Way of the Devil

Chapter 1022: Test two

This squad leader is Xiao Yuling.

At that time, she had a good education, was gentle and polite to people, and often helped students in the class.

She is not a very good family, just because she has more ideas, smart, and learning. Coupled with good personalities, things are fair to others. So everyone is serving her. Anything, no matter what the students, are willing to give her face.

At that time, Wang Mu was so lonely that although he was not bullied, his grades were always in the tail of the class.

Because of the solitude, the popularity is not good. When there are some problems in class, there is no way to find someone to answer. It is not every time to find a teacher to catch up. So the accumulated problems are more and more. The results are getting worse.

At that time, Xiao Yuling’s character was gentle and enthusiastic, and he also actively helped Wang Mu and several other students to answer questions.

In fact, in high school, there were not a few boys who had a crush on Xiao Yuling. But no one really dared to say it out loud.

Later, after Wang Mu came out to work, he heard Xiao Xiaoling go to a remote university intermittently, and he and Xu Shaogong went to a local university together. Since then, there has been no news of her.

I did not expect to meet here.

"You still look the same. Wood, just like wood, is still dull." Xiao Xiaoling laughed and teased.

"Who said no, he has never changed since he graduated." Xu Shaogong said with a smile. "Okay, let's sit first, let's order first. I will treat you today, don't rob me!"

"Right." Xu Shaogong took over Lu Sheng, and another hand pulled his girlfriend Xie Mei.

"This is my wife Xie Mei. This is the old iron king wood I grew up with."

"Hello." Lu Sheng reached out and Xie Mei shook hands, it was an understanding.

"Hello." Xie Mei also smiled.

Xu Shaogong is a person who will look at the atmosphere and adjust the atmosphere. Seeing Lu Sheng this time, I feel that he does not seem to be as alert as he used to be. It seems to have changed a lot.

"Speaking, you are a lot stronger than when you saw it last time." He patted the road to win the chest. "Rely! It's all meat! It's terrible!"

"Just started to exercise recently, I want to change my life." Lu Sheng sat down and smiled.

"It wasn't as gloomy as before." Xiao Yuling added a sentence, she was dressed up, and her makeup was beautiful, but her speech was very rare. It seemed that there was no other beautiful girl's artificiality.

"Probably because the sun has been more recently." Lu Sheng said freely.

The three men got together, ordered dishes and drinks, and Xu Shaogong made an introduction. He talked about life and fun in high school, and the atmosphere was not bad.

Soon the pot came up, and everyone started to move chopsticks. I began to follow the atmosphere and talked about the current situation.

Xu Shaogong asked Xiao Xiaoling, she smiled and felt a little unwilling and bitter.

“Now I am working in an advertising department of a private company, which is different from when I was in school.”

"At that time, you are the goddess recognized by our class. Zhao Xun, who was still chasing you before? Is there no news after that?" Xu Shaogong was a bit surprised.

At that time, Xiao Yuling, although the appearance is not the best, but the comprehensive score is very high, like her son can be a lot.

How can you not mix it now? Several boys chasing her, the family is very good, as long as she nods, it will definitely be much better than now.

"Just don't want to use marriage as a bargaining chip." Xiao Xiaoling's face slowly faded.

"Wang Mu? What about you? What are you doing now?" She didn't seem to want to talk about this, immediately shifting the topic and looking at Lu Sheng.

“I work in a private library and manage books.” Lu Sheng simply said.

"Librarians? Very good job, very suitable for your temper." Xiao Yu bell squatted, then laughed.

"There is no future." Xu Shaogong came to the secluded side. "I have advised him many times. This kid is lazy and doesn't listen. You said that what do you do is not higher than the librarian's income?"

Xie Mei around him felt that this was a bit hurtful, and he sneaked on him and told him not to say anything.

"The library is not bad, not so much intrigue." Xiao Yuling smiled.

She is actually very early in the morning.

When I was in high school, I used natural advantages and did manage a lot of interpersonal relationships. Originally intended to pick one of several rich children who chased themselves.

I didn't expect to have a problem later, so that her plan after graduating from high school was completely ruined.

It also made her a good situation in the high school period, and it completely collapsed.

At that time, she was about to choose the other half of her future.

Unexpectedly, by chance, in an outdoor activity, I met a boy named Duan Ran.

The boy simply satisfied Xiao Xiaoling's beautiful fantasy for the other half of the future.

Handsome, multi-gold, mysterious background, gentle personality, and one-of-a-kind.

At that time, she thought, she had been working hard for so long, even if she had to sell her body, she had to sell her body for a good price.

After being in contact with that for a while, she found that the other party had an extremely specific request for the other half.

The bathroom, in order to maintain its purity, in order to prove that he did not have any embarrassment with other men. She decisively smashed several boys who had been chasing her before. One heart chasing paragraphs.

However, the imagination is good and the ending is cruel.

Duan Ran had no problem with himself, but the problem was that one day he suddenly came out with a fiancee.

It is also a fiancee who is engaged in advance in the family.

