Way of the Devil

Chapter 1031: Wedding reception

There is an island in the heart of Yuanle Lake. The locals are called Jinling Island. It is said that there are golden bells hanging on the top for a hundred years, and then disappeared mysteriously.

No one knows how the golden bell came, and no one knows how it disappeared.

But that is the story of the past, and now the golden bells are full of red fruit flowers.

Many people planted orchards on contracted land, and contracted river banks to raise fish.

In addition to this, it is also a gathering place for tourists every year.

On the small island of kilometers, it is packed with more than ten kinds of farmhouses and entertainment spots.

Despite the technological era, there are no signs of technological advancement.

"Save the life!!" Suddenly a sharp cry for help came from the river.


A shirtless man plunged into the water and swam towards a young woman who was desperately drowning in the distance.

Soon, he tried his best to save the young woman to the shore. I also lie on the beach and gasp, and I can’t get tired.

After a break, he got up and wanted to go.

"You stand, my phone is still in the water! Mobile!!" The woman yelled at him.

"Miss, the water is so anxious, your mobile phone can't be used even if you take it." The man was helpless.

"You are a life-saving team? I will give you three thousand! You can help me pick up my mobile phone! Hurry!" The woman's jewels, a slap in the air.

"I really can't do it." The man reluctantly replied. His physical strength is not very good. It is a miracle to save people.

"I don't care, you don't pick up my phone, I remember your face. Tell you, you can't run!"

On the bank of the river.

An extremely tall middle-aged man with tan sunglasses and a young man with a slightly thinner body.

The two are far from looking at the young man who is thinking with people.

"He is doing good things. But why can't he get a good report?" The middle-aged man was low.

"Because he did good things, is it taken for granted?" The young man behind him thought about it and answered.

"Not bad." The middle-aged man nodded. "Because he found the wrong object. The man he saved has not reached the most desperate moment. So he is not grateful to him."

"The most desperate moment?" The young man is puzzled.

"It's the same as the person we are going to at home." The middle-aged man looked at the man who saved the man and was unwilling to let the woman pull the clothes.

"If the situation itself will not develop to such extreme, what should I do?" The young man asked again.

"It's very simple."

The middle-aged man walked slowly.


He slammed the hair of the woman who was slamming and lifted it up straight and threw it into the water.


Ah! ! ! Help! !

The screams and the helper sounded again.

The man of the life-saving team was shocked, but the woman who saw the water fell, and instinctively wanted to dive to save people.


The middle-aged man cut a palm on the side of the man's neck. The man was in a coma on the spot and could not afford to fall.

"Now, she is desperate." The middle-aged man calmly looked at the woman struggling in the water and turned and walked slowly toward the distance.

"Wang Shi, will she die?" The young man couldn't help but ask. Looking at the woman who is constantly struggling, he seems to be a little intolerable.

"Who knows." Lu Sheng Ping said. "Life is a choice. We are in the choice, subject to the variables and consequences."

He paused.

"As she did, it was only a matter of time before no one was saved. I just helped her a little earlier."

The young man felt stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Although he always felt that something was wrong, he couldn’t say anything wrong.

"Let's go." Lu Sheng took him to the far dock area.

He knows that this is the master's return to the situation, once again giving the lifeguard and the woman a new opportunity. New opportunities for choice.

This time they came to this island, and the purpose is the same.

The core members of the Pula Shield family live on this island all year round. This is the largest family of the largest scaly mining industry in the province. Its core is a total of three people.

Olin Pula Shield, Caesar Pula Shield, and Li Ze Pula Shield.

The three mastered the mining resources of the entire family of ninety-nine. It is not so much that they belong to the Pula Shield family, it is better to say that the Pula Shield is because they are rising and brilliant.

Among the three, Li Zepila, headed by Li Ze, led the other two to control the entire family business.

The offensive of Jiu Ming Tang is very comprehensive and very concealed. The Pula Shield family is still not aware of it.

And Lu Sheng came with Wei Handong, but also has another purpose.

The two walked along the dock area, along the shore, and soon saw a small group of riverside villas.

This villa occupies almost half of the entire island.

"It's here." Wei Handong looked at the map and compared it. "Li Ze lived here all the year round. He disguised himself as an ordinary young white-collar worker, and went out early and late. Until now, his family here did not know that he was the biggest controller of Plinton. The assets were billions."

"This is his life of choice." Lu Sheng faint. "Abandoning fame and fortune, enjoying, luxury, just to keep the faint and warm. He did it right, because the latter is far more rare than the former."

Wei Handong also had some insights at this time.

