Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 911: Wrathful Holy Spirit

Forty breath!

Ye Hao's heart was trembling, and there was uncontrollable ecstasy and excitement in his eyes.

Forty breaths!

Even Ye Hao himself didn't expect that with the Holy Spirit Rune that the mysterious power in the Holy Spirit Dao Bone had incorporated into his body, the time his Holy Spirit body could not invade all abilities could soar from six breaths to 40 breaths.

Needless to say, the power of the Holy Spirit body, Ye Hao fought a **** battle all the way, and the reason why he was able to live up to now is that the supreme secret art of the Holy Spirit Race played a great role.

Even if there was only a short period of time for the six-breath-and-all-method not to invade, if used properly, it can completely cause an unexpected lore to the opponent.

But right now, the time of the Holy Spirit's body increased to forty breaths, and Ye Hao couldn't even imagine what a terrifying advantage he could have in the battle if the ten thousand laws of forty breaths were not invaded in a fight.

"It's really a big profit!"

In ecstasy, Ye Hao clenched his fists fiercely and his face was full of excitement. You need to know that even those strong in the Holy Spirit Clan, the time that the Holy Spirit body does not invade, most of the time remains at about 30 breaths, which is better than he is now. Both are inferior.

"Ling'er, you must collect this holy spirit bone bone. If you don't have your father's consent, you must not take it out in front of outsiders, even in Jixia Academy!"

After a while, Ye Haoqiang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and dignifiedly told Xiao Nun.

It’s not that Ye Hao can’t believe in Jixia Academy, but that the seven quasi-emperor realm powerhouses who saw him break into the forbidden land of the Holy Spirit race have all fallen. In today’s world, no one knows that the bones of the Holy Spirit are in the hands of Xiao Nuan. If you show it to others at will, you will definitely be discovered by someone with a heart, and will surely provoke crazy revenge from the entire Holy Spirit race.

Because Ye Hao could fully imagine that the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan would not hesitate to use the Corrupt Spirit Demon Tree to destroy the Tianjiao in the clan and get the Holy Spirit Dao Bone. He must pay great attention to it and covet him. Now that the Holy Spirit Dao Bone is lost, I am afraid that he has been furious and completely crazy.

Although I don’t know why the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan did not fall in the original battle, and why he has become like this, he is a true supreme powerhouse after all. Although he has been trapped in the ancestral land for thousands of years, Ye Hao is still not Willing to provoke this level of existence.

And looking at Ye Hao’s solemn and solemn face, Xiao Nuan also seemed to know the seriousness of the matter. After nodding very well, the Holy Spirit’s Dao Bone turned into a stream of light and fell into the little girl’s body again. If it hadn’t been seen in person, Even Ye Hao couldn't notice the slightest trace.

"Let's go, let's leave here and rush back to Jixia Academy immediately!"

After a few more exhorts, Ye Hao looked around the surrounding environment, and finally took a deep look at the blood-stained soul-inducing bell below his eyes. After taking out the Heaven-Splitting Halberd and smashing it completely, he rushed to the distance with unparalleled speed. Tiantian wanted to find a teleportation formation and hurried back to Jixia Academy as soon as possible.


At this moment, within the Southern Territory Holy Spirit Clan, it was ten days before the Holy Spirit Clan celebration ended. After the strong of the Holy Spirit Clan from all sides came out of the secret realm, they left immediately and hurried back to their own orthodoxy. Did not stay at all.

It is true that the background displayed by the Holy Spirit Race is too terrifying, with eight quasi-emperors in full. Such a force is already more terrifying than the immortal orthodoxy in some respects, and everyone dare not take it lightly.

As for the group of Jixia Academy, including Xu Changqing, they left the Holy Spirit clan on the day when the Holy Spirit Sacrifice celebration ended. Fortunately, Ye Hao went to Xu Changqing when he was about to sneak into the forbidden land of the Holy Spirit clan, and told him that he would still pay when he left. Don't say anything if you haven't returned, otherwise the disappearance of him and Xiaonan will be known to the Holy Spirit tribe, which will definitely arouse the suspicion of the strong of this tribe.

But now, with the end of the holy spirit sacrifice, the strong from all sides are scattered about the birds and beasts, even the holy spirit tribe is not aware of it. Ye Hao and Xiao Nannan are the people who caused a shocking storm in the forbidden area.

"Check! Check it out for me, during the period of the Holy Spirit sacrifice, the quasi-emperors of all parties disappeared without reason!"

In the ancestral land of the Holy Spirit tribe, the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan looked gloomy and screamed, and the original majestic eyes were filled with terrible murderous intent, making the quasi-emperor elder who presided over the celebration below felt like a chill and said with a bitter smile: "Patriarch This matter has been investigated countless times. Not only the quasi-emperors, but even the heavenly beings from all the orthodoxy, there was no change in that time."

"Absolutely negligence, continue to investigate!!"

Hearing that, the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan showed mania and rage in his eyes, and he didn't mean to stop at all. Although he was trapped in the ancestral land and could not take a step, he had already ordered the strong in the clan to find out. The last restriction in the forbidden land has been broken. Open, as for the top of the peak in the forbidden area, there is a mess, except for a teleportation formation, there is nothing.

This result made the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan immediately realized that the Holy Spirit Dao Bone must have been stolen, and those who could set foot on the teleportation platform to escape in the hands of the seven quasi emperors definitely also had a half-step supreme cultivation base. There is no second possibility.

Especially when the life cards of several quasi-emperors shattered one after another, it made the patriarch of the Holy Spirit family believe that the person who stole the bones of the Holy Spirit this time definitely came with preparation, otherwise it would be impossible to kill with his own power. The seven Zhun emperors couldn't escape even a living mouth.

However, looking at the sullen and terrifying patriarch, the quasi-emperor who presided over the holy spirit sacrifice slightly frowned, he hesitated: "Patriarch, what is inside the forbidden area? And who were the seven half-step supreme that day? When are there so many quasi-emperor realm powerhouses in my Holy Spirit Clan?"

This question has been lingering in the old man’s heart for a long time, and it was only at this moment that he couldn’t help but ask, because as the elder of the Holy Spirit clan, he didn’t even know that there were seven quasi-emperors in the clan. Even he was taken aback.

Upon hearing this, the patriarch of the Holy Spirit clan narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, and said coldly: "That is the background of my Holy Spirit clan. You don't need to worry about it. The only thing you have to do is to find out who sneaked into the forbidden area. Go on!"

Upon seeing this, the quasi-emperor elder said that he was still extremely confused, but he couldn't ask more. After a helpless sigh, he respectfully bowed and slowly withdrew from the ancestral land.

In the next month, the entire holy spirit tribe can be said to be a joke, all members of the tribe were interrogated and interrogated, and then the strong men of this tribe came out and went to every strong man who came to participate in the holy spirit sacrifice, and wanted to find some There were clues, but in the end nothing was achieved.

And after another half month passed, the cave heaven and blessed land where the Holy Spirit race was abruptly was shrouded by a huge and terrifying shadow. This shadow was extremely vague, covering the sky and sun, as if in the deepest part of the void, but there was still a scalp The numbing horror breath passed from the depths of the void, causing the entire world to tremble crazily, as if it could not bear this breath, and completely collapsed.


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