The appearance of the Great Emperor Tianyan caused all the quasi-emperors who had to come to Tianhuo Island to be wiped out in an instant, and those who died could not die again.

It should be understood that in today’s world, the quasi-emperor realm powerhouse can be said to be the highest combat power in the world, and the biggest backing for a party of the Dao lineage group, and the fall of these quasi-emperor realm powerhouses is definitely for the Dao lineage behind them. Incalculable loss.

After all, quasi-emperor realm powerhouses are too rare, even if the last time to participate in the condensed Taoist tea party this time is the supreme Taoism, there are even immortal races, but even among these Taoist race groups, the quasi-emperor realm powerhouses are not There will be more than three people, and even in some supreme traditions, there is only one quasi emperor.

However, the quasi-emperors who fell on Tianhuo Island today have caused some supreme Taoism to lose the final Dinghai divine needle. It can be absolutely said that in these thousand years, the sect supreme has been sealed and lacks the quasi-emperor realm combat power. Some of the opportunities that appeared, even if these traditions were jealous, they could only watch them without the ability to intervene at all.

Of course, at this moment, all the dynasties who are still alive on Tianhuo Island have also come to understand that the Condensed Dao Tea Party is just a game set by the Tianyan Sect. The Condensed Dao tea tree is used as bait to attract some opponents to Tianyan. The strong Taoism of the Zong with bad faith came and took this opportunity to kill chickens and monkeys, and announced to the world that Tianyan Sect returned to the supreme Taoism sequence.

At the same time, everyone finally came to understand that the Taoist tea party mentioned by the Tianyan Sect was held for someone to announce its existence to the world. This someone did not refer to Sen Luo, but the Emperor Tianyan.

Because if it were to announce to the world, the return of Emperor Tianyan, then the battles of this condensed tea party would not be too big.

After all, in today’s world, the saints do not appear, the supreme is named, the emergence of a supreme-level combat power, the impact is too great, everyone in the field is completely foreseeable, in the next thousand years, the past in the Eastern Desolation is not a top-notch Tianyan Zong is bound to shine and rule the roost.

Even if the chance is enough, the Emperor Tianyan can break through the supreme realm, and the Tianyan Sect will be immortal from then on, overlooking the world, completely aloof.

Of course, it is too difficult to break through the supreme realm and achieve the status of a saint. It can only be said that the Tianyan Sect has such a possibility.

"It's no wonder that the Tianyan Sect has been so high-profile recently, it turns out that the ancestor of the sect, the Great Emperor Tianyan, has returned!"

"First there were three extraterritorial supreme beings, and then the white lotus was born. Now that the Emperor Tianyan reappears, this world is afraid that it will become more and more chaotic."

"Isn't the Tianyan Great Emperor rumored to have fallen ten thousand years ago? How can it reappear? It's weird."

"The supreme Gong participates in good fortune, and the means can reach the sky, maybe this day Emperor Yan has some chances back then."

While the people of the Tianyan Sect were excited and screaming, the strong people in the field sighed secretly. As for Ye Hao in the crowd, his face was also extremely solemn, and his eyes were deeply puzzled and puzzled. .

He had also heard of the fall of Emperor Tianyan, this matter can be said to be known to everyone, but how can it happen again now?

We must know that the supreme life is only ten thousand years, and it is almost 20,000 years since the fall of Emperor Tianyan. After such a long period of time, how could there be no movement if Emperor Tianyan had not fallen? "You don't need to be disturbed, as long as you are not an enemy of the Sky Flame Sect, this emperor will naturally not make any moves at will."

In the void, Emperor Tianyan exudes a dazzling divine glow, and mysterious and terrifying divine flames surround him, like a fire emperor, and like an ancient fire demon, giving people an unfathomable sense of terror.

And he seemed to see the uneasiness and doubts of the people in the room, and the indifferent voice sounded again: "The emperor knows that you have doubts in your heart, but it doesn't matter if you tell you. The reason why the emperor was able to reappear is that he did not really fall. It has entered a certain state of Nirvana, and has just awakened not long ago."

"Who knows, the vicissitudes of life, time has passed, the Taoism that this emperor has developed with one hand has not fallen to this point, and there are still a group of wolf and ambitious people who want to cut off the Taoism of this emperor, no wonder this emperor has killed him."

The spread of the words of Emperor Tianyan made many people feel a little guilty in their hearts. After all, when they came to the Ningdao tea party, they also didn't have any good ideas for Tianyanzong.

As for Nirvana in the former's mouth, although everyone said congratulations on the chance against the sky after listening to them, they did not comment, and they doubted that they could make the supreme giants enter the state of Nirvana. Apart from the legendary true phoenix, they have never I have heard of any clan or kind of heavenly materials and earth treasures that have such a powerful effect, this is almost comparable to the holy medicine of immortality, and it is absolutely impossible to be unknown.

Of course, after witnessing the horror of Emperor Tianyan, no matter how many doubts in their hearts, everyone at the scene did not dare to ask more. At this moment, everyone has only one idea in their hearts, and that is to leave the sky fire island as soon as possible. Getting along with the supreme makes them feel uncomfortable all over like sitting on pins and needles.

"The Great Emperor is now back, and Tianyan Sect will surely regain its glory and reach the peak again!"

"As the world has changed today, chances are frequent, the emperor is awakening and reappearing at this time, and he is absolutely possessed of supreme luck, and he will surely enter the realm of the supreme saint in the future."

"I'll wait to congratulate the emperor first!"

In the square, the atmosphere was stiff and solidified. The strong people from all parties all smiled dryly, unwilling to offend the slightest at this moment. After all, today's Tianyan Sect is not comparable to the past, and has a true supreme-level combat power. , Already has the confidence to compete with the supreme of the outside world and the white lotus of the world.

At the very least, within these thousand years, even the immortal traditions of the past are absolutely unwilling to provoke the Heavenly Flame Sect and force a supreme edge.

"Haha, it's your good words."

And listening to the flattery of all parties, the terrifying figure of the flame steaming in the void smiled non-committal. It seemed that he didn't take it too seriously. After all, how difficult it is to enter the realm of the supreme saint. Say no one knows better than him.

"After the foreign enemies are eliminated, the tea ceremony of this condensing ceremony is about to end." After a light smile, the voice of Emperor Tianyan sounded again, "but taking this opportunity, I have to tell you one thing."

Hearing that, everyone in the room was a little relieved, and immediately they couldn't wait to look forward to the front, wanting to leave Skyfire Island as soon as possible.

"After the emperor woke up, I heard that even though my Heavenly Flame Sect had gradually declined over the past ten thousand years, I still barely occupied a place in the Eastern Wilderness, and no one dared to bully at will." The Emperor Tianyan's voice was indifferent, with the supreme unique transcendence and dominance. , "However, there is only one exception."

"One party, Ye's family!"

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