The other side is equally beautiful, but her personality is much stronger than her, and her wrists are too powerful.

Under a difficult confrontation, Xiao Yuling suddenly retired.

Later, she saw it clearly. It was not that she was interesting to her, but that he was naturally gentle to every woman. This has also led him to a lot of other women who have a crush on it.

This feeling of failure made Xiao Xiaoling not slow down for a long time.

She stayed alone in the city, quietly disconnected from other intimate classmates and friends, secretly licking the wound.

She is a money worshiper and she is also very utilitarian. But she is not a girl with no bottom line and no principle.

Treating Duan Ran, she also paid a sincere heart for it, hoping to work hard with him for the rest of his life.

Is this wrong?

This accident met Xu Shaogong. As a high school classmate, Xu Shaogong and most other high school students did not know her feelings at the university.

This makes Xiao Yuling feel a lot easier.

After chatting, she learned that Xu Shaogong was a foreign company management and seemed to be well mixed.

The mind also moved a little bit of thought. I want to borrow his network resources and see if I can change my job.

The four people sat together, and in a short while the incense pot was lost.

"Then, the squad leader, do you have any objects now?" Chatting, Xu Shaogong asked freely.

"Not yet." Xiao Xiaoling smiled and reached out to take care of the hair. "The family is also anxious to give me a blind date. Unfortunately, they are all melons and melons."

Recently, she was forced to stand up at home, and her age was also great. If she passed this most beautiful and pure age, the speed of depreciation would be fast.

Xiao Yuling himself is also anxious. But now there is no suitable object around.

"I told you, if I didn't meet such a beautiful and lovely gentle wife, single, I must chase you! You don't know the squad leader. At that time, there weren't many boys in the class who were not interested in you." Xu Shaogong said The narrow road to victory has won the blink of an eye.

"Or, the squad leader thinks about Wang Mu? Don't look at this kid, but the character is very gentle."

"Still forget it. They are old classmates, everyone is too familiar, there is no such meaning." Lu Sheng immediately smiled.

This is also to avoid the silence of Xiao Yuling himself.

Xiao Xiaoling smiled. Although she does not discriminate against others, Wang Mu is only the librarian's income. Even her daily expenses are not affordable. Women's beauty needs money to pile up.

So this kind of thing, even jokes are not appropriate.

Xu Shaogong also seems to find out the wrong words, perhaps because he drank some wine, then he quickly staggered the topic and talked about other things.

After a meal, eating and drinking, Xu Shaogong ran to pay the bill. The four men got up and walked out of the store.

"Where are you going? I am driving you." Xu Shaogong took the initiative.

"I don't have to, I live nearby." Xiao Yu bell refused.

"I don't need any more, there is something to do, I have to wait for someone." Lu Sheng said freely.

"That's it, everyone keeps a mobile phone and talks back." Xu Shaogong stopped Xie Mei and smiled.

"Let's go back. Go."

Xiao Yuling and Lu Sheng should also be at the same time.

Xu Shaogong was obviously drunk. After exchanging the phone number, he sang songs and staggered. He walked toward the parking lot with the support of his girlfriend.

After Xiao Yuling and Lu Sheng were separated, they walked toward their residence. She really lives nearby, and this incense pot is where she often comes.

Today, when I met Xu Shaogong, it was an unexpected joy, and there were more connections. It was more likely for her. The future may be more than a way.

She can see the eyes of Xu Shaogong when she saw her.

That line of sight is no different from the boys who used to love her. However, it is because there are girlfriends around, so it is not good performance.

At the thought of this, she was a little better, screaming and holding a plush makeup mirror in her hand.

As she turned down the corner of the street, she saw a few small accessories she liked in a jewelry store in the corner, and quickly pushed the door in.


Suddenly a red sports car galloped behind him.

Driving is a young man with a short blond hair.

In the back row, there was a strong, indifferent man with a black shirt on his body that raised his muscles and placed his hands on the door. It seems as if there is a faint silver light in the eyes.

Xiao Yuling just entered the door and reflected from the mirror in the store. She seemed to see the figure on the outside sports car.

The black shirt man sitting in the car made her feel familiar. But because the speed was too fast, she didn't see it at all.

"Well?" She quickly turned back, but she could only see a back.

"How does it feel like Wangmu??" Xiao Yuling muttered in the direction of the sports car.

The sports car is running fast and mad.

The wind blew the road wins and the white county town's hair turned back.


The car quickly reached a tail and stopped in front of a warehouse door in the parish.

White County City, a hand support, jumped out of the car. Enter the password at the side switch of the gate.

As the warehouse door slowly pulls up.

Lu Sheng came down from the car and walked slowly into the warehouse.


The surrounding light bulbs suddenly illuminate the stunned searchlights.

For a moment, the entire warehouse was as bright as white. Around Lu Sheng is a set of dense silver-white exoskeleton armor.

"Get started." Lu Sheng slowly pulled off the shirt button. Exposed to the strong upper body muscles like steel.

"Let me see how the so-called exoskeleton armor can be strong." 8)

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