Way of the Devil

Chapter 1025: Expansion one

Ah, ah! ! !

The painful roar rang through the night sky in the suburbs.

Zheng Huan squinted in front of Lu Sheng, he lowered his head, blood dripping from the cracks in his fingers, splashing on the ground, hitting the fine dust.

The soil was infested with a reddish tinge, and the faint rust was diffused into the air.

Lu Sheng no longer looked at him, turned and walked toward Ding Ning.

Read the teacher, nothing more, break the barrier of the mind, they are the weak who are not much different from ordinary people.

The weak is sorrow.

To be strong and weak, it has always been heaven and earth. And now, he is a strong man.

Ding Ning was trembling, watching Lu Sheng step by step toward him. He now knows that Zheng Huan has definitely not released water.

Living and being dug one eye, the pain, even if he looked at it, felt the scalp numb.

"What do you want to do??" He unconsciously stepped back.

He is a good teacher, but he is just a newcomer who has not been promoted for a long time, and he has not even been to the battlefield.

In the age of peace, the empire is prosperous, and people in modern society have seen such cruel means.

"You, you!" Ding Ning was a beggar, almost stumbled by the stones on the ground.

"Let me tell you that if you step through the rules, you have to pay the price."

Lu Sheng suddenly stepped forward, his body rushed forward, and the palm of his hand caught the face of Ding Ning.

Hey! ! !



Drops of Drips

"Hey, hello, here is the National Nianneng Center. What kind of help do you need?" A sweet female voice rang out on the phone.

"I need to check, the number dfs4436 is the specific whereabouts of the faculty."

In the street phone booth, a man in a gray hooded shirt took off the smoke on his mouth and whispered.

Around the people coming and going, a little girl holding a mother, tied with a pair of ponytails, curiously looked at the man through the glass of the telephone booth.

Her mother lowered her body and slowly walked away, and her mouth seemed to be groaning.

“Hello, the specific whereabouts of your enquiry, the specific whereabouts are not open, if necessary, you can send a payment application to the other party, if the other party is willing”


The man hangs up and pushes the phone booth out to go out.

The sun is shining outside and the sun is shining.

He pulled a hood, covered his head, and quickly stopped a passing taxi.

Pulling the door open quickly, he handed the driver a note.

"The trouble is here, thank you."

“No problem.” The driver glanced at the note and quickly entered the autopilot.

The man just has a good time to sit down and take out his mobile phone to read the SMS record.

‘Is Zheng Huan still not replied? ’

'do not know. I went to the center and he didn't open to me. ’

‘Whether you also close the whereabouts, where did he go? Can't think of it? We have struggled together for so many years. He said to give up and give up? ’

'do not know. I think he is not such a person. ’

‘Think about it, he’s like this in his family. His wife’s children have been raised for so many years, not his own. This kind of blow is indeed

‘I advised him at the beginning. How can the eldest daughter of the Horus family suddenly see him. But he doesn't listen. Say I don't believe in love. The man thought about it and returned to delete the last sentence ‘believe in love’.

‘What about his parents? ’

‘I’m leaving early. Gone. ’


‘What about us now? ? ’

‘Either find him or scatter. ’

At this point, there is no more information.

The man closed his eyes and sighed and put away his mobile phone.

"Zheng Huan, did you really give up?" He was a little bit fascinated at the time, recalling the scenes of studying together, taking exams together, and breaking through together.

Look at the miserable experience of Zheng Huan now.

The parents died early, the only spiritual pillar is the wife and children, and now, the wife is just taking him as the pick-up man. The daughter is not a biological one, she does not even recognize him.

The best brothers fight for him and die. In order to get back to justice, he went to the theory and was removed from his post. He was seriously wounded and driven out of the border alliance.

A high-ranking martyr, there is no warship that can control himself, and he is also a place to be a bounty hunter.

Now even the idea of ​​working with a few of them can be abandoned.

"The Horus family is awkward."

The man muttered, no longer thinking about it, leaning back on the seat and closing his eyes.



Jiu Ming Tang.

The warehouse was remodeled in the lobby.

Lu Sheng grabbed a 50-pound metal ball on the ground and threw it back to Zheng Huan, who followed.

The metal ball with a heavy whistling sound, automatically flew down when flying to a distance of Zheng Huan. Then slowly flutter around him.

At this time, Zheng Huan, with a black eye mask on one of his eyes, his face was even more pale, but when he saw him at first sight, there was obviously more God.

In the only remaining eye, from time to time, beating and expressing gratitude and gratitude to Lu Sheng.

“How does it feel to break free from that disability?”

Lu Sheng Ping Road.