"Really, luxury, fame and fortune, enjoyment, as long as they have the power of wealth, they always have it. But the latter is completely lost once it is lost. Because these are money that can't be bought."

"You understand it. Money is just a prop that is used to exchange resources. Power also buys the true heart and time that does not return."

Lu Sheng slowly walked toward the villa area.

At the guard gate of the gate, several security guards quickly approached and planned to interrogate the origins, but Lu Sheng was just a silent move.

All the security guards suddenly lost their eyes and when they came back, there was no one in front of them.

They are like nothing, returning to their posts and continuing to do things they just didn't finish.

There are many elderly people sitting in the area playing chess and chatting. There are also old people playing with children in public facilities.

The weather is cool, the temperature is right, and there are not many people going out.

When Lu Sheng walked to the front door of a building, a little girl with a pair of ponytails was jumping and ran downstairs.

The little girl saw the road wins two people, the pace slowly slowed down, it seems a little scared. Because the two people are really too exaggerated.

Lu Sheng is stronger than before, and his height is close to two meters. Standing in front of an adult, he can cover the other side. This came out, he did not hide the real figure, in Anming City, he has always used a similar method of shrinking bones to maintain his body shape.

But when you come out, you don't have to constrain yourself.

Wei Handong behind him, there is also a meter or a few, and the muscles of the whole body can not be covered by loose t-shirts. The body gradually formed a faint decisive color. This is the gas field that was recently developed along with the White County.

The two were stuck in the stairs and almost blocked the entire exit.

"Don't be afraid. Xiaopen friends, tell uncle, where is Li Ze's family?" Lu Sheng showed a smile and bowed slightly to the little girl.

This villa is a family of four, you can find a home without asking.

The little girl was afraid to step back and almost sat down on the steps.

"I don't know." Her face was very nervous. Suddenly she ran out of the road and ran out from Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng did not stop, just watched her leave.

"According to the information, it is on the second floor here. The entire second and third floors are his home." Wei Handong whispered behind him.

"So the little girl just now is actually his family."

"I know." Lu Sheng nodded. Of course he knew that the little girl was Li Ze’s daughter. He actually knows that he has entered this community and went straight to the side, and the other party already knows.

And he just bowed his head and asked, but to give the other party a signal.

The two sat down in the shaded pavilion on the side.

Wei Handong is very skilled in taking out water from his backpack, high-energy supplemented dry food sticks, and then he took out the anti-monitoring portable instrument himself, carefully debugging and searching the surrounding situation.

"Li Ze himself is a faculty teacher. He has joined several high-ranking numerologists. Later, he quit because of unknown reasons. If we want to convince him to transfer the phoenix business, he can start from the literary division." Wei Handong introduced.

"No need to be so troublesome." Lu Sheng faint. "He will soon know what we are coming to. And he will agree."

"?" Wei Handong is somewhat puzzled, but seeing the master is dull, he can't say anything.

The two are sitting here for more than ten minutes.

Soon, a gloomy middle-aged man, about forty years old, with a small box in his hand, strode toward the two.

Men's facial features are very gentle, and they are no different from ordinary bookmakers. It doesn't look like a temperament.

He wore an old-fashioned white shirt and black trousers and walked over to the pavilion, staring coldly at Lu Sheng.

He saw at a glance that Lu Sheng was the leader.

"Speak your purpose. Nine Mingtang, you are not staying in Anming City, what are you doing to me?"

"The world is lost, everything is fixed." Lu Sheng is still sitting, his eyes on this person.

"Li Ze, I want a scaly mine, all the scaly mines of your family."

"What to buy?" Li Ze's tone is still very cold.

"Your life. Enough?" Lu Sheng faint.

Li Ze suddenly did not anger and laugh.

"You should go and ask, what is the reputation of I am in the league. I haven't done it for a few years, it seems that I have forgotten my fierce name outside."

There was a faint humming sound in the suitcase in his hand.

"You are a very self-aware person." Lu Sheng slowly stood up, tight black vest, three red marks on the right arm, more and more bright as blood.

"If I want to die in front of my daughter, I will satisfy your wishes." Lu Sheng calmed.

He raised his hand violently and his fingers were clipped.


In a subtle percussion, a sharp-pointed needle, like a cow's hair, was pinched between his fingers and couldn't move.

Li Ze actually did not speak for a moment, and his forehead was blue-skinned, and his mind was running wildly.

But the wire was like being clamped by some kind of giant machinery, and it could not be moved at all. The entire translucent wire began to glow red and hot. Under the blessing of the two giants, there are even signs of melting.

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