Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 824: Murderous

While the Tianjiao from all sides sighed solemnly, the slender and handsome young man suddenly turned his eyes to Ye Hao on the treasure boat of the Martial God Pavilion, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

Hearing this, Ye Hao couldn't help but frown slightly. He was not familiar with this Wushen Pavilion Cao Zhandong at all. It was the first time to meet, so he just nodded calmly.

"Hehe, it turned out to be Brother Shen, who has been admiring his name for a long time."

The young man smiled slightly and arched his hands quite politely. The smile on his face was extremely gentle, like a humble and polite noble son, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"Not long ago, I heard that Brother Shen went to Tianhuo Island to participate in the condensing ceremony tea party. I thought you would be run over by those extraterritorial saints like a dog. I have to say that Brother Shen's luck is really good.

The young man continued to speak, his smile on his face remained unchanged, and his white robe made him look personable and handsome.

Ye Hao frowned. He heard what the former said was a bit harsh, so his face gradually became cold, and said, "Is luck, what does it have to do with you?"

"Hahaha, Brother Shen is wrong. Your luck is good or bad, and it really has something to do with Cao." The young man laughed at the words, as if recounting old friends with his old friends, his smile became warmer and gentler. , "Because you are going to be killed by me soon, and you didn't die when Skyfire Island changed dramatically. It should be said that you were lucky, but when you meet Cao, you can only say that your luck is extremely bad."

The young man is dressed in a white robe, handsome, like a good son in the world, his handsome face has a more gentle smile, but the content of his words is very different from his attitude, exuding a strong murderous intent. And hostility.

Cao Zhandong’s words made the surrounding Tianjiao look slightly startled, and immediately there was a look of interest on his face. One is the Confucian Tianjiao who kills the extraterritorial supreme and kills the extraterritorial Tianjiao like a dog, and the other is just born. How long, but it has been defeated in a row by the descendants of the Wushen Pavilion of the saint sub-level evildoer.

Whether it is Shen Xuan or Cao Zhandong, it can be said that they are one of the most dazzling talents in the world today.

However, if it is really compared, the vast majority of the people in the field are still optimistic about Cao Zhandong. After all, the Confucian school Shen Xuan's well-known record so far is nothing more than slaying a group of extraterritorial patriots, suspected to have the strength comparable to the blood of a saint.

However, Cao Zhandong had defeated several holy sub-level evildoers in a row, and his strength was unimaginable.

The two are strong and the weak, after a little thought, everyone has the answer in their hearts.

"Do I have a grudge against you?"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows coldly and looked at the former indifferently. It was only the first time he and this Cao Zhandong met, but the latter was stabbed in the conversation, and now he threatened to kill him.

You must know that Ye Hao is not a good temper, and he will not show any mercy to those who are hostile to him.

"Haha, no grudges or complaints."

Cao Zhandong waved his hand helplessly, and immediately said with a playful grin: "However, because of the battle against Qingcangfeng, a parallel importer like you turned out to be the first arrogant of the Taichu star. Being pressed on top of your head by a stuff like you made me feel like this. Very unhappy."

"Of course, the unhappy heart is also because of my small temperament, but as a human being, we have to think about ourselves, and can't be wronged?" Cao Zhandong's smile was even brighter, "So, I decided to completely trample you to death. In this way, I can vent the unhappiness in my heart, and secondly, the name of the first arrogant prince of the primordial star can be regarded as deserved."

Hearing this, Ye Hao couldn't help but a sneer appeared on his face, and he felt even more suddenly, and finally understood why Cao Zhandong had such a big killing intent against him.

auzw.com In the final analysis, it is all because of the false name of the first arrogant of the first star.

Ye Hao actually didn't care about the name of Taichu Star Number One Tianjiao, it was just forced by some good people.

But if Cao Zhandong had to kill him for such a false name, then Ye Hao wouldn't mind letting him know that he couldn't afford the title of Taichu Star Number One Tianjiao.

"Huh, I opened my mouth and shut my mouth to kill my Confucian Tianjiao. When I was in Jixia Academy, was it a decoration?"

Of course, Zhao Daoling at the rear could not help but feel chills on his face when he heard the words, and a trace of the vast and majestic coercion of the heavens and humans permeated in the cold snort, wanting to teach the arrogant former.


It's just that, just as his aura was just ascending, in the treasure boat of the Wushen Pavilion, a horrible blood burst out like a volcanic eruption, like a sea of ​​anger, which made Zhao Daoling, the power of the peak of heaven and man, look like With a slight change, a trace of blood was shocked from the corner of his mouth under unpreparedness.

"Haha, Jixia Academy is really majestic."

Behind Cao Zhandong, a yellow and thin old man did not know when he appeared, almost as thin as a corpse, without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power on his body, but with an incomparably vast and majestic qi and blood, which made all parties in the field. The looks of the strong are suddenly solemn.

Just relying on the power of qi and blood has caused damage to the peak of heaven and man like Zhao Daoling. Needless to say, the withered and thin old man must have gone to a terrifying level with his body.

This sudden change caused Ye Hao's expression to become solemn. It is rumored that the cultivator of the Wushen Pavilion mainly cultivated the physical body and possessed extremely terrifying attainments in terms of physique. It seems that everything is really not exaggerated.

"If you can, just let it go."

When all parties were optimistic about the play, Ye Hao spoke lightly, his expression not at all afraid.

He didn't underestimate Cao Zhandong in the slightest, because Ye Hao also faintly felt a vast, unfathomable horrible blood, like a silent sea in that personable body like a nobleman. , Once it breaks out completely, it will show an extremely terrifying power.

But even so, Ye Hao still didn't have much fear, competing for physique, since he trained in the Three Extreme Realm of Denglong, he really hadn't been afraid of anyone, even if he faced the Tian Yaozi of the Chaos Demon Divine Body, he still had some upper hand.

"Hahaha, although your strength is not worthy of the name, but your courage is not the slightest difference from the rumors." Cao Zhandong laughed, and a playful color appeared on his face, "Since the True Phoenix Nest has not been opened, let you solve it first. It won’t take much time anyway."


However, as soon as Cao Zhandong’s voice fell, in the distant mountain range, the huge nest surrounded by golden divine flames suddenly heard a roar and concussion, followed by endless circulation of Taoist runes, and the mysterious and terrifying aura broke out. The True Phoenix Nest, which was originally impervious to the wind, even the Supreme Being could not approach, suddenly tore a crack the size of hundreds of meters.

Vaguely and dimly, a mysterious space filled with countless elixir and exotic fruits, like a fairyland, appeared in front of everyone faintly through that crack.

"True Phoenix Nest is open!"

"Quickly go in and win the chance of the True Phoenix!"


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