Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 890: Holy Spirit Offering (2)

Hearing Ye Hao personally admitted that both Yan Sheng Gong and Li Taibai had a deep shock on their faces. As for Xu Changqing on the side, his face was even more stiff, as if he could not believe what the former said.

The horror of the Holy Spirit, no one in the world knows!

The Holy Spirit Race has been able to stand tall in the world for many years, so that all parties are in awe and fear. The greatest reliance is also this unpredictable supreme mystery.

In the endless years, I don’t know how many powerful people in the world covet the Holy Spirit body and want to obtain this supreme mystery from the hands of the Holy Spirit tribe. There are even rumors that even the saints have been unable to hold back their shots, but no matter who it is, it is ultimately Nothing.

Jixia Academy and the Holy Spirit Clan are in the Southern Territory, and the contacts between them can be said to be quite close. They have also become estranged in the past thousand years. However, Sheng Gong and Li Taibai still know that the Holy Spirit body is the natural secret technique of the Holy Spirit family. Inheritance, outsiders have no hope at all, not even saints.

But at this moment, they heard the teenager admit that stormy waves could not help appearing in their hearts, and they couldn't calm down at all. They asked themselves if they knew Ye Hao's origin, but now they had to wonder whether the young man in front of them was from the Holy Spirit tribe.

After all, apart from the blood of the clan, outsiders have no hope of cultivating into the Holy Spirit body at all. This is almost a thing everyone knows.

"I am not from the Holy Spirit."

Ye Hao sighed, and after a moment of silence, he smiled bitterly at Xu Changqing and saluted, "Old Master Xu, it’s not that you can’t believe you, but what I’m going to say is too big. Please avoid it. It’s really too much involved. I hope you will be trapped too."

Seeing him so cautiously and cautiously, Sheng Gong Yan and Li Taibai looked at each other with suspicious expressions in their eyes. As for Xu Changqing, he smiled and waved his hands, without any unhappiness on his face, and nodded with great understanding. After that, he left the ancestral land without any delay.

"Go ahead, why are you so jealous of the Holy Spirit Race?"

Until Xu Changqing left, Sheng Gong Yan fully urged the ancestral land forbidding array to isolate all the movement from spreading out. Even if there is a saint outside the Jixia Academy at this moment, it is estimated that it will not be possible to investigate the scene inside.

Hearing this, Ye Hao took a deep breath, and after brewing some words, he uttered everything in the demon ruins and the images seen in the jade slip, including the origin of Xiao Nuan.

"What did you say"

"The ancestor of the Holy Spirit race is dead!"

"Even the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan is dead? How could it be possible! When Zhang Sheng banned the world, didn't you see the clan patriarch with your own eyes!"

As Ye Hao slowly opened his mouth, the eyes of Sheng Gong and Li Taibai on the stage gradually shrank, and shock and horror appeared on their faces. Until the end, the two had suddenly stood up, and the Supreme Dao in the body was unconscious. The eruption caused the seal of the measuring ruler to suddenly appear, which shows how much impact the two Xuegong Supremes have suffered.

What Ye Hao said was too unbelievable, even if they all entered the Supreme Realm, their minds would be greatly impacted and could not calm down at all.

"This is impossible"

"How can the horrible existence of the ancestor of the Holy Spirit Race, who is not weaker than Wang Sheng, fall silently?"


"If the Holy Spirit tribe really changes so drastically, my Jixia Academy is also the Southern Territory Orthodox, how could I not even notice it!"

"Not just us, no one in the world is aware of the strangeness of the Holy Spirit Race, this is absolutely impossible!"

"No one can hide the vision of the Supreme Falling, crying heaven and earth, let alone the horrible figures such as the ancestor of the Holy Spirit Race!"

"Moreover, there is more than one Supreme of the Holy Spirit Clan. In addition to the patriarch of the clan, there should be another Supreme dormant. If such a drastic change occurs, the two Supremes plus the ancestor of the Holy Spirit clan, how can everything be silent!"

The two Xuegong Supremes kept talking to themselves, and their faces were filled with unprecedented horror and shock. It is true that everything Ye Hao said is too unbelievable. You need to know the depth of the Holy Spirit Clan's background, if it is not the ultimate holy soldier. , It is estimated that it will not be much worse than Jixia Academy, and it is definitely the pinnacle power in the Supreme Taoism.

But it is this kind of incomparable race that Ye Hao said, has been silently annihilated once, and even the horror existence of the first ancestor of this race who entered the realm of saints with one foot has fallen. This is too crazy.

But even if Shenggong Yan and Li Taibai didn’t want to believe in their hearts, Ye Hao’s cultivation of the Holy Spirit body is a fact after all, and the magic of Xiaonan’s physique is what they have seen in their lives. The most important thing is that, recalling the past thousand years, the Holy Spirit race For some reason, it quieted down quietly and became an unprecedented low-key, even the contact with Jixia Academy was much less.

Associating all these things together, in the hearts of the two academies supreme there are huge waves that have never been seen before. Shenggong Yan and Li Taibai looked at each other, and both saw shock and amazement in each other's eyes.

Shenggong Yan and Li Taibai sat back on the Taoist platform again, took a few deep breaths, their expressions were solemn and horrified, and a chill filled their bodies. With the strength of the Holy Spirit Clan, even the peak of immortality, the real saints attacked. It is impossible for the Holy Spirit Clan to destroy the clan silently.

But if all of this is true, what a terrifying existence is that will be able to silently destroy the Holy Spirit tribe. Even the terrifying existence of the first ancestor of this tribe, who entered the realm of saints with one foot, can be destroyed without disturbing outsiders. .

"The Impossible Enemy"

The two Xuegong Supremes breathed quickly, with deep horror in their eyes. According to Ye Hao's words, in the image of the jade slip, the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan mentioned the "impossible enemy", and it was not just one , It seems that it was these people who joined forces that completely destroyed the Holy Spirit Race.

But if the image in the jade slip is true, the patriarch of the Holy Spirit family must have fallen. But when Zhang Sheng sealed the world, the patriarch of the family once crossed thousands of miles to kill to the ditch. The world is so powerful, even if I look back now, neither of the two Academy Supremes has noticed the slightest strangeness.

"What the **** is going on"

Shenggong Yan and Li Taibai frowned tightly, and couldn't understand the key point. Ye Hao's words were too unbelievable. If everything is true, the water of the Holy Spirit Race is absolutely unimaginable, even if they are truly supreme-level giants. If you sink in, I'm afraid it will be completely swallowed.

"No wonder you have such a big reaction after knowing that Ye Ling went to the Holy Spirit Clan."

"The ancestor of the Holy Spirit race reincarnated as Huayeling"

After a long time, Sheng Gong Yan and Li Taibai barely suppressed their horror. At the same time, they finally understood why Ye Hao rushed into the ancestral land so violently. , It is very likely that the clan will be aware of the clues, and an unpredictable crisis will appear.

"Go! I know you want to rush to the Holy Spirit race right now, we won't stop you!"

"Let Changqing go with you, and it is best to bring Ye Ling back without disturbing others!"

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