Way of the Devil

Chapter 1004: Pinghe II (thanks to the moderator of the moderator xxddxh)

"Boss, you finally woke up!" Bansai has been sitting aside, seeing Lu Sheng woke up, and came up with a compact face to smile.

"Boss, this is because you can turn the tide, or the whole study will be really complete."

"Yes? I don't remember." Lu Sheng shook his head. He only remembers that he self-hypnosis, and then rushed out, as for the back, all forgot.

"Boss, take the liberty to ask, are you now at the limit of humanity?" Although Bansay has calculated the destructive power from the expressive power before Lu Sheng, he still couldn't help but ask himself.

"Well. It's already here. It's stuck now, I don't know how to break it." Lu Sheng sighed.

When he comes to his realm, what kind of exercises and the like are actually the same in nature.

The human limit is the limit of the natural existence of all human forms. Not only the human race, but also the humanoid type, many of the races that originated from the birth and reproduction of the planet, in fact, this limit exists.

Lu Sheng sat up from the bed and the chain was automatically untied.

He wiped his hair with both hands and stood up.

"Is this already over?"

Bansai shook his head: "No, there are follow-ups, I have calculated it carefully, this should not be the end."

"So, do you have a way?" Lu Sheng looked back at him.

"There is no time", the class is helpless. "This is the double limit of the body and the soul. The soul can only accommodate such a large soul force, and more can only be completely wasteful unless it is"

"Unless what?"

"Unless the ceremony is transformed, it turns into other races."

"I will talk about it later." Lu Sheng waved his hand and disconnected.

"Now, let me tell you about the situation of the seminar. In addition, the information of the eyes of evil, I will give you enough real-time information. I want more clues."

"Understand." The class was quick.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng was quietly trained in the seminar, and at the same time, the inquiry research conference was already a metamorphosis of the huge database, and there was a lot of intelligence.

This kind of information is continuously transmitted through the major planetary galaxies, and is constantly exchanged and updated with the database.

This gave Lu Sheng a deep understanding of the current situation in the surrounding river system.

The biggest event recently occurred nearby, except for the ancient beast and the star spirit. It is the weird research that will erupt the battle, destroying at least five stellar centers around, and dozens of stars exploding into fireworks.

Large clusters of nebulae and meteorites began to form around the perimeter. The cosmic dust permeates all around, and there is a tendency to form an endless belt around the space station.

Lu Sheng is the president, and he became famous in this battle. He is known as the ruined black light, the strongest researcher, and the famous surname in the surrounding river system. One of them.

Yes, the outside world has already considered Lu Sheng as a dead star. And it is still the top level of the dead star.

Lu Sheng also consulted the information, only to know that the dead star, compared to the general snail, normal will be between ten to twenty times stronger, this gap is great.

But to say that compared with him, the gap is even bigger.

Although he does not have the star of the dead star, the huge soul of the body is already more than 7,000 times that of normal.

This is an extremely horrible number.

Coupled with the forced consumption of power, after the deduction of the thousand gods, the combination of the destruction of black light.

Lu Sheng can now say that, in general, the dead star, there is really nothing in front of him to say strong.

The ancient beast and the Star Alliance have temporarily died down, or the two forces that came to trouble have temporarily stopped.

The ancient beasts and the Star Alliance are extremely large, and the two groups that came to trouble that day are just a few of them.

They can't represent the two major congregations, and at most they can only represent themselves.

This also made the researchers deeply relieved.

After all, whoever confronts these two big behemoths will only feel the catastrophe.

A few days after Lu Sheng’s cultivation, he began to urge the class to deduct the follow-up where the eyes of evil were calculated. Because of the vast amount of information about the eyes of sin and the destruction of God, it is combined with a large amount of information.

A new clue to the Mandala seducer was quickly calculated.

"Mandilla tempted, the creator of the sinful eye, the legendary smashing monster of the mother river. According to the calculation results, the boss needs to find this monster, it has the whereabouts of your family." Because of the ignorance of the face, the face is awe-inspiring.

"So, how do I find it?" Lu Sheng asked.

"We can release the task, there will be many masters in the study, nothing to like to come around, and there are also demons.

In those low-energy worlds, you don’t have to go there yourself. Now the research will help you explore the search directly. Just focus on the high-energy world. ”

Bansai explained.

“In addition, it takes a little time for you to know the specific characteristics of the Mandila seducer.”

"need a few days?"

"About a month."

"it is good."

It happened that the recent crisis was lifted, and the surrounding forces sent a congratulatory invitation to invite core members such as Lu Sheng and Ban Sai to attend various banquet receptions.

Around the seminar, in addition to the Red Moon, it is Libra City, a combination of chaotic forces called the Purple Star Alliance.

The Purple Star Alliance has only suddenly emerged in the last decade, and the ally is said to be a top-ranking strongman who has been separated from the Star Alliance Ancient Beast Wars. He specializes in this remote star-age pension.

The strongman is said to have a wide network of contacts in the Star Alliance, and the background is very deep.

The situation is now stable and peace is coming.

The Purple Star Alliance has reportedly had plans to establish a country and is in contact with neighboring forces. Libra City is said to have expressed its support.

The Red Moon Church also sent a gift, expressing its willingness to have a good relationship with Zixing.