"Actually, you should thank me. Then the powerful spaceship, without power, is just a pile of scrap iron."

"The space battleship is not all metal." Zheng Huan is cold and cold.

"Then it will be changed to waste." Lu Sheng did not care.

"What do you want me to do?" Zheng Huan asked directly. "First, I have a lot of trouble on my body. There are people with great influence in oppressing me."

Lu Sheng did not hear.

He is only interested in Zheng Huan. He has seen many miserable people, but there are very few such as Zheng Huan, whose mysterious meaning is entangled in his body.

"Do you know?" Zheng Huan looked at his eyes and won. "From small to large, people who have a relationship with me are almost not going to end."

"Well?" Isn't this the same as Wang Jing? Lu Sheng’s heart moved.

"For those who are good to me, all those close to me will have an accident." Zheng Huanping said lightly. "My parents, my uncle.

I used to think that I had sustenance and hope, but unfortunately all were fake.

I have never had those things."

Lu Sheng rummaged from the table and randomly picked up a thin yellow invitation and threw it to Zheng Huan.

"Hold, go with me tomorrow."

Zheng Huan caught it.

The invitation reads, the garrison office of Anming City, sent by Colonel Terry.

I looked around and saw the fight exchange invitation from the Anming City Military Region.

"One of my disciples is the relatives of Colonel Terry. This time I hope to pick the seedlings from the army and join me in the nine lives." Lu Sheng is very confident in his psychological guidance, the brainwashing technique in the army. How could it be his opponent.

It will be just around the corner to expand your influence.

"What are you planning?" Zheng Huan said.

"What is the plan??" Lu Sheng grinned. Under the light, his smile looked a bit sullen and cold.

"You don't think that this Anming city has too many different voices?"

"I want my sight to touch, I am a disciple of my nine life."

Although Zheng Huan did not understand what Lu Sheng wanted to do, but instinctively heard this is also a cold heart.

"The world is big, since there is no place for you. Then cut it out yourself." Lu Sheng turned and walked to the depths of Jiu Ming Tang.

"Your body is too weak. From tomorrow, follow me to practice fighting. Remember to pay tuition."

Zheng Huan bit his teeth, and my heart doesn't know why. There is an inexplicable incitement that slowly emerges.

He turned his head and saw that there was a map of the entire Motu Empire on the white wall.

And the city of Anmin, where they are, is at the far left of the map.

On the underside of a pink planet.

"Strong, cold, ambition. I want to see where you can go." Zheng Huanqiang held back the feeling of trepidation and turned to walk outside the door.

He will not escape, he will not escape until he defeats Lu Sheng.



Anming City Temporary Training Base.

The elite team led by Colonel Terry has been training here for hours.

The content of the training is mainly free fight, freehand fighting. Refers to how to defeat the enemy and win without any weapons.

The training uniform of the Motu Empire is dark green with black markings, and the epaulettes on the shoulders are marked by the number of protruding spikes.

These spikes seem to affect the training, and each shoulder has a sharp spike like a finger.

Each soldier wears two shoulders, which are specially used to inset spikes, and have a single combat package with a weight of 30 pounds. There are a variety of field operations functions on the top. There are even small fragments of bombs that are urgently used, small cloud bombs, and micro-nuclears that can advance daggers. Single-shot laser cannons, etc.

Colonel Terry is a tall, white-eyed, tall, white man.

There was a bitten scar on the neck of his side, which was caused by the bite of the indigenous beasts in the battle of the planet.

Already over forty years old, he has no children, only one nephew who has lost his parents, and he is regarded as his own.

At this time his nephew stood beside him, looking forward to the edge of the school yard.

There are two dark green military jeepes coming slowly.

"All have! Stand upright! Turn right!"

Colonel Terry was commanding loudly.

The 32 people who have been trained in total are all the elite elites of the Anming City Military Region. They are selected by the people who are going to be sent to participate in the provincial military command.

This time, he was listening to the scorpion who talked about the Wang Muwang of the Nine-Mingtang, and he was a humanoid machine.

He went to the Bai family to personally inspect the scene, and after confirming that it was correct, he took the initiative to send an invitation to Wang Mu.

Although he is not very convinced that folk fighting techniques can achieve that level of power, it should be due to the exoskeleton armor of a new technology.

But no matter what, this meeting is true or false, and it can be seen at a glance.

He took care of the black spikes on his shoulders, and the dark green uniform was almost integrated with the black spikes, which seemed to be like a tight armor.

Although this military uniform does have the defensive power of individual armor, the flexibility is not comparable to armor. This is the huge gap between folk technology and military technology.

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