaze to his side, the introverted Spring and Autumn Classics.

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