The original research meeting was not qualified enough to be equal to the huge power of this series.

But now that Lu Sheng has returned strongly, he has eliminated a large number of powerful incarnations, including four or five dead stars.

The sensation caused by this is not comparable to the general forces.

Nowadays, it can be said that with the help of Lu Sheng’s force, the research will leapfrog and become an important force that can be compared with the Purple Star Alliance.

Of course, although the heritage is far more than that, the Red Moon Libra City has deep and powerful support behind it. But the surface power is enough.

After all, the Red Moon is spread all over the universe, and there are countless masters. Behind Libra City is the Yushu Empire. The huge empire is strong and its strength cannot be underestimated.

Both of them can be said to be able to send more than a few virtual squadrons, and more importantly, they have a dark background, even a dead star, and even more powerful background.

Especially in the war, the Yushu Empire is still as stable as Taishan, which shows unimaginable terrorist strength.

In addition, in addition to the Purple Star Alliance, there are many small countries around the country, small forces Zongmen.

After hearing that Lu Sheng’s wife had died young, and the relatives were far away, many forces also put their minds on Lu Sheng’s marriage.

Lu Sheng returned to the president's rest area, and this small area is exclusive to him.

This is the highest privilege in the space station. Especially after he turned the tide and lifted the crisis.

His current existence has completely relied on the core members who have lost their minds before.

The unity and strength of the previous research conference also gave them a certain sense of belonging.

Lu Sheng’s existence like the pinnacle of the sea has gradually made everyone more cohesive.

Lu Sheng sat down on the sofa in the living room of the rest area, and flipped a stack of invitations from the low table in front of him.

There is no strength in power, and the power of God is almost exhausted. There is no entry, and you can't run around. You have to wait for the results of the deduction to find out the whereabouts of the tempter.

Lu Sheng, who has nothing to do, except for routine routines to erect glowing caves in the depths of the soul, to seduce the mess of bugs, usually look at the information, not listening to music, watching entertainment.


He pressed the remote control, and a huge color screen suddenly appeared on the wall of the opposite small hall. There was a beautiful woman with a black one-corner on the top, and a forehand-like thing like a baseball bat was introduced.

"boring" Lu Sheng dropped the remote control and flipped through the invitations in his hand.

A bunch of small forces can be ignored. Among them, there are three invitations, which are specially screened for him by the class, and they need to go to participate as much as possible.

The first one is the Purple Star Alliance, which holds a large-scale banquet for the festival. The rest of the big forces will be there. He will not go, but it will be too conspicuous.

The second is Libra City. The Libra City Lord Ziyue invited again, and their research meeting showed a lot of people in Libra City. This crisis is also because Libra City is secretly standing in the field, and the strong people will not be able to meet at the same time.

Therefore, on the side of Ziyue, I can go as far as I can.

Third, it is a small country called the Linglan Empire.

When the research meeting was still very weak, the Ling empire gave the research team a lot of help. This power has only a small force of more than a dozen planets. At the beginning of the seminar, it was already a big force that could be compared with the Qing dynasty.

King Dylans is a strong and powerful man. This sent people to send invitations, but also because their country has just passed the ray storm disaster, the whole country celebrates and holds a big feast.

In addition, there is another reason, even the road is not too embarrassed to go.

That is, when he was self-hypnotic, he accidentally broke his hair and smashed a small resource star of the Linglan Empire.

Although for a research conference, a small resource star is nothing, but for the Linglan Empire, the impact is great.

Therefore, this family also smiled and sent invitations, and even the road wins are a little embarrassed.

"It’s really troublesome." Lu Sheng turned the three invitations out and placed them alone.

"According to the information provided by the class. Libra City is still fine. It seems that there is a person from the Yuxi Empire. I want to contact me."

"The Purple Star Alliance wants to test my attitude and position on their country."

"And a bunch of small forces, even including the Linglan Empire, should be trying to make a fuss about my marriage."

Lu Sheng is very clear about the ideas of these small forces, because he used to be a small force.

There are three princesses in the Linglan Empire, all of which are glamorous and unparalleled. Two of them are adults and one is just preparing for the ceremony. The New Year’s Eve is just held at the time of the feast.

From the aspect of marriage, it is completely in line with this condition.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about the boss." Li Shunxi and Bansai pushed in and the face was smiling.

"They always wanted to tie the class to the boat, but this guy is completely unrecognizable and has no reaction to the kindness of the people. Now you are back, this is not, the goal is quickly transferred to you."

"I went out and found a big slap for you. Others don't need it." Lu Sheng waved his hand impatiently.

"You want to marry, they are not trying to marry you, the strongest above the virtual, the lifespan is in 10,000 years, and it is meaningless to marry you. They are not qualified, they will not see On." Ban Sai is sitting down in a polite way.

"They are women who want to send you a maid and a waiter." He laughed and joked.


Lu Sheng slaps him and can't lift his head.

"It’s not big or small! The boss’s thing is that you can talk about it casually?”

Bansai bitterly hurriedly stood up and walked away.

"Forget it, give me the spacecraft to go to these three places, and let me know when I have time. Your nephew has his own business, don't come back with me, nothing happens to distract."

Lu Sheng has been swaying in the outer universe, rarely in the local activities of the demon world, so it is good to go out and distract. See if you can get some power.

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